n o s t a l g i a ༄
Jun 14, 2024
It's rare that Coltkit expresses much interest in typical kit activities . . . the chimera tomkit had given each of his denmates a barely interested once - over upon his sudden arrival in the Clan, and no more. Neither the sweetest of coos nor the most ferocious of threats usually elicited much more from him than a distinterested split - eyed glance and a yawn. Today it seems like much of the same will be true; the tabby tomkit sprawls lazily across the sweet - smelling grass floor of camp, rolling to expose his pale - furred belly to the sun's gentle warmth. Mittened forepaws sprawl wide on long legs, all sixteen toes seeking to knead the sun - beaten earth as he tumbles back to resting on his stomach.

Suddenly—perhaps he's finally reached a point of boredom, or, more likely, the sun has grown too hot for his fluffy little body—he seems taken by a ghost of energy, enough that his poking pink tongue retreats as he hauls himself atop a small stone. This small goal thus achieved, he lets his paws loll sleepily on its cool gray surface before he reanimates, drowsy off - toned eyes sweeping over the other kits at play.

" I'm, um . . . " his slow, perpetually purr - esque voice tapers off as he tries to recall one of the thousand lessons the queens have been attempting to impart. He's kind of hungry . . . maybe one of them will bring him a mouse if he asks . . . what was he thinking about again? Oh, the thing. " . . . Coltstar! " he proclaims haltingly, having finally seized upon some barely - retained teaching. " Of . . . BlueClan. I've got announcements . . . or something . . ."

Coltkit usually doesn't do much of anything. Which she likes, because um... well she just does. She knows a lotta loud cats already, so um... she doesn't need another one, she doesn't think. It's really kind of annoying that Coltkit decides to do things today... Tigerkit doesn't really know what to do. And she should know what to do cause... Her mom's real important. And so is her dad and her name and stuff... but she really doesn't, and it makes her a little bit sad.... and Coltkit looks really cool on the stone and she wants to look really cool on the stone.

" I'm um... Tigerstar, " she mews. Would they believe her? And she needs a color... er, clan... She glances around. " Of... GreenClan. Got announcements too, " she makes known, and they'd be just as good as Coltstar's. Maybe even better? They should be, cause she's important n' stuff... She tries to squeeze her way onto the stone beside Coltstar, and it's not really working... A frustrated huff leaves her nose as their paws touch. And his paws are interesting. Not like hers. It's not really fair. And his extra paws are hogging all the space on the rock, too.

She looks out to the sea of cats that'd maybe join their game... Or what if they wouldn't want to join their game anymore 'cause Tigerkit joined? " GreenClan's... deputy? " hopeful eyes shine across the crowd. What if no one wanted to be her deputy?

2 moons old (born 07.08.24) / lh silver tabby with green eyes / feminine pronouns
raccoonstripe xx nightbird / little sister to bayingkit, twilightkit, tigerkit, & stormkit
She prefers lazing about to tussling with her littermates, if only because she is slowly discovering just how much she can do in her mind that she's otherwise limited by physically. She can slay foxes (which are simply cats in her mind, just much redder) and fly through the trees, and she can sweep her tail across the clouds until they change shape. All this and more while lounging comfortably— though it is much harder to focus when other kits, especially her siblings, are loud. Lightningkit hasn't managed to make her inside voice drown them out yet, and so when one of the other kits announces himself as Coltstar, jarring her from her fantasy, her dark nose wrinkles.

Worse, her sister seems to be encouraging him. Why would they want to pretend to be grown-ups, anyway? That doesn't sound very fun to her, but her father does get to come and go as he wants. Maybe that would be nice. Okay, so there is some appeal— but now she's certain Coltkit and Tigerkit are going about it all wrong.

"No! No, no, no. You're not um Coltstar! You're not um Tigerstar! If you're gonna pretend, it should sound real." She rises to her paws and, mimicking her father's stride (as much as her kitten-legs can) she walks toward them. So too does she try to copy his voice as she's heard him talking to other ThunderClanners. "I'm Lightningbird. I guard GreenClan's kits, and I saw BlueClan try to steal 'em!"
Stranger yet is Shroudedkit's involvement in such a social game. Told by the kitten's raised fur and withdrawn appearance, tucking his limbs in close as if he could disappear if he were small enough, it's likely the boy was here unwillingly, perhaps pushed out by his mother who often desired space. It's not the first time Shroudedkit played, and possibly not the last before he earns his apprentice name. But he was known for never quite playing right, never quite getting it. He didn't even get a warrior name last time!

Dull grey eyes shift between each kitten as they announce their name and Clan. Two leaders and a nursery guard, though the last of which seems to have more confidence than the 'leaders' combined. What would Shroudedkit be, if he could choose his path in this life? Would he make a fierce leader, able to shoulder the burden of responsibility and hold the lives of many in his hands? A depuity, fearful of the inevitable? He knew he wouldn't guard the nursery like Lightningbird is; he doesn't quite like the other kits, and doesn't think he'll like them any more in the future.

Shroudedkit supposes, first, he needs a name. "I'm, um.. Shrouded..sun." Befitting of the circumstances of his litter; certainly what his mother meant for him when he was named. But, it seems that his decision-making stretches no further, as now he's stuck between choosing a Clan and an occupation. With his paws tucked underneath him as far as they can possibly go, Shroudedsun remains wide-eyed and bushy-furred as he waits and hopes for someone to assign a Clan and role for him. He'd let anyone play for him, if he could.
  • SHROUDEDKIT ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 6 MOONS,, ages every 10th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | generally healthy​

  • speech is #E4D6CE

〕Honeykit had learned early on that every day in ThunderClan was as loud as they could be — their fellow denmates being the usual perpetrators of said loudness. The kitten didn't particularly mind this, as the other kits provided a much needed cure for boredom that plagued their bones. The tabby longed to be a grown up now, to leave camp as they please and to even train their own apprentice, rising among the ranks as a reliable and more than capable warrior. But which kit didn't dream of that? Such thought was unfathomable; and yet, Coltkit did nothing but laze around all day.

Tufted paws stride forward with conviction, their tail pointed upwards as if demanding silence from the bickering kits. Lightningkit speaks of making the play-pretend sound real, and Honeykit scoffs and roll their eyes. "Well, Lightningbird, it is plenty realistic that I be called Honeystar." They announce, trying to squeeze themselves onto the stone alongside Coltkit and Tigerkit. Those two were not leader material, but Honeykit obviously was.

"If you saw BlueClan trying to steal kits, why didn't you stop them? Have you kept such information from your own leader, or are you just lying?" Their voice is full of conceit; for someone who wanted to make it sound real, Lightningkit was sure failing at it.

  • ooc.
  • HONEYKIT —— kit of thunderclan , mentoring/mentored by name . parent x parent . littermate to character, character ✦ penned by nocthymia
    they/them / 2 moons & ages every 7ᵗʰ
    single / too young
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • reference image here
    a longhaired red tabby with low white, vitiligo and dichroic eyes.

Meadowkit was nearing that age where she was getting "too old" for the kit games the younger nursery dwellers played. Or at least, that's what she tells herself as she stands at the sidelines, watching the kit gathering with a look on her face and a posture that should be reserved for a much older cat than her own four moons would suggest. She was better than them! All of them! But then why were her feet bringing her forward, towards the gathering, her alabaster coated tail swaying softly as she regards the other kits like they are lower life forms. "Enough!" she calls out as she brushes past Tigerkit, trying her best to mimic the authority she often heard in the voices of the grown ups, but her green eyes glint with mischievousness and her playful smile gives away her true intentions are to join the game, not put an end to it. "I, Meadowstar of RedClan, will put an end to this petty arguing!" she declares, stomping down one rigteous paw to make the ground quake beneath her and capture the other kits attention.

Coltki-star of BlueClan was being accused by a warrior of GreenClan for stealing kits, but Meadowstar turns to regard this warrior, green eyes squinting at her cousin who declares that they're being unrealistic. She does not comment on this, but when she had heard it she could not help the way her eyes had rolled. Kit games didn't have to be realistic that was like the entire point. If Lightingkit had a problem with her calling herself Meadowstar then she could come over here and do something about it! Her attention transfixes once again on the leader of BlueClan "Honeystar raises a fair question. But I want to hear from you Coltstar! What do you say to these uh- accusations!" she raises a paw and points it in the other kits direction, eyes narrowed accusingly, as if she really does believe him to be a kit stealer.

  • oZHYGDl.jpeg

  • 79402766_SDCTSiSnicLgq5m.png
    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training

coltkit. coltkit. snaggleteeth reveal in a jagged uptick of dark lips when he speaks, bony shards of budding white that carve gouges into the stick between wide paws. coltkit is just like the rest ; some bubble - headed and purring thing, a consistent grate on tall striped ears, slow like syrup and sap. bayingkit does not like the way he blinks at her, the way her siblings untangle and bumble forward on still stubby legs his way. something coils deep and ugly in her chest — something worse, darker than the twinge she feels when tigerkit wants lightningkit’s attention instead of hers, or when the adults pause to coo over stormkit’s wobbling ( it doesn’t matter if they like it, bayingkit would have loved it. that’s what mattered. ). despite an internal, puff - cheeked i don’t wanna play attitude, climbing the stone looked fun.. and tigerkit crowed for a deputy. bayingkit figured she was pretty easy to knock over, her spot on the flat rock looking too warm, too inviting despite the clambering of interested denmates.

there is a fine line of drool at her maw when she releases her chipped plaything, swiping a pink tongue across the line of her snout as lightningkit appeared, barking at the two with a haughty caw that inclines the mongrel’s ill - fitted ears back. chaos erupts, honeykit’s fierce squeal ticking her semi - permanent sneer upwards negatively as she brushes past tigerkit ( only she can do that only she can only she only she ) and it makes bayingkit lift. white mitted paws find their way with her head tucked, the grizzle of thicketthorn back fur frizzed upward in a mock puff as she approaches the little stone, eyes like a forest and the fire that burns it when they turn upon honeykit, gathering all the disappointment and wrath of her mother when bayingkit snaps at another one of the ( too many too many ) numerous youth filling the nursery’s milkscented gorse, ” she said they tried! the molly barks snidely, loudly ; redclan was all full of mousebrains who couldn’t listen, she decides there, aaaand she told me on report for kit watching patrol who it was. yeah.. yep, i know exactly who it was.. it was shroudedsun. “ with the conviction of a warrior scorned, she matter-of-fact flicks her bony tail towards the quietest kit of the bunch. an easy prey. ” we beat him up and he ran away. “

with an awkward backtwist of her neck towards her leader, suddenly she is, ” bayingtooth. “, deputy of greenclan. it is the best clan, because she was in it, and kits look at her when she lifts her chin — fractionally, an attempt that falls quickly back beneath hunched shoulders. meadowstar had joined them, redclan honeyglow leader, to put an end to the babbling. what do you say, she prompts, fixing the blue rosetted tom with a prompting eye. bayingtooth puts a paw forward, thick body rippling with an eager lash, ” coltstar.. i think you should.. exile shroudedsun for being a big fat stealer! “ it’s said like a dirty word — exile. whispered and taboo to the kitten, unheard of. she sticks her tongue out at shroudedsun, the beginnings of an unruly smirk at the edges of her maw, tail swinging like a dog ready to lunge. her blood pumps eagerly. this kind of playing was fun.

  • i.

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    a misshapen, disheveled black tabby kitten.
    mongrelish, standing all thistlethorn fur and bared teeth, bayingkit would be thought roguish if not for the dogtooth crown she uncomfortably bears. a hereditary haunting lies in the shag of ornate black striping and long limbs that do not yet suit her wide, slouching shoulders ; her fathers daughter, laced in dredge and filth moreso than he’d ever been. a constant, incessant need to make herself small forms in hunched spine and weary, whale - eyed suspicion, communicating mostly in rumbling growls.. bayingkit tends to hold herself with a tuck tailed and trembling livewire of feral volatility.
    teething, easily frustrated with her lack of vocal skill and highly reactive. prone to biting, swatting and general moodiness it is highly encouraged to correct. powerplay is allowed for disciplinary swipes, scruffing and general redirection.

  • Wow
Reactions: shroudedpaw
The silver tabby watches. With eyes like the greenleaf sun, he watches, as his sisters join Coltkit in this game of gathering. Disinterest dances in his golden gaze, his tail twitching as he lingers in beside Nightbird and Bayingkit - for even though the fun in the game is almost lost on him (almost), he cannot let his eyes trail away from that of his younger sisters. One names herself Tigerstar, the other follows as Lightningbird. Chaos ensues when his young twin declares misconduct within the color-Clans.

His gaze trails, if only for a moment, to look towards his dog of an elder sister. Her tail ticks behind her and before he knows it, she's off, thrusting herself into the thrall of the game. The silver tabby rolls his eyes, waiting a few long moments before heaving himself to his paws and ambling over. Shroudedsun, Bayingtooth declares, is the cat that tried to steal kittens. Twilightkit glowers at the predominantly white kitten, who's said nothing more than his name. Twilightkit wrinkles his nose.

Exile is now on the table. "If you continue to harbor a kit-stealer," he huffs, looking back towards Coltstar, who started this whole fiasco. "Then you should pay for his crimes instead." He firmly aligns himself within the Clan of his siblings - GreenClan, he believes it to be called. And with leader, deputy, and nursery guard taken, the young silver tabby has no other choice than to declare himself, "I, medicine cat of GreenClan, Twilightbird -" also unabashedly named after his mother, of course, "have seen signs from StarClan. Someone will pay tonight, I'm certain of it." He supposes that if his siblings enjoy this sort of play, then he must too. Even if it is a bit dragging to remember all the roles.​
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Myrtlekit had been on the search for Coltkit when she noticed her typically relaxing friend take an interest in doing something. He names himself Coltstar of Blueclan, and soon her den mates are joining in this makeshift gathering roleplay. There was Tigerstar, Lightingbird, Bayingtooth, and Twilightbird of Greenclan. There also stood Meadowstar of Redclan and Honeystar of... a colored clan (that she hadn't stated yet). It doesn't take long for the children of Nightbird and Raccoonstripe to make a victim of Shroudedkit, and she frowns. It doesn't take long for the young girl to step forth and protect the older kit, her face reflecting the manner of a princess defending her country.

” You dare accuse Starclan of false messages? ” Myrtlekit inquires as a dark gaze focuses on Twilightkit, a wispy white tail swaying behind her. Her head held high as she introduced herself, ” I am Myrtleheart, the Medicine Cat of Blueclan.” While she lets her introduction sink in, it doesn't take long for the young defender to strike the iron while it is still hot. ” Shroudedsun was with me on an herb-collecting patrol.” The blue lynx shows out a flower as evidence of the clans to show the red and white kit's innocence.

” You say you saw Shroudedsun, yet we were deep in our territory. Thus, you openly confessed that you were trespassing on Blueclan territory. ” Myrtlekit's voice was soft yet firm with the grip of an iron fist, glancing at the older tomcat as she offered a soft smile. It was unkind to gang up on someone just because you outnumbered them! Fear not, Shroudedkit, for this princess will protect your name and honor. ” Shroudedsun was tasked as my protector while I encroached on the dangerous parts of our territory that often have badgers. ” What say you now, Greenclan? Try to wiggle yourself out of these lies.

  • Love
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