One thing that Chrysalispaw could not stand about leaf-bare (aside from everything about it) was how it mottled the landscape in an inescapable white, a blanket like an unmoving ocean, a static yet impossibly vast entity. It drowned out every other color from previous seasons, as if it would lay waste to the fruits of yesterday, a cruel and untimely hand of pallid death. It was a blanched wool that took over the sky and the earth, and even as snow did not flutter and dance upon the wind, it would remain upon the ground. It was fleece-like yet Chrys found no warmth nor solace in it. It was a cruel season, at least from what he had seen. He was growing up in the morrow of tragedy, and he could only watch. He waited for the spring to come, but he felt he barely remembered what green even looked like.

As jaded as the apprentice was, curiosity also prickled at juvenile senses, and he could not deny that he was but a child donning a supine mask. The forenoon's glow rang softer than its usual harsh stare, as though Starclan had looked favorably upon Skyclan today. The providence of the heavens guided the clan into a willful peace, if peace could last a morning. Chrys stood in front of a pile of snowmelt, his russet-and-sable pelt standing out like the wildfire to the night, a torrential flush of color to the sedentary sea. He knew that he stood out in these conditions, though didn't care too much. He was born to stand out, after all. A slight flurry of snow brushed against his whiskers, as though a kiss from the empyrean, though not one he had prayed for. He rarely did pray, but perhaps today was one worth his orison.

Wonder what it tastes like... Silent in his scrutiny, he scooped up a small clump of the garish white, as the cold bit at his pads. He lapped at it quickly, quickly shaking his head to and fro at the temperature. Well, it was underwhelming, to say the least. Huh... I don't taste anything. Thought it'd be, like, fuzzy. He continued to lick at it, feeling it slowly melt upon the heat on the palm of his paw, as if he would find some hidden flavor deep within the snow.

@Bananapaw / this is pre-blizzard!

Winter was always a fun time in the year. It was ever changing yet always seemed to remain the same with snow and ice, and it felt like there was a storm on the horizon. Though there wasn't much attention paid to that thought as a small body moved across the open ground. Past a white picket fence and into the wilted undergrowth beyond. A tail waved behind them as they moved quietly through the snow, their white patches able to blend in seemlessly in the melting snow fall. There was a pause in light pawsteps as ears perked up at the sound of movement, and instantly crouched down into a hunter prowl.

Everyday for the last few months, they had tried to bring food back to camp- to show they could do something. Yet it always seemed fruitless as paws remained empty and bellies even emptier. Their skills as a hunter were few and far between, but they had only just started their warrior training so it wasn't like there was much control over that. Regardless, white paws moved across an even pealier floor towards the movement amongst the brambles and lowered themselves onto their belly. Green eyes narrowing in on the so to speak spot of this unsuspecting animal before leaping forward- right into Chrysalispaw.

Bananapaw could only stop herself so quickly to refrain from running into the chimera-pelted apprentice, and she skiddied a bit on the slick surface of snow. The cream tabby cat collided with the snow pile that Chrysalispaw had scooped some from and out came a puff of snow and ice. There was a squeak of surprise from the she-cat and she blinked open her eyes to find her snout covered in snow, some piled on her head and the rest clinging to her pelt. Bananapaw stood up from her fall and shook out her coat with a 'brr' sound coming from her as the snow chilled its way down into her skin. Cold!

"Sorry Chrys! I didn't know it was you," She quickly apologized to the other apprentice with her ears flicked back against her head slightly. Bananapaw wasn't the most graceful of daylight apprentices' but she tried her best- even if it came across as the worst.


[penned by wolf - ]

If Chrysalispaw looked hard enough at the whiteness, perhaps there would be a mirror, to stare upon a mismatched face of the charcoal's legacy and the sunset-hued inferno that swathed it. The cold slowly leached into the body heat of his paws, as he felt the snow upon it melt in his grasp, as though he was in control of this world upon the palm of his hand. Despite his enmity towards the season, he was slowly starting to learn how malleable the snow was. It could be dainty yet choleric, for it arrived in both the flake and the storm. Such a duality interested him, to say the least. It piqued his curiosity to know that such a destructive force could be bayed by a touch of flame. He leaned in for another close stare until -

A 'yeep' of surprise jolted from his lips as something collided with his pile of snowdrift, as chaos aimed to ruin every instance of perfection that he sought, just as the ice dispersed to reveal looser liquid, instead of a solid, unmoving forme. A flurry of snow crashed into his face, marring his mismatched face with the white all around him, and he shook off the cold that assaulted him so. Ugh. Some got in my mouth. The chimaera-coated cat spat out the pure numbness like a hairball, practically choking it out before staring at the unlucky cat that had crash-landed his moment.

"Great Starclan, watch where you're going!" He hissed at Bananapaw, with each word dripping in the same anathema that he wielded to all of his peers, the same prickliness that the holly's skin brandished. He narrowed heterochromatic eyes at the kittypet-not-kittypet, who was apparently Orangeblossom's younger sister - not that that softened the disdain he held for she and her daylight-warrior kind. Still, he had to bite his tongue on that notion, as though hiding the fangs beneath sneering cowls, a blade resting yet not slumbering within its sheath. That didn't mean that his own teeth did not bare or that the silver did not flash through meager light.

"With clumsiness like that, you're gonna end up tripping into a ditch or something. Or maybe off a cliff." He muttered as he shook his feathery pelt again, fluffing it up so that he looked much bigger than he actually was. He found her excuse hard to believe, but was never one for trusting the surface-level word of anyone.

( ic opinions ofc bananapaw is my baby )
Chrysalispaw was always a rather prickly individual, always seeming to see the worst in cats at any given moment. Not that she blamed him really as there was a lot of things going on at the moment and everyone was on edge about it. Windclan and all that sort of stuff would put a damper on anyones mood, so she didn't let his behavior get to her all that much. If she could deal with Hailstones' rather stoic self, then there was no reason to not be able to deal with the chimera apprentice! There was a snicker that came from the she-cat at his comment about tripping off a cliff or into a ditch, "I mean, its not the worst way to go out," she commented back with a small shrug of her shoulders.

"I was hoping to catch some prey before the storm hits! But instead I caught you," Bananapaw moved to playfully paw at Chrysalispaws' shoulder before bounding away, "Come on! Maybe together we can like- catch something," She grinned brightly at the tomcat and flicked her white spotted tail back and forth.

The two never really hung out that much, for a good reason, but Bananapaw was overtly friendly. She always tried to befriend even the most aloof and angry cats even if it came at a lashing both physical or emotional. So, Chrysalispaw wasn't going to be any different! At least not to her really, "Or do you wanna stay here and feast upon more snow?" Those green eyes lit up with playfulness and she gave a little giggle at him.


[penned by wolf - ]

Chrysalispaw's lip twisted into a slight sneer at the way Bananapaw mewled in that sickly-cheery tone, a cadence caught on cotton-candy clouds and other sanguine sweets, but such displays of glacé only made his stomach churn and roil. The chimaera-coated cat nudged himself away from Banana's light touch to his shoulder, as though such a delicate graze could sear through his skin, like the anathema that pierced the spitting tongue. It wasn't enough for it not to make a soft impact on wispy fur, and his tail lashed from side to side, a serpentine grace that lilted upon meager breeze. Even the snake, crafted from scale and scree, found itself in such precarious positions. He didn't have time for unnecessary, padded-out pleasantries like that.

"... Catch something? Together?" As though the mere thought of cooperation left a tart taste in his mouth, and he couldn't bear to be seen in such a vulnerable position of needing help. He was perfectly capable of hunting for his own prey, and he didn't need some clumsy oaf interrupting his flow of concentration. Heterochromatic gaze trained on the way her spotted tail nodded to and fro, a bubbly bob to the tempo of some peppy song, and one he would gladly deafen himself to. A hoar-laced sigh escaped his muzzle, resignation edging the ends of a juvenile voice, as though his tone had already been abraded by the rough parlance of the winter. Though he could never claim to have lived through the seasons as his elders had, he would certainly share their exasperation of life. "Fine, whatever. Make it quick."

"And no, I wasn't eating the snow. That's a stupid thing to do."
If his face could flush with deep red, then it would've, as he certainly felt the blusters of embarrassment rush to his cheeks. Annoyance emerged to the surface of his stare to match her playful spirit, and such was an expected emotion for him to be expressing at that point. He gave the same countenance to just about everything that was unfortunate enough to cross his line of sight. Then, his glare perched upon the interspersed snowdrift, and what wonder had invaded him moments prior had now evaporated like smoke swallowed by the night. He had almost forgotten what the ground looked like without the miasma of white blotching any trace of green out. If it, too, could dissolve, then he wouldn't know how to feel. If only he had the power to melt it himself.
The cream tabby waved her spotted tail with amusement at the others' rather prickly response to her kindness. Chrysliaspaw didn't mean it surely, he was just grumpy that was all and grumpy cats are just cats who need some attention! "Nothing wrong with eating snow! Good for hydration," She mused back to him with a smile playing on her white muzzle. Then the young she-cat gestured with her head for the chimera to follow suit behind her and set off on their little impromtu hunting mission.

Bananapaw bounded through the piles of snow with an occasional look back at the other to make sure he was still coming. Then she lifted her head to sniff the air for a moment before lowering herself into a crouch once more. Prowling along the snowy banks for a moment before charging head first into one of them. There was a puff of snow that came from her explosive hunting tactic and yet she popped her head out of the snow with a small, scrawny mouse dangling from her jaws. Those green eyes were bright with excitement and she shook off the snow that collected on her body.

"Look it!" She called from around the mouses' tattered fur, "I caught something! My first catch!" Bananapaw gave a happy little trill noise and set down the mouse onto the snow-covered ground, "Do you think Sharpeye will be proud of me?" Those hues of her were hopeful, like Chrysliaspaw held all the answers to her questions of the world.


[penned by wolf - ]

With an indignant huff, Chrysalispaw simply followed Bananapaw, breath frosted then quelled into wintry air. His paws trailed against the frigid ground, soil and silt hardened by the leaf-bare that brushed against it, the cold seeping into calloused pawpads. He simply tailed behind whatever erratic path the happy-go-lucky molly decided to set, grumbling with his tone of gristle and grump all the while. He just hoped, wherever Bananapaw hoped to drag him, that it wouldn't take too much of his precious time.

He decided to watch as Bananapaw crouched downwards, as he sat down upon an area untouched by snowmelt and rime, gracile tail curling upon war-worn mitts. Tawny and tan held against the hinterlands of the territory, and he noticed how the molly blended better into the white and wan - which only reminded him of his utter abhorrence of this season. Then, at one decisive moment, she sprung forth into a pile of snowdrift. She emerged with a fresh mouse in her jaws, and though the prey's bones scrawled and jutted from its flesh, it would still be a good meal.

"Good job, I guess." Chrys' cadence softened from its usual two-time snappiness, as though tumultuous sea calmed down for just a moment, the mercy found in the eye of the storm. The apprentice had noticed how the prey pile paled in comparison to previous periods, and many warriors and apprentices had met the dogged jaws of fate and famine, a reminder that not all would meet the benediction of springtide. "Uh, I think he would be. Any cat would be proud in these times." He meowed. He was never good at comforts and condolences, but what he said was nothing but the truth. With skilled hunters like Bananapaw and himself, he was sure that Skyclan would live to see the new-leaf sun. Well, he hoped, at least. Hope was good enough food in dire times.

He then stood up, whiskers twitching as he searched for prey, though no unburied trail revealed itself. "I can't smell anything from here. I suppose we can try going farther into the territory." He muttered lowly, as though frost had etched into even his own mannerisms and speech. He wasn't looking forward to spending more time than he had to with Bananapaw, but he couldn't just walk back to camp with nothing in hand.
Bananapaw gave a purr in amusement, "Thnaks I do try!" She grinned widely before placing her mouse under a blanket of snow for them to collect later on. Hopefully the snow would keep it fresh or something. Then bounded after that of Chrysliaspaw when the tom continued onwards into the forest in search of something for himself to catch, "You really think so?" She gave a small twitch of her dappled cream tail.

Then Bananapaw looked at the other for a moment before nudging his shoulder with her muzzle, "Tag you're it!" She crowed and bounded away into the blizzard a few steps. She couldn't run fast or go very far without planting face first into the snow, but she was gigglling like crazy the whole time. Tag was one of her favorite games, and Chrysalis seemed so- grumpy. Maybe some fun would lighten the mood or something of the matter?

Also they could head further into the territory at this rate, but with the cascading snow from the sky there wasn't any likely chance they'd get very far. Camp was also over run by snow, and even their most diligant warriors couldn't keep up with the clearing. Bananapaw then moved too quickly across the white- plastered ground, and slipped a bit on ice that was buried beneath. She slid a bit acorss the ground and fell onto her stomach, legs playing out in every direction from the fall. The cream she-cat gave a small huff and slowly got back up, her pride hurt more than her chest did.


[penned by wolf - ]

There was something in the way that Bananapaw went about the world with a jouncing gait, as though the cares of adulthoods had not soaked into her spirit, and had not dampened and burdened it as it had to Chrys. That sickly-sweet smile sang of the spring, a season that seemed so far from his sights, a mocking pendulum held by a knolled hand. How could any cat find joy in such a joyless hour? How could he not allow the world to shape him if he were powerless to stop it? Chrysalispaw hated it.

Well, maybe he didn't hate it. It irritated him, and he'd rather be without such un-pleasantries. But he didn't think he could say that he hated it. Most cats would have left the chimaera to his own devices, claimed his demeanor would pollute their own morale, like a smog of thick and mucous smoke upon the maw. He would abandon them before they could do it first; better to be on the upturn of the stream than be swept downwards. At least, that was what his father liked to spout. Still, like the sun, she still remained in his louring sky. Even golden rays of the morning combed through the clouds of night, however veiled by dense palls. It was inevitable, immeasurable, and inimitable.

The apprentice was brought back from his dazed dream when Bananapaw declared him 'it' with a touch of her muzzle, blinking once or twice in genuine consternation than contempt. He watched as the tan-and-white feline bounded across the snowy fields, as though a skipper darting between roost to roost, twine feet never blessing the cold ground for long. With a sigh, he chased after her with a hunter's gait, russet flashes blazing through the white, the blinks of a wildfire's facsimile. He never really blended in with the alabaster, which made him abhor leaf-bare even more. It made it harder to hunt and conduct things in stealth.

Before he knew it, the molly had tripped upon a puckish slant of ice. Chrys felt his own paws slip from his calculated caper, heart racing as he lost control of his own claws, as if the earth below him fell and eclipsed itself. He almost launched into an adjacent pile of snowdrift, but caught himself just before he met with a face full of frigidity that would bleed into flushed features. He expunged a breath that he hadn't realized that he had been holding as the frost bled into invisible yet icy airs. It was hard for him to see where he was going when everything just looked the same.

He shook his head to and fro, acting as if he himself didn't just almost trip and fall. "... You're such a clumsy cat. Y'know, I know bedridden elders that are more graceful than y-" His paws skittered on the freezing ground as he tried to move again, nails digging into nothing - or rather, refusing to rip into the solid, stony silt. He stood still with his eyes wide, looking more akin to a soggy kitten than the prideful bird he liked to present as, with arrowed arrogance seeming to fail him now. It was more apt to collect the shards of one's own self-esteem then let it rot and rust upon the ground for all to see.
Seems she wasn't the only one to fall to the ground over the ice patch, but Chryalispaw had a better handle on things than she did. It was true, she was entirely clumsy and too a fault but she had managed to catch something! It was scrawny and probably wouldn't be able to make a cat full, but it was something. There was a little giggle that came from the pale she-cat at her companions rather flustered words, "Yeah, but thats what makes me well me, ya know?" she responded with a small shrug of her shoulders.

Green gaze watched as the chimera apprentice tried to keep his balance on the ice below and she then moved to stand on sturdy ground before holding out her paw, "Here, let me help you off the ice," Bananapaw offered to him. She half expected for him to say no, to snap something snarky or sarcastic about being able to do it himself. That was just how Chrysalispaw was; a darker shadow looming on her sun filled day. Yet she wouldn't be able to change it for the world.

The rather taunt tomcat added more spice to her life. Allowed for her to see the world more realistically than in her rose-colored world, and she was thankful for that. It allowed her to grow and see things from a different perspective, and plus he gave her attention. Quillpaw hardly ever even looked in her direction and had his hyperfixation on Twitchpaw at all hours of the day. Bananpaw thought she was merely just something akin to a tick or flea on Quillpaws' back rather than his supposed friend.

That sunny demeanor seemed to falter slightly with her thoughts and her paw lowered to the ground for a moment. Then she stepped out onto the ice, sliding carefully across it on her paw pads, and reached the chimera cats' side. She slipped a bit and had to pull out the claws to keep herself from hitting the ground again, but she managed to reach him. Bananapaw gave a smile at Chrysliaspaw before trying to nudge him across the ice in a gentle manner, "Suppose tag wasn't the best plan I had," She admitted softly.


[penned by wolf - ]

Bananapaw extended one paw to Chrysalispaw, like a saving grace from the heavens, an olive branch from some disgraced yet never defeated neighbor. There were many cats that he met that would offer themselves up like that, tearing pieces from themselves and allowing them to divulge from the original. The tom could never imagine himself doing anything other than preserving whatever pride he held beneath bird-bone ribs and beating heart. The urge to just smack the helping hand away panged, as though he could not endure such a mark upon his dignity, implying that he ever needed anyone but himself. Truthfully, the fire always needed its firewood to burn, but he had not gleaned upon it yet - or refused to, more aptly. Cowls curled, as if the very thought of accepting aid was enough to make him hurl. I don't need your help.

Still, he only stood upon the ice, like a statue paralyzed into its flint-sculpted position. The winter made it hard to not freeze up, in order to preserve as much body heat as he could. Nails dug into soft alabasters and hardened rime, as though ripping through the blankets and cottons pristinely placed by the season, though he had no care for leaf-bare's creations nor wishes. It didn't care for him nor his clan, so why should it matter whether its snowdrifts would be marred and its ice would melt? He scoffed in the face of the flawless. He kept himself low with his gaze rarely lilting from the ground, as flogs of shame burned through his flame-russet pelt. Perhaps embarrassment would be the only thing to keep him warm in these dire times.

Then, he noticed how the molly's heat drifted onto his own flank, and watched as the tan-and-white cat moved towards him, and did not shy away from envenomed fangs and serpentine mannerism. Cats always avoided animals like snakes and wasps - and he would take in their likeness. Patience underlie any possible anger than she may have had for him, and if she were annoyed then he certainly couldn't garner it from her countenance. In fact, all he saw was that same sickly-sweet smile. Such displays of unbridled happiness usually made him bristle and recoil. But he didn't, not this time. He hadn't even struck away her paw when she held it out. ( Did he deserve such kindness? No. And he wouldn't give unto it either. )

"Yeah. It wasn't." A grumble rolled out of his lips, a gruff gravel that ungracefully tumbled from his maw, whispers flitting just underneath his usual inflection. Usually, he'd at least make his cadence presentable, but the winter winds were making it hard to care about anything. Though, he refused to move from the stiff spot that he found himself in. Chrys knew he'd surely trip and probably humiliate himself further. "... How do you suppose we should move across the ice? It's not like we can just walk across."
How are we suppose to get off the ice was a valid question. One that an answer was surely around the corner, but as of right now there was nothing. Bananpaw looked down at the ice beneath their paws and flicked her ear slightly as she tried to wrack her brain for an idea, for something. The cream and white she-cat gave a small sigh and looked around for a moment before perking up slightly, "Oh I know, we can try to skate across with our claws?" She questioned back to the other. It wasn't much but it was a start at least, cause she'd rather not take another dive into the ground. That last one hurt really badly and she was sure her chest was bruised or something now.

"Or scoot maybe? Carefully move across the ground?" She offered as a second option and looked at the chimera apprentice with rounded green eyes. Bananapaw wasn't usually the best with plans and figuring out how to get out of situations carefully. She was more of brutal and brash at all points in her life, so she had no clue what to do right then. Maybe another fall wouldn't be that bad? No, if she broke something it would surely hurt worse than it does now, plus Dawnglare would be furious. She was still healing from the raid wound she retained.

Bananapaw then went to move slowly, putting more of her weight into her claws and slide them across the ice. She gave a giggle at the adrenaline rushing through her body from the startle of sliding suddenly, but she didn't fall. Instead she managed to move a little bit forward, but start to slide in a circle to which she had no purchase. Bumping into Chrysalispaw with her shoulder against his chest wasn't the best move, but it was the only way she could stop herself from moving.


[penned by wolf - ]

Chrysalispaw stared at the illusory ice that lie just beyond his claws, heterochromatic eyes quivering on an invisible danger, for the leaf-bare could not be scented nor hunted. It simply came as it willed, which made him all the more abhorrent to the season. It was unable to be predicted, to be controlled, to be harnessed, and that was what he feared the most. The slippery frost below was simply one of its manifestations. He swallowed at the mere thought of getting back out there, as if he would trip and fall at a moment's notice, and any former birdlike grace would immediately evaporate as the morning dew did to forenoon flickers. Well, he could certainly hurt himself, but more importantly, he could embarrass himself out there. He'd rather not look like a lurching, teetering fool in front of Bananapaw of all cats. His feet were frozen to an entrenched place upon the ground, like the pine tree to its plumage of forestry, roots held fast to a cold and cruel earth. Tenacious and steadfast, though wilting and warbling all the while about it.

"I'd rather eat a whole live adder than skate across this ice." A scoff rumbled from his throat, like flint rushing against gunmetal greys, sparks of heat against the presages of winter. His russet coat was much like the fire to the rime, a reminder of warmth upon overwhelming cold. Still, Chrysalispaw hated feeling as though he were trapped with no way out of his own machinations, as inconsequential as his current situation was. Powerlessness in the face of growing force; that was what winter personified to him, and he spat in the face of such a disgraceful, gauche spell.

The lithe feline leapt back at Bananapaw touching him, so lost in his own daydreams that he had forgotten the issue at hand, of which he was rudely ripped from as if a taper to the end of a paper-thin adornation. In turn, that led to his nails tumbling and slipping on the ice until he was caught in the fray of it all, swept up in the storm of coltish limb and cloddish movement. It was unlike the beast of willowy plume and flame's delicate poise, though it wasn't something he could do anything about. He spun in a few involuntary circles before centering his gravity once more, keeping his paws close to each other, with his back arched and hackles raised. "Eek! How do cats even travel across this thing, anyway?"
She hadn't meant to startle the other with her bump and she did fall as he skiddered away from her, hackles raised and eyes wide. Bananapaw gave a sharp breath and gave a little, nervous, laugh at his question about how cats got across this. "I have no a single idea, I think a smart cat would avoid ice all together," She howled back with a little wave of her tail, "Here, let me help you at least," She moved to slide slowly across the ice towards Chrysalispaw and her tongue poked out slightly in her concentration to not fall.

The cream and white patched she-cat got to the chimera apprentice rather easily, though last minute her right paw slipped and she fell forward. Catching herself about half way before her chin hit the ice below and she sat up instantly with a huff in annoyance, alright this fun has run out it seemed. She looked up at Chrysalispaw, almost smacking her muzzle into his, and she backed up a few paces with a few blinks. She must've slid pretty far to get that close to the other.

"Okay, plan time right? We need to think about what to do," Bananapaw insisted with the tomcat and flicked an ear backwards in thought for a moment, "We can't just sleep on the ice or starve here," She wanted to continue their adventure into the snow, but it seemed like the storm was dying out. The sky was lightening and the wind seemed to relax, had the blizzard finally decided to let them live?


[penned by wolf - ]

"Here, let me help you, at least." Another scathing comment was tempted to rebut from his tongue, with words laced in serpentine and turpentine, as though bearing the ivory fangs of an adder. Unlike the adder, he did not hide his teeth until the time was right - he almost had them readied and bared. The familiar and tried phrase of 'I don't need your help' bubbled in his mind, and coated his mouth like a seeping oil, a leaching force that dictated his temper and did so erratically and erroneously. If his verses were anathema, then he spat them out as so, yet never choked or stuttered on a single beat. Sardonic honesty was the language he was most fluent in, after all. Now, he did realize that he very much did need Bananapaw's help. Unfortunately for him.

With the typical clumsiness that he had known the other apprentice for, Bananapaw tripped on the slippery slants of ice, with her tongue sticking out. (He thought it looked a little cute, but more importantly, it looked utterly idiotic.) Chrysalispaw skittered backwards as the tan-and-white feline almost crashed into him again, movements akin to a coltish foal than a pride-ridden bird, and any elegance that the tom had built up would now melt away in the wintry wicks. So much for keeping a good reputation if it could just be taken away the moment he got out onto the ice. Nails scratched at hard frost and unforgiving ground, never digging too deep into the cold, as though the glass proved too sturdy and too steadfast for a creature such as him.

"Well, maybe I would rather sit out here and starve." A grumble rolled from his throat, a storm rolling from its perch upon the ramified horizon, a stream of grey and pall crawling down the canvas. It was a warning, though an exhaustive and repetitive one. Even roaring thunderstorms grew tired of their voice, and would disappear into the day once their role had been played. Heterochromatic gaze lifted upwards as the curtains of clouds pulled back, revealing the hoar-bitten sun beneath it, glowing dim yet glowing still. He could always could on the sun to shine, he supposed. The winter seemed to loosen its grip if only for a period of grace, as though it would need to breathe once more, a moment before the world came crashing down once more. In such blessings, he made sure to revel in what scraps of benediction it would give in cupped yet crooning hand.

"Hm." His head craned downwards to meet the frozen earth. "Let's try stepping slowly with a flat foot. Like this." He planted one paw flatly on the ground, and to his surprise, he did not stumble. Maybe he was a genius, after all.
(naked post)

The anger and annoyance practically rolled off the tomcat in waves and Bananapaw wanted to make it right. She hadn't meant anything by that of offering help but some cats were just very prideful. Ears flicked back against a slender skull for a moment as she looked down at the icey ground beneath. Where they destined to be here forever and succumb to starvation that already threatened the forest?

Though there was a saving grace in Chrysalispaws words as he suggested they walk flat footed on the ground, and it sounded crazy enough to work. She watched him step a paw flat down onto the ice, and blinked when he didnt fall right away. Was it that simple? That they had been here for far too long and the answer was simple?

Bananapaw gave a small nod of understanding and quietly put her paw down beside his, finding she had more traction this way. Cafefully, she took a few more steps towards the edge of the ice before jumping into the nearest snow pile with a relieved sigh. Snow was better than ice that was for certain. The cream tabby cat looked back at the chimera tomcat and offered a slight smile, "Sorry for dragging you out here and getting us stuck," It had been her idea to go out this way and what got them stuck in the first place. She just never thought before she acted and it made her feel ashamed almost. Though she didnt voice it nor gave an inkling towards Chrysalispaw and she waved hee tail a bit behind her.

One step next to his, and then the other followed, like a rhythmic waltz to an unremarked beat. The tempo proved undignified and andante, but it still progressed even in its crawl, and slow movement was good movement to him. Anything to get out of this hellish waste, where the cold taunted him with dreams of warmth and the sun sang no note of solace. Chrysalispaw's claws twitched behind sheaths, tempted to dig so far into the frozen ground that it would uproot the cold itself, but he knew it would upset the balancing game that he had crafted. Sometimes, he felt so angry that he wanted to rip out all of the seeds buried 'neath the white, and bring springtide early with his two bare hands, but he knew that the winter would only laugh in that frostbitten whistle of amusement. Chrys only kept his wavering eyes upon the wintry scape below him, occasionally glancing at Bananapaw's paws, as if making sure that she was keeping in tune with him. He didn't want to have to wait for her every two seconds.

Bananapaw's words always fell softer than his spittles of venom, as though they had not been tarnished by the grace of perception that he had, as though innocence billowed like cotton clouds and downy drivel. He despised those who turned a blind eye to the cruelty of the world, who either pretended or were too dumb to pretend. Heterochromatic glare turned towards the tawny-and-snow hued molly, blending in with the pallid leaf-bare tones, almost lost among white palls and alabaster blankets. Chrys could never find himself astray, for his chimaeric pelt prevented such an ability. Not that he would even want to. Drifting colors came along with that velvety smile that pressed light against her features, as if gracile fingers dented into clay, as opposed to the strident sculptor's careless creation. Chrys' own countenance was more angular, more narrow, more icy. Don't give me that grin. It looks stupid on you. What could have been hissed out remained as a mere thought that germinated but did not blossom. He didn't often hold his tongue, so he considered it a clemency extended to the she-cat.

"... It's fine." Not really. It's still your fault. Still, the compulsion to reassure this bird-brain was something that sprouted within his heart, where gardens of thistle and brimstone usually flourished. Logically, it would be for the best if he didn't make Bananapaw cry until her stare reddened. Besides, sobbing and wailing were such ugly sounds. Such an abrasive tongue tended to wound even those with the most calloused flesh, tended to bring out the bad in other cats. The upside was that, if he drove everyone away first, then he wouldn't have to deal with incessant emotions and expressions and whatnot.

One step, another step. He slowly walked, if it could be called that, across the icy land. He noted, with an optimistic twitch of wiry whiskers, that they were almost halfway from where they had started.
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There was something she was beginning to notice about the mottled tabby tomcat, and that was that he didn't seem as harsh as the others made him out to be. Of course cats talked and they often said not kind things about Chrysliaspaw, yet she never saw that. Sure he was prickly and she could tell when he was annoyed or something, but he never snapped at her like he did others. The way he talked to Silversmoke would've had her eating bile for lunch if Alice heard her, thats for sure.

Slowly but surely, they made their way across the ice before finally finding mushy mud to step in. Not a better alternative but at least they wouldn't be slipping and sliding every where. Bananapaw breathed a sigh of relief as the whole escapade came to a close and she glanced at the tom beside her sheepishly, "I promise next time, it'll be the sunniest new leaf you've ever seen," She promised him softly and touched her nose to his cheek.

The cream and white she-cat then gestured with her head in the direction of camp, "We should probably head back before anything else can happen to us," she gave a smile at Chrysalispaw and turned to start heading in that direction. Though deep within her mind she was screaming why did she do that. That wasn't something friends do, but it just felt- natural? Plus she has always been affection cat, so she chalked it up to her friendliness.


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