Today is special! A real special day. One where she was left with a tonnn of free time, enough to finally get good use out of something she's been saving for a good day... " Scorchstreak said I can go out alll by myself! " she brags to her mini - patrol of fellow apprentices. Naturally, she assumes the rest of their mentors gave them similar privileges. And if they hadn't, well, Pinkpaw was clearly responsible enough to oversee ALL of them! " She told me ages ago, but I was like, um, when I go out alone for the first time, I want it to be super special! " And this — this was exactly what she wanted! Two of her most favorite cats with her, and two of her other friends! Plus, you can never have too many most favorite cats ever, so there was real potential in here for Cottonpaw and Smudgepaw to rise in the ranks!

Their destination? There was none! She just wanted to see the territory instead of tour the dirt underneath it! Not like she's never ever seen it, but there's a difference between seeing things for a lesson, and seeing things just to see them. They wind across the moors northward, and Pinkpaw takes her time... She stops to sniff every flower (Okay, not every flower because then she'd get totally sneezy and annoyed), but lots of them! " I thought the sun - warmed pool was this way... " she murmurs. Actually... She doesn't remember where it is at all! Huh! " I thought... I dunno what I thought, actually! " she realizes aloud. " I forgot! " she then announces. Whatever! She knew WindClan dirt from RiverClan dirt now, so... she'd definitely be able to tell when they were close to RiverClan, at least!

" You guys know where we are? Aw, I wanted to soak my toes... " she grumbles. She glances around for either of the two landmarks she knows. From here, camp's walls wouldn't be visible... And she couldn't see any massive rocks either, sooo... not near outlook rock, at least!

  • ooc: They're walking in the direction of Horseplace! APPRENTICES ASSEMBLE @FEATHERPAW @downypaw @cottonpaw @/smudgepaw
  • 74869745_2wuYhU20pHwieui.gif

    Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​
Cottonpaw wouldn't say that she isn't fond of Pinkpaw - the apprentice is loud and excitable, sure, but a lot of her antics remind Cottonpaw a lot of herself... well, herself, set to the max, several moons ago. Maybe she pities the multicolored girl? Or, instead, envies the child for having such a loving family that's not torn to pieces?

Regardless, upon being asked to tag along, she agrees. Wolfsong has long since given her freedom of the moors just so long as she's far more careful than she's ever been before. She almost doesn't believe that many of the other apprentice's have gotten permission (well... maybe Downypaw and Featherpaw. They're both rule followers, to a degree,) but she's not one to nag. Upon Pinkpaw's proclamation that they are not heading in the intended direction, Cottonpaw laughs. At least she's scored in a few blooms along the way regardless.

"I think this is..." she scents the air, ear twitching, "Closer to the horseplace, maybe? Which means we're not too far from the pool," she tries to revitalize the calico's excitement, tail twitching.​
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He didn't know how Pinkpaw managed it- roping everyone into her little schemes, even someone as important as Cottonpaw. Wolfsong's apprentice still earned the odd wary glance from the marble-striped tom... so too did Downypaw, though it was a little less guarded, and more unreadable. For the most part a barbed tongue kept fastened within, and she simply glanced around. As a oor-runner, she knew the territory quite well by now... she imagined by Bluepool's assessment her ability was acceptable, or else her mentor would not have given her permission for this.

A vague mist of amusement twitched across Featherpaw's face, like a transparent spirit. Special, indeed...

"Yes, it's..." his nose twitched. They were certainly nearer to horseplace than the pool... even here, the stench of it was difficult to miss, subtle upon the moor-top breeze. "... that way." To punctuate, she nudged her head. It was backwards... but was there much point, now, in going all the way back.

"There'll be a p-p-puh... p-puddle somewhere," he suggested, vaguely unimpressed. Looking to Cottonpaw's twitching tail, he had a horrible, sinking feeling that his suggestion was not fun enough.
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Downypaw doesn't quite know how Pinkpaw convinced them to do this. Downypaw certainly wouldn't have accompanied her under the guise of keeping her safe—the thought of them, still kitten-pawed and moon-faced, protecting her would make them snort. They're all too happy to pass off the imaginary duty to the spiny sentinel at her other side, or even Cottonpaw, steward of all of WindClan and their own personal savior.

The thought of needing to be saved once again prickles her fur, so she glances around. They suppose the good thing about being a moor runner was that you could always see what was coming at you. Even though Rattleheart had given her the okay, paranoia plagued whatever childish enthusiasm still remained about "freedom."

Pinkpaw's exclamation jerks them out of compulsive observation. Well, it was likely she'd been exclaiming something the whole time, only this time she said something worthy enough of attention. Their whiskers twitch, not only at Pinkpaw's misplaced enthusiasm, but at the others' attempts to keep it up. Downypaw, too, is afraid of bursting her bubble, for whatever reason. "The Horseplace might be fun too," she suggests lightly, tail swishing. "We could, um, try to see if we can find some friends there." Safety in numbers. Surely the Horseplace cats wouldn't mind a few children intruding for a quarter of the day.​
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Pinkpaw feels like the luckiest girl in the world, to have friends as smart as she did! " Horseplace! " in complete and utter disbelief, she exclaims. She didn't want to go to Horseplace! ...Did she? No — yeah, she didn't! She had quite enough of Horseplace a few moons ago. Enough to never go back there again! she thinks. Which means we're not too far from the pool, says Cottonpaw. Oh, good! " Really? " she visibly perks, head turning to glimpse Cottonfang-paw with a glimmer in her eye. That's definitely why her eyes kinda stung a little bit right now... Maybe she had been like... half - right?

But Featherpaw nudges her head backwards, and Pinkpaw promptly deflates, a pout forming on her face. There'll be a puddle somewhere. Was she not so determined to have the best day ever, she would promptly sit down, frown, and tell Featherpaw that's not the same! with nothing but her face and her face alone! ...But she was determined to have the best day ever, so she just keeps walking towards Horseplace, a contemplative look on her face. " You guys are so good at knowing where stuff is... I'd beat you all in a... dirt competition! " if she had been in a worse mood, or maybe, if she had been a kit still, she would be SO mad because that sounds like the lamest thing ever! But for whatever reason, she doesn't mind as much today. She thinks about retracting her claim as she glances at Downypaw... but no. Perhaps it would inspire Downypaw to challenge her to a fun game or something! Not like that was a very Downypaw-like thing to do... which is why it'd be super cool if they did.

And she's reminded, too, when she looks at Downypaw, that they have family there. Maybe it was too mean to say she'd never go again... " Hmm... okay! To Horseplace! " she agrees then, smile back to full. " Yeah! Friends! And we can say hi to... "

She didn't really recognize Horseplace as they came over the rise. And she'd thought that had been because last time she saw it, it was totally covered in snow, but also... she doesn't think she remembers bits of sun licking at the trees around it. That sounds real cool, but it doesn't look real cool when she sees it. Its red and angry — and... closer to the barn than she'd like. If she looks real hard, she can see grey clouds of smoke rolling upwards. Pinkpaw blinks, her eyes stretching impossibly wide. "W-what's wrong with Horseplace? " she stammers.

  • EZIRq0S.png
  • 74869745_2wuYhU20pHwieui.gif

    Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

To Horseplace, Pinkpaw decided; Featherpaw surprisingly had no rebuttal prickling in her throat. Though she would have never expected for Pinkpaw to want to return there after deeming it so awful, after all the memories that were attached... perhaps they could all make some better ones. Or, at least... the rest of them could. Featherpaw did not trust his fur to lay flat. He merely tutted, rolling amused eyes at the mention of a dirt competition... whatever that entailed. He very much imagined Pinkpaw had no idea either.

The moment Pinkpaw's voice trailed off, Featherpaw saw it too. Sharp eyes blew wide for just a moment, steel momentarily shattered. The sky blackened, veiled by smog- close to the Horseplace, uncomfortably close, stood a fire that thrashed like tantruming tails. Featherpaw thrust himself forward, setting narrowed eyes on the apprentices that followed him. "Don't go any c-c-closer," he spat, leaving no room for argument- even to Cottonpaw, who was a good few moons her senior. Her gaze lingered on Pinkpaw especially for a few long moments, and she swallowed past some dryness in her throat.

Crimson-shadowed by the flames, Featherpaw noticed something that unsettled her even more. Usually-spiky fur now looked even more like it could impale; with disgust soaked deep into his tone, she spat, "Twolegs." They were gathered around the fire... watching it, their stances almost smug. They did not appear to be panicked, afraid, or to even consider the danger at all. All they did was stand, looking on. "What are they doing?" Yellow eyes narrowed with great suspicion, her nose wrinkling up.
✦ penned by pin
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Horseplace it is, then! Cottonpaw doesn't have it in her to disagree with them - after all, she likes the horseplace cats (Junco included,) and there's plenty of herbs around there that are surely in abundance now. She says nothing to the trio, simply nodding her agreement as they press on over the crest of the hill. Yet like those before her, she takes in the somehow slow yet somehow sudden realization that something isn't right.

Smoke rises indefinitely, masquerading as clouds above their heads yet if she tastes the air, she can feel it in her lungs. Fire - at least, that's what she thinks it is? - devours greenery steadily. (She cannot help the brief, pitiful thought that she will not have any luck broadening their stores here.) Featherpaw huffs a demand, one that Cottonpaw obeys only on whim of she doesn't want to get closer. Fire and flames are somehow things of mythos to the she-cat. She's never experienced the chaos in her life time, after all. But of the stories she's been told, the descriptions and danger... she's certain that this is it. That this... this is a fire.

"Does it matter?" Cottonpaw says shortly after the ginger tom speaks. "They're twolegs - they've been acting weird for weeks...!" Maybe they should've expected something like this sooner. It's not like they can prevent attacks from the furless beasts, but still...

She watches the flames as they flicker, and with a slow, terrible realization, she breathes out, "It's coming this way..." Her tone is low and shaky, and she takes a careful step back, "The wind - it's blowing towards camp. It's going towards camp...!" Cottonpaw swallows thickly. It's slow moving but given how bountiful their territory has been as of late, she would not be surprised if it is not deterred any time soon. "We have to go and warn the Clan," she states, her gaze falling briefly over the young apprentices. Surely the lot will be quick to take off, but she lingers only to be certain none are foolish enough to try and combat the flames.​
  • Wow
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A dirt competition. Downypaw could argue the whole of tunneling was just one big dirt competition, but any justification would probably be wasted in Pinkpaw's whirlwind brain, lost in the petals and clods of fog they're sure took up most of that space. At any rate, the prospect of going back to WindClan's wartime shelter gnawed at the base of her brain, the feeling far from nostalgia yet eeriely similar. Maybe haunted would be a better word. It feels too soon to be visiting the place in better circumstances, with better companions, like the fact that they'd made it at all the first time had not sat long or right enough with them.

They're all observant creatures, save for Pinkpaw. The wind begins to carry a smoldering, tarry undertone, just as ears begin to prick and gazes begin to converge. Cold horror drenches their pelt as they realize the dark clouds on the horizon are not Newleaf storms. These churn and billow, possessed with a vicious life even the fiercest of storms did not have, a ghastly mass driven the angry brilliance beneath their ephemeral paws.

Black-tipped ears snap flat to their skull as Featherpaw lunges to block their paths. What curiosity is piqued by the newness of fire is drowned in waves of panicked speculation; they hold no intention of going closer anyway. Twolegs, odd twolegs. Downypaw licks her lips. Fear-dark gaze darts from the warping, strange silhouettes of the Twolegs to the surrounding territory as Cottonpaw points out the more practical dangers. Can we really run faster than the wind? Or the thing encouraged by the wind? Downypaw swallows thickly. "Y-yeah. Guys, we have to go." They have no room to criticize; i's a better plan than standing around thinking about it.

They turn back towards the direction they think camp is in, unwilling to just begin sprinting off on their own. In the split seconds between waiting and running, something dark flashes a tree-length away. A few rabbits, maybe a family, sprinting through the short-clipped fields and...disappearing. Not disappearing—going underground. The tunnels? She vaguely recalls a well-used tunnel near the Horseplace. Surely whatever was happening to it would not find them underground. Pinkpaw would never leave Featherpaw to fend for himself aboveground though, and Cottonpaw had already proved herself unwilling to leave behind an innocent cat. Chest twisting guiltily, Downypaw steels themself for the flight back.​
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She stops when Featherpaw tells her to, legs almost knocking together as if they were as confused as she was... Her eyes leave the burning, seeing what was gathered around it when featherpaw spat: twolegs. Pinkpaw sees them, lanky, fleshy animals crowded around them. She rememebrs peeks of them from her time at horseplace... but they hadn't, um, been like this... Standing around... Are they scared too? " I dunno, " she answers Featherpaw, smile wavering in her nervousness. Is she silly to be nervous? Cottonpaw didn't seem to be. Acting weird for weeks, she says " Like... digging those holes? " she observes, pinpointing that which sat between the flames and Horseplace.

But suddenly, Cottonpaw is nervous, murmuring, It's coming this way... Pinkpaw is left blinking. " ...Can it move real far? " she asks, shuffling her paws in the grass. The air around them seemed to grow hotter. It's going towards camp...! " No way it'll get all the way there, " she mews. She didn't see it moving— or did she? Was it swallowing up more trees, or was she imagining it? Maybe they should stay and watch, just to make sure. Maybe they should run in and tell all the Horseplace cats—

But Cottonpaw and Downypaw mew to her side, and... the first wasn't at the barn yet. When Sunstar knew, surely he'd send a patrol for them? " Okay, okay! " she agrees then and there. Alongside her sister, she begins the scramble back to camp, their fun day out... effectively over.

  • EZIRq0S.png
  • 74869745_2wuYhU20pHwieui.gif

    Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​