pafp Sentimental mornings ✧ Telling tall tales

Feb 20, 2024

It was strange being surrounded by so many kits after having spent the better half of eight moons avoiding them. A part of Flora yowled at herself to not be any closer to the nursery than she had to, to not interact with the kits of SkyClan anymore than necessary. Usually she listened to her gut, her instincts have carried her far in life and she didn’t see the need to ignore them, this however was something that she was going to have to ignore. It was difficult to avoid them, especially the more sociable ones. She briefly considers the kits that she had spoken with, Lionkit, Hollykit and Candorkit. Their last interaction had involved her trying her hardest to not have the trio accidentally cause Eggshell to cry. She thought the whole thing was a little funny, perhaps it would do her good to seek them out? Having this… Avoidance of kits could prove to be a major issue in the future, what if she’s left in charge of them or something like that?

It would do her good, that’s part of healing right? That’s at least what healing was to Flora anyways, throwing herself into something troublesome and expecting herself to swim and not sink. The issue was that she didn’t exactly know what she should even say if she tried to intentionally interact with a kit, her daughter enjoyed when she would make up stories. Perhaps that would be the same for them, when she saw Bobbie’s kits they seemed engaged in making up their own stories so it was reasonable enough to assume they would get a kick out of it.

She noticed the small body of Candorkit marching around camp, he always seemed to be on some kind of mission. It was a little amusing to Flora, out of the three of them he was the most entertaining to her, a good reintroduction to kits would be through one that she found endearing right? “Candorkit! I need your help” she called out as she approached the kit, she pressed a paw to her head and sighed very loudly. “I’m afraid that I’m going to die of boredom, I need you to save me from this.” She vaguely recalled that he seemed to have a flare for the dramatics himself, maybe he would appreciate the theatrics she was putting on. “I need to tell someone about the Twolegplace before the boredom takes me, do you think you’re up for the important task of hearing my tale?”

// please wait for @CANDORKIT !

Today, Candorkit is training to be a warrior. Well, he does that every day, but today especially, he is practicing his super serious warrior walk and super serious warrior face. He's patrolling around camp, looking... super tough and stuff! And hardening his face into one of a warrior... but not too hardened, because then he'd look totally mean, and why would he wanna be totally mean to his Clanmates?

And then he hears it: the call. This is what he's been waiting for! This is what he's been training for! This is what he's here for! " Fear not! " very cooly, he cries, charging toward her to more quickly close the gap between them. He pricks his ears to heed the call most effectively. His tail flicks back and forth, ready to jump into action! I'm going to die. His jaw drops. of boredom. His jaw closes.

" Oh, " he says, and his determined gaze turns polite. Well, it wasn't too serious, but he could still totally save her from it! I need to tell someone about the Twolegplace before the boredom takes me. " You need to? " he parrots, stunned. " Have you been cursed? " Very seriously, he asks.

And then, " Of course! " he obviously agrees, puffing out his chest as he does so. He loves stories, regardless of if the storyteller is dying (?) or not! His gaze turns very serious, upon this realization. " I will save your life, friend! " There is a small thud as he sits down as quickly and fiercely as he can manage. Intent green eyes will Flora to begin her tale... at once!

  • m7kGLl9.png

  • 78638407_YRHxSQJ8VnrQxXj.png
    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.

'Have you been cursed?' She ponders Candorkit’s question, or at least puts on a very serious face as she lets her mind wander for a moment, better to leave him in suspense after all. “I don’t know, do you know any curse experts?” She lights up at the fact that Candorkit sits down. Flora wasn't sure why but she thought that she may have to be more melodramatic about this, so she could bench the theatrics for now.

“Tell you what, I'll tell my tale and you can help me figure out if anything in the Twolegplace could have cursed me ‘kay?” She sits down in front of the kit, looking much less fierce than him but she was pretty happy with letting him handle looking tough enough for the both of them. “I'm not sure if you've been told about the Twolegplace, there's not many trees there. You have to be clever if you want to climb, there are these things that Twolegs use to divide their borders, they feel like fake trees, or they're cold and sound bad when you climb them”

Her mind wanders to a time when she was younger, always trying to climb up every surface that was possible, even some that shouldn't be. “It's lawless out there, if you find yourself in trouble, say you climb a border and there's a dog or any other beast waiting on the other side for you! You have to rely on yourself to be the hero, no one strong like Orangestar is around there so you have to be the strongest.”

She thought that might appeal to the young Candorkit, he seemed to like carrying himself like a hero, a knight of sorts. “Yesterday, on my way back to my Twolegs I ran into a cat rummaging through one of those weird boxes the Twolegs like to throw things into. I said hello and he said… not that, anyways! I started being chased by him all the way home, buuut I got lucky! He missed the jump on one of those borders and I heard him fighting with a beast, it sounded like a rather grand battle. I didn't wait to see who won though, I like to think he did.”

It wasn't technically a lie, it didn't happen yesterday, rather a few moons before joining SkyClan. There was no beast for the alley cat to fight either, she thought that the kit might get enjoyment from that little embellishment though. She was chased, even if it was a result of an argument between the two but who would want to hear about that? “Candorkit do you think…he cursed me?” she gasped in horror at the thought.
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His bout of anger with Flora was justified, but guilt still ate at him every time he heard her voice. As he listens in to the conversation from a short distance away, Flora tells a grand story about how she was chased through twolegplace by a cat she didn't know. Twolegplace was certainly dangerous, the fact that his father and the high priest hailed from that place was terrifying enough for him to avoid the damned place overall. He supposed he wouldn't be able to avoid it forever, but as he rubs at the sinking sores from healing bee stings, Flora asks Condorkit if she was cursed by the tom who chased her. He wondered, was it possible to be cursed by a cat that didn't believe in StarClan? Well, maybe it was a kit-tale..

"Woah, Condorkit- if you can cure Flora of a curse, you think you'd be able to cure me of mine, too?" He finally speaks up with deep vibratum, walking over to sit himself beside Flora with a wobbly smile. "Slate sneezed on me once- do you think I'm cursed now, too?" He jokes with a grin, hoping the grouchy lead warrior wasn't around to hear him.​
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Usually Bear resigns himself to sharing his grumbled words sparsely, but the conversation washing over him has his stare fixed intensely on the group. Survival on the streets is something he's well accustomed to, but hearing the tales, of how comfortable the daylight warrior's experience is, he can't help but wrinkle his nose. The close proximity with which he is now forced to share, has him quieter about his distaste for kittypet life, although he'll never be able to shake off the instinctual distaste of living in a way that never seemed to be concerned about picking the bones of scarce prey. Flora is a curiosity, bitterness settles into his paws, prompts the messily pelted Bear to lumber over.

He rises from the spot where he's soaking in the sunshine, a luxury he's now able to admire without one eye open. The fantasy they're peddling to the kit, he can't bring himself to unhinge his jaws and shatter the tale that's being spun, but he can't help himself. "That's how it is outside the clan." He rusts out, sharing his insight with Candorkit. "But... They're cursed." He teases, doesn't need to pretend that the fearful look isn't playing. Long since an appearance mainstay. He draws closer as if to hide his formidable size behind Candorkit.
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Rarely, did the scruffy tabby take a day to relax or rest but something compelled him to take a breather. Spotting his brother in passing compelled them to follow suit. Tattered ears catching the amusing interaction between Candorkit and Flora. Dogbite wasn't terribly familiar with the Daylight warrior but a part of him was thankful that the kits had another form of entertainment that wasn't his tail or back.

Settling beside their sibling he listened to the tale with partial interest. Mind wandering back to his own memories. Just like his brother he had never experienced the niceties or comforts bestowed to Kittypets or understand their preference for kibble.

Though he was partially familiar with the terrain. Having been born in the back alley of two-legs food storages. Living amongst the waste and territorial rogues had been brutal. Minimal shelter, borders, and lack of tree's made for many restless nights spent on sickly black top.

They had run into their fair share of dogs and two-legs with the intent to harm or worse. He could still reflect on the few good instances spent travelling and quiet moments with his mother. Fireflypaw's appearance and Bear's gruff meows cause him to smile in tandem.

Nodding he plays along with the sincerity of it all. "Hm..That's pretty impressive." He shakes his head with a thoughtful twitch of their nose. "I feel like being sneezed on by Slate could account for a pretty serious curse." His good eye flashes in mischief to the ragdoll. "Might take some extreme measures to cure it." Dogbite hadn't the slightest clue about curses other than old kit-tales the elders would share.

Hopefully, he could convincingly play up the act and give his friends kin something to eat up.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 33 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Did he know any curse experts... Candorkit put on a serious face rivalling Floras now. " Maybe Hollykit? A Medicine Cat? " he muses. It's a shock when Fireflypaw appears, and didn't seem to know much more about curses than the rest of them did! Were they doomed? To be swept through by curses until naught remained? " Nay, " accidentally, he says outloud, but with what genuineness his voice carried, one would think it quite intentional... They would survive...

Tell you what, I'll tell my tale and you can help me figure out if anything in the Twolegplace could have cursed me ‘kay? A single, serious nod. It was up to him, then... He would conjure up the best of his abilities, the blood of a leader within his viens... He would solve each and every mystery, and SkyClan would prosper forever and ever!

Fake trees? Lawless? Beasts around every corner?! Candorkit's jaw gradually slackens the longer he listens for. Collectively, it sounded like the worst place in the world! How could Sangriakit and Coffeekit and Fantastream and everyone keep doing that? It sounded like they really needed a bodygaurd... Maybe that's what Candorkit would do when he grew up just a little bit more...

Candorkit didn't know how to feel about the outcome of this tale... He hopes that the stranger won, of course. No one deserved to die. ...Unless they were a bad guy. " Were they a bad guy? " very importantly, he'd ask. Then he'd know what to think. " If he cursed you... he definitely was! " he adds with a gasp.

He pricks his ears to the concern of the masses... From how it sounded, they had a real villain in their midst. " Is... Is Slate a bad guy? " with the up-most shock, he exclaims. But... why would a bad guy ever be a Lead Warrior? Why would a Lead Warrior ever be a bad guy? This is far too confusing! " We must warn Orangestar at once! " he proclaims. He knew this story — a king or queen that needed a warrior's help. Would this queen call them crazy, banishing him from her kingdom until he one day returns with proper proof, and thusly usurps the throne?

But then, even if they warned Orangestar, would the curses be undone...? " If cursing someone is as easy as a sneeze, perhaps uncursing is just as easy... " he rationalizes. How does one undo a sneeze? " Did you all tell him "bless you"? "

  • m7kGLl9.png

  • 78638407_YRHxSQJ8VnrQxXj.png
    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.
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Hearing Fireflypaw gave Flora pause, she hadn’t really tried to speak with the medicine cat apprentice after the incident of her snooping through the herbs. While she had been perfectly happy to give him a wide berth since then she supposed that couldn’t last forever. She was happy to take what she perceived to be an olive branch that was extended to her through Fireflypaw sitting beside her. “Oh I see, did his curse claim another?” she nodded sagely, her voice clearly having a playful tone to it. Her ears twitched in recognition at the sound of other voices, she was pleasantly surprised to hear others joining in on the tale that she had spun. It was delightful to hear Bear agree that herself and Fireflypaw were cursed. She recognised the glint of mischief in Dogbite’s eye, nodding slowly at his words “you’re right, it might require extreme measures.”

Briefly she had considered how seriously Candorkit would take it, it wouldn’t, well it shouldn’t cause any long lasting damage or issues just because he believes that two cats here were cursed. She paused at his question, was the cat in her story a bad guy? Well, he wasn’t great that’s for sure but she struggled to call anyone a bad guy really. Thankfully, he had reached his own conclusion and she was happy to agree with it. “He was the worst, a bad guy for sure.” She chuckled to herself “So how do you think we can cure this curse?”

A part of her wanted to lean into the bit a little more, she could feel the desire to be an entertainer rush over her. That being said, that enjoyment she had telling the story had momentarily ceased over the very real shock that he had in assuming that Slate was a bad guy. While it would be extremely funny to see him warn Orangestar about this bad guy in her council, she would hate to foster any negative relationships or cause too much drama. Just a light sprinkle of drama to tell an interesting story was enough for her. Still, she needed to figure out a way to turn the reassurance into something entertaining, or she may ruin the magic of the story.

“I don’t think Slate's a bad guy…what if... someone cursed him and he doesn’t know that he curses others? Maybe he also needs your help!” she suggested, sounding contemplative as she spoke like she was also just realising that he might be a victim here. The kit's reasoning was sound, her ears twitched as she listened, eyes widened at the suggestion. Candorkit, I think you’re onto something!” She gasped and looked to Fireflypaw “Well, he sneezed on you. Did you say ‘bless you’?” She asked them, amusement evident in her eyes.
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