camp Set fire to my soul || o. Intro

You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

Snowkit wriggled her way out of the nursery before the cooling air nipped at the young kit's nose. A soft shiver running thiugh the small kit's body before she found herself sitting close to the entrance, blinking sleepiness from her eyes, perked ears as she listened to the bustling of clan life. Already a group of kits were playing a game of mossball and she wondered if she should ask to join but before she could even get onto her tiny paws the words escape her.

After the death of her parents due to the yellowcough, Snowkit had found themselves more recluded than the usually were. Always watching, never joining in. Perhaps it was the envy she felt when seeing the kits around her play, when their parents come home from patrol duty only to be greeted by their kits, to speak proudly on them. Snowkit never got that, even if she watched the enterance of the camp no familar face would burst forth with a caught for their clan, or to approach the young kit. Gone, and leaving young Snowkit on her own. Frowning a bit the girl tucked her paw underneath her chest while she watched. Stumped tail thumping slightly while she watched the other kits play, finding no urge to ask to join them.

Heavily rushed, sorry <333 ))
( ☁︎ )  Swanpaw remembers Snowkit from the medicine den, the tiny face lingering at the entrance with eyes searching for their parents. Both claimed by the illness, leaving this world together and leaving behind a young one, too small to even grasp what has happened, truly. It makes Swanpaw think of his younger siblings, of himself, of his mother among the stars and all the children she's left behind. He got to see her one last time, feverish and nearly dead himself, but few others were granted the luxury. Certainly not this child, left behind without any sort of goodbye.

The kit is sitting alone in the dark of the nursery's mouth; Swanpaw draws closer on quiet paws, grazing softly across marsh-grass. "Don't want to play...?" he questions softly, pale eyes settling upon the kit. He was much the same when he was younger, preferring to sit on the sidelines and watch rather than join in with the others' games. Yet, Swanpaw can't help but wonder if there's something more to Snowkit's avoidance than a simple lack of wanting.

  • //


Roosterstrut knew the feeling of loneliness all too well. Life had not been so cruel as to take both of his parents at the same time, but after his father had been killed, he often opted out of playing with the other kits. He would sit in the corner much like Snowkit, watching as other families were happy and whole and complete. However, he would have never come back out of his shell if it hadn't been for cats like Betonyfrost and Rainecho.

Maybe all Snowkit needed was some encouragement.

Padding over to where Swanpaw was already striking up a conversation with the orphaned child, Roosterstrut stood for a moment and watched as the other kits tussled and tumbled. He took a seat, glancing down at the younger cats and meowing, "We could play our own game if you want. Hangin' out with the older cats is so much cooler, anyways." He gives a wink, hoping for the kit to take him up on his offer or crack a smile at the very least.

  • fTqY7b3.png
    —— he/him; warrior of shadowclan
    —— heteroflexible; single
    —— red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
*+:。.。 "No it isn't!" Singekit pipes up hotly, fiery paws practically leaving scorch marks as he stomps his way over to the gathering group. The ruddy-pointed child knew a thing or two about anti-social behavior. He wasn't big about playgroups, preferring to stick close to his mom and brother whenever he could, or moping in the shadows of camp whenever his family were busy doing their own thing. He hated it when they were busy doing their own thing! Hence his huffing and puffing now, glaring daggers at the amassed group of his clanmates, determined to insert himself into whatever game they decided on lest he be stuck bored in the shadows again.

"I'm plenty cool to play with!" says the hot-head. Swiveling his boiling blue gaze onto Snowkit, he insists, "Right Snowkit?!" Though he doesn't hinge on them agreeing, his eyes challenge them to argue. After all, though the two share a dislike for being social, at least Singekit still managed to do it! That already made him better than Snowkit, and so she HAD to like hanging out with him! That's just how the world worked, right?

"We should play Drive the rogues out!" he's quick to demand, eager to beat Roosterstrut to the punch lest he comes up with a better game and destroys Singekit's argument against older cats being inherently cooler. Sidling up next to Snowkit, he elbows their shoulder encouragingly (albeit rather roughly) and says, "You never play with anyone, so ill explain it to you." Spoken with absolute confidence, as if he wasn't making up the game on the spot- almost as if he, too, was rarely invited to play with the other kittens. I know, shocking, right? "You and me will be Shadowclanners - ill be Singestar, you can be my deputy..." he thinks for a second, then shouts, "Snowfang! No that's too cool - Ill be Singefang, you can be Snowstar - but I'm still leader" makes perfect sense, "and it's our job to drive out the invaders, like in the stories!"

He'd always wanted to play a game like this! So many nights Singekit had shaken his mom awake, demanding to hear one more story before bed about the great battle - a clan devastated by cheating, awful rogues, only to turn around and knock em right into the carrion place where they belonged! Oh how Singekit wishes he could've been there! He'd have fought the hardest, he was certain of it!

"Ok evil rogues, pick your names so me and Snowstar can make battle plans against you!" Singekit demands hotly, though his aquatic eyes are already sparkling with excitement. "Or should we name them?" he looks at Snowkit for ideas, "I think Centipede and Spider fits them. 'Cus they're ugly rogues, huh?"

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    1 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently


The faces of her neighboring nest-holders in the medicine den had started to become more and more blurred as her sickness progressed. Lilacfur had hardly remembered who was to her left and who was right, but there was a point where she knew and feared for every face around her. Swanpaw and Roosterstrut had been with her the longest, seeing it to the end they survived. So many had gotten sick before or even after her, just to wither away from the fever.

When she looked at Snowkit she saw a piece of herself. A girl struggled to accept the reality that she was left parentless. So soon after coming into the world, promised so much more time with a mother who would now live within her memories longer than in the living world. It twisted her heart to see Snowkit seclude herself from the other kits, wishing she would take the jump to grasp onto any sense of normalcy but she understood why it would feel useless. How could such a young heart find joy in play when all she had ever known and thought she would have forever was gone?

Singekit shouted over Roosterstruts offer to play with his own ideas. Already rushing into the rules and roles they would play. "I think we'll have to be the rogues." She murmured to the other warrior with a smile as Singekit quickly confirmed her guess.

"Well I'm no ugly rogue. So I'll be... Holly. The pretty rogue."
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]

You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

Pale yellow eyes slipped to face Swanpaw, who was the first to approach the isolating kit, his question softly spoken but before she could even respond to the other, more approached the scene. Roosterstrut, who offered to play their own game and she began pondering over that before Singekit rudely interrupted her thoughts which made the kit huff and glare daggers at the younger kit, yet before she could even say 'no' to the game offer, Lilacfur joined in, offering to play the game as well.

"Fine...sure, lets play...but doesn't the warriors need a third? The rogues have three and its just...Singe'fang' and I" she softly place out, internally cringing at the name that Singekit gave himself. Singefang was a silly name in her opinion and she hope that for the sake of the kit, they learn to make up better ones once they're a bit older. Especially since she would never look at the other straight if his warrior name truly was Singefang when he came one, or if he ever did come one.