private Set Fire to the Rain | Sunstride


The Forgotten One
Apr 3, 2023
( ) A chance to improve never strayed far from Cloudedsky's thoughts. She wanted to succeed in all, to be as versatile as running water—able to ebb and flow wherever she was needed. Tunneling was not enough for her growing mind, though it was a honor to her still. She relished in the darkness of the tunnels, able to adapt to utter darkness where her sight was no longer a necessity to be able to see. She could rely on her other senses just as much; the sensation of touch against packed in soil, a cool breeze that alerts her of the surface nearing. The ability to pick up the decadent scent of a hare in the midst of earthy undertones, all of it had heightened them to an extent. But she wanted to be just as reliable above ground as she was beneath it. With Bluepool's training expertise under her belt, she felt more comfortable in the thrill of battle. She had proven it when fighting Lichentail of RiverClan, going as far as scaring the older warrior when—something else took over; a readiness to draw blood, maybe? She was unsure. But she wanted that feeling to wash over her again.

Today would not be one of those days, though. She wanted a refresher on moorland hunting and a specimen lay elegantly before her. A hulking mass of a tom, blessed with colors that mimic the very color of the sun and so he was named for. Sunstride. He was not built like the average tunneler, he was adorned with lean muscle mass or elongated limbs. In fact, (and no offense to him) he seemed the type to rely on power than speed. So, how did he accustom to the rolling prairie that surrounds them? Perhaps with his ethics, she could improve as well. Cloudedsky was not born with spindly legs and a long gait, she packed more power than speed from her time digging. She bears well-structured shoulders and fore arms, much like her mother.
The tunneler would approach the sun-kissed lead with a purpose-filled step, sunburst gaze alight with piqued interest. "Sunstride." She greets him with an acknowledged sway of a plumed tail. "I was wondering—could you, could you come hunt with me? Not underground, but on the moor. I want to gain more experience in it." She pauses briefly, pink lips pulling into an eager smile. "Please?"


( You should see me in a crown ; I'm gonna run this nothing town )