camp SETTING SWEET SUN | kitten arrival


She was tired- no, that wasn't the right word to describe it, it was far too simple of a term.
Exhausted, fatigued, drained…
The synonyms begin to list off in her mind as the sun pokes through the horizon as her, the small group of kittens, and Sunnyday finally begin the steep incline down the ravine, almost to home.
Though, comfort was still far off as she gently guided her baby siblings down the steep pathway, making sure they didn't get scraped up on the jutted rocks and fallen tree debris.
"Okay guys, just a couple more steps now.." she encourages drowsily. Still a child herself, it was hard to stay awake with the the rising sun.
She goes through the entrance first, beckoning the kittens to fall in line, while Sunnyday would take up the end of their group.
The camp was still eerily quiet, spare for the few warriors up for the first patrols, and whoever was set to organize them for the day.
"Okay.. what do we do now?" She'd quietly whisper to Sunnyday, gesturing to the kits with her tail for them to come closer before the peering eyes of onlookers would begin.

[ please wait for at least three of the following to reply! @Sunnyday @RAGWORTKIT @Prowlingkit @hollykit @TOADKIT ]

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Tired. He's tired.

He's never walked this far. Never stayed awake for this long. Short legs wobble with each step, hardly manage to stay away from the obstacles in front of him. His so-called sister encourages him and his littermates to keep going, but the brown tabby just wants to nap.

"Are we there yet..?" he squeaks out, voice heavy with exhaustion.

Just a couple more steps, Roepaw tells the group of them. Maybe for her, but his paws aren't nearly as big.

But, one by one, they arrive at their destination. One by one, they take their first steps in their new, odd-looking home. Their first steps into their new lives. He keeps close to Roepaw, sleepy cerulean eyes widening as he looks around. What if they didn't want them here? What if they had to walk all that way back? Maybe he wouldn't mind that, if it meant going back to the warmth of his mother's fur.
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Sunnyday padded along with care at the rear of the travelling group, the young kits kept between his watchful gaze and Roepaw's careful guidance. If they showed any signs of struggle he would leap in to assist of course, it wasn't the easiest journey for such young felines. Though fortunately they had arrived at the camp, but that didn't mean that things were going to get any easier at that point. Now came the next hurdle.

The tom stepped forward when Roepaw asked him what they were to do next, and he supposed he was becoming quite the expert in such matters. He offered a smile and a nod before he cast his gaze towards the leader's den. "We get your lil' siblings accepted into the clan, that's what we do now." Sunnyday explained with a confident smile. "Emberstar! Are you awake? I have an urgent matter for you, it relates to some new clanmates."

With the call now made his attention returned to that of the kits. "Keep close, my little ones. Once we get this sorted you'll get to rest in some nice, cosy nests, and get a meal in your bellies." He fully intended to keep to that promise, one way or another. The others in the clan could mock or curse him for bringing even more mouths to feed into the clan, but he'd stand by his morals regardless! Besides, he had promised Salamander that he'd protect her children.

// @emberstar

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Ragwortkit doesn't want to be here. She doesn't understand- why doesn't mom want them anymore? Why has she insisted that they are given away? Why can't she come with? It's all too confusing for the blue-furred child... she feels tears sting at her eyes as she walks along with her siblings.

Emberstar! Sunnyday calls, she tenses up a bit, expecting a large and intimidating figure to emerge from the den. On top of that she feels so many eyes on her... so many stranger eyes... She feels so small.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTKIT, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 2 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan kit . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadkit, prowlingkit, hollykit
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Little Wolf was not the biggest fan of Sunnyday. The tom had zero respect for authority, hardly cared about the clan it seemed. When he wasn’t bringing strangers into the camp and begging her mother to sleep in the nursery he was off doing star clan knew what. When Roepaw enters the camp, her jaws part, eyes narrowed, fully prepared to reprimand the apprentice for being missing all night when… kits. She had brought kits.

Little Wolf turns her head to Sunnyday as he calls out for Emberstar then turns and assures the children at his side that they would have warm nests and full bellies soon. She knows that they will not turn children away, not when leaf-bare was beginning to rear its ugly head. But the forest was still healing, it would be hard to feed themselves let alone the stragglers Sunnyday kept bringing to the clan. She would let the leader and her mother sort that out though.

"Hey there little ones" she murmurs gently, not looking in Sunnydays direction lest she explode on him. "Where did you guys come from? You must be tired" she says sympathetically. Knowing from experience kits their age needed rest and they looked so tired…. She looks to Roepaw, searching for some sort of explanation from the young she cat but she will not push. It is not her job to do so.

Selfishly, she hopes they do not ask her to look out for them. She was enjoying returning to her warrior duties too much to be thrown back into the nursery so soon.

He had been sleeping still, there was no urgency for him to be awake as most the clan was; he had no patrols and no hunting to do and so he took the time to continue resting because otherwise he would be sitting idly in the camp and he disliked looking so useless. While it was true he was still watching the kits it was hardly a difficult task, most of them were apprentices now and the remaining were relatively well-behaved; the big of excitement he got playing with his own throughout the day was gone as they trailed after their mentors into the territory instead.
The sound of Emberstar's name being called out sharply lifts his head from his nest and he groggily nudges Flickerkit back into the bedding where she can stay warm as he trots to the edge of the nursery den's mouth to lean out. It is immediately apparent what is going on and he lets his eyes widen briefly before they soften at the tired state of the little kits meandering around Sunnyday's limbs.
He feels the twinge of unease only for a moment before his sympathy overpowers it, he was here for another moon anyways so what trouble would more kits be; if anything they'd make the time go by faster. Still, he isn't sure what to make of what is going on so he settles down at the nursery to watch quietly as someone goes to fetch their leader and deputy.
Just whose kits were these? Sunnyday sure brought in a lot of youngsters didn't he...


Flycatcher had been one of the warriors awake in that early morning, keen to see if Howling Wind or Emberstar wanted him on patrol that morning. As he lingered in camp, an unfamiliar scent reached him and gave him pause. He looked around for the source of the smell only to be interrupted in his search by Sunnyday calling for Emberstar to discuss matters regarding "new clanmates". What did that mean?

Flycatcher soon got his answer spotting Sunnyday standing with four young kits, and Roepaw of all cats. Stars, how many young cats had Sunnyday brought back to camp now? Flycatcher felt sympathy for them, especially as young as they were, but it would get harder and harder to feed the clan from here on out due to the weather. And now with more mouths to feed it would be even more of a squeeze. Despite his suspicions, Flycatcher greets the kits first, lowering his head to give them an appraising gaze, choosing to speak to them first instead if Sunnyday much like Little Wolf. "Hello little ones," He purrs. After a moment he lifts his head, and glances between Sunnyday and his apprentice. "Would either of you care to explain what's going on here?" He asks. "Whose kits are these?"
Holly doesn't like this. Holly didn't want to be torn away from mama. Holly didn't want to walk through the damn forest in the middle of the night with cold winds whipping at her and a chill going down her spine. Well lucky for Roepaw and Sunnyday she was wide awake now and she'd make it just their problem. "I want to go home! I don't want to be here." she complains loudly, tiny ears flattening

Then like a burst of magic, all of the sudden there are countless cats swarming them. Eyes flick over Ragwort and Toad and suddenly theres a snarl on her face as she stumbles in front of her siblings. She hated this and what she hated even more was the fact it felt like mama pawned them off to two strangers they only heard about through stories. "Don't come any closer!" a squeak of defiance leaves her mouth as her tail lashes wildly back and forth. Sunny and Roe had doomed them to this prison where there are too many cats ands too many voices and her own anxiety is acting up so bad, she can feel her heart thump wildly in her chest. Whatever happened, Holly would protect her siblings, thats for sure.

Sunnyday’s confidence brings little ease to Roepaw, and anxiety prickled along her spine.
She feels the presence of Toadkit close by, and her heart twinges. This wasn’t about her, it was about them, and their safety.
Lightly, she touches her tail to his little shoulder, meant to be an act of comfort as long as the little one didn’t notice her uneven breathing, or the slight tremble in her gaze.
Little Wolf is who Sunnyday’s call attracts first, her tone is gentle towards the kits. Then Sunfreckle, who’s silent.
She parts her maw to try to talk to Ragwortkit, but Flycatchers arrival stops her, and asks the dreaded question.
She looks to Sunnyday, who she knew would proudly claim the children as his, but would they believe that?
"We-" she begins, but Hollykit’s wail is piercing enough to stifle even Roepaw’s voice.
The apprentice turns, Flycatcher’s prompt forgotten. "Holly, it’s okay. They won’t come any closer, I promise." Roepaw attempts to comfort, finding empathy in the kits distress and confusion. She had been the same way.
"Can we get them to the nursery first, please? They’ve been up all night. We can talk to Emberstar while they sleep" she proposes, her attention turning to Sunfreckle who had yet to say anything.
She knew this wouldn’t be a joyous occasion, of course, but she supposed she hadn’t expected it to be… this. Was this what big sisters did? What family did? She was lost, and tragically so.


Sunfreckle frowns thoughtfully, unsure of what to make and given the apprentice's response its clear she's having a tough time with whatever this affair was.
His green gaze meets Roepaw's uncertain one and it's enough to get him standing. Something was wrong, there was more to this than just kittens being brought into the clan and he was going to take the silent call for help and act on it.
His three legs carried him over with a swiftness and he was smiling proper by the time he actually stepped up alongside Flycatcher and Little Wolf.
"Hello-hello! What do we have here?" They were a cute bunch weren't they? But there was something strangely familiar tugging at the back of his mind as he gazed at each in turn before lifting his head back up and flicking his tail out. "You all look tuckered out, I've got plenty of room in the nursery if you'd like to come pick your own spot to sleep, its very cozy." The red tabby notes the one Roepaw had called Holly and he addresses her directly but keeps his distance and even increases it with a careful hop-step back some to not crowd her since she seems very overwhelmed, "Would you mind leading the way? The nursery is that den right there." He raises his lone front paw to point and catches himself, giving a nervous laugh before sitting back on his haunches to point with that same paw where he wouldn't lose balance.


Tiny black fur rose upon a long spine, a small tail bristling to twice its size as they approach Thunderclan camp. Neon gaze glaring down the walls made of bramble and ferns, and it only got harder as they entered the camp. There was so many cats here and they all questioned the same thing; who where they, where did they come from. Though as Prowlingkit bared their tiny fangs at the approaching cats, they stuck with Ragwort, Toad and Holly. They all expressed distaste with being here and they couldn't help but share the same sentiment.

"I don't wanna speak to this Emberstar, mama said she was stinky anyway," snapped the young kit as their tail lashed back and forth, "I want to go home! This isn't home- this is stupid and horrible!" Prowlingkit stomped a foot with frustration and glared at Roepaw, Sunnday and the others who approached them, "Stay away! I'll hurt you if you get any closer!" The black kitten jumped in front of their siblings and tiny claws were unleashed as teeth were bared.

Prowlingkit wanted nothing to do with these cats! They wanted their mother, they wanted Salamnder, but no! This Roepaw and Sunnday decided to take them away! Thunderclan was bad from what mother had said and they wanted to go with what they had been taught from a young age.
"Keep your paws on, kid!" Fireflypaw chuckles from behind the arriving group of warriors, stumbling over his big paws like a giant unused to his growing size. He did miss staying in the nursery, but the thought of having to share the den with new kits made him shiver. He already lacked the ability to sleep much at night, let alone deal with more kits aside from his siblings.

"C'mon! I'll walk 'wit you! Name's Fireflypaw, y'know?" He giggled softly, half-lidded eyes fluttering with his mirth. He did like kits, though- they were so full of energy, just like he used to be.

Shallowpaw was there among the rest of the crowd to observe carefully. Sunnyday was there alongside Roepaw and some new kits who clearly wasn't from here. He would listen as much as he needed to before the pieces started to fall in place for him. Sunnyday had brought this kits back to camp just like he had brought him here. Did that mean he was going to look after them?, to care for them?. Most likely the case. Sunnyday would never abandon a kit in need that much he know.

They where young, much younger than himself was which meant they would steal alot of Sunnyday's time just like Sparkkit had with Sunfreckle. Where did that put him then?. Shallowpaw could only see one way on how this was going to end. Someone would get pushed back to the shadows and that would be him. The kits needed more attention than what he did. Shallowpaw did not wanted to be a bother, to give Sunnyday a difficult time. He had already seen how exhausted Sunfreckle had been at times when taking care of his kits. Sunnyday shouldn't have to look out after an extra one. He had new kits to look out after now to make sure they felt at home here.

It was fine. Shallowpaw was used to look out after himself Sunnyday had done enough already just by bringing him here. He would forever be grateful. He was not the one who needed to be looked out for. The kits needed Sunnyday more than what he did. So he would give that to them.

Shallowpaw had been in sight until another cat stept in front of the view and when that cat had moved itself away again Shallowpaw was no longer anywhere to be seen. He had retreated back to the apprentice den so he wouldn't be in the way.

// out!


Bit by bit his confidence began to waver and the creeping tendrils of anxiety threatened to worm deep into his heart. Sunnyday hadn't even realised that he had been holding his breath until his lungs began to scream in protest. Slowly the smile that he was known for wearing began to fall, and as he heard the protests from the kits he couldn't help but second guess the reasoning for them being there. Would they be better staying with their mother? No! That... that would be a death sentence! They deserved this chance to survive, to have the opportunity to find their own paths through life.

But why does this part have to be the hardest?

Slowly his attention turned to Flycatcher when he requested an explanation. "These kits are-..." Mine. He wants to say the words, so so badly, but he stops himself. He lets his gaze linger on the youngsters before ultimately turning his head away with a feeling of shame. "... they're the children of a rogue. She can't keep them safe, so... they're here now. Their mother couldn't join them." He left it at that, vague but open to interpretation. Maybe with work he'd become the father figure he craved to be in their lives, but right now he imagined that he was closer to that of a monster in their young eyes.

Prowlingkit's aggression certainly wasn't helping things, but he couldn't blame the child. But internal panic rose up when they began to talk about their mother. The long legged tom turned towards the youth and he slowly shook his head. "Prowling, give these cats a chance. Sometimes the monsters in stories aren't what they really seem to be. Look at Roepaw, and Sunfreckle, do they seem like the sort who'd cause you harm? I know that this is hard and I know that you want to return your mother, but you have to look after your siblings. They're tired, they can't go back right now. You need to do what's best for them right now by being brave, okay? Please, go to the nursery for now. You can protect Toad, Holly and Ragwort there." Sunnyday hoped that he could sway Prowlingkit into at least resting, and with how protective they seemed of their siblings he liked to hope that maybe the others would follow their lead.

Sunnyday could merely offer Roepaw a nod as he left the duty of getting the kits to the nursery in her paws as he backed away a few paces. With luck, she stood a better chance at maintaining a closeness with them and forming a bond. "It's for the best."


Commotion urges green eyes to open, wakes Finchcatcher from his sleep. It is early, cold. Louder than usual outside the warrior den. It causes the red tom to rise, to stretch limbs that ached from being curled up for so long.

He steps out of the den to a crowd towards the entrance of camp. Uncertainty fills him - was this a good crowd, or a bad crowd? What news was beyond the wall of ThunderClanners before him?

A few more steps forward give way to what the news is - a litter of kits. Brought in by Sunnyday and Roepaw. Tired, the things look. Chartreuse gaze scans over the four of them, fur shades of black and grey, until he spots brown. His heart nearly stops at the sight, at the memories the kit's appearance brings him. He takes a step back.

No, this must. This must merely be a coincidence.

But, oh, StarClan must have cursed him for looking up at the night sky for too long! Fire-pelted ears twitch as Sunnyday begins to speak, as Finchcatcher turns to leave. Those kits already had plenty of cats crowding around them, anyway. Sunnyday utters their names: Prowling, Holly, Ragwort, Toad. Finchcatcher's heart pounds. Anxiety rises within him. A curse.

A nightmare.

One that Finchcatcher had yet to wake from. That must be it, he decides as he steps back into the warrior den, curls back up in his nest. He'll wake up, and the odd kits will be gone.

Simple as that.