camp settle down, dear star | nerves


it might sting a bit
Jun 27, 2024
જ➶ Even though this first day has revealed so much to them there is still more that they can learn. So much to discover and see and with the promise of new days here in a different world that he wants to be apart of coming he is sure that things will progress. They have to. Dream filled seas watch as the sun dips lower, falling behind the canopy of trees and coating everything in golden orange. The night is coming and along with that they fidget realizing that this will he their first night here. Their first night sleeping alone and away from their siblings. Not sleeping within the confines of a wooden structure that keeps the elements at bay. Alone, out in the forest. An uneasy breath leaves them and they glance around toward the other cats already beginning to turn in for the night. The den for adults is the one he is supposed to sleep in but he lingers outside because they have no nest yet. A small frown pulls at their muzzle, the unease now settling in their stomach. Is the first night always like this? Shifting a little he pricks the grass hesitantly, looking down at their paws now.

Will someone share their nest with them? He will definitely have to ask but at the same time he doesn't want to he a burden. If he had the courage to join Skyclan then they need the courage to be able to sleep outside of the home they have abandoned. Yet it worries them the dangers that can not be blocked by brambles and twigs. Thorns and logs. Lifting up their gaze they see someone looking at them and they give a smile, but it is a stressed thing before he quickly looks away. "I must look like a fool just sitting outside the den..."


”Yeah.” Quill agreed easily, mismatched pools regarding the other with a look as flat as their tone. This was the stray Thistle and Fig had brought in earlier, wasn’t it?

If it was up to the dark chimera, the joining process would be a lot more rigorous than it currently was, and newcomers likely wouldn’t have been as easily welcome. It was nothing personal, he just had things invested here- things he couldn’t lose. And the fewer who came sniffing around to threaten that, the better. On the bright side it meant he didn’t really give a damn about whether they were a kittypet or a loner. On the downside, they were all equally on his shitlist until he had a reason to remove them from it.

Well, maybe ‘shitlist’ was a bit harsh. He just didn’t put as much trust or effort into other cats as he probably should.

. ”You know you can go in, right?” he offered, trying to be genuinely helpful but ultimately lacking the proper tone for it, leaving him sounding a bit unimpressed instead. Oh well.

skyclan - male - 30 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, muscular chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


Chickbloom remembered his first night in skyclan. Different circumstances certainly, but it seems the nerves it brought were universal. Gaze darting back and forth, shifting from one paw to the other - Denali reminded the warrior of himself from a few moons ago. Well, that might’ve been a bit self-serving. In many ways the whelp was still the same cat from back then, but the boy liked to believe he’d grown a something resembling a spine in the intervening weeks.

Padding forwards, a head topped with folded ears nodded at Quillstrike’s assessment (even if its bluntness left something to be desired). Chickbloom was by no means a social cat, but like he’d done with Sangriapaw, the coward wanted to make people’s first nights in camp as comfortable as possible. Call it sympathy, call it being a doormat, either way the whelp made his offer.

“Y-You can have my nest for tonight, y’know…I’m s-sure we’ll have something set up for you by tomorrow.” Chickbloom’s opinions on Skyclan’s barrier to entry were practically opposite to Quillstrike’s. As long as they didn’t cause trouble, he didn’t see the problem with opening their arms to outsiders. Of course if Blazestar had listened to the more cautious camp, Chickbloom would’ve likely never been let in, so maybe that influenced how the milksop made up his mind…​

Halfway into the warrior's den, the large feline turned his head around as Denali began a conversation with someone, his skull twanging against the top of the brambles. His ears flattened as he was forced to lower his neck, squinting at the other and the two that had indulged him in conversation. Sleep called to the spotted tabby like a siren, having not yet completely recovered from his time away, but the discussion felt important, especially when his friend brought up the idea that Denali hadn't created a nest for himself yet. He couldn't have Silversmoke's, that was for sure. Three was a crowd.

"Chickbloom..." The silver tom draped a paw over his own maw in a faux facepalm, squeezing his eyes shut in an attempt to remain calm. There was self-sacrifice in the name of your clan, then, there was just foolishness, and when Chickbloom's idea would leave the fold without a place to sleep for the night, he couldn't see it as anything but the latter.

His tail lashed to and fro, whacking against the den's entrance as he did his best to find a compromise. "We'll all help you make a nest right now," he offered stoically. "With four of us, we shouldn't lose much sleep. That way, no one has to sleep on hard soil either." A cautionary glance was offered towards Chickbloom.

જ➶ A confirmation of his worries comes to light and he winces just slightly. They knew that it will make them look like that and a slow rough sigh leaves their throat. Right, well he supposes that it is to be assumed regardless of how it makes them feel about the situation and he merely nods his head a little bit. When the other tells him that he can simply go in the other shuffles their paws gently against the ground before he shakes his head a little. "Um, yeah I know but I don't have anywhere to lay my head for the night. I didn't get a chance to make something for myself and I don't want to....." His words trial off as he looks away from the other and toward the den. Yeah, he doesn't want to be a burden and take from someone when he has nothing to give in return. Ocean eyes flick to another that comes up and they offer to give him their nest for the night. An absolutely horrified look crosses his face then and he vigorously shakes his skull, ears pinning down against his head.

"I couldn't do that to you. Where would you sleep?" Gentle voice carries as he frowns delicately before Silversmoke comes across the scene and they turn to him, offering a soft smile in his direction. He knows of the other and sees them as being one he can look up to in his new home. Silver offers a different option and it seems much more agreeable to him. "Oh, yes, I'd love to learn how to weave and make my own nest. I've never tried before. How do we start one?" He looks between the three with eager wave bright eyes.