seven weeks and three days | snow fight


pocket the sunshine ´ˎ˗
Dec 15, 2022

Today was a very slow day, returning yet again empty handed from her hunt that had lasted longer than usual. The camp feels unusually suffocating especially after all that had gone on. Howling getting attacked only fueled the grief in camp and she feels choked, unsure if its her own sadness shes feeling or one borne from the suffering of the other cats. She flicks an ear, standing still as she reaches the beginning of the camp entrance before she moves to flop down in to the snow.

What could be done to help? Cove fears her shells may have been in vain, pretty as they were, she fears they may not be as magic as she wants them to be. A small huff as she begins to shift around in the snow, rolling up a ball beneath her paw. She has a bright idea and all of the sudden theres a smile on her face. Born from imagination, she throws the pawful of snow at the first cat she sees with a playful giggle, eyes shining in mirth. "Got you!"
✦ ★ ✦
( ☄. *. ⋆ ) He slips through the gorse tunnel into the snow-blanketed expanse of ThunderClan's camp. His jaws are empty of fresh-kill, his paw pads burning from being buried ankle-deep in frosty grass all morning. He's half-wondering if he should go to Berryheart and see if there's a chance his paws will freeze off... is that a thing that can happen? His belly cramps with hunger, causing his train of thought to derail. He'll have to lick them warm and go straight back out again... likely have to take his mother's useless little tag-a-long...

A cold, wet lump explodes on his face. He yowls with surprise, jumping back. He'd been attacked! He claws the snow granules from his eyes and blinks incredulously at Covecatcher, her sky-blue eyes twinkling with amusement. "Got you!" She singsongs.

Raccoonstripe's grin is instant, wicked. He has little time for playing games, but he can make an exception for a pretty face, can't he? His one white forepaw grips a clump of snow and hurls it in the pale she-cat's direction. "A sneak attack! And here I thought you had more honor!" He crouches low after launching his counter-attack, fluffy ringed tail flailing behind him.

The cold gripped camp in vice-grip clutches, given form as powder upon the ground. He'd never been enamoured with snow, but it had neither been something that actively annoyed him. No, it was the hands of time that brought the snow to them, and would eventually remove it. And it was something they would live through, certainly, should they work together to survive the sparsity of leaf-bare.

It was not simply food that was scarce in the winter, but also reprieve- therefore for once Berryheart did not attempt to immediately drift back to sleep after a noise stirred him. Heartened to hear humour in the air, mirth beckoned him from the medicine den, gaze lingering upon his brother as he launched a snowball at the Collector at top speed. From the mouth of his den he would observe their battle, one that was sure to recruit a battalion after a while. These play-fights, regardless of nature or means, often tended to rope many others into the fray.

Shallowpaw had never been a playful kit always living in the shadows while the other kits had played with one another. Partly the reason for that was because nobody had wanted to play with him, and he had been the only surviving kit so no littermates. It had become a part of him so the idea of joining this snow fight was beyond his interest. Rather than joining he would try to stay out of the frontline of it however not always luck could be on his side. Suddenly, a snowball was heading over at his direction Covecatcher having started something more would join in on and out of reflex more then anything he ducked his head down so the snow ball would fly right over his head, missing him. Unfortunately a certain kit had been standing not to far behind of him and got hit instead.



Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

With everything that had been going on lately, it had hardly occurred to Flamewhisker that it had snowed. Given different circumstances, she probably would have already been playing in the snow. But, she had been in such a constant state of emotions that she hadn't given the white powder much thought. She had been laying in the warrior's den, resting after a long patrol, but laughing and loud voices had woke her up.

The lead warrior lifted her head, and decided to check out what was going on. As she emerged into the camp, a small smile formed on her maw. It was nice to see her clanmates having fun given everything that had happened. She would stretch her paws, and flick her tail mischievously. Using her forepaw, she would scoop up a chunk of snow and attempt to chuck it at Raccoonstripe and Covecatcher's direction. She wasn't necessarily aiming at either of them in particular, but she wanted to join in.

@covecatcher @RACCOONSTRIPE

Here I thought you had more honor! She cannot help but giggle, the sound bouncing from her as Raccoon returns the throw, too slow to dart from her sitting position. The snow hits her and eyes shine, she feels carefree again and the grin on his face is more than worth it to get pelted with snow. “I’ll sooner die than not rely on my sneak attacks! How else would I have gotten you?” a teasing, soft voice as she stands to shake the snow off her fur, all giggles and amusement as she begins to bunch up more snow. Berryheart stands at the mouth of his den, watching and Cove waves her tail in high spirits. “You can come join us!” she wouldn’t throw snow on him, wouldn’t want to force him to come since he seemed just fine sitting on the sidelines, but its an invitation nonetheless.

The next to join was Shallowpaw, someone Cove knew of but never interacted with. He had ducked underneath a snowball, and now she bursts in to giggles once more as she watches the snowball meant for him smack right in to a kitten. Good thing most kits liked to play! Shes distracted, leaves herself open and Flame’s snowball hits her right against the back of her head. A large smile as she turns, scooping up more and attempting to fling a ball right at her, then another one for Raccoonstripe.You’ll never win! I’m the best snow fighter there is!” a complete bluff but she was totally getting in to the game now. Shes glad her clanmates are smiling, it warms her heart to see it.
✦ ★ ✦

Magic resided in the most astounded places sometimes. Things so little or small to the naked eye, one might not get to see the beauty of it. For Stormchaser, that was the effects of the weather. Sure, sunshine and Green-Leaf was fantastic. But, Green-Leaf couldn't come to be without the rain or storm. It was balanced—an ever-turning cycle that all had their pros and cons. Snow was harsh, it bare unforgiving upon the ground it covered. Prey burrowed deep within their nests to warm themselves from it's freezing temperatures. Hungry bellies cursed at weather like this, tension skyrocketed as temperaments plundered with irritation and frustration.
There was still beauty in it, even as unforgiving it was. All it took was the right individual to see it. And Clovecatcher seemed to have found it. Stormchaser witnessed the care-free joy of her hurling a snowball at Raccoonstripe unfurl, his lips pulling into a toothy grin as he watched the snow ball fight commence. He sat there, watching as giggles melted away the weighted blanket of tension melt away. Squeals of delight rung his ears and warmed his heart. It was truly magical. He chuckled as more clumps of snow was hurled from one cat to the other, as Shallowpaw and Flamewhis joining in, and then he couldn't sit there and watch any longer. His inner child sprang to the surface, golden eyes sparkling with mischief as he dropped into a low-bearing crouch. He placed each paw carefully in front if the other, leaving a line of paw prints behind him. As soon as he was within reach, Stormchaser balled a clump of snow with freezing paws. The cold stung at his pads like a thousand needles—though at this time he didn't care. It was worth it.
As soon as his clump was ready, the gray tom pitched a large clump of snow from behind Flamewhisker and Covecatcher, hoping for his sneak attack to land at their backs. He snickered almost uncontrollably, slinking about to scope out his next victim.

A snow fight seemed like a stupid idea for only stupid cats to do, so why were they sitting there watching them go back and forth. Giving a snort of distain here, an eye roll there, and he huffed as well at their fun. Then young cat had gotten up from the spot they had been sitting at, near the prey pile, and was going to head over to the nursery for a nap or something. A few flecks of snow dusted their fur here and there as they walked and it started to get Prowlingkit angry, "Watch it you guys, if i get hit I'm telling!" The complaint was annoyed and they lashed their long, black tail back and forth.

Then Prowlingkit shook out his coat and kept on his way to the nursery when sudden; BOUF. A huge ball of snow had been hurdled at Shallowpaw, and the tom had gotten out of the way and it whacked hard into the little kitten. This knocked over the black cat and they promptly fell onto their side- laying there still.

"I-," They breathed before shooting up right with a fire burning in their yellow eyes, and they got up from the snowy ground with their fur birstling to maximum capacity. Claws came out and yellow eyes narrowed before the young cat then, "waaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHH" The young cat started to cry helplessly and sat down on the ground hard, like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Watery yellow eyes glared at the group of cats before looking behind his shoulder, "Sunnyday!," Running to the only parent figure he really had.


Shallowpaw would just stare at Prowlingkit when he started to...make weird agony sounds wondering if he was dying or something. But that couldn't be right. Snow was not deadly, it couldn't kill cats...right?. He was confused over Prowlingkits unexpected behavior and with owl's eyes would just stare them out while deep in thoughts...trying to puzzle this out. Wait...Maybe he was..crying?. Was this what this was about?. Why would he cry over something like this though. In the first place crying was an unfamiliar thing for him never once having cried not what he could remember anyway. He watched them go as Prowlingkit run to Sunnyday to seek comfort and he wondered if he should tell them no one was allowed to visit them. Shallowpaw decided not to. Somebody else could do that.

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Being called was something still somewhat unfamiliar to the older tom, and so were the shrill cries that the young could make. It jolted the sickly tom from his slumber and he sat bolt upright in his nest in panic, nearly toppling over from the force of his own movements. With an almost drunken stagger he managed to make his way to the entrance of the medicine den so he could investigate what was happening. "Wha...? Huh? What's happening?" He rasped as his large ears swivelled about in alarm. Though his sense of urgency swiftly simmered as he realised that a snow fight was taking place.

Naturally he wanted to run over to bring Prowling some comfort, but he knew he couldn't risk passing on the sickness. Nor could he risk running around in the snow and making himself worse. Still, he wasn't about to abandon the youth. "Guessing you got caught out by an attack? Sorry to hear that, but I'm going to bless you with my 'warrior spirit'. Take it, and smite your enemies." He purred as he used his paws to scoop together some snow into a usable pile. Backing up a step he then gestured towards the snow in the hopes that Prowling would use it to splash someone else with it. "Hopefully he realises it's a game and starts to join in." He could only hope. Catching sight of familiar blue fur he then offered Shallowpaw a warm smile, a part of him wondering if he was okay and handling clan life without him.

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