seven years of BAD LUCK ★ return

Hazelbeam leaves her two-leg nest early, pausing to visit around her home and ask if any of the other daylight warriors had passed through recently, if they had seen any sign of SkyClan. After a bit of wandering she finally finds out that the rogues had been run away from the forest and chased from the territories entirely and she is immediately heading there; elated.
Movement ahead, the scent of cats mingling in the air along with the pine of the forest; she is bouncing in her steps in excitement as she finally gets there to find the clan once more back in their home and all of them seemingly doing alright. She was sure they had a few losses, her heart already ached for them, but she would ask about that later. For now she was just happy to see them.
"You're all back! Thank StarClan!" Hazelbeam's voice rings out before she had fully entered camp and when she does she is missing her trademark hat and instead sports a thick plush collar around her neck that resembles the petals of a large yellow flower ringing her head which acts as its center. The black and blue she-cat ambles into camp with a very faint limp, the right side of her haunch shaved down to the skin in one square patch and a mending scar woven together with black thread at her hip. "I came back to check and got jumped by one of those awful rogues, but my two-leg took me to her medicine cat so I'll be fine in a bit." Was it a medicine cat if it was a two-leg? Or a medicine two-leg maybe? She word she'd heard a lot was the cutters but she hadn't been cut. The other word was 'vet' but she wasn't sure if that was the name of the two-leg or the place. Once she had comfortably situated herself in camp she sat to try and turn to lick at the bound wound on her side but her new neck accessory prevented it; she knew she shouldn't gnaw on it but it itched something fierce.
"Look what the two-leg medicine cat did, they use this black spider web and stuck it in my skin. Isn't it cool?"
Hazelbeam had never gotten stitches before, most of the few yard altercations she had with passing strays always ended with them running from her before too many scratches could be delivered from either side.

  • OOC: Hazel is wearing a decorative cat cone shaped like a flower.

  • 71106870_8kTAylav5hKLwkN.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.

"Woahhhh, that's really cool!" Hawkkit tips her head up towards Hazelbeam, blinking wide eyes at the be-coned she-cat. She doesn't know this one! None of the other SkyClanners seem worried though, so Hawkkit has no reason to be. There's a very long, loaded heartbeat of silence, where the only warning before her inevitable onslaught of questions is a breath inwards and the slight spread of her little paws.

"Is it sticky like white spider webs? What's your name? I'm Hawkkit! Can I wear your flower? Please? Did you smack the rogue like bap-bap-bap?" The little torbie demonstrates on the air, one lilac paw smacking at an invisible enemy. Hopeful for a story or for Hazelbeam to at least answer the generous pawful of questions she's been posed without remorse, she regards the daylight warrior with an excited glint in her eyes.​

Every daylight warrior he'd not seen since SkyClan's return to its own camp had him worried sick. Had they gotten attacked, any of them? Scratched up by wild rogues, who- bored of their territory-stealing antics, sickened by the concept of invading ShadowClan alone, apparently- took joy in carving up housecats, even ones who were warriors themselves? Hazelbeam was one such face he'd not seen yet- so hearing her typically cheery voice extinguished the squirming flame of worry in his gut for her with a cold breeze.

At first, of course, he was simply glad to see her- but then, the thing she was dressed with earned a perplexed look. His brow darkened with head-aching confusion. Hawkkit was a little ghost, a wisp in the mist of his bafflement.

"What do these Twolegs keep- keep doing to you...?" There was a great scrape of pity in his voice, a complete exasperation. Wasn't it humiliating, uncomfortable, painful- some amalgamation of all those things? It looked like it got in the way, like it was a terrible bother. Oh, he'd never understand the sensibilities of a daylight warrior, or the whims of their housefolk.

Still, he shook away- physically, a rattle of his skull- the confusion, and lt himself bask in the light of relief for a few moments. Wobbly but genuine, a smile made its home on its face. She had gotten carved up, but mended... even if the method of mending seemed strange. "I'm glad you're... you're alright. I was getting w-worried." His throat felt dry. Admitting gladness was like admitting fondness, and that was odd territory for Twitchbolt.
penned by pin ✧
Welcome back, Hazelbeam.” Though Blazestar still appears gaunt from long-passed sickness and lack of prey, the leader’s voice is rich with genuine pleasure. The daylight warriors being accosted is something he’d worried about—he recognizes the enormous collar Hazelbeam sprouts about her throat as a Twoleg device to keep her paws from itching a wound. He’d never had to wear one himself, but his garden friends as a kitten had visited the cutter and had returned similarly adorned. With Tigerscar bearing the same device, it’s easy to deduce for a former kittypet.

Little Hawk-kit, still new to so many of her coming-and-going Clanmates, paws at the air, leaping and rolling like she’s fighting invisible enemies. Blazestar chuckles and presses an enormous ginger paw to the top of her head, the way he’d once done to Howlfire as a kit. “This is Hazelbeam, Little Hawk. She’s a daylight warrior, so she lives with Twolegs,” he explains. Of course, the kits would know Twolegs only from the mismatched impressions they’d have received from their Clanmates. Some cats curse their name; others reside alongside them or speak fondly of the time they’d spent together. He wants all Clan kits to be able to figure out their feelings themselves, though. “During the day, she comes to the Clan to be a warrior.” He’ll let Hazelbeam answer about the bap-bap-bapping herself.

He gives Twitchbolt a rueful smile, scrunching the bridge of his nose with amusement. “They may look funny, and they’re not easy to move in, but the housefolk put them on us to protect us, in their own weird way,” he purrs. He had never suffered that particular indignity, but Hazelbeam wears so many odd Twoleg objects that he guesses this isn’t much more of an inconvenience for her.

, ”
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
He remembered Hazelbeam when he was still small … smaller than he was now walking through the bramble barrier with an odd-looking flower wrapped around her neck. He blinked, sluggish, and through one eye that wasn’t covered in a wad of sticky stuff that made his fur itch.

His small stature stumbled forward, standing on determined legs to stare at the odd-looking cone, although more pleasing to the eye than Tigerscar’s cone of shame. He nearly snorted at the sight, instead pressing a paw against his maw to conceal the huffed amusement.

Littlepaw remained silent during the exchange, simply offering a shaky nod of his helm. He didn’t feel like talking, but he was glad the other hadn’t died.
thought speech

Hazelbeam is a cat that Fantastream considers an acquaintance. They are not on good enough terms to be considered friends, but she had no problems with her fellow daylight warrior. In fact, the monochrome she-cat intrigued her if she was honest. She wanted to get to know her, to ask about her twolegs seeminly strange ways and one day perhaps they very well could be friends. Maaybe she could join her and Chalk on their morning walks together to SkyClan. That would be fun wouldn't it?

When she enters the camp, covered in bandages and sporting a cone Fantastream comes to welcome her back with the others. "It's good to see ya in one piece" she says in agreement with Twitchbolt as she comes to stand next to him, a smile on her face as she holds back her laughter at the bi-colored toms exasperation, at Hawkkits questions. Blazestar was right, they only did it because they cared. "Her twolegs took her to her clans medicine cat Hawkkit, theyre the ones who put the strange cobwebs on her and gave her the flower, to help her feel better, just like Dawnglare does for you guys" she explains, her tone gentle and her eyes warm. Her twolegs are the ones who had saved her from the dreaded yellowcough, they had taken her to their medicine cat and she had made Fantastream feel all better in no time.