SEWER RAT STEW — crescent


Dec 2, 2023
Fang stalks low to the ground, the fur of his belly scraping grainy asphalt as he darts across the road, along the sidewalk, and into an enclosed alley.

It's not often that he ever ventures too far into these housefolk-settlements, but sometimes they can't be avoided. The stark smells of smoke and concrete and lack of obscuring foliage overwhelm him; not to mention the fear he feels at the sight of those towering, lumbering beasts which waddle and coo toward any unsuspecting cat. To them he certainly keeps the most distance. That said, Fang knows enough to take his chances only in the wee hours of the morning, just before the sun rises. The upwalkers and their dogs are often yet to rise, but the prey animals living around their buildings have emerged from their dens to poke around the trash bins. The hours fit for hunting are slim, so he has to be quick.

As Fang ducks into the alley, his eyes are trained warily on a sleeping monster just at the curb, examining it for any signs of stirring as he slips into tentative safety. Emphasis on tentative. Since his attention is so focused on the monster, he fails to notice the smog-scented molly perched near the alley's maw until he's nearly bumping right into her. It's only by some stroke of divine luck that Fang turns his head just in time, limbs freezing just a mouse-length from Crescent's scarred face.

"...Oh," Fang offers haltingly. "Sorry."

Crescent, too, had an intense hatred for the twolegs and everything associated with them. She'd had more than a few terrifying run-ins with the lumbering giants, who seemed hell-bent on tormenting a scarred street cat like herself. She wasn't cuddly, she wasn't friendly, and they seemed to sense that in her. She warranted no kindness from them, and never seemed to receive any. Still, she couldn't seem to avoid spending the majority of her days in their putrid alleyways. She was born and raised here in these rougher human neighborhoods, and it was all she knew. Hunting in the forest proved to be a lot different than hunting for prey around dumpsters and twoleg nests, and she hadn't quite got the hang of it yet; so she was stuck here.

The particular alleyway that she was currently perched in was one she'd staked a claim to many moons ago, and had since successfully warded off any unwanted visitors. Even the stray dogs in this area seemed to steer clear of her at this point; she was quite the little spitfire, and had given more than one mongrel a run for its money. She'd been leisurely grooming between her claws with sharpened canines when she sensed a presence moving steadily towards her, heterochromatic eyes scanning the darkness until they landed upon the dark frame of an unfamiliar tomcat. Her first instinct was to bare her teeth and chase him off, but she quickly realized he wasn't paying any attention to where he was, and hadn't yet noticed her - this could be fun.

The ebony molly dropped her paw back to the concrete earth and watched with vague amusement as the intruder continued to creep forward, his nervous gaze locked firmly on the monster that rested on the curb nearby. A smirk tilted her lips as he wandered directly towards her, and she remained silent, curious to see how long it would take for him to notice her. He was a mere whiskers-length away from running headfirst into her when he suddenly froze, and wide yellow eyes turned to meet her own. She tipped her head ever-so-slightly as a short, breathy laugh bubbled up inside her throat at the look on his face. "Hello darling," she drawled softly, not bothering to move back or step away. In fact, she shoved her muzzle impossibly closer to his with a playful grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You really ought to pay more attention to where you're going. Someone could get... hurt."

[ im so sorry for the late reply!! ]