private SHADE OF A PEACH TREE [✿] chalk

✿—— she's resting in camp for a moment, washing her paws and face after a quick meal of a jay, when she notices chalk's fawn-pelted form nearby. green eyes flick curiously towards the tom—he had been a victim of the twoleg shelter moons ago if she remembers correctly, herself ... either tucked in camp with a swollen belly or lost in the wilderness at the time, she can't remember (her memory of that time is foggy, far too foggy). still, he's remained a daylight warrior, far from camp nestled in some twoleg nest or another when he's not doing his duties with a serene expression and flat tone. it makes her curious, wondering where he spends his time when he isn't with skyclan—it's difficult to imagine chalk snuggled up at a twoleg's paws or resting in a plush nest of fake pelt.

"hey, chalk," she calls quietly, blinking in a manner that's curious but friendly at him as she sits up a bit. she may as well take a bit of a break to chat with a clanmate before she pushes her sore muscles out for another patrol.

"where do you live when you're not h-here?" she mews curiously, stretching her shoulders a bit as the tabby lifts them higher, hoping to loosen the ache from them before she has to inevitably return to her duties. she recalls her own former twoleg nest—a veritable maze of glowing mahogany ground, richly detailed pelts tossed on the floor and plush beneath her paws. strange shapes reached high all around her, delicate forms made of colorful ice or stone as white as new milk. she says as much, adding, "i remember my old twoleg n-nest. it was bigger than skyclan's entire camp, and full of strange things ... pelts as bright as cardinal f-feathers, huge fires that never burnt anything, strange shapes made of ice ...." she trails off, remembering.


  • ooc: @CHALK !!
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu


⭒✧ He sat, contemplative, beneath the shade of an oversized fern. Nose tilted to one shoulder, it took him a beat to recognise Bobbie’s hazel-woven form shifting nearby. Another cat might have earnt a wary, though well-concealed, glance but the warrior had proven straightforward. Her rebuttal of Slate’s derision of kittypets suggested an openminded, reasoned disposition.

’Hey, Chalk’ Silver sun lanced across his whiskers, the solder threads spun wide at the greeting. Chalk blinked back. Recognising the bright spools of curiosity in Bobbie’s mannerisms his expression opened up further, listening.

Limpid blue eyes traced the walls of the camp, care taken to fully appreciate the picture Bobbie painted. The Learningplace was enormous but it had to be, a gathering spot for young twolegs. To have been in an ordinary twoleg nest of that size was another matter. "Harmless fires and ice shapes?" Chalk replicated, though not out of disbelief. Solid first hand experience was ideal but the word of a cat like Bobbie’s was enough to begin his suppositions. "Were they for practicality or aesthetics?" Discerning what twolegs committed out of ‘need’ vs ‘want’ was a tricky task sometimes. He surmised the latter but he had been surprised before.

"I stay in the Learningplace." Then, recalling Blazestar’s confusion at the name, "It’s a place where twolegkits go to be apprenticed during the day. I have no housefolk but the mentors there will offer food occasionally."
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒

✿—— unsurprisingly, chalk greets her with an implacable blink—the fawn tom's perpetually smooth expression is something she both admires and envies. she could never hope to conceal her own expression so easily; she wears her heart on her face, quick (sometimes too quick) to a laugh or a tear. no such thing here; she couldn't hope to read what chalk is thinking from his unflappably neutral face and flat (though friendly enough) tone. bobbie likes nearly everyone in skyclan except for a select few, chalk certainly not among them, and so she settles better onto aching muscles to listen to his thoughts.

"it sounds strange, i know," she chimes at his repetition, flicking an ear to discourage any late greenleaf flies that might be buzzing around nearby. the tabby shuffles paws tipped in slowly growing white, recalling the rich world she'd once known as home. at his question she tilts her head—it takes her a moment to parse out his meaning. while bobbie is far from unintelligent (she'd like to think, anyways), she'd grown up with only a few cats around her and didn't have the kind of vocabulary some of the clan cats boasted, though she felt it might be growing. finally she replies, "most of it was for .... entertainment, i g-guess. or just to have, to look at. the kits who visited would sometimes put prey on the fire."

she blinks curiously at his words, half-tail swishing where it rests on the earth with interest. she'd never known twoleg kits (who she only saw rarely) would be apprenticed—what did they learn? how to care for their kittypets, or how to build their strange dens? green eyes flick towards chalk in interest, mewing, "how strange. i n-never thought of their kits being apprenticed, but i suppose it makes sense. do you know what their mentors teach them?"


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

⭒✧ Entertainment, Bobbie offers. Nose inclined, Chalk considered her words with sincerity. Twolegs laid many foundations in their puzzling lives, pursuits and purposes skimming over one another like smooth pebbles. With solid dens and frequent food many seemed to funnel free time into entertainment whenever they could. Some aspects were deeply confusing to the tom, but he supposed kittypets were the touchstone example in their world. For a long time he attributed their comfortable, catered lives to be an extension of their twoleg companions. Were they not just pursuing the same thing? Being a part of Skyclan had splintered that assumption somewhat, lines blurred.

He surfaced from his thoughts, the speculative depth in his gaze wicked away to present alertness again. "They do like to char their prey," Chalk hummed in understanding. The daylight warrior was partial to the over-crisp scraps of pork some of the twoleg kits would ferry to him during their breaks. "I think your guess is a good one. I am always interested to hear what other cats think of twoleg behaviour." A warm blink punctuated his words.

"A variety of things…" Coloured spines, shoved into pouches, flit to his mind. He counted the colours, trying to remember when each book would reappear and where. "They speak and write, in most cases actually, but also train physically like our apprentices." Chalk’s ears rippled at his own sentence. ’Our’?. Integrated already- he’d have to reflect on that later. "I’ve seen them study enormous hills, other twolegs, words in webs… " He rattled off the images he recalled being projected, breath steady.
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒
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