shadow of the moon // wolfsong

shadow of the moon
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Petalpaw's death had horrified the young girl. She had been ushered away quickly after her fit of screaming, asked to go wait for Wolfsong in his den. Sunlitkit did not question the command once, staggering away with Rivekit to lean on since she found it impossible to stand on her own. Every time she blinked, she could see Petalpaw again, reaching desperately out for help and gasping for air. With the gap of quiet between each heartbeat that pounded her ears, she could hear his rattled lungs desperate for a last chance at life. Despite the way Petalpaw lingered with her in any gap of consciousness, Sunlitkit had quickly asked that her sibling leave her alone as she sniveled and trembled in the den. Sunlitkit's cheeks were wet with tears, nose wet and breathing congested from crying but the kitten did not weep. She did not bawl and cry and scream - she reacted in silence, curled up in a tight ball within their shared nest, sniveling to herself as she was left to her own devices. She loved her family, she loved her siblings, and if she kept her eyes closed too long she could almost see Petalpaw's dying face as her ðir's. Sunlitkit hiccups a suppressed cry, nestling her nose further into her own tail and pinching her eyes tightly shut.

The entrance of the den rustles, and Sunlitkit does little to stir from her tight curl. Her ears twitch and swivel backwards, honing in on the sound of familiar pads against well-trodden soil. Wolfsong has followed behind her, and his very presence coaxes movement out of her. "Ð-Ðir," she sniffles, raising her head to look at him with green eyes swimming in tears she's fighting to not loose. She shuffles backwards, inviting him to join her as much as she can without words. "Is that... did Petalpaw really die? Is that what death is like?" Would that happen to her too, someday?


  • Crying
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