Jun 7, 2022


  • Nearly a moon has passed by ShadowClan since Chilledstar joined the starry night sky. A moon to mourn for their departed leader, a moon to make way for new leadership and direction. A little after the beginning of next moon, Smogstar must decide on a cat to appoint as his deputy. The position he has held for ages, upholding his leader's mandates and coordinating patrol duties, as well as being a pupil in the art of leadership, will be passed along to another the clan.

    There are a handful of IC conditions that I request all applicants to fulfill, and OOC requirements for the application itself. If you're interested in applying, be sure to read through the tabs in this post regarding both! Also check out the Leadership Guide and the deputy segment of the Rank Guide for general information on what this role entails!

    I'm very excited to receive and read through everyone's applications!

  • ONLY PRE-EXISTING ACTIVE CHARACTERS WILL BE CONSIDERED. Characters made after this interest check has been posted will not be taken into consideration for the deputy position. Similarly, I will also primarily be considering activity from prior to this interest check as well - spamming the board from hereon won't sway the final decision ;)

    AT LEAST 24 MOONS OF AGE. A ShadowClan cat should have served their clan as a warrior for at least four seasons if Smogstar is to appoint them as his deputy.

    MINDSET, SKILLSET. Smogstar intends to have a deputy whom best represents ShadowClan's natural strengths. A cat who epitomises the words 'cunning', 'stealthy', and 'perceptive' to their core. One who can skillfully plan and strategise, building upon their clanmates' strengths and bridging the gaps in their weaknesses. This isn't a hard requirement, and a character who struggles with these elements can still be considered! As long as they're able to hone and fine-tune these skills with time and effort, of course.

  • YOU CANNOT HAVE ANOTHER CHARACTER ON THE LEADER TRACK. Per TT rules, anyone who plays a character already on the leader track will not be considered, but anyone on the medicine cat track is free to apply!

    MAKE SURE YOURE WILLING TO STAY IN THIS POSITION LONG TERM. I would prefer to pick a character who is in it for the long haul and who will serve ShadowClan in this position for quite a while!

    ACTIVITY. A character must have made 20 posts prior to this interest check if they are to be considered for the spot! There is also a minimum posting goal of 15 per month. Emphasis on the word 'goal', by the way. It would be preferred that ShadowClan's deputy is a consistently active presence on the forums, but I understand that life and schedules can fluctuate! There will be no immediate penalty for missing a posting goal, but if this is something you will struggle with, the deputy position may not be the best fit. Moreover, I'm looking for someone who is committed to being engaged on the OOC side of things!

    OOC RESPONSIBILITIES. Whoever fills the role of deputy must help the clan leader shoulder the burdens of managing ShadowClan's Discord server, and they are expected to send out patrols every 2-2.5 weeks!

    COMMITMENT TO COMMUNICATION. This is a very important aspect. The role of deputy requires strong communication, both with other members of the clan and with their leader. Someone who communicates clearly and effectively and is comfortable bringing concerns to the table is preferred.
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Ferndance is an enigma in ShadowClan, someone who has all the skills of a proper warrior but seemingly little tact when it comes to living in a strict hierarchy. Having been a part of the marshlands since the first week, she is an experienced member of the group with a strong connection to it due to the family she has founded within its territory.

Since January 2023, Ferndance has been a consistently active part of ShadowClan, having participated in all clanwide plots to some degree and has had a voice in decision-making (one that, while seldom listened to, has not been shy to be shared). Her guidance is often instinctual, one that could be readily honed to be more ‘Deputy-like’ with experience and time, though it will likely always retain that lighthearted whimsy that makes Fern Fern. She has previous experience as a Lead Warrior but has not been on the council for almost a year, meaning that she might bring fresh perspectives onto the council in a position of authority whilst still feeling comfortable in any meetings and debates as she once had. Furthermore, with no connections to any of the current council, she has no reason to let bias mask her direction regarding patrols and other similar matters.

As a ShadowClanner herself, Ferndance is known for being resourceful and having an inherent fascination with the natural world to the point where hunting has become a strong suit for her. She’s fiercely protective of the clan’s youth after becoming a mother herself. She would be pretty adamant and consistent about keeping up safeguarding measures in place to make sure apprentices aren’t getting murked. However, due to her flimsy following of the Warrior Code, she would also likely enable some of Smogstar’s less-appreciated behaviours and advocate for measures that might cause conflict with other clans. She doesn’t want ShadowClan to be a victim and, so, she is likely to promote some of the more aggressive behaviours seen in canon ShadowClan, all whilst maintaining a smile and a ‘no hard feelings’ approach to her attitude.

Ferndance has had multiple apprentices and has been in ShadowClan long enough to know its inner workings and most of the warriors quite well. However, she also has the benefit of being a well-traveled outsider, with the perspectives on rogues and loners that brings.

ANY EXTRA NOTES: Sharpshadow as deputy may be a pick that would turn a few heads — I have a feeling that Smogstar himself would be a bit dubious about it considering her frequent stutters and struggles in social situations. Sharpshadow is hyper - conscious of others opinions on him however, and for the most part toes the line of unlikability quite well, more so being known as someone who is awkward rather than unpleasant. Despite his struggle with his words, and not terribly - well - hidden dislike of the environment they live in, he is undoubtedly devoted to ShadowClan. Growing up and seeing the many trials, tribulations, deaths, and disappearances has sharpened him to a point of something bordering on paranoia, leaving him on high alert and often leading him to take initiative in high - stress situations even as he deems himself unworthy to. Although he would almost certainly struggle with leadership in certain situations, he is able to make calls in the most stressful of situations, adrenaline often leading him to have bursts of furious energy.

As my second oldest character, Sharpshadow has lived through pretty much every era of ShadowClan and frequently reflects on past events / leadership throughout its history. This is what makes her one of my favorite characters to play, and I consistently have had fun with her for a while now. This is what also has kept ShadowClan as having my favorite IC environment since the beginning, with their history being very tumultuous and it feeling as if the clan itself has fun "arcs" to go through. Sharpshadow's character is driven by the desire to push ShadowClan through these "arcs" in any way she can, and this would be reflected both by her character and by me OOCly, who would love to help contribute to ShadowClan's story and build off of what Chilledstar has left behind.

Sharpshadow has pretty deep - seeded self worth issues that he clings to despite his current status, but these would be pretty much forced to be shaken up if she were granted the role of deputy. I honestly can't say how exactly but I just know it would be fun and silly <3

Smogstar is someone who she has a very complicated relationship with thanks to her apprenticeship underneath him, and dare I say: I think their dynamic would also be very fun and silly. Though she would never admit it, Sharpshadow feels very reliant on Smogstar's seemingly all - seeing eye, and values his opinion pretty substantially. As Deputy underneath him I think there would be a fun juxtaposition between his constant need to criticize and overanalyze Smogstar, versus a reliance on him that would undoubtably become more obvious the more they have to spend time together.

Ok yap session over... ty :)
ANY EXTRA NOTES: Prepare for a mini novella! Sorry. <3

  • I've been consistently active with Mirepurr for months now, and I definitely plan on keeping that streak up! I am very active on both the site itself and the Discord servers, making it quite easy for me to remain punctual with tasks, as well as overseeing what happens within ShadowClan's IC and OOC realms.
  • Despite having two other active characters on my roster, I never neglect any of them. I make sure to keep my personal posting goals up every month, which far exceed the minimum requirement for HPs. Communication is key, so as I've done with Scar, I would continue to talk with the team if something deters me from my usual activity levels.
  • I strive to be helpful in all assets, always ready to jump in to assist with something, be it big or small! Dealing with BBCode formatting and Discord shenanigans should be no issue for me.
  • I'm not afraid to voice my opinions during team discussions, all the while keeping civilized and ensuring everybody's voices are heard. I can also participate in brainstorming sessions for plots or dealing with issues as they come up while accepting critique and acting accordingly.
  • My time as a ShadowClan HP might not be long when compared to some of the others, but I feel that I've had little to no trouble adapting and remaining productive, all the while being a friendly face for our members; all of which I'd happily keep up for possible deputyship!

  • Mirepurr is, by all accounts, an unconventional choice at first glance. They are known for being the opposite of anyone's idea of a typical ShadowClanner; smiles all over, kind gestures, heart clear on display. Their personality no doubt clashes with Smogstar's more stoic and cunning disposition, but nobody could possibly object to the loyalty and love they feel towards their Clan.
  • There is benefit to be found in the exact moment Mirepurr was born. They've been part of this Clan from its very beginning, right from the time Briarstar decided to settle into the marshes with her followers. It is privilege, in their eyes, to say they've witnessed and has been part of ShadowClan being built from the ground up. Its history is something they are intimately familiar with.
  • Where youthful kindness and innocence can be found, one can find a certain degree of naivety. Mirepurr has never thought they would ever be asked to join the council, and now they wholly feel the pressure to not only do a satisfactory, but near perfect job as a lead warrior. Easily moldable for the likes of Smogstar; the desire for approval may easily outweigh kind intentions, especially with how ingrained the art of manipulation is for Smogstar...
  • Quickly adapts to all situations. Mirepurr has grasped control of their own voice by now, not afraid to speak their mind. This might be a positive for Smogstar, considering he will have a deputy who can counter his thoughts with something of their own — or as per the previous point, he might want to squish this newfound authoritative confidence sooner, rather than later.
  • Smogstar may think of ShadowClan as a collective to push forward (a valuable way of thinking during the ever-changing political climate of the forest), but Mirepurr prefers to consider them more as individuals. Their caring nature means they are almost always aware of their Clanmates' ongoing situations, and they like to offer themself as a supporting beam; nourishing the inner workings of the Clan will lead to stronger and more fierce warriors in the long run, after all.
  • Mirepurr remains perceptive when it comes to tensions (or lack thereof, on occasion) between all Clans. Though they may not yet posses Smogstar's craft, they are ever-careful not to pick unnecessary fights at the wrong time, but keenly aware of situations that might aid the collective in the future, and they already dabble in the possibility of getting those normally pacifist paws dirty. Mirepurr first and foremost keeps ShadowClan's best interest in mind — even over their own physical or mental well-being.
Aaaaand closed! Thank you all for applying to ShadowClan's deputy interest check, all of these are incredible applications and this is shaping up to be such a difficult decision. But! Expect to hear the result in the next couple of days. Happy lurking, swamp cats :3