
harley quinn apologist
Jun 9, 2022

Hello everyone! I know that this is a bit early, but with Pitchstar's death on fast approach, I figured now is a good time as any to get this up! Chilledgaze will be becoming Chilledstar, soon, and they need a deputy! This is simply to gadge who to choose from, as Chilledgaze will not wait very long ICly to choose their second in command! After they return from the moonstone with their lives, they will have chosen who they wish to be deputy!

So, step right up! Enter your character in and tell me why you believe that they should be deputy! Please also refer to the guides posted below!

This will be a rather quick, yet surely a hard, decision! Thank you all!

Stating interest with Ferndance!

As a character, she has technically been around since the first week of ShadowClan (though only active since January). In her day-to-day life, she is perceived as being pretty strange and she does herself no favours with her penchant for advocating to engage in tomfoolery, mischief, and murder with the other clans (most of the time she is probably only half-joking). Her lack of perceived interest in authority may make her a less than obvious choice in-character, however, though she doesn't bring much attention to it, Ferndance is also very hardworking and keen to help her clan wherever she can - the starvation plot hasn't given her a chance to show it but she is expected to be a very good hunter. In essence, I think her policies and advice would suit the typical 'ShadowClan' image you'd get both from the guide (sneakier, more pragmatic) and from the server (the rlly weird goth kids in early 2000s disney channel shows) and she might have some interesting contrasts with Chilledstar that would make for some fun discussions whenever big plots occur!

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I'll place Ravenwatcher here for shits and giggles.

Ravenwatcher normally is one that will do anything that has to concern them, and would possibly tell Chilled in a very blunt or off-way of "good job you done goof." If she's put into a position where she has to be there for the clan she normally will follow on that despite her seeming like she doesn't care. However, at first Ravenwatcher would be awkward and be unsure what to do and slowly grow into her role as time moves on.
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Putting Smogmaw out there as a candidate for deputy! Listed below is an array of reasons why I think he would be an awesome second-in-command for ShadowClan :3

- Starting off with an OOC one. Smogmaw is decidedly my primary character. Because of this, the corners of TabbyTales that I dwell in the most happen to be the ShadowClan board and its Discord server. I really love this group, the vibes we have and its roster of characters; to play a greater hand in helping it thrive would just be so cool imo!
- ShadowClan is the clan of stealth, subtlety, and intrigue—but with the hunger plot and whatnot, the recent months have seen some desperate and reckless decisions made to ensure the clan's livelihood. Given Smogmaw's underhanded personality, I believe he'd play a part in moving ShC towards a more cunning and deceitful direction.
- He would stand by Chilledstar's previous guarded actions and hold a similar perspective to them, believing that isolating ShadowClan in a political environment that wants them gone is the best way to arrange its prolonged security.
- Smogmaw's entire arc thus far has been him coping with a gnawing obsession with getting more. More power, more influence, more opportunities. In a deputy position, this viewpoint would transcend to ShadowClan; getting the people more prey, more opportunities, and more power would be among his priorities. Plus! Getting promoted to second-in-command would be an awesome next step for his character.
- Smog's consistent activity would perform well in an authority position. The fact that he's a pretty established character would certainly bolster his effectiveness as well.

yeah i'm sorry for making you read all that.
there's more though.

- It is unjust for ShadowClan to suffer more than the other clans simply because of their territory. Work must be done and plans must be made to ensure they never suffer like this again.
- RiverClan cannot be trusted, as it is a clan composed of exiles, renegades, and runaways, and still they pretend to have morals.
- He forgets what SkyClan is.
- ThunderClan should just be avoided for the foreseeable future.
- The alliance with WindClan seriously needs to be questioned. Is it worth it to be dragged into a war the moor cats cause? Still, he will stand by Chilledstar's call on it, as there's definitely pros and cons to their pact.

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