ShadowClan Deputy Kit Rehome


You know, like, NYA ❤︎
Aug 9, 2022
This is a repost/readopt for a single slot for this litter that is now 3 moons old! Please read the rules as they have been edited to fit the rehome requirements!

Let me be your TRAGEDY.

(Click Name for TAGS)

ShadowClan isn't a clan where cats are particularly loving or caring but some find a way to obtain happiness with another and Smogmaw was such a cat. He and his mate Halfshade welcomed new kits into the clan not too long ago who were finally apprenticed and she was preparing to return to her duties once more but with the sickness spreading and the nursery one of the more safe places to be she quickly decided to linger a bit longer. Unfortunately that wouldn't spare her and with no cure left to use she is left confined to the medicine cat den while he sets out with the rest of the journey cats to find more lungwort before the sickness overtakes them all.

In his absence she realizes she is carrying kits, too sickly and malnourished to have noticed or been noticed until it was only a few weeks out. These kits, if they survive, would be born into a world overcome by illness, feverfew coated and with a mother too far gone to even name them and a father who will only know them should he survive and return...

AND return he did, to find two of his kits missing (unbeknownst to him stolen by WindClan) and a single kit left to greet him who is unfamiliar with him and only wants their siblings back. This is that kit. Please be sure to read the rules for this readopt!

Litter Trigger Warnings: Stillborn kits, Miscarriage, Parental Death...

END DATE: 11/24/23

  • This is not FCFS (first come, first serve).
    Application is a Free-for-all, please include the basics (name, appearance, personality etc…) and whatever else you'd like!
    This slot is 3 moons atm (Ages every 30th of the month.)
    Please follow the genetics supplied by the lovely Blitz!
    Please follow the naming guide as it is plot specific to the situation!
    This kits can have mental illnesses and disabilities (please research these thoroughly!)
    You are absolutely welcome to and encouraged to go all in on the 'dead parent' angst and the unfortunate circumstances of their birth! Go wild, make some edgelords!

    Inactive kits will be rehomed pending parent discretion.

  • SIRE: LH blue mackerel tabby
    DAM: LH blue torbie with low white
    males can be blue tabby or cream tabby
    females can be blue tabby or blue torbie
    - kits will be longhaired
    - kits can have no white or low white
    - kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    - kits will display a mackerel tabby pattern
    - cream kits will mask blue tabby

    Due to the circumstances of their birth with their mother being too sick to function, these kits will be named by Starlingheart who will choose names previously discussed with Halfshade and even some of her own ideas of names that would be suiting. Please use names from either of these lists only!

    Names Starlingheart would choose:
    Shade, Bird - after and for Halfshade
    Sycamore, Cypress, Elm, Toad, Frog, Marsh, Mire, Reed, Mud, Thorn, Mink, Fox, Lizard, Pigeon, Dark, Flood, Willow (After ShadowClan.)
    Clover, Holly, Ginger, Laurel (Herb names she likes.)
    Hoot, Jackdaw, Lark, Owl, Quail, Sparrow, Wren, Thrush, Nightingale, Chirp/Chirping (Bird themed names.)
    Brave, Gentle, Spider, Gray (Names she likes the sound of.)

    Names Halfshade mentioned to Starlingheart:
    Shine, Shining, Glimmer, Sparkle, Hope, Wish, Warm, Bright, Glow, Sun, Whisper, Quiet, Soft (Comforting things that bring her peace.)
    Oak, Cedar, Birch, Pine, Branch, Stone, Rock, Pebble, Mountain, Turtle (Strong things, in the hopes they will survive.)
    Smoky, Blue, Gravel, Growl, Burr, Prickle, Thorn (After Smogmaw)
    Little, Bird (After Starlingheart)

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Laurelkit . -paw . -smog, -shadow, -half, -whisper?

↳ named for one of Starlingheart's herbs
— Kit of ShadowClan
— AFAB transgender male, he/him; sexuality open to discovery
Smogmaw x Halfshade, sibling to Halfkit, Tanglekit
— #f5f5dc, "speech"
— (will) sound like Mitth'raw'nuruodo

Laurel is a long-haired blue torbie tom with low white and blue eyes.
A mix of cream and blue, Laurel takes traits from both his mother and father. His blue eyes are noticeably dull and seem to wander, never staying in one place for too long. Though not particularly unkind, Laurel sports the same chronic RBF that his father does; this, with his eyes, often gives the impression that Laurel is distant or upset with everything going on around him. He works overtime to make sure that his pelt is pristine, not a hair out of place or a speck of dirt anywhere.
Despite his expression, Laurel has also inherited his mother's beauty, and one could say it's a shame that such handsomeness is wasted on such a man as Laurel.
↳ carrying / masking / etc?


( + ) positive traits ( / ) neutral traits ( - ) negative traits
At a far distance, Laurel comes off as very charming and charismatic, similar to how his mother was; but it takes only a closer look to realize that all that charm is a facade, put on to make himself more palatable to his Clanmates, strangers, and acquaintances. Anyone with the stomach to tolerate the "real" Laurel is met with a dry-talker who has a low sense of humor. He experiences and shows obsessive-compulsive traits, such as being unable to go about his day should he find anything physically out of place, and, much like his father, Laurel has a tendency to hoard unnecessary trinkets and baubles, unable to part with them.
As a kit, and through some of his apprentice moons, Laurel is very unsociable, finding it hard to spend time with his littermate or older relatives without being persuaded or bribed by his guardian. As an apprentice, Laurel is very disinterested in training, preferring to keep to himself and 'take care' of his appearance; again, this is far from vanity, though it can be interpreted as such by those that don't know Laurel very well. He doesn't avoid training so much as focus on certain aspects that won't get him what he deems as 'dirty', and as with the vanity aspect, his refusal to do certain tasks might be seen as him being whiny or stubborn.
Laurel has some issues with forming connections and attachments, tending to keep all at an arm's length without meaning to. He also has a bit of a complex about how accomplished Smogmaw is, feeling as though he'll never be as great as his father. Because of this, it isn't often that Laurel puts in the effort to make himself stand out in a crowd, and when he does or is forced to, he drags his paws along the way. If there is one thing that truly soothes Laurel, it's walks; with or without others, at any time, he can appreciate a good walk through the territory.

mannerisms: RBF, blunt way of speaking
— will not start fights | will not end fights | will flee | will not show mercy
— (will) excel at running, hunting (if he can get over his cleanliness)


— When it comes to Smogmaw, Laurel has trouble connecting the tom to being the same as his father. He's spent a long time while Smogmaw was on the journey without a father, and should he return, Laurel might keep his distance and regard Smogmaw more as a legend rather than a real person.
— While he's a warrior, Laurel might have the opportunity to speak with someone he trusts and start to get his obsessive-compulsive traits under control so that he can better enjoy life without having to pick and choose what he does and how he looks. I suppose this could be considered therapy development, but it doesn't have to be considered so clinical as much as it is a friend giving advice.
— Though having a better bond with his siblings than with their father, he still finds himself somewhat apathetic towards them going missing. He picks up on the cues from others about how he should feel concerning their disappearance and puts them into play when needed, not being able to conjure up his own feelings of dismay or anger towards the situation.

— There's definitely a possibility for a plot where Laurel is framed as antagonistic given his indifference towards life and the many things that happen around him. He could make enemies without meaning to, and continue with that misinformed view without caring to defend or explain his intentions properly.
— Not really a plot idea, but Laurie would be such a cute nickname for him from family or friends or both! I would really like to see this used and played out if chosen.

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Withdrawn 😞



Medium-haired dark blue and white mackerel tabby with blue eyes
Jackdaw will never grow to be a large cat, growing into a slender and lithe frame, built for stealth and speed. Though technically a longhaired tom, as he becomes a warrior it is apparent his fur is something more medium in length, much like his father. It is primarily longer around his neck and chest and his tail is quite fluffy too. His fur is a dark blue grey base with darker grey markings in a mackerel tabby pattern. Jackdaw does have a small amount of white spotting but it is located to his front paws and a splotch on his left rear leg. Jackdaw’s eyes are a pale robin egg blue in colour. Whilst it appears Halfshade didn't affect her son's appearance that much, Jackdaw is quite a striking cat, clearly inheriting her looks. He will take pride in maintaining his pelt and an element of cleanliness but won't be overly showy about it.

Jackdaw is an interesting tom. At his best, he is kind and dedicated, a truly loyal friend and warrior. At his worst, he can be cold, blunt, and distant to those he doesn't trust.

Jackdaw is stoic and brooding most of the time, characterised by a serious, thoughtful expression. Although not the most emotive of kits, he is capable of genuine kindness and playfulness which often comes out around his littermates and close peers. Although not a notable combatant or angry cat, he is extremely protective of his littermates, something which only deepens in the wake of their kidnap. As a result of this he could come across as overbearing or perhaps clingy towards them depending on the situation.

  • Would like more of his personality to develop ICly - with it possibly getting shaped by personal experiences and the way he is trained.
  • Inspired by Mako from Legend of Korra
  • Will be strongly against WindClan for much of his life but would be interesting if his opinion was changed somehow…
  • Will start out identifying as female but will eventually progress to seeing themselves as a male. Won't have some grand "coming out" and will instead just choose to identify as male one day

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- cedarkit, cloverkit, willowkit
- amab she/her, will transition somewhere in early apprenticehood
- cream mackerel tabby with low white (masking blue tabby). inherited smogmaw's handsome-but-dour features. maybe a pinkish/reddit tint a la halfshade. dull green eyes
- incredibly serious, comically so as a kitten. fun police, stick-in-the-mud, rule follower. her mother died and his father left them all home alone, so she took it upon herself to take care of herself and hers. possessive to a fault and secretly sentimental. the disappearance of her littermates affected her greatly, causing her to withdraw into herself and trust no one else. her older siblings' resentment is met with flattened ears and a downturned gaze, as if she doesn't actually notice it and is too preoccupied with whatever to let it affect her too. similarly, she notices social cues but cares little about them, preferring to do things as efficiently as possible. she seems to lack morals entirely and operates almost mechanically, obedient to a t and effortlessly punctual.



Expand upon it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.

they say he was born broken, to a dead mother and a father that might be. maybe the disappearance of his siblings secured those broken pieces, fastened them into place, so that he may stabilize himself in a world with no kin to do it for him. in some ways, he thinks the early death of his mother was a blessing in disguise, acquainting him with death earlier so he wouldn't be sad about it later. wip
  • Notes
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twack ♡
notes -
name preferences: cloverkit, chirpkit, pricklekit, turtlekit
amab, lh cream tabby (masking blue tabby) w low white, green eyes - messy ref idea
personality prior to siblings disappearing is unsubstantial. maybe he was a brute, butting heads with other kittens around and constantly being reprimanded for his angry demeanor. maybe he was kinder, a follower to his sister's stronger personality, more than happy to simply be than to be sad. regardless his sisters kidnapping is something of a traumatic event for him (if he weren't asleep, would he have been able to protect them? would he be a victim, too, of whatever stole them away?) and his personality makes a notable shift. he's shakier, nervous, and cannot sleep for more than a few minutes. he struggles through night terrors, paralysis demons, paranoia - he wants to strive for his own normalcy again but he has no idea what it was before it all. and maybe, he never will.

NAME Thornkit (Smogmaw xx Halfshade)
─ alternates shadekit, growlkit, jackdawkit, chirpkit
RANK Kit of Shadowclan
AGE 3 moons
GENDER AMAB Trans Fem (she/her)
ORIENTATION Lesbian (will be revealed in adulthood)
GENETICS LH Cream Mackerel Tabby w/low white and blue/brown heterochromia
VOICE Speaks in "#faf1d2" with a low "volume." and a "warm." 'calm' tone.

──── ────

At birth her pelt was riddled with feverfew coat and sickly. Causing her to appear like an odd black smoke. Despite her minuscule memories of the moment, she recalls it still being a happy one. Thankfully, in recent times her coat has begun to bleed into its natural colors of yellows, creams, and browns.

???, an enchanting embodiment of feline grace, boasting an exquisite long and winding coat, seamlessly blending the hues of a pale and dark palette. A captivating trait that was passed onto her is her mackerel markings. The pattern is nearly identical to her father Smogmaw's markings. It cradles her sides, akin to winding trails. This feature accentuates her appearance, accompanied by her unique chimera pelt. At first glance, it would be impossible to tell but after a second look, you can spot the difference. This is where her fur forms a canvas primarily composed of pristine cream and white interspersed with captivating shades of light brown. The crowning jewel of her countenance resides within her heterochromatic eyes. When looking deeper, one side seems to blend into molten amber, the other a sea of ice. Offering a glimpse into her soul, capturing the very essence of ???'s curiosity. Even her fur plays a harmonious melody of hues that synchronize with her every movement, evoking a sense of grace and strength.


As ??? matures, her pelt will cascade lower, curving elegantly around her cheeks, sides, and legs. With the onset of her warrior training, ??? will undergo a final growth spurt. Standing taller than before, she'll surpass even her tallest parent, by an inch or so. Similarly, to her mother, is her physique ??? maintaining a fit yet sturdy form. This unique growth pattern will also create spaces within her long tendrils of fur, emphasizing a well-defined musculature.​


+ Tough Love
+ Faithful
+ Resilient
o Patient
o Observant
o Hardworking
- Calculating
- Distrustful
- Insistent

During kittenhood ??? is an endearing individual whose personality effortlessly spans a diverse spectrum of qualities – tranquility, motivation, contemplation, and lightheartedness. Her inherent talent for providing protection and care defines her, creating an aura reminiscent of a guardian figure. Whether she's enthusiastically embracing new and uncharted escapades fueled by her imaginative fervor, her presence radiates an overwhelming sense of joy and inclusiveness that draws others to her.

In late kittenhood and early apprenticeship, her capacity to effortlessly balance responsibility with a lighthearted demeanor starts to fall flat. Battle, famine, and the journeying cats returning with news. ??? is at a total loss in what to do with herself. Struggling with the intricacies of death she'll start experiencing regular night terrors without her siblings nearby. This small window will harden her softer core. Leading to more outbursts, tears, and dejection from within the clan. ​

- Creating tales
- Annoying other's with tongue twisters
- Collecting pretty rocks they find
- The color blue
- Playing with rocks and digging up worms
- Sassing their siblings
- The dark
- Rainy or muddy days
- Indecisive individuals
- The smell of fresh dew on grass
- The taste of frog
- Receiving compliments on their pelt or rock collection
- The smell of lilies
- Anyone brave enough to harm their siblings
- Blatant disrespect towards them or others

──── ────

Exuding relaxation, encouragement, thoughtfulness, and playfulness, ???kit embodies grace and happiness.

Her arrival in her own memories is bathed in warm, bright light. Unconsciously, her mind cherishes the ghostly recollection of her sibling's soft fur and the comfortable closeness. From the early lessons of pouncing on queen's tails to seeking shelter during scary nights, ??? consistently emanated joy. She embraced inclusion and led adventures, even naming random objects playful names like 'bug buddies', earning her the affectionate nickname 'bug' from her friends.

Transitioning from the nursery to the apprentice den stirs strong emotions in ???. She naturally assumes a self-guarded demeanor. This change exposes her to emotional pain and the world's dangers, fostering lasting concern for her loved ones' well-being. This anxiety shapes her as a vigilant guardian over her siblings, subtly observing them while feigning nonchalance.

In adulthood, her enthusiasm might return after a time of peace, focusing more on warriorhood rather than grief. ???'s dedication to clan life may come late but she will have worked incredibly hard to make a place for herself. Honoring her father and mother's legacy as she goes. Her dedication may come across as curt, but it underscores her determination to excel.

──── ────

In their kittenhood, ??? will radiate a gentle and inviting disposition. As they start an apprenticeship, a marked transformation will take place in both their outward appearance and inner self. Growing more resolute and vigilant in safeguarding themselves. Upon reaching the cusp of adulthood, their once-plush fur will acquire a charmingly unkempt quality, complemented by striking eyes that captivate onlookers. Simultaneously, they will cultivate a greater sense of self-reliance and a penchant for maintaining boundaries with others. ​

smogmaw ─
Meeting her father for the first time will be confusing and may even go ignored at first. Once the dots are put together for her a whirlwind of hurt, sadness, and overwhelming joy will take control. Due to her mother's passing, she will feel like it's too good to be true.​

halfshade ─
Nightly, she will pray to see her mom. Deciding to stop around mid-way through their future apprenticeship. Being far too little and having little to no contact with her when alive. ??? has no idea what their mother really looked like. Only, that her sibling Halfkit shares in her beauty in more than just name. This spurs the reason they collect rocks. It will be in honor of their mom. Because of the way a clanmate or friend who knew her describes them ??? she will have several rocks that she believes matched Halfshade.​

siblings ─
??? treasures her siblings and thinks of them as her closest friends. Crafting many games and rules to keep things interesting for them. She would do anything to ensure they're safe and often does her best to be an exceptional cat. Despite her caring intentions, she can get easily annoyed and isn't afraid to chew on an ear or two in a scuffle.​

clanmates ─
Shadowclan at the start will be her constant with a couple of tails here, some paw shuffling there, and muted mews that fill her everyday atmosphere. ??? cares and respects her clan and is happy to be a part of it. Something she likes is hearing and observing clanmates enjoying themselves. ​

strangers ─
With strangers she is an imposing force and stern-faced feline who is not willing to give up her private thoughts or clan information easily. Despite her intimidating approach, she is easily swayed by honesty and those willing to give an explanation. Her intuition sways her and is willing to give others a chance. However, to more reserved or aggressive types, she keeps a firm guard and does not budge on her decision to turn them down unless made to do so. ​

──── ────

─ 1 ─ ??? will develop a specialized hunting skill when tracking frogs or other varmint. Stomping hard on some paw placements and silently on others. Stirring up the prey in their hides or surprise them mid-burrow. Scooping them out effortlessly with one jab of their claw and an upward push of their paw. Launching them up high and letting them plummet hard using the momentary confusion to finish the job. ​

─ 2 ─
Having a tense relationship with her future mentor she will (assumedly) be paired with a very strict, quiet, and cold teacher Someone who will be incredibly difficult for her to mesh personalities with. This will be when she starts to break down her own self-image. Fervently, she'll try to please her mentor only to stumble and fall from the anxieties. Her well-maintained emotional stability will waver but hold fast despite the struggle. She will often get berated, judged, and be expected to complete twice as many tasks as her peers. In the end, she will hold a deep disdain for her mentor until she finally becomes a warrior herself. Then she'll realize her previous mentor never intended to be cruel but to help her become tough in the face of hardship. That way anytime a challenge that seemed impossible arose she would be ready to tackle it from all angles.​

─ 3 ─
Experience genuine heartbreak or have her feelings point blank rejected. She'll assume other individual shares her crush and make a public display of it. Expecting everything to fall perfectly into place like in her fantasies only to be smacked hard with reality. This will curb her never-ending enthusiasm to a more polite simmer. Understanding that communication is vastly more important than emotionally driven fantasies of grandeur.​

─ 4 ─
They will have a tendency to nitpick or worry over their family. Which will triple upon their return from Windclan to almost an obsessive degree. Often asking 'have you eaten today?' 'did you wash behind your ears?' 'is that mud on your pelt - let me get it for you!' 'hey what did that rude tom say to you the other day? want me to smack their ears off?' and that's only the tip of the iceberg.​

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SOFTKIT: she / her; female, sexuality to be determined through roleplay
– very small, easily seen as malnourished blue torbie with soft pale blue eyes.
with the nature of the birth from the beginning the young kit will come to be a dark grey. She will be missing much of her colors and look quite bedraggled.

because of the nature of the pregnancy and the birth softkit was born especially small. her body will not grow very much and she will be heavily under weight for the majority of her life. though because of her long haired fur her size will be inflated despite that. it is always going to be hard to tell if she is at a good weight but if anyone presses against her they will be able to feel her ribcage quite easily. Her colors will mimick that of her mother being soft shades of blue, orange, and patches of white with mackerel tabby markings all throughout the blue and orange patches. One side of her face will be patched with blue while the other side only over her muzzle will be that of orange. Everywhere else is randomness of those same coloration. Her eyes are always going to be a pale blue color, borderlining on white for how pale they appear to be.

─ 3 moons: Smogmaw xx Halfshade; shadowclan kit

✦ passionate, bossy, insecure, cunning, stubborn from a young age soft will definitely find herself on edge. Not understanding her own place in shadowclan nor understanding her own father. She will look at him as if he is a stranger, only really caring about her siblings. Other kits she will deem not worth being friends with due to how isolated she feels, mostly from the way her insecurities build up and she will likely belittle them and try to boss other kits around. She may even develop a manipulative streak of getting apprentices to do stuff for her. the child will always love her siblings though to a rather terrifying degree, willing to do whatever she can for them by any means necessary. She will not be too sure on authority figures and because of her stubborn nature she will have a hard time listening to them specifically. Often thinking she is right above them (yes, she will have a mean streak and not be very nice. Talking all kinds of smack which can and most likely will get her in trouble.) Though she will be loyal to Shadowclan to the very core of her being and nothing she does will hinder her clan. At least that is normally what she aims for but hey her claws might slip and do something dastardly in her apprentice or early warrior moons. Who knows.
─ may or may not develop blindness as she ages
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smokykit . smokypaw . smokyflame


↳ named for her resemblance to her father. a fact she used to be proud of, but now wishes she could forget.
alt names: Gravelkit, Burrkit
— kit of shadowclan; HATES windclan, neutral on all others
— female, she/her; lesbian
Smogmaw x Halfshade, sibling to Halfkit, Tanglekit

LONG-HAIR MACKEREL TABBY WITH GRAY AND BLACK FUR Smokykit has a tiny frame that she will never truly grow out of, and is dwarfed by even most of her peers. Her long, blue fur is the only thing concealing just how small she is - especially when it is bristling in anger as it is so often - and it is decorated by a black pattern along her head, back, and the exteriors of her legs. Lighter, softer fur decorates her underbelly and chest, without the black pattern crossing them. Her eyes are an angry burnt orange. From the pattern of her tabby markings, to the color of her eyes; she is, to her perpetual distress, the spitting image of her father.


( + ) Persistent, Independent, Protective ( / ) Competetive, Reclusive ( - ) Inattentive, Rude, Impulsive Smokykit has always been a bit reclusive. She never had many friends and seemed to be happiest when everyone left her alone. Before her siblings were kidnapped though, she was never as openly angry and rude as she got after they were gone. The event has clearly affected her deeply, and she hides the fear and doubt it has instilled in her with hostility. She has a fiery temper, and will respond to any insult with something ten times worse. There is no dark corner of her soul that she would not share if she thought that saying it would hurt someone she was mad at. She bears honestly like a weapon.

To her mind, all her family have either been taken from her or abandoned, and she prefers to pretend that she does not have any family at all. Even though that is difficult to do as the deputy's daughter, and his spitting image to boot. She will continually butt heads with both Smogmaw and her older siblings. She is fiercely independent, and desperate to prove her worth outside of her linage. Unfortunately, she also has little patience for training, and would always prefer to do what she loves; sparring. She has a knack for challenging cats way out of her league, and - even when she loses - her frustration only seems to fuel her. Though she does have some real talent and motivation, without really paying attention to basic training she can't become the warrior that she really could be.

Threatened by anyone who she thinks is bigger or better than her, she is instead drawn towards those who are small and meek. She seems to have a soft spot for them, and will often stand up for them. (Even if sometimes it seems like she's doing it just to start a fight.)
mannerisms: Has a lot of nervous energy, fidgets, scowls, smirks, tries to make herself look bigger than she is.
— will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will not show mercy
— will excel at sparring, stealth


Smogmaw: Before she met him, she idolized him. In her mind, the day he returned, everything would be fixed. Then her siblings were kidnapped, and she became scared and angry, and his return only made him the target for all those emotions. Smogmaw came home too late to save her mother, too late to save her siblings, and too late for her to ever love him. She hates him, and won't let him forget that.
Halfshade: For all the terrible things she has to say, Smokykit would never speak a word against her mother. Even though she never really met her, she loves her dearly. She wishes that she could look like her instead of her father. The image she has created of Halfshade in her head is absolutely perfect. Smokykit is convinced it's her fault she died.
Halfkit & Tanglekit: Her only real friends in the world. As she was so reclusive, they were the only ones she really talked to. To her it felt like the three of them against the world. Even her older siblings she did not really interact with. Now that they are gone, she feels completely isolated, and has begun to fall apart. She seems to blame the entire clan for their kidnapping.


— Smoky's temper causes her to challenge an older cat, who she has no hope to win against, to spar her. At the beginning it goes about how you would expect. As her desperation and embarrassment grows, she resorts to using her claws in order to win, getting her in trouble.
— Once her siblings return from Windclan, Smoky will be fiercely protective of them. She will be reluctant to let them out of her sight and eager to leap to their defense should she perceive even the slightest slight. This may get to the point that it could even annoy them, causing a rift between her and some of the few cats that she considers herself close to.
— Will doubtlessly frustrate her mentor with her tendency to be inattentive during training, and constantly ask when they can spar again. Even going so far as to attempt to barter with them to let her just spar instead of practicing the same boring moves over and over again. This will reach a breaking point where her mentor will need to find a way to motivate her to dedicate to even the parts of her training that she finds boring, and could cause some tension between the two of them.
— As a way to work out her anger toward her father, Smoky starts blatantly breaking the rules for him to find out about. How will he enforce the rules on his own daughter?