
You know, like, NYA ❤︎
Aug 9, 2022


ShadowClan is a clan where misery loves company, and no one was more miserable than Smogmaw.

Born to loner parents in a litter of four, and initially named Smoky, he was a very rambunctious kit who did well at games like “smack your sister”, but one he really excelled at was “who bit me?” Unfortunately, only three of the litter would make it past kithood, and his mother would vanish not too long afterward. This thrust Smoky’s father into a troublesome situation, and he looked to the Marsh Colony for a new home for his family. As he matured, his once lively and energetic personality became more reserved, and this was especially true after the Great Battle. Having slain someone during the fighting, and witnessing the abrupt loss of his father and brother, the tom became extremely withdrawn. His once outwardly expressive personality became trapped within the confines of his own mind, and Smogmaw’s clanmates in ShadowClan would come to know him as someone who always lurked in the shadows, numbed, compulsive, and always plotting something.

Halfshade came from a loner commune in two-leg place where she went by Catherine and was viewed more as a prize than a peer by her group’s leader. Her life prior and her family is not one she discusses often, but she will occasionally mention her mother with a fondness. Her time in the loner commune was strained and her relationship with it's leader unhealthy at best with the two of them constantly at one another’s throats. Their conflict eventually resulted in bloodshed, his life ending and the disbanding of the entire collection of cats. She was to take up the mantle of leadership in his place, but chose instead to flee. She only came to ShadowClan during its initial creation: having no knowledge of the previous colonies nor their war. Her time in her old group made her guarded with her emotions, presenting a facade of friendliness while being skeptical of any cat who interacted but she developed a genuine fondness for Smogmaw’s brutal honesty and dry wit. It was during the struggling leafbare that she even developed a proper kinship with her new home and the tabby tom who seemed to care more than he let on. There was no dancing around feelings outside the initial discussion, the two very quickly came to terms with their interest in the other and made it official over a night walk.

As the moons waxed and waned, Smogmaw had been appointed as ShadowClan’s new deputy, while Halfshade had to retire to the nursery den. Her stomach bulges with a litter of their own, and neither she nor Smogmaw could be happier about the promise of new life to come.


This is not FCFS (first come, first serve), we will be reviewing the apps and making a decision at the date listed at the bottom.

Application is a Free-for-all, please include the basics (name, appearance, personality etc…) and whatever else you’d like!
This litter will have 3-4 kits depending on interest and applications.
Please follow the genetics supplied by the lovely Blitz!
We would prefer you use the names listed from each parent or something similar.
These kits will be born in ShadowClan and we would like them to remain in ShadowClan at least until they hit adulthood and only if plot dictates they end up elsewhere.
They will start at 2 moons and age realistically on the 17th of each month!
We hold the right to rehome your kit should you go inactive for a prolonged period of time, we ask they remain semi-casual to active with at least 8-10 posts a month within reason!



From important people in his life (backstory incl.): smokey, willow, brittle, sludge, shade
Clanmates he tolerates: mongrel, newt, cold, bird, jagged, bracken
From important recent events: flicker, raccoon, mud
From his fondness of plants: tree, hazel, fir, pine, leaf, thicket, frond
From his favorite foods: meat, maggot, toad, frog, egg, snipe, crow, pigeon
If a kit has traits he doesn't like, they're getting these names: bee, chive, garlic, loud, little
Inspired by his home: bog, mire, swamp, puddle, bubble, marsh
Names which he thinks are cool: mountain, myrtle, barley, needle, acorn, blood, drift, puma, big

ShadowClan Names: Dark, Marsh, Mire, Flood, Willow, Reed, Frog, Toad, Lizard...etc...
Birds: Swankit (after her mother), Cardinal, Jay, Robin, Sparrow, Feather, Plume, etc...
Names She Just Likes (Sparkly, pretty sounding names): Heart, Slate, Swift, Apple, Mist, Small, Little, Shine, Sparkling, Shimmer etc…
Literal Names, based on appearance aspects such as size, color and kitten behavior: Sneeze, Tumble, Wriggle, Big, Small, Black, Blue, Cream…
Flower/Plant Names: Bloom, Blossom, Leaf, Lily, Maple, Bluebell, Peony, Rose, Daffodil etc...
No-No Names: Pitch, Bone, cold-themed names, Prominent Wind/Thunder Clanner names…


SIRE: LH blue mackerel tabby

DAM: LH blue torbie with low white
males can be blue tabby or cream tabby
females can be blue tabby or blue torbie
- kits will be longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- kits will display a mackerel tabby pattern
- cream kits will mask blue tabby




DUE DATE: May 17th | Credit to @Floppie for the code & @Blitz Krieg for the genetics

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Swankit Swanpaw Swanshade/Swanwhisper/Swanfeather
— Swan; after Halfshades mother // kit; denoting rank
— AFAB Agender Feminine (they/fae) // Asexual Demiromantic Polyam
— 2 months \ ages at TBA
— Kitten of Shadowclan

— sibling to TBD
MATE one
— mother/father/parent one one
— previously mentored no one
— mentored by no one

A blue tabby cat with low white and blue and yellow heterochomria.
— Tall with a willowy frame, Swankit has lithe shoulders, a smaller head and narrow muzzle. They weigh in at about 4 maybe 5 pounds and stands at 5 inches tall fully grown. Fae has a long, fluffy coat that is always expertly groomed and shiny as ever. A blue mackerel tabby coat covers their body with white across the right side of their face and ear, a dash on their chest and some across their tail tip. Swankit has a bright, sunny yellow eye on the left side of their face and the other side is a periwinkle blue color and both have an almond shape to them as well. They also have long white whisker, small paws and a feathery tail.
— carries
— no scars or visible injuries
— deaf on the right side of ear

✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: Charming, Confident, Elegant, Dependable
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Ambitious, Competitive, Sneaky, Sarcastic
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Apathetic, Approval-Seeking, Cyncial, Harsh

— Charming to the bone, Swankit is known for their enticing personality and theyre very confident in themselves as well about being so good at being charming. They see themselves as ellgegant and dependable, never late for anything and always keeps a promise, but Swankit can be a bit too ambitious for their own good. Fae hopes one day to be Swanstar or something of imporance, fae wants to go down in the history books for something.

They can be competitive and sneaky about their true intentions, always trying to one-up their siblings or ANY cat their own age. Swankit is also known for being veyr sarcastic and even apathetic at times despite the need for approval from those older than them, like their parents or mentor. Fae can also be cynical, being very pessemistic about most things in life and priding themselves on being a 'realist' for the most part. This tends to come across as harsh r vein even.
TBD on mental illnesses

excells at fighting, stealth, self-isolating, tracking
poor at hunting, climbing, socializing
peaceful and healing powerplay allowed
smells like freshly fallen rain
sounds like Vicky from Fairy Odd Parents
— penned by [you!]

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— a sweet-furred molly, named after her mostly cream complexion and tortie markings; sister to unknown

thick furred strawberry – blonde molly with a blue tabby streak slicing through her side & mismatched blue - orange eyes. gn: lh blue torbie w/ low white ; Applekit is born a pretty thing, blessed with a button nose, sweet smile, and heterochromatic gaze from her mother. As she ages, she will sport a tall, athletic build hidden behind thick layers of blue - cream form. As a kitten, inklings of her future self manifest in somewhat large paws and a thick ruff of fur, nearly resembling a snake in the way it streaks across her side and later gives way to a white belly.

pos: determined, bold neu: self - conscious, perfectionist neg: impulsive, paranoid, vindictive, impressionable ; Applekit appears endlessly more put together than she truly is. From a young age, she will soak up the words of both of her parents to the best of her ability – though, this spells disaster with her very limited understanding as a child. She will adopt their likes and dislikes without much question, and when more properly tuned into the more analytic tendencies of them both, will begin to agonize over her own outward appearance.

She will become the clan's biggest enforcer of "right" and "wrong" behavior – the one she judges most, of course, unconsciously being herself. This will lead to her ostracizing other kits / apprentices for behavior deemed unfit or improper, the standards of which can flip on a whim according to what she's recently overheard, or what she remembers to value in that moment. Her own judgement of herself is kept under tight lock and key, both from others and from herself. This will manifest into insufferable haughtiness and unconscious needs to compensate by assuming positions of power. She will attempt to put herself "in charge" of things like kit games and group activities, then later strain to climb the ranks of a self-imposed apprentice hierarchy.

Any perceived threats to her "power" will result in thinly - veiled fury from her, and consequences including, but not limited to the spreading of nasty rumors and cruel "jokes". As she ages, possibly depending on the teachings of her parents, she may (or may not) learn to veil this frustration behind carefully crafted schemes and manipulation, but its something she's unlikely to succeed at quite so carefully, and more likely than not, is bound to cause her eventual downfall. Whether she improves or only worsens in young-adulthood will be up to ic development​

☄︎ desperately want to form a clique of apprentices featuring all of the recent & upcoming litters.
☄︎ If possible, I'd love for her to have a brief cross-clan fling (or it could even just be a one-sided crush tbh) before at some point having a crisis related to it breaking things off / abandoning the idea. then if possible rebound into a relationship she only half cares abt in shadowclan >:)
☄︎ probs heather chandler vc later because im cringe
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prefix, given for what reason?
— eventual suffix, why?
— agab, pro/nouns.
— orientation.
— associated colours.
— may/may not be rehomed as a premade if I have to drop or otherwise can no longer play the character.

BREED MIX IF ANY — genetics (carrying).
stature, structure, fur, colours, inherited anything from parents? is their name derived from their appearance?
art or img credit

MBTI TITLE — mbti, alignment.
pos / neu / neg
ramble about personality thoughts and vibes here.
role / reputation in clan

PLOTS AND PLANS — fixed plotlines or reactionary?
are they going to die early? note if they are.
more plots etc.
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  • swan for their near-white fur
    ↳ after halfshade's mother. an elegant, feminine name, and altogether quite fitting​
    kit for their rank in the clan

    kit of shadowclan, deeply loyal.
    ↳ disdainful towards other clans, sees them as lesser.​

    AMAB cisgender male. he / him pronouns, does not mind others.
    ↳ indifferent towards gender, does not think much of it.
    ↳ fine with all gendered terms. will not correct any who mistake his gender.​
    will later transition to demigirl, using she / they pronouns only.
    ↳ undiscovered sexuality until after transitioning.​

  • LH cream mackerel tabby, low white, pale blue eyes
    Swankit is a pretty cat, with long and feathery fur draped across an elegant frame, with a long and plume-like tail trailing behind him. A naturally feminine cat, he takes after his mother in all but his father's swirling stripes. The most striking aspect of Swankit's appearance is of course his coloring: the kit's pale tabby markings are set against fur of near-white. True white creeps across his underside, nearly indistinguishable from the rest of him. For all his love of the night, he struggles with stealth due to his pale fur, a far cry from ShadowClan's typical shady colors. There is something ethereal and almost otherworldly to Swankit's appearance, a ghost among cats. His eyes too glow bright in the shadows, a soft yet striking pale blue, tipping into periwinkle in the right lighting.

    ↳ masking blue tabby.​

    ( + ) calm, intelligent, sweet, altruistic, patient
    ( / ) strange, imaginative, passive, quiet, fanciful
    ( - ) detached, manipulative, melancholic, selfish, unmotivated

    — Swankit is a strange and whimsical cat, always seeming lost in his own world. He trails through the clan as though a ghost, a quiet child with a propensity for wandering, always finding himself under some cat or other's paws, yet not one to make a nuisance of himself. He often does not speak unless spoken to, always seeming a bit surprised when anyone speaks to him at all, as though forgetting that he too exists in this world. His words at times make little sense, and he often trails off in thought or loses his place in conversations, appearing at best absent-minded and at worst fully disinterested. Yet despite this there is so often a smile on his face, a soft laugh spared for any who engage him. A sweet and kind cat, he is patient and eager to help others, even if his smile can seem a little too vacant.

    — For a cat with so vacant a stare, Swankit is far more intelligent than one may suspect. There is a keen cleverness to him, despite his apparent disinterest in the world around him. There is a veil, it seems, that separates Swankit from the rest of the world, more observer than participant. But oh, what a keen observer he is. Perceptive of everything and cunning when he needs to be, even at a young age Swankit is not opposed to lying to get what he wants. He is not a cruel cat, and yet he seems detached from the consequences of his actions, seeing no reason not to lie to get what he desires. As he grows aware of how others see him, he will grow ever willing to play the fool and lean into cats' perceptions of him.

    — Swankit often confuses dreams for reality, and at times vice versa. It seems all his life is lived as though dreaming. It is not an unusual occurrence for him to come crying to his parents after a nightmare, unable to be convinced of its falsehood, or to tout tales of some grand adventure he went on, only to realize he is recounting a dream. As a child, he will believe any story told to him, no matter its impossibility. He sees all the world in a warped and poetic light, finding truth in the unreal and beauty in the strange. He is drawn to finding wonder in the morbid, in the swamplands of his home and all the rot they carry with them.

    — Swankit can often come off as lazy, a sleepy drifter with no drive to do much of anything at all. He sticks close by his mother in the nursery, not scared, but not enthused about leaving. And once outside, often inclined to trail after his siblings until he finds himself distracted by some new fascination. Swankit can find little reason to do something if he simply does not want to, responsibility be damned. He holds no ambition of following in his father's footsteps, though time can often change one's mind, and a taste of the power that comes with prestige is likely to draw him in. His childish whims will not be indulged forever; Swankit cannot stay in the nursery.
    mannerisms : eyes are almost always half-lidded. rarely looks directly at other cats, often appears bored or lost in thought. long and somewhat swaying strides, keeps low to the ground. often sweeps tail back and forth, brushing the grass. ​

    — stats reflect future abilities
    ↳ may change over course of roleplay​

    moderately quick to trust, easy to form platonic relationships with
    ↳ likely to change as they age​

    — will end fights, kill, maim || won't show mercy || may flee
    ↳ will excel at pinpointing weaknesses & catching opponents off-guard

    — smells of wet earth & rotting fruit

    — Swankit is prone to sleepwalking and sleeptalking, an unusual occurrence with no clear cause. As a child, they will frequently wander off during the nights, but as with most sleepwalkers, this strange habit will fade with age. Their clanmates will likely be confused and perhaps unnerved by this, possibly labeling it as an illness or explaining it away with superstition. Swankit themself is likely to attribute some supernatural cause to it, owing to their whimsical worldview, and may feel a sense of loss as it becomes less frequent. However, their restless nighttime excursions seem to leave them with a constant tiredness. Even when they do not sleep, they can never seem to get a good night's rest, always tossing and turning, leaving them fatigued and wanting little more than to go back to bed.
    ↳ first incidence of sleepwalking is planned for their 10th, 15th, or 25th post, depending on activity. will involve them wandering from the nursery and briefly going "missing", frightening their parents and clanmates
    ↳ any traumatic event they suffer will cause their sleepwalking to return in full force, newly accompanied by nightmares.​

    — Swankit's transition to demigirl will be played out in character, likely during early apprenticehood. They will initially not think much about gender, accepting their somewhat feminine appearance with little discomfort. Should another character make fun of them for it, they may become self-conscious, but primarily they will see no issue. I like the idea of another cat, possibly at a gathering, mistaking them for a girl and Swanpaw not correcting them. This event would prompt them to realize that they actually like being referred to that way, and begin to actually consider whether they're happy being a boy or just complacent with it.
    ↳ will likely reach out to older trans characters for guidance.
    ↳ may be part of becoming more of an active participant in their own life rather than a passive observer​

    — As they grow older, Swankit will become somewhat infatuated with the idea of romance, becoming a bit of a hopeless romantic. They will have little incentive to act on their feelings, often forgetting that they have only thought -- or perhaps dreamed -- of doing so, and feeling that they should be understood without having to speak it aloud (again? or for the first time? does it really matter, when if the love was true it would need to words?) They will often mistake jealousy or friendship for romance, being very eager to see love where it does not exist. May see themselves as always being heartbroken and lonely, even though in reality they're the one sabotaging their own chance at relationships.

    — Swankit will definitely develop some weird beliefs about StarClan. This is not optional. The exact nature of these beliefs is dependent on IC interaction!! They will likely absorb what they are told of StarClan and twist it to fit their own worldview. May come to see themself as a sort of prophet or messianic figure, viewing their dreams as prophecies or their sleepwalking as acting as a vessel for StarClan. May dedicate themself to saving ShadowClan from their "curse" or "abandonment" by their ancestors, or embrace it as a form of tough love. The fact that their father is deputy will certainly not help, as they may see this as a sign that their family has been chosen by StarClan themselves.
    ↳ also likely to factor into developing ambition, believing that they have been chosen
    ↳ may aim for leader or med (IC) for a closer connection with starclan / feeling they "deserve" it
    ↳ ALSO maybe a plotline where they're convinced StarClan wants them to make something they dreamed of come true... :)​

    — Swankit may start out as very optimistic and naive, owing to their whimsical outlook and loving parents. However, the realities of ShadowClan life will likely harden them, causing them to grow more cynical and cutthroat, adapting to the world around them -- and more than that, doing what it takes to gain an upper hand in such an environment. Their altruism may be twisted into a kind of savior complex, believing they are doing what is best even if other cats cannot understand. They are likely to become increasingly manipulative in a subtle manner, growing into somewhat of a control freak. And yet, always with the best intentions, always with the firm belief that they are only doing what they must.
    ↳ a strict mentor could help push them in this direction by "scaring" them into taking things more seriously
    ↳ also will definitely take after their parents in terms of scheming <3 there may be some influence there​

    — As with all characters I play, Swankit is IC reactive!! I've outlined a few general plots to pursue, but their development will be in large part shaped by the roleplay itself :]

  • — i should be able to hit post requirement each month! i'm a very active rper, and plan to aim for a 10-15 post min on swankit :]
    — some months i will greatly exceed that (last month i made 41 posts on my 20 min character lol) but some months i will be just skirting in with the minimum :']
    — i'll let y'all know if i ever need to go inactive with swankit!! i am prepared for very long-term rp of them, but there may be some times where i need a (hopefully brief) hiatus ^^;
    — also, i will likely be dropping my current shadowclanner, meaning i am looking for a new shc main at the moment!
    — and lastly. i am a lot more obsessed with this character than i expected so i will likely have a huge burst of muse when i first start playing them <3 expect swankit spam as soon as their sub is up

    — and of course no hard feelings if my app doesn't get picked!! i don't want to seem like i'm begging for a spot i'm just excited lol. can't wait for the smalf kiddos regardless <3
    — (& swan will still get played even if they're not in this litter, though i would love to be a part of it :'] )

    — ALSO i forgot to write a section on this but i would love for swan to be v close with their siblings. fambly .............

    anyway gaslight gatekeep girlboss

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I am my mother's daughter.
Puddlekit . Puddlepaw . Puddlestride or Puddlesplash

↳ Puddle — For the splotches of white upon her fur
— kit of Shadowclan;
— Cisgender female , She/Her (thoughts on other pronouns if u want); unknown
Halfshade x Smogmaw, sibling to ???

A longhaired blue mackeral tabby with white and heterochromatic eyes.
A longhaired blue mackeral tabby with splashes of white across her flanks and legs, also filling her chest and underbelly with the tip of her tail. Half of her face is coated in pristine white with a rosy pink nose. Once her eyes have opened to kitten blue, one will develop into a vibrant shade of verdant green and one into a shade of cerulean along her white side. She will take the beauty of her mother along with build of her father. As she grows up into an adult, the broadening chest and shoulders of her father will develop under thick fur—followed by well toned legs of sludging through the marshes and soft soil.
↳ carrying / masking / etc?


( + ) Intelligent | Charming | Confident | Idealistic ( / ) Adventurous | Driven | Sarcastic | Witty ( - ) Gossipy | Impulsive | Melodramatic | Temperamental expand.
Very Theatrical in movement
Flirtatious and sultry like her mother, strategic and ambitious like her father
— will (not) start fights | will (not) end fights | will (not) flee | will (not)show mercy
— will excel at Hunting, Stealth, Tracking, Persuasion


— — —
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smalf baby.png
your boring world is really achromatic
valeriankit (also considering. peony, myrtle, lily, little and small) . valerieanpaw . valerianheart, valerianshade, valerianmist, valeriantuft

↳ valerian for her mother's fondness for flowers
— kit of shadowclan; immensely likely to remain in Shadow until the end of her time
— afab, she/her (probably wouldn't mind they/them either); bisexual demiromantic
smogmaw x halfshade sibling to tbd


long-haired blue torbie with burnt amber, deep blue eyes, and low white. Valerian is almost noticeably a mirror reflection of Halfshade, from her dainty petiteness to her markings being reversed to Halfshade's along her body. Likely the smallest of the litter, Valerian, despite her petite size, is practically a clone of her mother, with her blue markings matching her father's. She is an almost stylistic mess of curls and tries her hardest to remain clean despite the grimy lands of her home. She noticeably has a splash of white around her neck and chest, and a splash that almost makes a heart shape around her freckled nose.
↳ carrying / masking / etc?


( + ) Calm, Charming, Conscientious, Dependable, Easy-going, Gentle, Passionate, Patient, ( / ) Competitive, Determined, Meticulous, Protective, Proud, Quiet, Unpredictable, Vindictive ( - ) Conceited, Critical, Dangerous, Deceitful, Selfish, Stubborn In youth, while Valerian takes after her mother physically, she almost seems to take after the present day Smogmaw in personality. She is a quiet but sweet child, who seems to keep close to her family. She seems very detached and has very low energy, though due to her youthful age as a kit, it is easy to believe it is simple shyness. She tends to be on the sidelines while the other kits play, simply watching. Though it is notably easier for her parents or siblings to encourage her to play— and for her to actually do so. She is very particular about who her friends are and is notably protective of her family. Instead of playing, she can almost often be found following her mother and father around the camp similar to a duckling. She admires her parents deeply and aspires to be similar to both of them in her own way. However, despite seeming so soft-natured on the surface, the girl has noticeable viciousness that surfaces every now and again. It is most easily noted if her siblings, her friends, or herself are slighted in any way. The culprit behind such a slight would find themselves inconvenienced one way or another, such as sharp stones or thorns in their nest, or Valeriankit will simply be very nitpicky about their actions. Of course, it'd often be difficult to draw the prior incidents back to the child, given how docile she is compared to her littermates. Valerian as she gets older, will take after her mother's saccharine flirtiness, cunning, and elegance, but in her own dainty gentleness.
mannerisms: stares at others often, constantly observing, speaks softly, rarely ever yells or makes loud noises, kind of ghost-like (it's very easy for her to sneak up on you),
— will not (seemingly) start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will (potentially) show mercy
— (will) excel at stealth, tracking, hunting


— an event (could be multiple throughout her kithood and apprenticeship) where someone harasses her siblings or few friends in someway, and pays them back in viciously, in a prank of some manner. Would ideally probably be suspected but never confirmed for any of it.
— Similar to above but her "pranks", if never truly caught, grow significantly dangerous to the life of the person who scorned her or those dear to her. Mostly would happen in her apprenticeship and the moons throughout as she gains more access to the territory
— potentially in the later half of her apprenticeship, or as a fresh warrior, she kills someone who threatened her family, and feels little remorse for it.

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Withdrawn </3

  • IMG_0588.png

    ㅤ↪ LONG- For his long, shaggy fur. -kit For his rank as a kit in ShadowClan.
    AMAB, he/him
    2 Moons, ages realistically on the _.
    Kit of ShadowClan
    ㅤ↪ Mentored by TBD
    Best known for
  • IMG_0587.png

    A cream tabby with long and matted fur.
    ㅤ↪ Upon first glance the first thing any cat would notice about Longkit is his lucious, long-fur. If he had been born to a clan that wasn’t ShadowClan, perhaps he’d be known for his handsome looks, but unfortunately the marsh terrain turns his flowing fur ugly. Often caked with mud, no amount of grooming can seem to keep his pelt from becoming a rat’s nest. Still, one can just barely notice an angular face under his messy coat.

    Underneath the fur he is scrawny with ribs often jutting in leaf-bare moons due to ShadowClan’s natural shortage of food. He stands on lanky, skeletal limbs that are anchored by fluffy white paws.

    While inheriting his mother’s beauty (gone wrong thanks to his fur), he bears his father’s swirling stripes in cream recoloring. On top of that, he inherits Smogmaw’s RBF, making Longkit to look displeased causing him to be quite an intimidating cat to approach.
    Smells of mildew.
  • IMG_0588.png

    ㅤ↪ Caring, resilient, resourceful, bold,
    ㅤ↪ Curious, uninhibited,
    ㅤ↪ Inconstant loyalties, faithless, compulsive, vindictive, cunning, confrontational, and annoying

    Despite his sire being deputy and his dam being a respected warrior, Long seems to struggle conforming to clan-life. He is free-spirited, unwilling to be chained by clan laws mostly due to his difficulty in respecting them. Compulsively he will break the warrior code and to his clans dismay will not see the big deal in it because he meant well. His clan will find that he misunderstands what it means to be a warrior of ShadowClan, Long dumbs it down too simply as “being a loyal warrior means bringing home prey and being a good fighter”.

    The cream tabby is also faithless, though this aspect of him is often times silent in times of hardship he may vocalize that he thinks StarClan is a queen’s tale. This will eventually change (most likely, depending on how RP plays out) with age and he will find faith upon witnessing one of StarClan’s powers. The amount of scolding he gets when communicating these beliefs will determine how vocal he decides to be about his lack of belief.

    Despite being seemingly disloyal to everything that makes a warrior, Long's loyalty does rest in individuals. His parents, siblings, and likely mentor will all have his unwavering support. To those he finds trust in they'll be able to find he has a big, bleeding heart and is willing to stand up to any foe for them.

  • IMG_0588.png

    Gen 2
    Brother to TBD
    Other relations?
    Single, crushing on no one.

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Close friends with...
    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Friends with…
    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Dislikes…
    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Hates…
  • IMG_0588.png

    Okay hunter
    ㅤ↪ Long can provide prey for his clan, but isn’t a hunter to bat an eye at.
    Incredible fighter
    ㅤ↪ Long will grow to become an intense fighter, his battle skills will be unmatched by many. Enemies, watch out!
    Mentally difficult
    ㅤ↪ Long is not tied to the same morals and customs most clan cats follow, making him more difficult to be swayed.
    MAY start physical fights / MAY start verbal fights / WON’T flee / WILL kill.

  • Longpaw will break the warrior code several times, he will need to be punished and shaped into a proper warrior.
  • That being said, his warrior ceremony may be delayed and I’ll welcome it if realistic! Other intense punishments are okay w/ me too.
  • One of his code breaks will eventually include hunting regularly in other clans territories and sometimes even hunting for fun in them. I will be plotting with both clan leaders if I do this to ensure I don’t step on any toes and cause unwanted drama!
  • They dont live by two legs so unlikely, but if a situation ever rose, he would be tempted to break clan expectations and eat kittypet food.
  • Will fall in love eventually with a cat inside ShadowClan and they’ll help him become more rooted to clan life.
  • I hope for a VERY close mentor/apprentice relationship for him. His mentor will have a lot of work cut out for him though,,, but despite the hardships I want them to come out close.
  • Admires his mother and his father’s position in the clan deeply, but he doesn’t seem to have much ambitious for climbing the ranks or being praised.
  • Again, immaturity, unstable loyalties, and lack of faith are all something I’m going to leave up to rp to shape him out of! Will he ever become a better cat? Will he rise to his full potential as a great warrior of ShadowClan? It’s up to the characters and events around him to shape!
  • In many ways he’s unlike his parents so I wouldn’t be shocked if he drove them MAD. I am for it personally B) He’s def the child of the litter that could be viewed as a disappointment or someone they roll their eyes at and go “how did I raise this kid?!!?”.
  • I want him to have super close bonds with his siblings, maybe one that he’s particularly close with? It’d be cool if they were maybe opposites, with the sibling bringing the good out in Long and well… Long bringing out some of the bad in them.
  • Genuinely he loves his clan and likes being apart of the clan, he’s just an immature idiot who needs time to learn what his values should be.
  • IM STILL considering it but instead of “Longkit” I may allow the parents to name him icly and surprise me!
  • He is very Cloudtail inspired!!! I love that guys character lol
  • OOC note, I can definitely do the asked post count of 8-10 per month (likely more!). But I’ll be transparent that there are going to be a couple characters higher on the totem pole than he is in terms of prioritization! There will probably be months where I pop off with him and others where he’s sitting around minimum expectations. I always want to make it known when I apply to litters how I visualize my activity with the character im applying for ^^
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  • Love
Reactions: Rai
Wip, and most skills and so on is for when hes older becuz kits will be very low as is c:


About ✧
— previous name(s)?; none SparrowKit Sparrow - A black bird. Kit- Being under apprentice age.
— kitten; no previous allegiences
— male, he/him ; sexuality tbd ,monogamist
— created 04.30.23 at 2 moons / ages every 30th
↳ penned by @Deidre

Appearance ✧
[/fleft]short description / reference

A long haired grey and black cat with a curly furred white chest, and white toes. He has tufts on his ears, and dull green eyes. Hell grow to be a large muscular tom.
↳ genetics stuff. gen / carrying / whatever

Mentality ✧
alignment, mbti, whatever

Intelligence ●●●●●●●○○○
Confidence ●●●●●○○○○○
Charisma ●●●●●●●○○○
Creativity ●●●●●○○○○○
Empathy ●●●○○○○○○○
Humor ●●○○○○○○○○

(+) hard worker, loyal, wise (/) unenthused, blunt, closed off (-) narrowminded, cold, asshole
↳ mannerisms elaborate.

Relationships ✧
SMOGMAW x HALFSHADE sibling to whoever | mentoring no one, mentored by no one

Mate to whoever | Parent to whoever | Other kin
— Admires
— Close friends with
— Friends with
— Likes
— Dislikes
— Loathes

Interaction ✧
strength ●●●●●●●●○○
stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
agility ●●●●●○○○○○
hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
swimming ●●○○○○○○○○
climbing ●○○○○○○○○○
grace ●●●●●●●○○○
single; sexuality tbd, monogamous / crushing on no one, [not] looking
hard to gain his trust
— physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— will start fights | will not flee | will not show mercy, unless having a reason to
excels at fighting
poor at climbing & swimming
sounds like gravelly and deep voice claim if applicable
smells like he rolled around in stone, and got rained on
— healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
— speech is #hexcode
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Garlic, for her perpetual cowlick.
previous names?

position in clan?


relationship status?

Happily taken by herself

A perpetually unkempt torbie with blue eyes.
long desc
A torbie with what would be a luxurious white mane if she kept up with it and patched fur that also remains unkempt. It seems she has more important things to worry about rather than appearances.


Garlickit is a mischievous molly put on this earth to cause trouble and she revels in the chaos she causes. She likes to roll in mud and leaves and lie in wait to ambush unsuspecting cats with her impeccable stealth skills. She loves her parents very much and desperately wants to make them proud. She likes to watch bugs and worms squiggle on the ground and judges them. She takes offenses to heart and will hold a grudge like its nobody's business. She will remember if you wrong her or family and friends. She will get you when you least expect it.
Chaotic neutral
any mental illnesses etc


easy / hard to form platonic relationships
easy / hard to form romantic relationships
mate of? crushing on?

parent to?

child of?

Halfshade and Smogmaw
sibling to?