Jun 7, 2022
Welcome to the ShadowClan's 2023 Mass Adopts!

Getting into any clan can be hard, but it certainly seems like a task when trying to establish pre-made relationships. If you're looking to join within ShadowClan with pre-established relations with other ShadowClanners, then this is the place you want to be! Below are many different types of litters with varying ages and familial relations! By applying to these litters, you get a good in into ShadowClan without having to find a way for your character to have been accepted within ShadowClan's ranks, and spending time trying to get relationships before hopping into roleplay!

RULES: — Any and all characters adopted within these mass adoptions must remain within ShadowClan for a minimum of two months!
— All of these litters are NOT first come first serve. If they aren't, it is well within the roleplayer's right to reject an application that they believe does not fit what they were going for.
— If the litter is a FCFS litter, then it is well within our rights as the HP team to accept the apps, so long as they meet the requirements given within the available litter.
— Please wait until given the go ahead before posting with your character, just so that it can be confirmed to be accepted! The ShadowClan account will give a like to said application, if it is accepted!

Do you want to add to ShadowClan Mass Adopts? Please click here!


Main Account User: @/Kitty-Kat-
Relations of the Adopt: @/Maggotfur. Half Siblings - wolfbite(npc) x ivyfrost(npc) [ gen 01 ]
- through maggotpaw's foster parent they are related to sproutkit(npc,deceased) @/Mothpaw.(deceased) @/Snailcurl. and the snailcurl litters listed in these adopts
Age: 7 months aging realtime on the first of the month
Genetics / Appearance Requirements:
Sire: LH black tabby w/ polydactyly (50% Maine Coon)
Dam: LH white (masking red tabby)

Toms can be white or red tabby
Mollies can be white or torbie
- Kits will be longhaired
- non-white kits will have no white; white kits will mask no white
- non-white kits may have any realistic eye color barring blue; white kits may have any realistic eye color; white kits with one or two blue eyes have an increased risk of deafness on side of blue eye
- white kits will be sensitive to sunlight
- kits may or may not have polydactyly
- kits will be 25% maine coon and may display breed traits.
- white tom-kits will mask red tabby; white she-kits will mask torbie
- red tabbies will mask black tabby
Rules and Requirements:
- these kits were raised by loving if busy parents. wolfbite while not in love with ivycurl but would've helped raise the kits, viewing them as his duty to further shadowclans ranks.
-they may or may not know maggie is their half-sibling; they would have never been told by either parent, as their father has disowned and abandoned her due to believing she caused the death of her own mother during childbirh, and ivyfrost simply doesn't want to deal with the drama of it, but it's not exactly a secret to the rest of the clan and so they may have heard rumors or found out other ways.
- at the start, maggotpaw will hate these kits, regardless of personality or temperament, due to the fact they got the loving family she always wanted. i'm open to having them get along in the future but it will take a lot of ic development.
- no insulting or disturbing names! Maggotpaw was the exception due to her circumstances, these kits on the other hand would have happy names picked with love.
- must stay in shadowclan until they are warriors, unless for very good plot reasons
Number of Slots Avaliable: 3
Main Account User: @/PUNK
Relations of the Adopt: Littermates to @/FERNDANCE
Age: 35 moons (36 on May 1st)
Genetics / Appearance Requirements:
Sire: SH black (carrying longhair, cinnamon, dilute)
Dam: LH cinnamon ticked tabby w/ high white (carrying solid)

Kits can be black, cinnamon, black tabby, or cinnamon tabby
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits will have low white
- kits can have any realistic eye color
- tabbies will display the ticked pattern
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; black-based kits will carry cinnamon; tabbies will carry solid; kits may or may not carry dilute

(littermates may also carry point as of mid-april but parents' genetics have not been updated to reflect this!! just something to consider tho)
Rules and Requirements:
- Any level of activity is acceptable! Please be mindful that siblings that go inactive will a low amount of posts / plot value may be subject to being readopted out!
- The parents (Father's named Boots and Mother's named Olly) are both rogues who absolutely adore their children but did not have the best moral lessons to teach (think like, a stereotypical cat, where the concept of moral consequences for more selfish actions aren't considered) A big part of the fam was placed into ShadowClan during the first week of its creation for protection from a powerful group of rogues that Boots had upset however this wasn't told to them and they'd just think it was a new adventure!
- Most names are acceptable! Names with 'negative' connotations weren't really seen as such in the family (aside from ableist names which are a no-no) so if you want a Flea(suffix) then feel free!
- These guys will likely have little-to-no bond with their older siblings (NPCs) but feel free to plot dynamics with Fern! I am always available on discord to answer any more questions as well!
- A family tree will frequently be updated here! Please note it's only 'Sibling 3, 4, and 5' being adopted out and the other two are older siblings!
Number of Slots Avaliable: 3
Main Account User: @/beatae
Relations of the Adopt: @/S A B L E T U F T - siblings/littermates
Age: 45-67 months
Genetics / Appearance Requirements: FFA, sable is a tuxedo if thats any helpful
Rules and Requirements:
- doesnt have to be active, casual is just fine! sable appears whenever i have muse for the old man
- they can either be a littermate or younger sibling that saw sable off with his mate at the time for the marsh group. of theyre a littermate they age the 15th of every month
- the littermate/sibling would have come into the clans after the great battle earliest
- staying in shadowclan is heavily preferred, any sort of defecting and sable will see them the same as dead to him.
- these are fcfs !
Number of Slots Avaliable: 1-2 depending on the amount of interest!
Main Account User: @/tempest
Relations of the Adopt: Biological Children of @/AGATEHEART (Agateheart x Anemone Petal [NPC])
Age: 24 Moons
Genetics / Appearance Requirements: FFA, please follow genetics below.
Sire: LH red tabby w/ low white (masking black tabby; carrying dilute)
Dam: SH blue torbie w/ low white (carrying longhair)

Toms can be black tabby, blue tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
She-cats can be torbie, blue torbie, red tabby, or cream tabby
kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
kits can have no white, low white, or high white
kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
red-based kits will mask black tabby
shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
Rules and Requirements:
- Their mother, Anemone Petal, died in childbirth, and the kits were raised by an NPC queen in the marsh group. Though they would not have known their mother, Agate would have done his best to raise his children and tell them about Anemone. The kids would be close to Agate and would likely not have a negative relationship with him (though I'm willing to plot something out).
- Any level of activity is okay. However, if you go inactive for several months without warning, they will be subject to readoption.
- Any names are fine, but bonus points for mineral or gemstone names! No depressing, evil, or negative names. They would have been born with either one part or two part names.
Number of Slots Avaliable:
- 2 (More may be available based on interest)

Main Account User: @/Rinaroo
Relations of the Adopt: @/Crowpaw. Siblings
Age: 5 Months
Genetics / Appearance Requirements:

SIRE: SH silver rosette tabby with low white (carrying non-silver)
DAM: SH brown rosette tabby

kits can be brown tabby or silver tabby
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- kits will be rosette tabbies
- silver kits will carry non-silver

Rules and Requirements:
-Causal activity is acceptable, but please let me know if you can't stay active with them
-Parents are NPC (Mother is dead), and Father pretends that they do not exist
-Crowpaw is the one who looks out for the others so feel free to plot with some fun sibling bonds or complex relationship
-Some name ideas; Jay, Eagle, Condor, Blue, Dove, Twig, Mud, Shadow, Black, Dark, and Kestrel

Number of Slots Avaliable:
3 slots!
Main Account User: @//Jay
Relations of the Adopt:
littermates to Pitchstar, Chittertongue and Hollyfrost
older sibling to Starlingheart Thistlefang and Marrowpaw

Age: 30 moons; aging every 1st of the month

Genetics / Appearance Requirements:
Sire: LH cinnamon marbled tabby w/ low white (masking 1 spotted allele; carrying solid and dilute).
Dam: SH black (masking broken braided; carrying longhair, dilute and chocolate)

Kits can be black, black tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, blue, blue tabby, lilac, or lilac tabby.
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired.
- kits can have no white or low white.
- tabby kits will display either marbled, braided, broken braided, or rosette markings
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color.

NOTE: While not listed in the genetics, Briar and her sister Bone have spiky fur that could be inherited by the kits!

Rules and Requirements:
- not FCFS
- it would be preferred to have this character remain in ShadowClan but something can be plotted out with the family if desired
- upon being picked you’ll be added to a family gc ran by myself
- casual activity with this character is fine but two months of zero activity will result in a rehome
- picking a name from Briarstar’s list is preferred but not necessary

Twilight (or anything similar) - for her mother's name.
Marrow, Dust (or anything similar) - to relate to her sister's name.
Thorn, Bracken, Nettle, etc. - To go along with the names Briar & Thistle, would likely give these names to kits with spiky fur.
Raven, Crow - Birds are her favorite prey animal, and these types of birds are seen the most around their territory. Other bird names (Robin, Cardinal, etc. would be acceptable too).
Swamp, Mud, Lagoon, Lichen, Moss/y, etc. - Any type of name that fits with the swamps, for her home!
Frog, Toad, Snake, Adder, Lizard, etc. - Any type of name that fits the prey animals most commonly eaten. Again, to honor her home!
Black, Dark, Night, etc. - Any dark-sounding names to fit the shadowy swamps!
Lavender, Lilac, Violet, etc. - Any purple names for her favorite color!

Number of Slots Avaliable: One
Main Account User: @/Jay
Relations of the Adopt:
younger siblings to Pitchstar, Chittertongue and Hollyfrost
Littermates to Starlingheart Thistlefang and Marrowpaw

Age: 12 moons; aging every 8th of the month

Genetics / Appearance Requirements:
Sire: LH cinnamon marbled tabby w/ low white (masking 1 spotted allele; carrying solid and dilute).
Dam: SH black (masking broken braided; carrying longhair, dilute and chocolate)

Kits can be black, black tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, blue, blue tabby, lilac, or lilac tabby.
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired.
- kits can have no white or low white.
- tabby kits will display either marbled, braided, broken braided, or rosette markings
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color.

NOTE: While not listed in the genetics, Briar and her sister Bone have spiky fur that could be inherited by the kits!

Rules and Requirements:
- not FCFS
- it would be preferred to have this character remain in ShadowClan but something can be plotted out with the family if desired
- upon being picked you'll be added to a family gc ran by myself
- casual activity with this character is fine but two months of zero activity will result in a rehome
- picking a name from Briarstar's list is preferred but not necessary

Twilight (or anything similar) - for her mother's name.
Marrow, Dust (or anything similar) - to relate to her sister's name.
Thorn, Bracken, Nettle, etc. - To go along with the names Briar & Thistle, would likely give these names to kits with spiky fur.
Raven, Crow - Birds are her favorite prey animal, and these types of birds are seen the most around their territory. Other bird names (Robin, Cardinal, etc. would be acceptable too).
Swamp, Mud, Lagoon, Lichen, Moss/y, etc. - Any type of name that fits with the swamps, for her home!
Frog, Toad, Snake, Adder, Lizard, etc. - Any type of name that fits the prey animals most commonly eaten. Again, to honor her home!
Black, Dark, Night, etc. - Any dark-sounding names to fit the shadowy swamps!
Lavender, Lilac, Violet, etc. - Any purple names for her favorite color!

Number of Slots Avaliable: Two
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Name: Ratwater (Name meaning; Rat - Irritable/aggressive, water - intelligent)
Age: 67 moons /Sabletuft's current age
Gender: she-cat
Appearance: Short-furred tuxedo / ember eyes
Personality: will be developed and fleshed out after the first intro post
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Litter: Ferndance littermates (FCFS)

- Mudbriar, transmale, 36 moons
- sh black ticked tabby with green eyes, medium sized & still a little gangly like a teenager, messy fur. picrew reference coming soon
- ngl kind of based off wigglytuff from pokemon mystery dungeon
- chaotic good, does not kill, as a result never became super good at fighting (by shadowclan standards) but very good at stealth and reconnaissance
- airheaded, willfully ignorant in that he believes the best in everyone and glosses over "suspicious" actions. similarly glosses over rules like "don't let anyone in" and "don't flirt with other clans", but in a manner that's really pushing it ("they're 13 moons! that's almost below warrior age", "i'm just being friendly!")
- selfish in the way that he doesn't quite consider the consequences of being a good samaritan, has been punished before but that only stops him for like a month or two. he genuinely wants to be friendly, and doing good makes him feel good. helps even if he's making it worse by helping.
- HOWEVER his sense of good is slightly warped. he dislikes kittypets & believes most cats from other clans hate them so they're not worth helping (at least while they hate him and he can't do anything about it). honestly this is just so he's able to have stayed in shadowclan for so long without chilledstar kicking him out.
- tries to guilt trip others into doing things for him
- think about a really sweet cat. if he was your cat he'd adore you and any visitors you have, but also beg for food by giving you an overwhelming amount of affection, trying to sit in your lap, try any way to get closer to you with love to reach some food. his other goals in life are to sit on your keyboard and make you trip in the dark by rubbing against your legs. if he got outside he'd try to come back, but get distracted and have a 50/50 chance of coming home. he'd think about you a lot though!
- traits (for tags):
(+) charismatic, friendly, easygoing
( )
(-) airheaded, willfully ignorant, easily manipulated
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Reactions: SHADOWCLAN and PUNK
-- leech for her wriggling as a kitten; that, along with her sleek black pelt, were incredibly reminiscent of the little blood-sucking creatures in the deeper reaches of the marshland. her parents named her in irony as well as to protect her from those that would bring her harm. most shadowclan cats learn from a young age how difficult hunting a leech is, let alone removing one. the suffix hiss was a testament to the ferocity she grew into as an apprentice.
-- she presents masculine (in a feline sense) but comfortably identifies with her assigned gender. as she reaches maturity, leechhiss begins to notice her physical differences to other shecats her age; namely, the large paunches that would otherwise indicate she were a tomcat. frequent visits to the medicine den will assuage her health concerns, but raise far more new questions. (otherwise, she leads a happy and healthy life, occasionally mistaken for a tomcat.)
young adult / 12 months old
-- other cats often remark that she appears and behaves older than she is. she is much more immature than she lets on, and it becomes prevalent past any first meeting.
shadowclan / warrior
-- she has an interest in construction and den-building, but large paws make for lousy detail work. though she excels in brute force combat, she hates having her character dulled down to "the strong one."

first litter ; pitchstar , chittertongue, and hollyfrost / second litter ; starlingheart, thistlefang, marrowpaw, leechhiss, and (unknown).
-- there is a certain, unspoken expectation leechhiss feels she must live up to, given her late father and some of her siblings have earned higher ranks within the clan. part of her yearns to show her worth, but a bigger, cowardly part of her hopes to make it through her life unnoticed on a greater scale.
demisexual panromantic / female preference
-- mostly identifies as a lesbian, but leechhiss is not opposed to experiencing attraction towards other genders.

leechhiss is built in an amalgamation of sharp and soft - her muscle is lean, but fat is deposited thickly in select locations. her strongest feature proves to be thick jowls that swell beneath sharp cheekbones, giving her a distinctly tom-shaped face. her belly hangs low in a similar manner. close in second (of which she personally finds to be her most attractive feature) are her eyes, small and shaped, with irises shaded a deep copper like twin harvest moons.

her namesake comes from the black of her short fur, wrapping lean muscle in an inky sheen. she is one of her only siblings with similar pigmentation to have not a single spot of white on her.

++ resolute , perceptive , compassionate / == intense , boisterous , flippant / -- explosive , self-assertive , secretive
on first introduction, leechhiss presents as a confident - if not cocksure - young warrior with much potential; yet, the facets to her personality are greater than they may seem.

the strength in which she experiences her emotions is one detail that becomes apparent early on. be it positive or negative - or anything inbetween - leechhiss cannot help but feel and express it to the extreme. she is loud and jubilant in her day-to-day, but any negative experience can be devastating to her in the long-term; she is not easily upset, but when she is, she is upset

in spite of her extremity at times, leechhiss has a great pride for her physical and societal prowess as a warrior of shadowclan. any threat to her strengths is rebuked with a hasty denial - especially personal or mental health complications. she would rather keep her struggles to herself than allow any perceived weakness to be known. she struggles to trust even her closest family and friends with the secrets she harbors. this can cause even further internal complications considering how severely she is affected when she is in emotional distress - even an overwhelming happiness can draw her to reckless and endangering habits.

because she struggles to deal with any pressure to succeed, leechhiss may temporarily develop an unhealthy sense of resentment towards those that reach higher ranks (such as starlingheart and even her late father and brother, who had been leaders).
since her first solo visits to the medicine den ended in finding out something about herself she didn't particularly know how to handle other than accepting it and moving on, she has been hesitant to go back ever since. her inner conflict, with no outlet and taking into consideration that her own sister has since taken the position, may manifest in her avoiding medicine cats at all costs. worse yet, if she is injured and able to hide it, she may experiment with her limited knowledge of herbs to use on herself with no professional training. it only gives her better practice in hiding sickness when she takes the wrong plant.
an emotional high could lead her to not only putting herself in danger, but the others around her. in the event that she caused another cat (perhaps even her own apprentice) grievous injury from her own negligence, it would be the thing to push her over the edge into emotional maturity. she would push past her struggle to make deeper connections and unwillingness to open up if it meant keeping herself on the level.

NOTE: i'm a trans nonbinary person, but i am not personally intersex. i just enjoy the science of gender in nature! she wont be written with a huge emphasis on her gender, its just for biography's sake. shes a complicated cat that took me a day and a half to write up, so i hope she'll be considered to be part of the family! if not, no big :D good to practice my writing anyhow
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litter: ferndance littermates
name: brackenlight
appearance: a slim, pretty cinnamon ticked tabby with medium length fur, low white spotting, and golden eyes.
personality: sociable, kind, and helpful, though her niceness is largely for her own benefit; the better her reputation, the easier she can be forgiven and justify her own casually selfish behavior. bad at minding her own business. non-confrontational to the point of being two-faced.
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Reactions: SHADOWCLAN and PUNK
litter: ferndance's littermates
name: wolfjaw
gender: tom
appearance: a shorthaired black ticked tabby with low white markings and yellow eyes
personality: more of a listener than a talker, always taking note of what's happening around him (and often silently judging it). he's loyal and protective, and he always keeps his word. his worst traits are his stubbornness and rigidity, which can make him a bit of a know-it-all.
  • Love
Reactions: PUNK


↳ for her mother's favorite color ; for her notable pretty coat
— warrior of shadowclan; former marsh colony cat
— amab, she/her ; bisexual ; monogamous
briarstar x amber, sibling to pitchstar, chittertongue, hollyfrost.
littermates to starlingheart, thistlefang, marrowpaw, leech-hiss

a sturdy frame beholds a well-toned muscle underneath all that fur. conditioned and strengthened from her warrior training, lilacfur retained her sire's side of appearances more than her mother's, closer to amber's size and general build. the coat that hangs from her frame is carefully groomed, but dull long fur. a deceptive appearance of soft plush, lilacfur's pelt is very wiry and thin. a trail of whole and broken rosettes stretch down her sides and close into thick rings around her tail and legs. notably, lilacfur has a set of small ears that don't seem entirely proportionate to her head. her eyes, round and soft, have matching shades of gold.
↳ visual ref HERE


( + ) noble | brave | faithful ( / ) valorous | merciful | polite ( - ) impatient | outspoken | enigmatic wanting to fulfill and honor her family's legacy, lilacfur does her best to act to the epitome of a warrior. this treks more into knightly behavior, as she shows great humility and respect to the clans hierarchy. lilacfur is rather unassuming in general around her clanmates, happy to do whatever task she's assigned and make sure she's reliable. though she can be a bit of a perfection, sometimes lilacfur will go above and beyond her tasks just to ensure she did her best.

lilacfur always disagreed with the stereotype that her clan, her home, is bloodthirsty or improper. she does her best to behave orderly and honorable. as she is devoted to starclan, her efforts are toward honoring them and earning their good graces.

despite her modest disposition, lilacfur has made it known she is not a cat to underestimate. as she follows each law of the forest with every breath, she also has a near unbreakable set of morals. lilacfur is not afraid to speak out when she feels these morals, or the code, are being threatened whether her words are against an apprentice or leader. she is quick to act, and isn't the most graciously patient warrior and expects answers or results immediately.
mannerisms: lilacfur holds a stone face in most occasions. steely, she keeps her emotions hidden well, but her eyes and tail usually give away her emotion. her whiskers twitch when she is especially angered
will not start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
excels at endurance-based actions & strength


— identity crisis? who is she outside of 'briarstar's daughter'
— robinhood-like behavior come leaf-bare. attempting to work w other warriors in outside clans to provide food where needed
— her outspokenness gets her in more trouble than shes ready for

finished :>


Cis Femme
She / They
    basic description sturdy and lithe, Dustnose leads with a gait of slow cunning and intelligence. Every step is calculated, planned, and every nervous flick of the ear is entirely unintentional. Despite Dustnose's aptitude for concealing her feelings and intentions, her body language usually gives it away in very minute ways. If one isn't looking for her tells, then it's highly unlikely one will see them. But they're still there.

    She stands tall, confidently, and with an air of arrogance that would enrage any who seem to think her heritage means nothing. She is, after all, the daughter of a clan leader and she has earned her spot among the best, just like the rest of them. She isn't scared to show off, to pronounce her clean, meticulously groomed fur in a show of superiority.
    ⤷ genetic / marbled lilac tabby w/ low white & yellow/blue sectoral heterochromia ref
    organized / confident / ambitious / anxious / cunning / intelligent. blah blah blah​
    GEN 2. BRIARSTAR xx AMBER. SISTER TO marrowpaw, leechhiss, starlingheart, lilacfur, thistlefang, hollypaw, chittertongue, pitchstar

    MENTORING not open right now

    ADMIRES who


    how easily do they trust?
    SMELLS OF reeds and rich dirt
    SOUNDS LIKE lilting, arrogant
    speech is pink

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    post template here
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litter: ferndance's littermates
name: wolfjaw
gender: tom
appearance: a shorthaired black ticked tabby with low white markings and yellow eyes
personality: more of a listener than a talker, always taking note of what's happening around him (and often silently judging it). he's loyal and protective, and he always keeps his word. his worst traits are his stubbornness and rigidity, which can make him a bit of a know-it-all.

@PUNK !!