sensitive topics ShadowClan Tragedy Litter [Smogmaw/Halfshade] CLOSED


You know, like, NYA ❤︎
Aug 9, 2022

Let me be your TRAGEDY.

(Click Name for TAGS)

ShadowClan isn't a clan where cats are particularly loving or caring but some find a way to obtain happiness with another and Smogmaw was such a cat. He and his mate Halfshade welcomed new kits into the clan not too long ago who were finally apprenticed and she was preparing to return to her duties once more but with the sickness spreading and the nursery one of the more safe places to be she quickly decided to linger a bit longer. Unfortunately that wouldn't spare her and with no cure left to use she is left confined to the medicine cat den while he sets out with the rest of the journey cats to find more lungwort before the sickness overtakes them all.

In his absence she realizes she is carrying kits, too sickly and malnourished to have noticed or been noticed until it was only a few weeks out. These kits, if they survive, would be born into a world overcome by illness, feverfew coated and with a mother too far gone to even name them and a father who will only know them should he survive and return...

Litter Trigger Warnings: Stillborn kits, Miscarriage, Parental Death...

Application due date: 09/29/2023


  • This is not FCFS (first come, first serve).
    Application is a Free-for-all, please include the basics (name, appearance, personality etc…) and whatever else you'd like!
    This litter will have 2 kits ONLY.
    Please follow the genetics supplied by the lovely Blitz!
    Please follow the naming guide as it is plot specific to the situation!
    These kits will be born and raised in ShadowClan & should remain in ShadowClan.
    They will start at 2 moons and age realistically on the 30th of each month.
    These kits can have mental illnesses and disabilities (please research these thoroughly!)
    You are absolutely welcome to and encouraged to go all in on the 'dead parent' angst and the unfortunate circumstances of their birth! Go wild, make some edgelords!

    Inactive kits will be rehomed pending parent discretion.

  • SIRE: LH blue mackerel tabby
    DAM: LH blue torbie with low white
    males can be blue tabby or cream tabby
    females can be blue tabby or blue torbie
    - kits will be longhaired
    - kits can have no white or low white
    - kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    - kits will display a mackerel tabby pattern
    - cream kits will mask blue tabby

    Due to the circumstances of their birth with their mother being too sick to function, these kits will be named by Starlingheart who will choose names previously discussed with Halfshade and even some of her own ideas of names that would be suiting. Please use names from either of these lists only!

    Names Starlingheart would choose:
    Half, Shade, Bird - after and for Halfshade
    Sycamore, Cypress, Elm, Toad, Frog, Marsh, Mire, Reed, Mud, Thorn, Mink, Fox, Lizard, Pigeon, Dark, Flood, Willow (After ShadowClan.)
    Clover, Holly, Ginger, Laurel (Herb names she likes.)
    Hoot, Jackdaw, Lark, Owl, Quail, Sparrow, Wren, Thrush, Nightingale, Chirp/Chirping (Bird themed names.)
    Ash/Ashen, Brave, Gentle, Spider, Gray (Names she likes the sound of.)

    Names Halfshade mentioned to Starlingheart:
    Shine, Shining, Glimmer, Sparkle, Hope, Wish, Dream, Warm, Bright, Glow, Sun, Whisper, Quiet, Soft (Comforting things that bring her peace.)
    Oak, Cedar, Birch, Pine, Branch, Stone, Rock, Pebble, Mountain, Turtle (Strong things, in the hopes they will survive.)
    Smoky, Blue, Tangle, Gravel, Growl, Burr, Prickle, Thorn (After Smogmaw)
    Little, Bird (After Starlingheart)

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Halfkit . Halfpaw . Half???

↳ named after her late mother and for her markings
— kit of shadowclan
— AFAB she / her
HALFSHADE x SMOGMAW, sibling to Applepaw, Swanpaw, Garlicpaw, Valerianpaw, and tbd

a long haired blue, cream, tabby, and white she cat with mismatched icy blue eyes Even as a kit Halfkits likeness to her mother will be noticeable. Her half and half features, her long limbs that she hasn’t quite grown into and her long luxurious fur that she is rather particular about keeping clean. She will only know of their likeness through tales, stories of a strangely almost mythical she cat who she is compared to frequently. An impossible standard she must always strive to meet.

Instead of being a torbie, however, she is best classified as a chimera. Her pelt a mix of two different colors and two different sets of genetics. Blue tabby and cream tabby that swirl and mix together like waves crashing on a beach. The eye on the blue tabby side of her body is a deep dark blue, like the river that runs through all of the territories, it holds many secrets and emotions in its depths. Her other eye, in stark contrast, is a light icy blue like the cold that grips still water in the harsher moons.

Seperating the two colors on her face that make that unmistakable half and half look for which she is named is a blaze of white. It creeps up to her forehead and pools around her ice blue eye and her muzzle but it does not encroach on the blue half of her face. It runs down her chest and her belly, the underside of her tail, the tip of it and it covers her paws on her front feet.
↳ Genetically LH blue tabby w / low white


( + ) assertive, loyal, perceptive ( / ) opinionated, self-conscious, intelligent ( - ) vindictive, impulsive, possessive
— Halfkit is her fathers daughter in many ways. Even from a young age she will make it clear what her wants and needs are and she will not be afraid to give voice to her complaints or make demands of the cats around her. In this way, she is assertive. Wether it be at playtime or at mealtime, she will learn early that if she gives voice to her demands then they are more likely to work out the way she wants and boy does Halfkit want. She will have a tendency to get jealous of others, especially if they have something that interests her like a moss ball that is better than hers or prey that looks juicer and Halfkit will not be afraid to take things that she believes should be hers. Wether that be through physical violence or by twisting words in whatever way will suit her and bring her closer to whatever her goal is.

Despite the confident exterior, Halfkit is incredibly self-conscious. She wonders all the time what others think of her and is constantly worried about the image she puts out to others. She wants to be seen as strong and capable but also beautiful and elegant like she hears her mother was. As such, she spends a lot of time grooming her fur in order to put out the best outwards appearance possible.

Early on, before her apprenticeship, it’ll be clear that it is not only looks she has inherited from her mother but her intelligence as well. Halfkit is quick to pick up on things, wether it be her strong perception her quick thinking or the way she everything will seem to come to her with ease. However, with intelligence comes something else. Laziness. She will not see a reason to apply herself as much as others because why should she bother if she’s already better than everyone her age? She is constantly looking for a challenge, a way to engage her brain and really make her think. Because of this she may become impulsive, often not thinking before she throws herself into danger.

Of her family, Halfkit will become extremely possessive and jealous. This will be true for any friends. She will guard her relationships closely, as above anything else she fears abandonment the most.
— will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will not show mercy
— will excel at hunting and fighting


— her jealousy comes in many forms but ???kit will be incredibly jealous specifically of anyone who had a close relationship with her mother or anyone who currently has a close relationship with her father. on the exterior, she acts like Smogmaws approval and attention means nothing to her but internally she craves it more than anything else and isn’t willing to admit it. Because of this she will be incredibly envious of any apprentice he has wether it be the past or future.
— “gifted kid” from an early age it will be clear that she is a Jack of all trades. She will pick things up quickly and with little effort but as a result she will also grow bored quickly and frustrated when others cannot keep up. It would be fun if her mentor had to double up and if there was a plot where she gets angry at her fellow trainee for “holding her back” or also a plot where she looks for a challenge to satisfy her boredom but ends up getting her ass handed to her and it humbles her in a way.
— will resent Smogmaw for leaving and for not knowing of their existence until his return (I know she is not justified in this I’m sorry ;-;) thinks he’sa crappy father and Willie permitting will more than likely butt beads with him on more than one occasion. She will also be very quick to point out any screw ups he makes or correct him if he’s ever wrong about anything. It would be fun to do a plot where they reconcile eventually maybe but for now I think it’s a fun idea that they are so alike and yet don’t get along at all. Eventually she may realize that the things she doesn’t like about her father are things she recognizes about herself and she strives to change.
— I would love it if she had a rivalry with another apprentice who is close in her age, someone else who does not need to try to be better at her in something whether that is hunting or fighting or both

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tracking... :3

-> smaller blue torbie, fluffy and regal like mom. low white. bright orange eyes with sectoral heterochromia in one of them, half fire like their father, half ice like their mom.
-> afab, she/her
-> as a child, bluekit will blah blah blah i need to put more notes here i think
-> teenage angst, combative, angry, sad; flurry of emotions make them explosive come apprenticeship
-> will eventually settle in to being a quiet warrior, her mentor will notice her fire begin to fizzle come ten moons
-> birchkit as a secondary name
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-updated the rules, specifically these two have been added:
♥ These kits can have mental illnesses and disabilities (please research these thoroughly!)
♥ You are absolutely welcome to and encouraged to go all in on the 'dead parent' angst and the unfortunate circumstances of their birth! Go wild, make some edgelords!

pigeonkit . pigeonpaw . pigeon???
↳ alternate names: whisper, dream, jackdaw

↳ pigeon after her blue fur, kit denoting rank
— kitten of ShadowClan
— afab, she/her, unknown sexuality (too young)
smogmaw x halfshade, sibling to Applepaw, Swanpaw, Garlicpaw, Valerianpaw

LH blue torbie with low white
↳ an odd mix of mother and father, Pigeonkit's fur is oddly split down the middle, twisting around and up so that by the time it ends on her tail the patterns are almost on opposite sides from where they began. Her right side begins looking akin to her father, while left has almost peach-colored fur similar to mother. On her stomach is a patch of white almost resembling a heart, almost always hidden when sitting down, and her eyes are mismatched blue and amber, colors matching the side of the fur-color that goes with it.

As a kitten, Pigeonkit is almost completely normal. Average size, average weight, average... everything. But as she grows along with her siblings, it begins to show that she is shorter than the others, not by much at first, but as they grow older and become apprentices and warriors, the height difference is noticeable, at her tallest being shorter than her siblings and her parents. Despite this, she becomes well muscled as her training goes on, and becomes a stocky - albeit short - cat as an adult. One of the more noticeable things she inherited from her father is her RBF, though on the few times she gets expressive, she is very much so.


( + ) reliable, resilient, consistent ( / ) antisocial, even-tempered, quiet ( - ) untrusting, pessimistic, skeptical expand.
mannerisms: Watches and listens more than gets involved, when talks about something openly is usually talking about the negative potential from it, does not trust easily, though follows those she does trust like a lost puppy. When spoken to, she is always quiet - when she is loud is when one should worry - believes that StarClan is out to get her and her siblings.
— will not start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will not show mercy
— will excel at seeing at night & climbing


— believes she and her siblings are going to die early due to their mother's death and smog not being there, see's it as a bad omen
— believes in StarClan, but as an entity that should be feared, does not trust them - they are deathbringers, and despite stories told of how starclan brought the clans together for good, she is sure they did it for bad things
— any cat that went on the journey will be harder to grow close to, they went out to "save the clans" but were unable to get back in time to save her mother.
— takes a long time to respect and grow close to Smogmaw - she believes he was the main catalyst in her mother's death, he should have been there for Halfshade instead of going off to the mountains, believes if he hadn't gone then Halfshade would have survived
— deep down is scared to get close to others, keeps crushes and friendships to herself
— bottles emotions where possible, goes off on her own to cry herself to sleep when they get to be too much
— will not eat an animal that she killed herself or saw killed on a patrol - she saw it alive once and it messes with her mind too much. will eat animals already in the prey pile due to not connecting that former life to them
— rebellious phase, will try to do things that purposefully pisses of Smogmaw, the big one being a potential cross clan relationship down the road (will try to have it be with the most hated clan at the time)
— partially deaf in her right ear, and eyesight is going out on that side as well
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Track w/ possible names: Turtle, Soft, Bird or Shade
— long furred blue tabby she-kit w/ white dapples around her face and a white tail
— her left eye is an icy blue, while her right appears to be clouded over, and it will eventually be discovered that she was born blind in that eye
Will edit in app later
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this crooked posture is all you've ever known
Cypresskit, Laurelkit, Bravekit . Cypresstongue . Laurelgrin

↳ plant names are in the hopes of growth, bravekit for hoping they brave through a rough kithood
— kit of shadowclan; strong pride in his clan
— demi-boy, he/they, doesn't mind gendered terms (brother, son, tom, etc.) ; sexuality undetermined (likely bi)
Smogmaw x Halfshade, sibling to Swanpaw, Applepaw. Valerianpaw, Garlicpaw, and tbd

Pretty longhaired cream tabby tom Pretty boy would be an the simplest way to describe the tom. Taking after his mother he is long, slender and graceful. With silky well kept fur, that swoops out like a mane, they may be likened to a lion. He looks just about nothing like his father besides his similar coloured eyes, when fully-grown he will tower over the grey tabby.
↳ carrying nothing / masking blue tabby /


( + ) resilient, honest, elegant ( / ) charismatic, aloof, flirty ( - ) compulsive, fickle, erratic on the surface they are a treat to be around, witty and always willing to compliment, there is few cats who wouldn't like his company. However, somewhere along the way his temper was never treated and bad habits from his father trickled down. He can go from laughing to yelling in minutes and his anger is slow to calm. Never thinking things through leads to butting heads and snide comments, and once he finally does calm down you aren't likely to receive an apology. It isn't often that his uglier half is shown though, and until it is he will show that winning smile.
mannerisms: gliding his tongue over his teeth, always fidgeting his feet
— will start fights | will not end fights | will flee | will possibly show mercy
— (will) excel at verbal confrontation, hunting, fighting
— (will) inferior at cooperating, leading, self-regulating


— try to find a mother figure, either in a mentor, or even through flirting with older cats as an apprentice (will be shut down obviously)
— making friends and then burning those bridges in breakdowns
— most likely will develop depression during his apprenticeship
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