Jun 7, 2022
ShadowClan Leaf-Fall Prompts

The seasons change and so does ShadowClan, after many struggles and the Yellowcough plague still lingering in their midst the clan at least has the knowledge and understanding that they have survived once more through another shift. Together they have managed this long through trial and tribulation but will they be able to continue working together or will their unity crumble like the now fragile orange leaves that fall from the trees?

Make sure you track your posts here as there will be a badge reward for completing three prompts!

Prompts will end November 30th


A lot of odd mushrooms begin to grow on the territory in circular formations, what do these odd rings mean and what should be done about them?
Several apprentices have claimed to have seen a strange billowing thing drifting through the trees and howling like the wind, who is brave enough to venture out and see what this creature truly is?
Two-legs were spotted on the territory and once gone the clan finds the area they were in is littered in smashed and destroyed pumpkins, the entire section of land covered in orange gunk and pieces of gourd.
The are always odd things found in carrionplace, but lately some unique bones have been discovered in the shape of...a tree? A spider? A snail? Do snails have bones usually? What is going on and why do they feel more like two-leg trash than actual bones?
An odd plastic bowl of sorts is found near camp, filled with crinkling and shining leaves that smell oddly sweet: what could this be?
A strange bird has been sighted on the territory, loud and round and making a horrible gobbling noise - are you up to the task of hunting it down?
Lately it seems the spiders have been a little too enthusiastic in their web making and have covered most of the camp in them! While the medicine cats will enjoy having the extra cobweb, they are not fun to get out of fur!
Someone has said they've seen flickering lights in the marsh at night. Legends say to follow these lights will lead you to your death.
A competition has begun suddenly among the apprentices (and even some warriors) of who can scare the most of their clanmates, prepare to have cats jumping out at you around every corner until a winner is finally crowned.
A new type of prey has begun to flutter and dart about the skies, bats seem to have started flocking into the area more often and even getting into the camp itself!