Jun 7, 2022

hello shadowfam! the hp team are excited to announce our next clanwide plot, taking place during the harsh moons of leaf-bare! on december 5th, shadowclan's starvation plot will begin. please note that the date ranges listed are not concrete; we can adjust them to be shorter or longer if needed! and as always, if you have any questions or concerns, you are encouraged to reach out to any of shadowclan's hp members!

PART ONE ( december 5th - december 14th )
shadowclan’s fire-damaged territory is beginning to grow barren of life as leaf-bare sets in. hunger is threatening the marsh-dwellers as hunting patrols begin to bring back less and less prey. the clan’s starting to fear what the moons to come will bring… will they be able to make it through leaf-bare? or will they succumb to starvation?

PART TWO ( december 15th - december 26th )
with the prey pile empty and shadowclan’s stomachs emptier, tensions are running high. pitchstar, in hopes that the rats of the carrionplace will sustain them through the season, orders chilledgaze to send most of the hunting patrols there. it seems to be working for a while; the patrols are bringing back enough prey from the carrionplace to keep the clan alive. but, the rats retaliate one night. a hunting patrol led by pitchstar is ambushed by a pack of the nasty rodents, and they are forced to flee after sustaining multiple injuries.

— pitchstar with granitepaw
— mapleshine
— halfshade with heatherpaw
— spidersilk
— ribbitpaw​

PART THREE ( december 27th - january 6th )
after the attack, pitchstar forbids his warriors from hunting at the carrionplace in a fit of paranoia. the clan returns to their previous state; starving and without food, but pitchstar stands firm in his decision to keep the carrionplace off-limits. more desperate now than ever, pitchstar instead encourages his warriors to steal food from thunderclan under the cover of nighttime, when he believes their neighbors would be asleep and unaware.

PART FOUR ( january 7th - january 28th )
not long after pitchstar’s command to hunt in the oak forest, a skirmish between one of the hunting patrols and thunderclan warriors ensue. but pitchstar refuses to give in so easily; he continues to demand the theft of their neighbor's prey. after the second hunting patrol is caught and chased from thunderclan's territory, emberstar comes to confront pitchstar for his actions. now backed into a corner by thunderclan, pitchstar hesitantly agrees to stop hunting on their land.

— betonyfrost with brookpaw
— frostbite with poppypaw
— spectermask with eeriepaw

— smogmaw
— ferndance
— siltpaw
— batchirp
— sharppaw
— tornadopaw​

without the resources or manpower to risk a full-blown war with thunderclan, pitchstar announces that no more hunting patrols shall be sent to thunderclan, for the safety of his clan. however, this does not deter him from continuing to encourage the theft of prey if the opportunity arises. with reluctance, he opens the carrionplace up to his warriors once more, this time with the demand that all patrols hunting there proceed with extreme caution.

the tension between shadowclan and thunderclan has grown, and pitchstar declares thunderclan as shadowclan's enemy.

to sign up for one of the patrols listed above, simply comment your character's name and which patrol you would like them to be on, as well as if you'd like for them to lead one of the patrols where applicable! please try to limit each character to one patrol; we want everyone to have a chance to participate in the fun!​
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offering spider for the attacked hunting patrol!! >:) or second skirmish, whicever one ur heart desires (or whichever one we need)

& specter for one of the skirmishes ehheh if we're allowed two (he'd take eeriepaw)
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