border Shadowmoon Valley || Moonhigh Shadowclan Patrol

The moon was high in the sky and that meant it was time to head out on another patrol. Once everyone gathers, he sets out. White paws creep along the soggy, snow covered marsh as he leads his patrol to the Thunderclan border. Thunderclan may be his destination and focus, but he keeps his eyes and ears out for any unwanted guests. Rogues and predators were bold, and he wont be caught off guard. Thunderclan was usually the more pleasant border to visit. Windclan is going through some stuff and he's no longer sure of their temperament, but he can always count on Thunderclan to be.... Less awful and venomous. The slush seeps into his paws and chills them to the bone, but Frostbite keeps from flinching or wincing. Once they reach the border, he peers into the oak forest. It's nice to be able to look across the thunderpath without squinting from the sunlight.

"Wonder if we'll see anyone tonight." He wonders quietly, setting to work on rubbing against a pine tree. "I doubt anyone will cause trouble this late, but remember to be courteous." He says to his patrol.


she didnt usually do this. the woods were imposing at night, familiar trees suddenly hollow and skeletal with hard - cast shadow, the pale aura of snow casting a faint alabaster halo over the land. grass is beginning to peek through the thaws in thick, slushy mixes of dirt and frost, leading her paws along the eastmost side of thunderclan territory. the thunderpath is wet, sleek and glistening with thick bands of light. it had rained recently ; she was wet up to her elbows, shaking lightly from the way her fur had plastered to the thick muscle of her forearms. hunting at night wasn’t a specialty of thunderclans — but she’d enough sleepless nights to find her way into the forest, mewing a gentle goodbye to the night guard and slipping into the shadows in search of prey. her mouth is open, short inhaled to find the slightest hint of prey, to pick up the slightest sound of rapidfire heartbeat. it wore her out, fed the clan, and solved her sleeplessness. it was a win - win scenario, really, regardless of how lonely it may be.

she sees the shadowclanner before he sees her, she thinks ; he is stark pale, white as the glow of the moon above and freckleflame is crouched low, hidden mottled in the tall grass that jut unevenly from the hollow pits aside the thunderpath. she would never admit it, but the glimpse of his silhouette alone is enough to give her a fright — vivid memories of that strange, wounded loner that had come limping over the thunderpath at her as an apprentice still haunts the back of her mind. and so what if she lets out a small, cut - off shriek? nothing good happened along the thunderpath but the occasional frog, hopping onto the wet black stone in desperate attempt to flee the flooding marshlands. if the sound she let out weren’t enough to alert the group, her next, shaky call would, her mind turning slowly to process the shadowclan patrol for what it was. that was frostbite, ” man, i thought i was seein’ a ghost! “ laughter. her eyes gleam with amusement, strangely shadowed in the crystal moonlight. her smile beams, despite the way her chest still flutters to catch her breath, ” ugh.. you could scare the stripes off a kit like that. ‘n i thought i it was hard t’ sleep before.. “

  • i.

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    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Batwing's breath curled white in the air, his ears twitching. The frost had fallen away from the tree branches enough to flame his insomnia habits. He had been aware Freckleflame had been out and about, similar to him. He hadn't meant to cross her paths. Not too unlike Skyclanners he was up on the boughs of the trees, his body heaving breaths. He had been racing through the tree branches, leaping from tree to tree to try and kill the left-over energy in his body.

Ears twitched, hearing conversation- vision dropped to first Freckleflame, then Frostbite across the Thunderpath, where his white pelt shone like a beam of moonlight. Batwing slid down the length of a tree, dropping into the slush- causing a noise wrinkle- before padding up next to Freckleflame. An amused sigh left him, tail twitching as he approached them quietly. "Having issues sleeping too?" He said, more light-hearted then anything else.

Vision shifted back towards the Shadowclan patrol, head tipping down in a gentle nod. He wasn't sure he recognized any of them. "Evening, Shadowclan." He meowed, the edge of exhaustion in his voice audible.

Forestshade just hums in response to Frostbite. It's the same orders on every patrol, so she's stopped paying attention long ago. Be nice. Be polite. Yada yada, I knowwww. She is already letting her mind wander as she brushes against a rotting tree trunk, the dead bark poking at her pelt. Her ears twitch in surprise, however, as she hears a ThunderClanner's voice pipe up from the other side of the thunderpath. She jerks her head up in confusion, unseeing eyes narrowing. "What in StarClan are you all doing out this late? I thought we were the only clan to do night patrols," She calls back, tail lashing to rid herself of the alarm. She instinctively moves to Sweetpaw's side, though the casualness in her posture doesn't make her seem too worried. She's just caught off guard, that's all.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 Sticking close to their father's side is the small, ever-polite red-and-white apprentice. They had no real vested interest in Thunderclan, as those oak-scented cats were firmly rooted outside of Poppypaw's spiritual jurisdiction, but courtesy came as natural to them as ill-wishing was entirely foreign to them.

"Fear not, Thunderclan, Frostbite is entirely corporeal," She assures the strangers over the border, feeling proud at the apparently ethereal aura their mentor exhibited unto his fellow mortals. "Have you all come out to bathe in the cleanse of moonlight tonight? They make small-talk, wondering along the lines of Forestshade, as Shadowclan was most notable in their nocturnal habits. But she supposed that the exuberant sparkle of moonlit wisdom trickling through ones nerves would coax out even the most devoted of sun-worshipers from their slumber.

  • OOC:
  • poppykit - poppypaw
    — agender they/she. 8mo apprentice of shadowclan
    — aro-ace. friend to all.
    — a tiny, fluffy white and dark red tabby cat with pale, wraithlike blue eyes
    — smells like mushrooms, dust, and foggy night air
    — deaf in left ear
    — sounds like lain iwakura, with a flat yet gentle high-pitched tone
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack, 'poppypaw'
    — icon by mercurial, fullbody and pixel headshot by dejavu
    — penned by eezy
  • disclaimer: poppypaw is not always operating completely within reality! they are affected by some delusions and may see, hear, react to, and interact with things that are not actually there. most notably, she will believe herself to have interactions with starclan as a whole and specifically, the deceased shadowclan apprentice Poppypaw. these are not reflective of ic reality and are not real interactions with starclan or deceased characters! this is not an attempt at powerplaying, godmodding, or metagaming.