sensitive topics shake my little soul for you [ injury ]

She feels much better now that shes gotten everything off her shoulders, dedicated her life to someone, something that made her feel alive. She walks down the streets with a brighter glint in her eyes, a pep in her step, and today it feels like nothing could get her down. Or at least, almost nothing, when theres a creak as she passes that one run down looking twoleg den. Theres a rumor that has gone around, about the evil cats that live here, but they couldn't be too bad, right? For a second, Centipede's death scene flashes in her mind, turns her stomach and she turns to leave with a bushed up tail.

Lesson number one: never turn your back to an enemy. Walk away with a purpose. It's something she learns real quick as thumps of paws against stone ground alert her just a little too late. When she whips around, theres already a cat soaring through the air towards her. Her heart stops but her mind screams move, move, move, but by the time her paws do move, shes already hitting the ground. Her breath leaves her body, momentarily stunning her and the cats mouth opens to shiny, jagged fangs that sing of her demise. The cat lurches for her throat, digs in, peels back and Churro sputters with a large gasp, surprised to feel no skin missing besides a warm trickle of blood caused by a nick. The cats holding her bowtie in their mouth, and now shes pissed off.

She gains control of herself again and she kicks as hard as she can, thanking the Stars that she climbs trees, sending the cat on top away from her. She scrambles to her paws with a lashing tail and pinned ears, showing her own teeth as the cat bolts towards her once more. She freezes up once more in the face of danger, yelps as claws score against her already shore shoulder, and then shes back on the ground. Was this really how she was gonna go out, afraid and locked up? Would she never be able to say goodbye to her friends, is this what Centipede felt in his final moments?

She doesn't know how she did it, maybe she dissociated from the fear, but she finds herself standing there, bloodied and bruised, more scratches than she had remembered. Her head pounds as she looks to her paws, theres tufts of fur between her claws, when... When did she strike? Why was there blood? She heaves a sigh. She wants Red, thats what she wants. On shaking limbs, she moves from her spot, continues her walk to the camp despite the bile that rises in her throat. Her walk wouldn't have been complete without suspicious looks at every single snap of a branch, every rustle.

Her legs are practically useless by the time she pushes in to camp with a small huff, and Stars is she so tired, so, so tired... She slumps near the camp walls of fern and bramble, she just wants sleep and her body is sore. She's sure that the cat had bruised her shoulder beyond belief, and the scratches sting so bad, but shes not even angry at this, more so at the revelation that not even her old home was safe. She just wants to curl in to Red's side, where she feels safe, like nothing could ever hurt her and for a moment she thinks about becoming a full warrior. She doesn't want to walk past that den again, not right now. No... She'd need more battle training, she'll ask later. And Greenpaw, she thinks of her apprentice, she needs to train him more, train him better. He can't end up like her, can't end up dead like Centipede. She wouldn't fail him, never in a million years.

She puts her head on her paws with a sigh and closes her eyes, content with sleeping away the fatigue.

// tldr: churro gets attacked, dissociates & now makes it back to camp bc all she wants to do is sleep
injuries: theres slight puncture wounds on her neck (bowtie took the brunt of it), right shoulder scratches, a long flank scratch on her left side - her right shoulders kinda fucked
( ) Deersong would be sitting with a group of warriors who were giving patrol reports when the metallic scent of blood entered the camp. The deputy would turn her head quickly towards the entrance and would feel her stomach twist when Churrodream entered covered in cuts and looking utterly exhausted.

Turning to one of the warriors present she would meow quietly but firmly, "Go get Dawnglare, then find Blazestar and Redstorm and tell them that Churrodream is hurt." As the warrior hurried off to do as ordered, Deersong would quickly turn and trot over to her friend and clanmate.

She looked so tired, Deersong felt herself questioning why all of this was suddenly happening to her beloved home, to her family. She would lean down to gently nudge Churro's cheek in an attempt to get the warriors' attention and she meowed softly, "Churrodream, what happened?" Her aqua gaze would move over the she-cat's body, cursing inwardly that she didn't know a single thing about healing and just had to wait for Dawnglare to get here. Deer would then move to sit beside the she-cat as if to protect her from any further harm and she continued, "I know you're exhausted pretty kitty. But you need to tell me what attacked you."

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

He stirs from his den with alarm. Churrodream had returned to camp looking as though she'd been attacked by another cat. He immediately thinks of Centipedepaw, of the rogue stench that had accompanied the abandoned tufts of his black fur. He's relieved to see Deersong sitting with her in the warrior's den, but his frown is quick at the sight of her wounds, tawny pelt torn in places, bowtie shredded.

"You need to get those wounds looked at." He blinks sympathetically at Churrodream. "Deersong's right. We need to know what happened. Who did this to you? Where?"


- ,,
Everything blurs together and like that shes lost in her own head. She barely registers Deersongs nudge to her cheek, and if it weren't for the involuntary action of her eyes flying open then she might have forgotten she existed all together. Shes asking what happened and Churro hesitates to speak, casting her gaze towards her paws once more. What would she even tell them? That she failed to fight off a loner? Or maybe it was a rogue, she doesn't know the difference, but she does know that shes been humiliated beyond belief today. "It was someone that lived in an abandoned twoleg den. I wouldn't suggest walking in the twoleg place anytime soon." she tries to combat her despair with a laugh, but her voice is dry and her throat hoarse, so the joke just falls flat on its face.

"Wheres Red? Is he okay?" she spends so much time besides him now that she had thought for a moment he had been with her, her fur bushing up in alarm but relaxing when the memories flood back. It was only her. He's fine, he was in camp. "This sucks, Deer. Ay dios mio..." another dry laugh, curled ears pinning back. At least she feels safe by her side.

I just want to be useful. How could she be useful when she had gotten so beat up, when she had froze in the middle of the fight? Even Blazestar approaches, looks at her in sympathy and her breath hitches in her throat.

"I want to learn how to fight better." her tail thumps against the ground in slight agitation. "I'll get em' checked out soon." she offers a flat, strained smile to both of them. "...I'll be fine... You guys should see the other guy." she's lying out her ass now, knowing she probably only had gotten two or three blows in. She's just lucky... So lucky her bowtie was in the position it was. She shudders at the thought of dying.
  • Crying
Reactions: ~Deersong~
Lost little sheep; lamb to the slaughter. It seems her journey ended in woe, such woe— written across her form in markings clear to see. Pity, a strange, welling sense of something... With Blaise's (and by extension, the wretched's) words, he's practically summoned, nosing forward with a blank, blank gaze. Nearly, he's distracted by a certain presence, but... there are more pressing matters. Already beaten bloody, what more is there for the witch to ruin? His gaze flickers, and then... back on track.

The spotted fawn. She mumbles and mumbles of all the wrong things. Avoidance of twolegplace completely would surely be impossible. Tell that to the witch's muse or sweet-faced theatric, maybe. And the fawn's obsession, yet again. "Worry for yourself first, dear," spoken flatly with a narrowed gaze. Worry for yourself, for he certainly wouldn't do it for you. There's the ghosting of his muzzle across her side. An assessment, perhaps too close, but... with her he would take precaution. Slash on her left, gnarly, marked with precision. Nearly, does he poke— but the circumstances... catch up to him. There was a place and time. This was neither or.

So eager to fight again, before she's even begun her recovery... Sweet revenge, perhaps he can sympathize, but, but..."Checking out will come... now." His face suddenly scrunches upon a sudden memory, horrifically wretched. "L-lest you want to turn... green." Bob of his throat. For some reason, the thought is even more appalling imagined upon her spotted form. "I... I have things for you," not her specifically, no, but... knowledge. Whatever Honeybee had said, that refresher. Marigold and... the like. "To prevent the... the infection, yes, come along." Steadily ushered, he nudges her towards his den; and suddenly quickened, when turn to scuttle ahead. Space in there was never... guaranteed.

Commotion stirs the apprentice awake, but it is the slight twinge of blood scent in the air that shocks any remaining exhaustion out of Greenpaw's system.

He'd smelled blood before, of course - one is bound to smell blood while hunting. But, something is different about this. Something that pulls his thoughts back to talk of Centipedepaw's fate. Is SkyClan in danger? Did Centipedepaw's attacker arrive to take more of them?

The tom leaps out of his nest, and practically races out of the apprentice den. He expects the worst, but somehow still doesn't expect the sight before him. Churrodream has arrived. Churrodream has arrived, covered in blood. In wounds. Hurt. His mentor is hurt. Never before has Greenpaw felt so much like a scared little kit as he does at that moment.

"C-Churrodream...?" he squeaks out, trembling paws leading him closer, only to stop short. He wants to help, but doesn't know what he can do, only shrinks back as he spots the medicine cat prodding at his mentor. Dawnglare is already there, and Greenpaw is green.
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Furrowed brows and a muzzle crinkling slowly into a silent snarl, he’s slowly enraged by the sight of his clanmate. Churrodream, the kind spanish molly- deserved not her beloved ribbon torn nor her skin. What had warranted this? an evil, and evil could only be stopped by just that.

" Once again. A rogue bleeds Skyclanner blood " Thistleback’s rage is smothered by his calmly spoken words but his shoulders are tense and the rows of black oily thorns on his shoulder twitch and rattle like the tail of one venomous snake along the tattered edge of a dead man’s collar.

Dawnglare appears, shooing her toward his medicine den- the piebald whips his chin toward Blazestar. Awaiting orders, knowing they may never come but grey eyes settle hopefully nonetheless. Go Thistleback, go kill them, yes of course Blazestar! with pleasure- and the bones of rogues would scatter the lines of the forest and they all lived happily ever after.

" the scent of Skyclan needs to start soliciting fear … you’re a good man, Blazestar- my mate you chose deputy is a kind woman. I'm not… and I won’t be if you ever need me to… " it’s a offer, words feathered into the wind. He wasn't sickened by the need to kill to get points across. He didn't want that to be anyone's burden to bear, taking a life was haunting- would always make your claws feel dirty. " the state of Churrodream, it’s unforgivable. " he adds, shaking his maw with a frown.

" I stand beside whatever you and your counsel of leads decide, I just want you to know- I’m down for anything. " it’s another set of words, meaning he wouldn’t do anything unless instructed. This dog didn’t gnaw his leash.

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — daylight warrior of Skyclan | leaves rarely
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png

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"Chasing our tails with these rogues won't mean a thing if our warriors can't defend themselves." Dark eyes focus on Churrodream as she is ushered away into the doctor's lair. She's so bubbly, so unsettling, he can't imagine anybody wanting to get close enough to her to harm her, and yet there they were, looking down the proverbial barrel, waiting for a bang instead of a click.

He looks at Blazestar, perhaps a bit less steady than Thistleback would - he felt nauseous at the mere scent of blood mingling with the fawn she-cat's vanilla-and-sugar smell. "We should be focusing on honing our skills or -" He glances back at Churrodream's retreating form. " - for some, establishing a basis of knowledge before we find another of our own dead or worse." Missing. Eaten. Mutilated.
✦ ★ ✦

Redstorm had been out during this particular incident, when he comes back to the camp it is with a large grouse clutched between his jaws, blue eyes shining as he relives the moment Churro had told him she loved him over and over again, in his footsteps is something more, something he has been missing for a while now, since his father died, since his brother was killed in cold blood. He pushes his way into the camp, excited to share a meal with the brown furred warrior.

What he sees when he gets there makes him stop dead. Churro injured, churro bleeding on the camp ground. Blood. Memories flash in his mind, playing behind his eyes like a movie and he’s loosing everything all over again. How did this happen? When? The red tom drops his catch, prey forgotten as he rushes to her side. "Im here, my love I’m here" he murmurs softly as he presses himself against her, licks the top of her head furiously. He wants to tell everyone to get away, to step away from her but he knows that is selfish, he knows her wounds need to get looked at. He wants to snarl and bare his fangs and scream. But mostly, he wants to go to twoleg place and find the bastard who did this. He wants to make sure they can never do it again.

Reluctantly he allows Dawnglare to lead her away, though he has to bury his claws in the sand when he does to keep himself from following. The medicine cat needed his space, and he was not willing to cross the strange tom. His eyes flicker to his clan mates and he nods his head in agreement, his lips pressed into a thin line, his tail lashing behind him furiously. "I’ll kill every rogue that dares threaten one our clan mates again" he spits, his eyes narrowed, cold, angry. He swings his head around to fix Blazestar with his gaze. "Whatre we going to do" he asks. It is a challenge as much as it’s a question.
( ) Deersong would gently lick her friend's head in comfort just as Dawnglare came to lead her away for healing. The deputy would take a step back, nodding to their medicine cat in a grateful manner before turning to listen to Thistleback, Crimsonbite, and Redstorm fuming and ready to spill more blood. The cream and mocha molly would move to stand on Blazestars right side, her aqua eyes slowly blinking as she listened to her mate and friends and a frown would disturb her usually content features.

"Chillax, all of you." Her meow was still a coo, but it held a different tone this time, something firmer and touched with an authority that wasn't usually there, "Churrodream is already feeling down about all this. Stop snapping your jaws for more blood." Her gaze was still half-lidded, but just as with her tone, the glow within them was quite different.

For the first time ever, Deersong was furious. Her half-tail lay still on the ground behind her, her ears were alert and the air that now hung around her felt dangerous. Her friend had been hurt, and she wanted justice for her too, but going out like blind, rabid dogs would help nothing.

Turning to Blazestar she would meow softly, "I can take a patrol to investigate. With how much blood she was losing, Churro is sure to have left a trail from where she was attacked back to camp. We need to make sure the rogue that attacked her didn't follow her and is now in the territory somewhere."

Suddenly there are so many voices and she barely registers Dawns words. Worry for yourself first, dear, but how could she do that when… Her thoughts are interrupted by a stabbing headache that has started up, making her wince as his muzzle just brushes against her fur. Loud, so loud, yikes, her body aches and shes so, so tired. His face scrunches and she knows what he was thinking of when he speaks of turning green. It wasn't a bad color, but the infection that comes with it, she purses her lips herself. "...Okay..." she finally agrees, hauling herself up to her paws with a grunt.

The next person to arrive is Greenpaw and immediately her heart shatters. She forces a smile and for the first time since she got attacked she feels tears bubble to the surface, slip down her cheeks. Wide eyes, terrified- he looks like her when it happened. "Hey, hijo, i'm okay, see?" she does a little spin, hissing in pain as she places her shoulder down wrong.

Red comes next and she almost collapses in to him. Theres a deep breath, shes safe, shes fine. He's licking her head and theres a small purr that rumbles in her throat, shes glad hes here. Its all shes ever wanted, to be besides him, its just unfortunate that it had to be under this circumstance. Its just that shes so tired, and shes leaning further in to him. Shes almost asleep until Dawn nudges her towards the den, but shes too tired to protest and she nods weakly. "I love you. I wouldn't leave you. Not like this." she whispers towards him.

Everyone demands blood. She sighs heavily. "It's fine guys, truly." she flicks an ear, her words slurring together. "... Good luck." another smile towards Deer as she follows after Dawn.
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