Apr 6, 2023
Bloodhound had set out to hunt early that evening, before the sun had fully drifted below the horizon, as the shadows of the tress began to creep on and on, longer and thicker. The snow bengal slipped from shadow to shadow, slinking slowly, without sound. Listening carefully to their surroundings, following evening birdsong.

Carrionplace tended to have the most concentrated population of birds, if concentrated meant a few crows and pigeons. As much as it stunk, and made the warrior's stomach turn, there was little choice in the matter. All animals needed to eat somehow, and they were not of the mind to starve. That quiet determination in their mind, Bloodhound would stray to the stream's edge. Braving water came more easily to them than most other cats, something their mother had said, so long ago. Their wild cat ancestry, the selective breeding of man. Bloodhound bristled quietly at the thought, the memory of twolegs. Their mother should be here, with them, wild and free.

Bloodhound reached the other side of the stream, shaking off the excess water. Padding towards Carrionplace, trying not to breathe too much of the stench in. It made their fur stand at it's ends, hackles raised. They would still quietly slink in, from a hole in the fence. Crouching low to the ground, eyes set on a particular pigeon, fatter than the rest. Standing on one leg, unable to move as quickly as the rest with wings folded.

A split second decision, the bengal tearing towards the bird, claws unsheathed, jaws ready to bite, and its over. The pigeon's throat between jaws, claws digging into it's rotund form. A deep purr rolls from Bloodhound's chest, tasting blood on their tongue. They close their eyes, letting the bird lay, thanking Starclan that their hunt was successful, for the life that had been given to help feed their Clan. Whispering a soft thank you, like a prayer, the bengal would take the prey back into their jaws, heading back, towards home.

They'd slipped, along the edge of the stream, looking into the darkening marshland, lost in thought. Headfirst in running water, Bloodhound would startle and sputter, their face screwing up, tail twisting in knots. Water up their nose, they would sneeze and sneeze, shaking their head. It took a bit of work to get it all out, their eyes watery and nose stinging, fur drenched. The hybrid laughed, something quiet and soft. How foolish of them. They'd wash their paw, slimy with algae, in the stream, using that wet paw to get the remaining algae and slime off their face from their fall. They'd dropped their prey, and now it was sopping wet too. Bloodhound picks it up again, water dribbling from soaked feathers.

From then, crossing the stream is easy. Bloodhound was already wet, their whiskers drooping. They slink across, swimming, in the deeper parts. Tearing towards the shore, muscles rippling. Catch between their jaws, a fat pigeon with one leg. The bengal was sure they looked sopping and miserable, but Bloodhound's heart thrummed with thrill, their hunt successful.


"Whoa what happened to you?" she asks with an amused twitch of her whiskers "You look more drowned than a River Clanner!" and it was true, water drips off the bengal in droplets. It was comical, actually she had never seen them look so skinny before! She supposed she would look funny too if she had gotten wet like that but she had no plans on ever entering any water, not if she could help it!

Her bi-colored eyes flick to the prey hanging in her clanmates jaws and she nods her head approvingly. "Im sure someone will appreciate that good catch" someone not being her, of course. It never was. Always there was someone more in need of such prey but who knew? Maybe with the turning of the seasons and the starry words laden upon their medicine cat they would start seeing better food items not just meant for Starlingheart or any queens. Stars knew Betonyfrost didn’t deserve it. She nearly rolls her eyes at the thought.
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❪ TAGS ❫"Thought you were a walking fish for a second there, Bloodhound." Roosterstrut mrrows in a joking tone, padding up beside Rainecho and giving his friend a friendly bump in greeting. He eyes the other warrior, not envying the current state of their sopping-wet pelt whatsoever. It's not that the orange tabby tom minded taking a dip once in a while, but water made his fur frustratingly heavy and wet. It took forever to dry, too.

His grin only fades as he sees the Carrionplace looming in the distance. "Any rats give you trouble?" The warrior inquires, slightly cocking his head and taking on a more serious tone. He hadn't touched the Carrionplace since before the rat attack that took one of Pitchstar's lives; many had been wary about returning and opted to hunt on safer grounds. Why Bloodhound desired to venture to the smelly wasteland was unknown, but at least they had gotten out of there unscathed.
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Rainecho's voice calls to them, amused. Telling them they looked more drowned than a Riverclan cat. That they did, sopping wet and full of algae, their pale fur smeared with green and brown. They would lay their prey at the freshkill pile, turning to their clanmate, laughing, as Roosterstrut chimes in that they looked like a walking fish.

"The stream is very wet and slippery. My claws stood no chance." The bengal admits, a little shy, embarrassed with their quite literal slip-up. "Careful that I don't catch you both with a good shake."

They hadn't expected to go headfirst, if they'd expected to slip at all. They'd shake their fur off yet again, before beginning to groom themself, and get the worst of the gunk and slime out of their fur. It tasted NASTY and had the worst texture they'd ever had the displeasure of putting in their mouth. Their tail twists itself into knots as they pause in quiet revulsion, deciding if it was even worth continuing. Maybe it'd just flake off after drying.

They leave it be.

Rainecho compliments their kill, as well. Bloodhound flashes her a smile, small, but warm. The marshes presented different, interesting challenges to their abilities, something that kept them on their toes, kept it exciting. Thrilling.

"I hope someone is pleased. Even if it stinks like the bog." They agree with her. With how rough leafbare had been, with the slowly amassing pile of frogs and various other small, dead things, it was like a treat.

Roosterstrut's voice turns to something more serious, asking them if rats gave them any trouble. Bloodhound shakes their head, their expression falling to match the tom's tone. "No, thankfully. It was a short trip, in and out. No trouble."

Perhaps the rats had lingered back, with how swiftly they'd taken their kill. But if those same rats had seen them slip.... They're sure it would be on sight next time.

જ➶ "In and out, just easy breezy." He spits the words out with a cackle that constrains his throat. There is a small amount of glee in his eyes as he appears through the growth. A stick had been in his jaws but what he has prepared to do with it no one knows. Instead the long legged chimera is eyeing the prey that has been caught by a clanmate, from the Carrionplace. That dark descent into hell. A place of trash and sickness. It makes his muzzle curl just thinking about it, a curl of mischief. Regardless he alloes his one useful eye to turn and look at the one that has come back with food and he pulls his grin tight. "Well, I'm certainly happy that you have returned in one piece." He speaks with a lightness in his tone before he flicks his tail. "Maybe we couldn't venture further into the Carrionplace together? Afterall rats are plentiful leeches there."
Not ev'ry day that you catch your clanmate prowling around disguised as an opposing warrior. Sure, wasn't uncommon to catch folks with damp fur, wet whiskers, and the line on their legs where they'd been standing in still water being clear as day, but to see them soaked to the bone was another thing entirely. Barkbreath almost snaps at them the moment he first sees 'em, figuring those river cats finally regained their sanity and and were packing up to somewhere less wet (if only slightly).

The others echo his thoughts exactly, so he doesn't bother repeatin' nothin', but he does cstare them down as if they're an old enemy from when Barkbreath was freshly grown.

Then, he makes the mistake of thinkin' Bloodhound was only joking about catching them all. Silly him for forgetting today's youth hadn't an ounce of class. Barkbreath would step out of range of the spray with a hiss. Doesn't quite make it out unscathed, though. "You tryin' to kill me?" Barkbreath says. He'd feign a shiver if he knew how. And after that, he'd snort. "What doesn't stink like bog around here? I'm more worried about the..." Barkbreath screws up his eyes at the piece of prey, before dryly finishing. "Soggyness."

Barkbreath sniffs, making it clear that he wouldn't be touching it or the damn cat that caught it with a season's-long pole. "If they wanted their three-hundredth rat, would'nt've gone dippin' in the river," he tells Chittertongue. Figures he's a dimwit, as far as Briar's family goes.
The momentary silence is run through with a knife, via Chittertongue's harsh laugh, his tone light, a stick between his teeth. Eyeing their kill and them with a grin.

Barkbreath is next, eyeing them up like something scared out of his skin hissing as their shaking splatters some of him with water and algae.

They laugh, embarassed and shy, all at once, trying and failing to hold it in. Their shoulders shaking. He hadn't quite pulled out of the splash zone in time. Oops.

"I'm sorry, Barkbreath. I warned you." Not well enough, it seemed.

He proclaims he's worried about the prey being soggy. Bloodhound supposes he's right. But few cats ate the feathers. Played with them, mostly. They were sure their catch was fine. Just a little smelly.

Like them.

Chittertongue pipes up, suggesting a trip into Carrionplace together, hunting the rats.


Bloodhound considers it for a moment. Barkbreath chimes in before they can speak, and they laugh, just a little more. Very outspoken, that one.

"No, I don't mind hunting rats." They pause, looking at Chittertongue warmly. "I think I would like that. Safety lies in numbers."

Two technically counted, they think.