Admittedly, and strictly logically speaking, there is probably a lot that Dimmingsun does not yet know about Snowglare. The tom had settled into the life of a WindClanner so seamlessly that Dimmingsun has to actively think to remember the previous name- Kat. It certainly doesn't feel fitting anymore. Regardless of how Clan cats usually feel towards outsiders, one thing is for certain; the cats from the barn had been a huge asset before, and they hadn't shied away from this life even when they saw the worst of it. It's no surprise that Sunstar did not turn them away.

Dimmingsun's mind pivots towards Spider then. Scorchstreak might have had to officially allow her in due to Sunstar's absence, but he surely approves. Although she hadn't looked particularly thrilled about this whole thing...

His curiosity piqued, and with an idea popping up, Dimmingsun decides to act. Him and Snowglare are friendly enough to warrant some questions without hesitancy.

"I had no idea you've got a daughter," he says in lieu of a hello, gluing himself to that white flank the moment he notices it. "Say, is she just grumpy or did you pull her in here by her tail?"