private sharing is caring - marmalade

Fireflypaw might ask him to help Marmalade, considering once the cat was not a wet mop they would need somewhere to stay. If he was not sick or had no other concerns the medicine cats would turn Marmalade over to the apprentices den considering he was much too old to be in the nursery and wasn't old enough to stay in the warriors den. He's been waiting patiently by the medicine cat den for the other tom to emerge to get him settled for the night. Let it be clear that no one actually asked him to do this, so really there was no need for him to wait and help the other out. It would be a nice thing to do yes, however Crowpaw wasn't known for being nice. Fireflypaw will be happy if I help. He's not sure how many minutes have passed by or hours before Marmalade emerges from the den. That's when Crowpaw rises to his paws and steps in front of them. Before they can answer, he mews "Come. They told you to go to the apprentices den, right?" He waits for no answer, opting to turn and walk towards the apprentices den flicking his tail towards Marmalade to follow. To ensure that the other doesn't get lost or if they're distracted considering they'd like to take in the rest of camp, he waits near the entrance of what will become their shared den.

Once Marmalade is done taking in everything should they chose to do so he will enter the apprentice den first. When they enter it is thankfully empty, the other apprentices are either training or somewhere else in camp chatting before they retire. Despite the lack of cats besides the two of them, there is more than enough evidence that multiple cats sleep here. Marmalade has yet to learn each of their names, but if anything he is able to tell their demeanors. Some nests are messy, some nests are neat, and others have an array of trinkets. Skyclan has quite the cast of apprentices after all. As for Crowpaw himself? His nest is lined with feathers and abundance of them. You could say he has a fascination with birds. "This is the apprentice's den. You'll sleep here with us. Soon everyone will be coming back and going to bed, so pick a spot to sleep and I'll help you make a nest." He would proceed to move over to his nest that has some space beside him should Marmalade wish to have him as a nest neighbor. Although, word of caution. Crowpaw is rather grumpy when he is awoken from his slumber and to make matters worse he is a light sleeper unlike his brother Dreampaw. Marmalade better not be a snorer.

Anyhow, the black tom would settle into his nest and get comfy while he let Marmalade inspect their surroundings and figure out where would be a nice spot. "Don't step on the nests too much. Cherrypaw would throw a fit if you laid a paw on her nest by accident, she works very hard to make sure it's neat."
  • @MARMALADE the nest making private
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 7 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou