sharing is caring [open - food delivery?]



Johnny had never spent a proper fall or winter with the clan before. It was something he was reminded of each time he came across something new he'd never had to worry about before, and Skyclans recent famine was a perfect example of that. Their prey was disappearing at an alarming rate, the hunting patrols bringing home less and less each time they came in from the pines, and it was starting to leave the lead warrior worried. Too many cats were going unfed as the prey was funneled to the queens, elders, and ill first, and while the koi tomcat agreed wholeheartedly that their most vulnerable needed to be cared for first, it didn't change the fact that many of his friends and the clans apprentices were going to bed hungry each night.

Meanwhile, he got to return home to his twolegs and his food bowls that never seemed to stay empty.

It just wasn't fair.

He was late getting to camp that day, having missed the dawn patrol entirely and not reaching the bramble entrance until well after the sun had come up. To be fair he hadn't planned to come in so late, and any cat that knew him would also know it was highly unlike him to not be where he was supposed to be, but he hadn't exactly planned for how difficult it was to carry a foodbowl through the woods. Granted, he hadn't had all that much to trip over given the clans lack of underbrush, but he'd quickly found the most effective way to move was to either drag the thing while walking backwards, or to carry to in his mouth- both of which left his vision obscured since the bowl tended to flip up when in his mouth.

The result had been losing nearly half the kibble on the way as well as a late arrival, but when he finally tugged his dish into camp and fell back onto his haunches to catch his breath, he knew it was worth it. Maybe it wasn't as good as fresh prey, and maybe it might be a blow to some cats pride to eat something given to them by twolegs, but at the end of the day this was about survival and having the energy stores to keep going.

"I've brought food for anyone who hasn't eaten yet today!" he called to any who might be interested- sans the Daylight Warriors of course, who he might very well chase off for being selfish if they came sniffing around trying to take some for themselves. "I'll warn ya now; it's nowhere near as good as freshkill, but it'll keep you alive and give you the strength to keep up with your duties."

Johnnyflame and his mentor Silversmoke were weird around each other. He couldn't quite put his paw on it, but what he appreciated from Johnnyflame's presence was that his mentor was much more expressive. One could even say that it was Johnnyflame himself who made him become all the more fond of his mentor. The seedling of admiration towards Silversmoke had sprouted because of the day when the pair sparred. That's why he felt grateful towards the other lead warrior, even though he didn't interact with them too much. Perhaps, it is in part due to that fact that he watches Johnnyflame with curiosity. Said curiosity is aflame when the other tom returns with something strange in his maw, not to mention the scent is foreign to him.

Food. That's right. They were struggling to catch food and with the new rule, he couldn't eat. It was agonizing to see all the scraps given to the queens, elders, and ill first. Not that he believed they didn't deserve food, but he was starving! Woeful it is to watch them munch away on even a small mouse, while his own stomach was clawing at itself. Eat? Eat! Before he knows it, he's already rushing towards Johnnyflame. At this point he doesn't care what the food is as long as he can eat it and most importantly it's in his belly. Even if it looks nothing like any prey he's ever seen before, it's better than nothing.

Without any warning he sticks his head in the dish and starts horking down the kibble. The taste when it hits him, is just as Johnnyflame has said. It's not great, but food is food. His belly is no longer wailing in agony. Although... Maybe Johnnyflame or someone should stop him. Not only is he making a mess, but the whole point of this kibble provided by dear Johnnyflame was to feed more than one cat.

Mallowlark smelled the kibble on the wind before Johnnyflame even managed to haul it through the camp's threshold. A quite ardent believer in nature and its gifts, beliefs no doubt further spurred by his choice of life-partner, Mallowlark's curiosity had never extended as far as twoleg-made things. Void of the scorn many of his once-home had held toward kittypets (loathe as he was to be associated with that rotting pit), he'd still never felt that the life of one was very appealing.

Wide silver eyes, as bright and round as twin moons, snapped toward the patchwork lead warrior. Interest flared in his eyes, overlaid with the tiniest wrinkle of uncertainty on his nose. It ruined the perfection of his smile, giving its too-wideness an uncanny, false quality. Hunger bit at him a little, he couldn't deny it; they had to make sure the most vulnerable had eaten at times like this, even if it did seem a little early for the prey to start hiding away.

His interest was far outpaced by Crowpaw's blurring form streaking past him, making a beeline immediately for the food. "Looks like rocks," he murmured, a veil of amusement draped over his tone- and he stifled a snort of shock as Crowpaw started shoving the food down his gullet, apparently caring not about how unnatural it smelled. Plus, well- he wasn't doing a very good job of sharing, was he? "You'll choke! And hey, maybe someone else wants some...?"

Would Crowpaw even hear him over the scoffing?
( ) Jonnyflame's announcement of food drew Houndheart's curious eye. She had been lounging lazily by the side of camp, attempting to ignore the hunger gnawing at her, but she began to raise to her paws at his call. Once she saw what he had brought back, however, she dropped back to the ground with a huff of disappointment.

"I'll pass." Houndheart declared with a shurg. "I can't eat the stuff. Tried it, a long time ago. Leafbare was more cruel than usual that season and I was desperate enough to eat anything. I was starving to death and still, I couldn't keep it down. It was like poison to me." For the next day or so after she had tried it she had felt sick as a dog, and the memory made her let out a low, rumbling chuckle.

Though, she couldn't help how her good eye fell longingly on the kibble. It would not be a pleasant meal, she knew, but it would be a meal. The lean seasons of her life had taught her better than to be picky. As far as she was concerned, food was food. If her taste test had gone differently, she may have considered becoming a kittypet that leafbare. They had a pretty sweet deal, as far as she was concerned.

The thought amused her. She couldn't imagine herself with a collar around her neck anymore than she could imagine having a cordial chat with a squirrel.

Apple Stem had never thought of possibly bringing her twoleg-hunted food back to camp. Normally because she was far too hungry on her return to contemplate sharing, but her food wasn't the typical sorts. She wasn't fed kibble at all, but rather more fanciful dishes that she could only compare closer to fresh-kill in taste, although it did look like clay or mud.

Johnnyflame is kind, she decided as she watched Crowpaw dunk his head into the bits and take maybe a bit too much at once. Apple Stem's lips curved up in a wavering smile, unsure if she should warn him of the horrible aches that came with eating kibble too fast. Mallowlark is quicker than her and his tone more reprimanding than hers would be, so she doesn't contribute to the noise.

A flicking tail twitched over Houndheart's nose. "It's not exactly something you can so suddenly so- engorge on so suddenly.." Her pale round sights flicker back to Crowpaw, spelling out his doom to the other. "My housefolk don't feed me kibble anymore, but it's harder to adjust eating too it-it- eating it if you've never had it."
Dawnglare himself, hailing from his own twoleg home and not ashamed to admit so, would never be seen eating the likes of this — gruel it might as well be. Call him what you like — the gnaw of his stomach would not make him stoop to such nonsense. Crowpaw, comparatively, dives into the reflective dish Johnnyflame has brought with him. Based on what Dawnglare knows of the boy, it is not particularly out of character. Pertinently, he avoids him, tiptoeing round an invisible bubble of space he takes like one may do to a bug.

Dawnglare approaches only to scoff in distaste — and perhaps alongside that, has been lured by flinty eyes and a smile that he’s missed. He is tempted — so tempted — to lean haphazardly into that pelt, but stops himself with a frown, dimply aware of potential risk. Damn this sickness. He remains a few paces away from those gathered. Lucky is he, to be immune, but that does not mean it could not hide amongst his fur… Dawnglare huffs. Looks like rocks, " The taste is not dissimilar, " he says with a snort. His housefolk had been trained delicately to his refined palette. This — well. No one was to blame, but Johnnyflame himself. He eyes Crowpaw wearily, if only because he was not in the mood to burry anyone else, at the moment.

Houndheart’s assessments ( was that her name? ) were not too dissimilar from his own. Apple Stem says something or other… Dawnglare looks to Johnnyflame with mild pity. " You could be doing much better for yourself. "

  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 56 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    You may find him kinder to others than is typical, exhausted from the yellowcough blight and heart heavy in a way he has never felt.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads


"Whoa there!" Johnnyflame chuckled, reaching out a paw to try and gently pull Crowpaw back a little. "Slow down there, champ- your gonna give yourself a bellyache if you scarf it down like that." he warned them, not wanting to see the kid puke it all back up just because he'd inhaled too much too fast. Besides, Mallowlark was right- this little bit had to stretch. The reminder that Crowpaw probably wouldn't be able to fill their belly from the meal left a sour feeling in his stomach, but there was little he could do about it.

Houndhearts words would catch his attention, and he glanced again to the food dish he'd brought, knowing how deeply incompetent it was in terms of a proper meal. He wasn't really surprised to hear that there were some cats who just couldn't do it.

"That's fair enough- I imagine a Thunderclanner would have the same struggles trying to eat a fish, though to be fair the fish would at least have some flavor." he chuckled, not afraid to admit to the flaws of his food. Perhaps that was another reason why he didn't eat the prey the clan caught- because he knew it would spoil his appetite toward what his twolegs provided for him. After a moment of hesitation he added, "I can try and snatch you something out of the can, instead? Usually there's meat in there- stuff with real bones. Might not taste exactly the same as a squirrel or bird, but.." It was the best he could do, and he'd be breaking no less than three rules to get it.

Applestem, another of the Daylight warriors, also seemed to understand the importance of not inhaling your food, and while she spoke to Crowpaw Johnnyflame let his attention drift to Dawnglare.

The Skyclan medicine cat was an enigma that the lead warrior doubted he'd ever fully understand. To make matters all the more confusing, Mallowlark - nice, friendly, always smiling Mallowlark- was somehow their mate, and trying to wrap his head around that was just a headache waiting to happen.

"Aye, tis a shame." the tabby replied, fighting his grin in an attempt at feigning disappointment. "Good thing I've got my charm and good looks, otherwise they might not feed me at all."

He didn't expect Dawnglare to appreciate his attempt at a joke, but it was hard to resist when the other tom seemed to showing genuine pity over something Johnny cared so little about. Food tasting good had never really been important to him, and when the kibble was all you had it wasn't like you were left craving anything else.


His nose wrinkled with a snort of laughter, as it often did, at Dawnglare's shared wisdom- and really, shouldn't it be obvious? Something that looked so bland would taste equally as bland. Silver eyes rested upon his mate for a few long moments, the distance between them feeling much further than it was in reality- skirting around each other like this, cautious of germs that might cling to Dawnglare's pelt from his time with the sick, was beginning to make him restless. No matter where he was, he was missing him in some way... but at least they didn't have to rely on the crawling cycle of the moon, anymore.

Apple Stem and Houndheart revealed their distaste for the stuff, too... well, Apple Stem seemed a bit more neutral on the matter. Kibble, they called it... it was a funny word, a strange one that Mallowlark had never really heard before, and it brought a laugh bursting from his chest.

A silver gaze snapped to Johnnyflame, then... Crowpaw was all but forgotten. He'd been warned- it was his fault if he choked on his mouthful of food, by now. "Do Twolegs care much about good- hah- looks?" The idea made him laugh, of course- he couldn't stop it, with such an odd concept embedded in his mind. Having never truly encountered them, not up close, Mallowlark had very little idea of what attached Twolegs and kittypets together whatsoever.