sharing prey - LES YEUX SANS VISAGE

Oct 15, 2023
Important note; This is a Windclan only thread but takes place in the Sandy Hollow during nightfall. Acting as sort of an intro for Harbingermoon.

Marching through the sandy hollow Harbingermoon made haste to drop the measly rabbit to the grounds below. When looking down a wave of nostalgia took hold. Not too long ago, the colonies had unified into clans, and Harbingermoon, once named Hal, had been cast aside by the Marsh Colony for siding with the enemy. In a similar view at the time he had been looking down at his mismatched paws while being escorted from all he had known.

Patience and vengeance had been his ally, as it rewarded him with access to a new part of the former colonies' territories. A place where no cat recognized him and a good little corner of the world to sit and wait for the right moment. During that period, his coal-black coat had developed small white patches with crafty, asymmetrical edges, giving the broad feline an intriguing and formidable appearance. When in reality he was quite scrawny beneath all the fluff.

Taken under the wing of WindClan's former leader, he had served then and now diligently as a tunneler, maintaining a low profile and staying proactive in the realm of warriors. Due to his reserved nature, he had few friends, but his polite facade had its advantages. Many clanmates would offer a passing greeting or request his assistance with more laborious tasks.

His lithe frame in a clan filled with other small cats boosted his ego. Yet, despite his self-serving thoughts and fraudulent emotions, he managed to maintain a neutral presence, moving through the routines of clan life day in and day out. Of course, he slipped out of the territory now and then to quench his curiosity, but with their current circumstances, restlessness had crept in. It seemed that the ever-evolving tomcat was nearing the time to cross borders and seek refuge elsewhere.

Ironically, he had contemplated that desire many times over the past few moons. Each time, he had suppressed the interrupting thoughts. Calming his itch for change with the reminder that the opportunity was approaching.

Finally, he had made inroads with the Moor Queen's kin, slowly integrating himself and maintaining a composed demeanor when seen. A small wolfish grin curled on the rounded cat's face, eager orange eyes gleaming as he carefully sliced the small rabbit into pieces. Using a single black claw for the job, and intending to share the scraps with the less fortunate cats.
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Frostpaw did not know of the world before WindClan. Silly to think about, really. His mother told stories of what she had been like, had been through, but beyond that...did it matter? WindClan was his life, his everything. It always would be. And suddenly the world had become a yawning chasm beneath his paws and opened up so much more. He didn't want any of it. ThunderClan is claustrophobic. The leaves press down upon the shatter-pelted black and white tom. He feels small. Smaller than the tunnels ever could have made him feel. He misses them suddenly. Their safety. The damp-dark. His mentor had not let him help with the rescue mission, assuring him that more would come for them to do. When? When?

His mind is only still when his paws are very, very busy, and they haven't been as of late. In a life as unfamiliar as this one, it's dangerous for Frostpaw's mind to head towards Badgermoon. Scorchstreak. Scorchpaw. Luckypaw. Where is Rumblepaw? He looks around instinctively before curbing the thought and pinning pale eyes back on Harvestmoon and the whole cause of his meandering mind: beneath the black and white tom's great paw is a rabbit, scored and dissected carefully yet carelessly. It hadn't even been that long since they left their moor and he is suddenly nostalgic. "How did you catch that?" he asks eagerly. "You didn't go back to the moor, did you? Do the rabbits come here?" The very thought of them beneath the forest is bizarre. If he feels claustrophobic, surely the rabbits would too.

  • ooc:
  • frostpaw. named for his coloration, and in memory of tigerfrost.
    —— amab nonbinary, he - him + they - them. apprentice of windclan.
    —— badgermoon x scorchstreak. does not acknowledge badgermoon.
    —— sibling to rumblepaw, luckypaw, and scorchpaw. deceased brother.

    frostpaw is remarkably average, all things considered. he is of the expected size and shape, if perhaps a little blockier with his father's influence. his black and white pelt is short and scruffy, and his eyes are nearly the same as they had been at birth, though lightened some to an icy sky blue.
  • "speech"
CW Descriptions of divvying out dead prey.

Tearing through things always held a therapeutic effect for him. Much like itching a spot that couldn't normally be reached. Lulling the spherical tomcat into a soft hum of abstract thoughts.

The sound of approaching paws interrupted his daze. Spotting one of Badermoon's brood, Harbingermoon grimaced. Annoyed by their owlish staring and giddy tone, his pelt prickled with distress. Rather than stir up a fuss, he grumbled aloud to the other. Large paws halting their pickings on the rabbit. "I caught it near our border, and yes, the occasional rabbit wanders into the forest." He glared at the smaller tom with vivacity, hoping they'd stop pestering and eat.

Pulling off a few parts, he pushed it towards Frostpaw, giving a demanding 'hrrmph' "Eat up while it's still fresh and build your strength." Shooting the youth one more glance, daring them to refuse.

Windclan needs powerful warriors and more healthy cats so we can leave this damned hollow. He still felt the rage of defeat and did his best to refrain from destroying the scraps of meat. Continuing his efforts, the Tunneler was satisfied to finish up quickly. Sectioning off for at least two more cats to join in, but for now, he would refrain from eating. Opting to take a small nibble of the prey if only to mask his earlier deviancy.