pafp sharp and sheer | boar stalking

Flycatcher crept silently across the forest floor. Today was a very specific kind of patrol - they were tracking boars. Flycatcher had no intention of engaging them today, this was all about tracking them and seeing where they were moving. With any luck, they might have been heading out of the territory soon. Behind him, Shiningsun, Oakfang, and Flamewhisker follow closely. Perhaps only one of them would have been necessary but Flycatcher was glad for all their presence, feeling reassured that he had strong and wise cats, that would have not only his back but each other's if something went awry.

Flycatcher slowed his pace to scent the air, noting only a weak smell from the boars that was hard to pin down as to which direction it led. "Can any of you smell anything yet?" He asked, glancing back at his clanmates.

don't try to rush your enemies .
Oakfang hummed, maw parted to taste the air, nose scrunching up at the stail scent of boar, tail swishing, ears swerving on top of his helm. His stance remained languid despite the heavy threat within the forest. Stale. He mused. He didn’t doubt for a second that even if it was stale, the threat of boars springing on the small group was all that more possible.

A hum rattled his chest, molten optics shifting to Flycatcher. “Stale.” He remarked. The older brute smelled the air. “Although—” Helm swerved to stare attentively in another direction, nose perked. “It’s a little stronger this way.” He remarked, darkened lips quirked into a frown. “Let’s hope they don’t come any closer to camp.” He hummed. “Certainly wouldn’t end well for any of us.” He huffed, tone deadpan, borderline carefree as he shifted, nosing along the fallen undergrowth.

thought speech

Shiningsun had to admit but he had mixed feelings about the boars that now roamed their forest. He feared them and knew the level of threat that they posed, but yet he found himself intrigued at the same time. So when Flycatcher had come and proposed a patrol to check on the boars he wasted little time in volunteering himself for the mission. Perhaps this time things would go better; no warriors straying out of line, and no deaths. He just hoped that Graystorm was watching over them as they set out.

The golden furred tom was in agreement with Oakfang about the scent being stale, though he knew that the boars often left more than scent behind as a clues. He shifted his focus towards the ground and he eyed the strange tracks and trampled plants. "Yeah, I think Oakfang might be right, the tracks seem to head in the same direction as where the scent is a little stronger." Not wishing to waste time or risk losing the trail he pressed onwards and followed the trail.

( ) While she hadn't been particularly ecstatic about tracking the boars, she hadn't thought twice when her mate had asked her. Graystorm's death had only refreshed the fear of death into her mind, and she didn't what she would do if Flycatcher had gone out on a patrol and not came home. If the boars tried to hurt him, then at least she knew she would put up a hell of a fight if she were here with him, and not back in the camp.

The fiery tabby followed silently behind him, the fur on her back prickling every once and awhile. She glanced around, half expecting the boars to pop out of the undergrowth and ambush them. Her jaws remained parted as she searched the ground for scents. Just when she thought she had something, the wind would blow, and she would loose the trail. The Lead Warrior let out a silent hiss, and started to try again, but voices interrupted her. These scents over here were too weak to track, or at least with the wind. She padded over to join Oakfang and Shiningsun, and nodded in agreement at the fact that Oakfang had found a stronger trail. "They are too close for my liking.." her voice was little more than a growl as she followed behind the toms. All she could imagine was the creatures bursting into their camp.

Whilst Flycatcher had struggled, it seemed his patrol had better look in picking up the trail. It was Oakfang who had picked up on a stronger scent, that Shiningsun and Flamewhisker could also attest to. "I agree," Flycatcher nodded in agreement to his mate's words. They weren't especially close to camp at that moment but after what had happened with Graystorm Flycatcher did not want to take any chances. "Good job on picking up the scent, Oakfang," Flycatcher commended, giving a friendly smile in his direction. "We should track the scent for a little bit and see if we can pick up where they're moving to. Are you all up for that?"

"I'm up for it!" Shiningsun had no objections to the mission being presented, not when it would help the clan as a whole. Not only that but he was still eager to see the boars again, preferably without the risk of being attacked. Maybe through observing they could figure out how to keep the boars away from the camp. They were powerful beasts, the camp walls would be useless against them. "I think we need to learn as much as we can about them."