pafp SHARP AND WITTY — sparring

Flopped onto his back in the dirt, Clayfur watches the world pass by upside down. The paws of cats pass him by every once in a while, and he can’t see their faces but he’s sure they’re looking at him funny. But what else is he supposed to do? Go fishing? Nah, he knows he sucks at that. Unless someone specifically asks him to, he’s not trying to catch another fish anytime soon. But he’s so booooooored. He gives a short, irritated huff, rolling onto his side to stand up again. Maybe he could do something energetic, something that would get his paws moving?

He’s already gone out hunting for the day and it feels too soon to head out to try again, so the white-splashed tom glances around the camp for something interesting to do. It’s when his gaze lands on a certain spidery cat that he gets his great idea. Clay bounds over to stand in front of Spider, grinning at his younger clanmate. "Hey, you wanna practice fighting? Like, no claws or anything—not actually trying to hurt each other! But like, dodging and stuff?" He tries miming the actions as he proposes his idea, fake-swatting an invisible enemy before turning back to face the other feline, a hopeful expression on his face.

// pls wait for @SPIDERFALL.