sensitive topics Shatter me || RTA & Death

Mar 20, 2023
TW: Mentions of death and starvation


The apprentice had gotten quite used to their routine with their mentor. Doing chores, duties, hunting and battling practices have soon all become a normal thing for Shardpaw, and she had even grown more too! Longer limbs, leaner built and so on and such forth. Yet, what made Shardpaw the most excited for when returning home to camp was sharing a meal with her mother, something that had become a daily thing since her apprenticeship, afterall they were no longer together in the nursery and the queen had went back to her warrior duties so this was practically the only time the two were able to catch up, her mom expressing the concerns of her only daughter and making sure she was growing well into her apprenticeship. Which of course led the she-cat to reassure her loving parent.

Today seemed like any other day, Shardpaw excitedly got off of her chore duties, and even managed to catch a decent size mouse for the clan and once she had return they had expected to see their mother awaiting for them to come back, yet the queen had been no where in sight and when she had asked another warrior they had explained Poolgaze hadn't turned up for patrols which was not like Shardpaw's mother at all. So, they decided to sneak into the warrior den themselves to check on her mother, maybe she was just not feeling well and decided to stay in her nest! Thats what Shardpaw was thinking, and it was far from the truth.

Her mother laid there, still and silent and when Shardpaw began to nudge the warrior in attempt to wake her, she felt... cold. Shardpaw's heart dropped in realization, scanning over the form of her "sleeping" mother and noticing how...skinny she was which of course brought confusion to her face, the two had always shared a meal and she swore she saw the other eat too... or had she? Backing up a bit the girl stood there staring while her heart sank. "Shes not breathing..." were the only words Shardpaw could even muster up while staring blankly at her mothers form.

tldr; Shardpaw finds her mother who peacefully passed away in her sleep due to not eating. Feel free to be the warrior who spots Shardpaw in the warriors den! Sorry its kinda rushed btw <33))

Flowercloud had left the den far earlier than even the dawn patrols, testing yet again her ability to push further from camp. To push past the racing heart and echoes in her mind that took all of her strength to remind herself the barks were not real, the crashing of an icicle was only that- an icicle and not a dog impeding on her. She was doing better, she had pushed further from camp. She had even managed to bring home a fattened squirrel!

Granted, that was from shooting up a tree in fear of thinking a darkened shadow was a beast- if she hadn't she wouldn't have found the squirrels home and dug its frame out to be another cats meal. So in all, she was doing better.

The golden hued warrior had been setting down the squirrel when she noticed Shardpaw glancing around warily, and entering into the warriors den. Her head tilted a bit, before deciding to follow.

She's not breathing.

Flowerclouds heart dropped to her paws, green hues softening and her ear folding backwards in sympathy. She had never lost her parents, abandoned by them- but she understood and she still knew how it would feel. Death was a volatile beast, sparing none of its wretched jaws. With a small swallow, the oversized warrior would hesitantly approach, attempting to press a nose into the apprentices side. If disregarded, she would only understand. "I will go get dawnglare, darling." she murmured quietly, unsure what to say. For someone who always knew what to say- death was not something she could easily comfort. "I'll be right back."

The long furred warrior would turn off, quickly moving from the warriors den to the medicine cats den, another hard swallow as she glanced at the two cats before her. "Poolgaze is dead," she said, her soft voice solemn."Shardpaw found her in the warriors den already passed." If only there was more time that they had to save her.

@DAWNGLARE @Fireflypaw

It's not a frequent thing— that he is called in regards to a death that has already happened. No chance at prevention, redemption, rescue... What a gift this is, to be one of the first who would ever know. The resolution has already come, shocking as it may be. He believes he mishears, for just a moment, the swing of his head and widening of his eyes say as much. No amount of wax in his ears would change the reality of such an outcome though. Molded words do not make any more sense the longer he lingers on them, Flowercloud would be met with with a parted maw and blinking eyes. Her tone carries one of sadness; mourning. Dawnglare cocks his head, just slightly. " ...How? "

Flowercloud need not answer. He would drag himself from his den regardless to see for himself. He finds Poolgaze as a corpse, an apprentice that had no business seeing what she did standing at her side. He thinks to see her off— but then, her mothers body would not remain here. Perhaps it'd do no service at all to send her elsewhere, and so he says nothing.

" Fireflypaw. " With how persistent a grasp death held over this clan, his apprentice would have to cull his sensitivities quickly. " Fetch some lavender, please. "

A few paces closer, and he can see it more clearly, now, thin fur plastered to ribs. SkyClan had grown skinny in leaf - abre past, as well, but none had succombed to the likes of hunger— if this was indeed what it was. Dawnglare would never understand the fragile ego of forest cats; the insistance to only except what they did for themselves, and never what was simply given. They could all be warm and fed no matter the season, would they only put their pride behind them... Dawnglare screws his eyes.

He relinquishes these thoughts with a sigh, keenly focusing on what was before him. That is: a dead mother and her child. What a scene— one that prickles uncomfortably; pressure at his eyes.

It unsettles him more than it ought to, really. He spares a look to Shardpaw, and he frowns, " I'm sorry, dear. "

And he would shift toward Poolgaze then, to be doused in lavender petals in a few moments time. A tad clumsily— and for this, perhaps Shardpaw deserved another apology— he would prop the warrior's corpse on his shoulders. It need not be sturdy... just enough to bring her to camps center without a desecrating pull of the scruff. Her body is settled slowly, with a puff of frozen breath could never again be hers.

  • ooc: @/Fireflypaw :')
  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 1.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
Fireflypaw can feel the sorrow in the air as he lifts his head from his paws, stretching out his limbs one by one until his body was nice and relaxed. The topic of death was always a grim one, but Fireflypaw finds that StarClan is comforting to think about in times such as these. Shardpaw's mother is dead. Dawnglare orders him to fetch lavender, and the apprentice nods his head and shoves his way to the back of the den to search for the herbs. Dawnglare's pile was cluttered, unorganized, but the smell of lavender couldn't be missed. He snatches it up between his teeth, walking out after his mentor to follow him into the center of the clearing.

A quick sniff to the body had Fireflypaw realizing how frail the she-cat had been, not being able to see the skinny forms of his clanmates- he knew they were hungry, but he didn't know they were starving. "May she rest in peace." He murmurs softly, pulling his tail close to himself as he begins his slow, careful settling of lavender on the body of Shardpaw's mother. "And may she watch her child from the stars above." He turns his gaze towards Dawnglare, tail twitching. Losing a parent always hurt more than anything- the loss of Little Wolf was still so fresh in his mind. He blinks sadly then, moving to sit beside the high priest quietly.​
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 It wouldn't be the first time that they'd lost someone so suddenly... that right under their noses the heavenly ancestors would rip and tear away comfort and peace for whatever... nefarious purposes they had. Edenpaw is not so sure they're benevolent... struggles to believe in a higher power that brings them so much harm. Fireflypaw always speaks of them with such reverence... they think back to a conversation where they'd asked about leaders wasting lives and how the medicine cat apprentice had stiffened, had assured them there was no such thing. If that was the case... then how come Blazestar's only could be used selfishly? They could only bring him back.

Flowercloud is a soft molly, one with great, gentle intention but it isn't enough to break down the ice-cold grip of grief. Shardpaw would be next... to be stabbed with its icicle-grasp. They frown, squinting green eyes closed to spare the limp visage of a mother- carefully, they move to sit beside their den-mate with a nose pressed gingerly to her cheek, an unspoken warm reminder that she wasn't alone.​