SHC LOVE LITTER (casual + polycule parents)

Jun 9, 2022
On first glance, the romance between Needledrift and Chittertongue is so obvious, it borders on uneventful. Friends practically since birth, the closest of close for their entire adult lives, the pair was bound to fall into the mates-to-kits pipeline eventually. However... things can never go quite so simply in ShadowClan. No, no. Instead of a single couple anxiously awaiting their first litter, Needledrift is the suffering proud mother of two litters - one in her belly and one birthed by her other mate, Ferndance .... sired by Ferndance's secret mate, Pikesplash...

Whoops. Mixed family, anyone?

At least until recently, Needledrift was excited to start on this new leg of motherhood.... until Chittertongue met his unfortunate demise. Now, the expectant mother is embroiled in grief and fear, a bit lost without her ride or die by her side. While Ferndance is a love of her life, Needledrift has lost her best friend and the father of her kits all in a matter of moments, and only a fortnight away from her delivery date...

  • This will be a worm litter! While the kits will be born on 2/14/2024, they will not be played until March 1st - when the final kitten opens their eyes. Because of this, slots will be chosen February 26th and winners will be given 4 days to make and set up their accounts.
  • Kittens will be given pre-set names, coats, and genders at birth. Applicants are encouraged to have fun with the slight challenge put forward by these restrictions. However, names and genders will be able to be changed by the winning applicants later on. Needledrift will encourage all of her children to express themselves in any way they see fit.
  • These kittens do not have to be exceedingly active, as I'm not particularly active myself. I do request that kittens post at least once a month, but your slot will not be rehomed based on inactivity. The only way a slot will be rehomed is if a winning applicant willingly gives up their place.
  • Applications are free-for-all, aside from the presets. I will be adding proposed "final" designs to each kit's slide as well - please indicate which kit you're trying out for in your application.
  • Please note that these kits will not be raised to see a difference between their adopted siblings and their biological siblings - they're all a big pile of related! They will also be raised to see no difference between Needledrift and Ferndance's maternity - they're both mom! While adoption can be seen as unconventional is warrior cat life, it's very normalized for this group and will be treated as such.

Biological children of Needledrift and Chittertongue
Adoptive children of Ferndance (optional: Pikesplash)
Adoptive siblings to Wisteriapaw, Bonepaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw, Bloodpaw
Grandchildren of Briarstar and Amber
Grand-nieces and nephews to Boneripple
Nieces and nephews to Skunktail, Pitchstar, Nightswarm, Starlingheart, and Lilacfur
Cousins to Pipitclaw, Hawkstride, Snipe, Flintpaw, Nettlepaw, Ghostpaw, Sycamorekit, Marblekit

Sire: SH lilac rosette tabby (carrying longhair, cinnamon, solid)
Dam: SH blue w/ low white (masking mackerel tabby; carrying longhair, chocolate)

Kits can be blue, lilac, blue tabby, or lilac tabby

kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
kits can have no white or low white
kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
tabbies will display broken mackerel pattern or broken braided pattern; solid kits will mask one of these
shorthaired kits may or may not carry longhair; black-based kits will carry chocolate or cinnamon; chocolate-based kits may or may not carry cinnamon; tabbies will carry solid

Genetics by Blitz

MORELKIT - slot one
A short-haired blue tabby tom with pale blue-gray eyes. Named by ???, after the morel mushrooms scattered in Needledrift's nest.

  • How will Morel feel about being the oldest of three and youngest middle child of eight? How will this "pecking order" affect their actions and relationships with their siblings?
BRANCHKIT - slot two
A long-haired lilac tabby tom with dark amber eyes. Named by ???, for the stick that Needledrift broke during kitting.

  • What if Branch inherited their father's odd cackling mannerisms? How does it affect their day-to-day life? Do they lean into it?
GIGGLEKIT - slot three
A long-haired / short-haired chimera lilac tabby she-cat with pale green eyes. Named by ???, after Chittertongue; Needledrift would have done it herself if she had the strength.

  • How does Giggle feel about being named after a father she'll never know? Does she feel closer to him, or is it more isolating when her siblings have more "normal" names?
slot one​

slot two​

slot three​
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Gigglekit Gigglepaw Giggleheart
— Giggle- after Chittertongue // kit- denoting rank
— Assigned Female at Birth (she/her)
— 00 months old
— Kit of Riverclan

— sibling to Morelkit and Branchkit
MATE TO... no one
— mother/father/parent to... no one
MENTORING... no one
— previously mentored no one
— mentored by TBD

A long/short haired lilac broken braided tabby chimera with low white and pale green eyes.
— carries; cinnamon and solid
— no scars or current injuries
— no physical ailments


— Gigglekit lives up to her name really as she is just a ball of fun, sunshine and joyous energy. She always seems to bright side of things and never seems to feel a bad emotions. Gigglekit loves to play, run and do all sorts of things! She likes to feel helpful and like she is contributing to the clan. This young kit likes to think of herself as a social butterfly and loves nothing more than to befriend her fellow cat! Gigglekit though does have a tendency of making weird facial expressions; like crossing her eyes, wrinkling her nose or ‘shuddering’ in some regards. She plays it off as being silly but she fears that it might be more than she tends to lead on.

Gigglepaw is loyal and hardworking. She works hard to make things work and to live up to the name she was given at birth. Chittertongue was a formidable cat and she had to make him proud in Starclan of course! Though her more sunshine and rainbow behavior has seemed to level out and become calmer. She still has these ‘twitches’ and has become a little crush-crazy as well. Everyone is just so pretty! Gigglepaw is also growing to be strong willed and stubborn, leading to more feisty apprentice!

Giggleheart is rather chatty and overall a loyal Shadowclan warrior. She suffers from seizures and theyre never any fun, and has lead to her becoming distant towards others. Her smile never seems to reach her eyes, and she looks always like she having a mild panic attack. TO BE FINISHED
Suffers from Tourette’s, future seizures and echolalia

talents, experience? what are they good at swimming, hunting, weaving
what are they poor at fighting, climbing, can't handle the sight of blood
peaceful and healilng powerplay allowed!
smells like water lillies and daisies
sounds like Isabella from Phineas and Ferb
— penned by [wolf]
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me when i redo my application entirely

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    BRANCHKIT ; doesn't understand why he was named after something broken, but is happy to have been named by his brother
    a bright and energetic child who is occasionally struck with bouts of cackling, branchkit carries a perpetual grin on his face. he is rarely seen separate from one of his mothers or his siblings, and tends to shy away from new experiences.
    ⤷ named by Ferndance, for the stick that Needledrift broke during kitting
    — male; he/him; amab
    — kit of shadowclan; has not yet been instilled with a sense of loyalty
    — 00 months / ages every 14th / born 2-14-24
    — penned by foxlore; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
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    longhaired lilac broken braided tabby with low white / carries cinnamon, solid
    Soft, fluffy fur covers Branchkit's body like down, reminiscent of his mother's own pelt. As small as he is, his coat’s pattern is somewhat muddled, but is clearly a pale brown-gray struck through with streaks of darker lilac. His eyes, when they open, will be rounded and blue, but will gradually grow darker and darker until they settle into a deep amber shade.

    Once the kithood roundness leaves him, Branchkit will certainly be lean and long-legged, with a mane of distinctly spiked fur along the back of his neck. He will keep his coat of long fur as he grows, often messy and unkempt from a lack of grooming.

    Takes after Chittertongue more than Needledrift, but inherits Needledrift’s soft, plush coat of fur.
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    KIT: An overeager child with a vivid imagination, Branchkit tends to follow whatever Morelkit decides to do and looks to his brother for leadership. He finds it easy to connect with others, outgoing and endearing as he is, and making friends is easy. He knows no fear yet in his life, enjoying the doting of both his mothers; the only concern that little Branchkit has is the uncontrollable bursts of laughter that escape him after a good session of playing, or when he’s put into situations that he doesn’t enjoy. It seems that his father’s odd cackling mannerism has been passed down to him, and though his clanmates may find it cute while he’s a kit, Branchkit does not find it entertaining at all. He grows agitated when others point out his abrupt bouts of laughter, and makes it clear that he prefers for it to be ignored or not mentioned by others. He does find it interesting, though; sometimes he finds himself wondering whether he should have been the one named Gigglekit.

    He is a charismatic kit, always attempting to convince older cats to give him what he wants through big, sad eyes and a pouting face. He normally wanders about camp with a bright grin on his face, perpetually searching for others to play with. He is rarely seen separate from one of his mothers or his siblings, and tends to shy away from new experiences. Unadventurous as they come, Branchkit likes the nursery, and likes the cats within it, so he sees no reason to step out of his comfort zone.

    APPRENTICE / WARRIOR: Parts of his development will depend on early events in his life & his mentor, so his full adult demeanor is sort of up in the air. I plan on taking him in a generally laid-back direction, where he is a pretty chill guy who simply doesn’t give much thought to his actions. He will be the type to flirt playfully and bouncing from interest to interest, but is unwilling to actually settle down with anyone.

    He will grow more adventurous through his apprenticeship, eager to see all that the marshland has to offer, but his interest in the world stops at the edge of the territory. He will not cross the border unless required to do so, and he prefers to stay in the land that he knows well. This plays into his ability to move with confidence through the marshland, a skilled hunter and tracker on his home turf. He is knowledgeable about ShadowClan’s territory, but not of the other clans’ lands, and works more off instinct than knowledge when he is uncertain. This means that he can come across as unintelligent quite often, especially when paired with his tic that grows more prominent when stressed.

    As an apprentice and adult, Branch doesn’t give much thought to the consequences of his actions, leading to recklessness that can stress out those around him. He is quick to throw himself into danger for the sake of his clanmates, although he has enough self-preservation to only put himself in harm’s way if he thinks he can escape with minimal injuries. He is normally cool and composed, but has his moments of clear excitability—not to mention the cackling fits that claim him, though not as often as they did in his younger months.

    Overall he is generally pleasant, if not a bit arrogant, and trusts his clanmates to have his back.

    His odd cackling is a vocal tic, and is entirely involuntary. It normally makes an appearance only during highly emotional moments (anger, stress, excitement, etc.), but others pointing it out makes it worse.
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    NEEDLEDRIFT xx CHITTERTONGUE | Adoptive child of Ferndance | Sibling to Wisteriapaw, Bonepaw, Shadepaw, Snowpaw, Bloodpaw, Morelkit, Gigglekit | family tree
    ⤷ Grandchild of Briarstar and Amber | Grand-nephew to Boneripple
    ⤷ Nephew to Skunktail, Pitchstar, Nightswarm, Starlingheart, Lilacfur
    ⤷ Cousin to Pipitclaw, Hawkstride, Snipe, Flintpaw, Nettlepaw, Ghostpaw, Sycamorekit, Marblekit
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    • Submissive toward Morelkit and follows everything that his brother says. As the firstborn of the litter, it makes sense that Morelkit would be the one bossing him around, after all.
    • Jealous of Gigglekit. He wanted to be named after his super-cool dad, not some dumb stick!
    • Probably idolizes all his parents, but especially Chittertongue—after all, if he shapes himself after a parent who’s dead, then he can’t let Branch down. Probably looks to Ferndance most as a role model as he ages.
    • Will ask Needledrift and Ferndance about his name eventually, and will express a desire to change it. He’d ask why Ferndance named him Branchkit, and depending on how the conversation went, he would probably choose to keep his name as it is.
    • Total mama’s boy. He loves his moms and is reluctant to leave them. The day he becomes an apprentice is going to be like dropping a kid off at preschool for the first time. (“What do you mean I have to go with someone else, I don’t like that, give me my moms back”)
    • Will end up standing taller than both his moms when he’s fully grown. Skinny, heron-like legs and a slim frame make him awkwardly clumsy through his apprenticeship.
    • I would LOVE for him to have a long-term rivalry. Maybe they're friendly rivals who push each other to do better, or maybe they start out as friends but get too competitive and shift to rivals (enemies) during apprenticeship. Someone to keep him on his toes and tone down his arrogance.
    • Chaotic Neutral. Not strictly good- or evil-aligned, but obviously doesn’t care too much for rules. He enjoys his freedom to live as he wants, and seems rather selfish at times. Typically, he won’t risk himself for anyone besides his friends or family, unless the benefits outweigh the potential cost. He is helpful and cooperative when it serves him, but overall doesn’t feel inclined to help others when he stands to gain nothing from doing so.
    • Fey Wanderer Ranger / Swords Bard. High WIS/CHA, low INT/STR, and almost eerily knowledgeable about the land that he grows up in. Mirthful at his best, and dreadful at his worst.
    • Future name possibilities: Branchbite, Branchroar, Branchsnout, Branchstep. (would go for Branchtongue as well but that’s just not the greatest mental image)
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Where his siblings carry the soft lilac tones of a father long gone, Morelkit's fur appears muted in comparison. His appearance seeks to mirror his birth mother's instead with his coat of gray fur. Lacking his littermates' tufted fur, his appears short and cropped in thin, velvet stripes of blue. In juxtaposition to his midtoned profile, an uneven dash of white strikes his muzzle. Dreary, sky-blue eyes complete his monochromatic appearance, pale and grayed in color.

Morelkit is a bright young tom with a hunger for knowledge. He aspires to learn everything he can about the world he was born into, and carries an inquisitive nature to him. Finding a new fact will always the highlight of his day, and he'll make sure to share his findings with anyone he can — whether they want to hear it, or not. Absorbing the skills he'll learn to become one day become a warrior, it is likely he'll find himself merely proficient across the board, rather than mastering a specific skill set.

Going with the flow of clan-life Morelkit is quick to adapt to the changes within the camp, even with a question or two to gain understanding of what caused the shift.

Falling in line overall as a middle child and as the eldest of his litter at the same time in an already large extended family, it's easy Morelkit to feel like a small pebble floating amidst the wave that is the amount of siblings he has.

With a sibling almost always within sight, finding a sense of individuality may be difficult for him. Especially in his apprenticeship, he may feel merely average compared to any of them in nature, feeling as though he has no outstanding attributes to make him stand out against them. Morelkit is a follower when it comes to his older siblings, and a leader when it comes to his siblings.

Even with as big of a family as his, family is one of the most important things to the kit. With his older siblings already apprentices at the time of his birth, Morelkit will find himself closest to Branchkit and Gigglekit, and the two will likely be his closest friends through out his life.

He'll carry a protectiveness of the lilac-furred duo, often reflected in bossy tones possibly mirrored from Ferndance's litter and stories and games shared between the trio. Whether a sibling or a parent, Morelkit will come to the defense of his family members when things go awry, sticking up for them with assertive tones. Such may get him in trouble from time to time.

Outside of his family, making friends is a point of struggle for the blue tom. Morelkit is more comfortable making friends out of his sibling's friends, rather than to encounter them on his own.

  • Won't understand the reasoning for being named after mushrooms at first, and may question the importance to his name compared to Giggle's and Branch's, of which have more finite meanings in his mind. When he learns of the littermate who bestowed the name upon him, Morelkit will likely pester Bonepaw about his choice of name and his reasoning. Even so, his name is his, and he is unlikely to seek out a name change.
    Will be excited to earn his apprentice name, but may be anxious to leave the nursery when the time comes — a last minute cry of I want to stay with you! Morel would opt for his moms to mentor him, if he could, as to stay close to them in his apprenticeship. Despite his fears, he will find excitement in the possibility of sharing a den with his eldest siblings, if even for a short while.

  • POTENTIAL WARRIOR NAMES: Morelglow, Morelbeam, Morelstem, Morelstripe — earthy / nature-based names likely.
    Personality is subject to change based on IC events and aging, but should stay relatively close to and expand from the above.
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tracking and staring so hard but w a question - does I will be adding proposed "final" designs to each kit's slide as well mean theres possibility for slight design changes? def wouldn't be anything major but ngl sometimes i like to add a little flair or something special to any oc's i do adopt
tracking and staring so hard but w a question - does I will be adding proposed "final" designs to each kit's slide as well mean theres possibility for slight design changes? def wouldn't be anything major but ngl sometimes i like to add a little flair or something special to any oc's i do adopt
@Kitty-Kat- Yeah, small changes will be allowed. For this litter, I'll be allowing applicants to apply their own low white additions, for example. I'll also be pretty lenient with the striping types and the way the fur lies, etc, etc. The references that I will offer are not totally set in stone, but will be free to the winning applicant to use if they so wish. This way, applicants don't have to worry so much about designing or describing their kit and can focus more on fleshing out personality, aesthetics, planned familial relationships and potential plots!
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Reactions: Kitty-Kat-


a warrior may retreat. he does not flee.
Gigglekit . Gigglepaw . Gigglespirit, -twirl?


↳ by Snowypaw, after her father, Chittertongue
— Kit of ShadowClan
— Female, she/her, bisexual, monogamous
Chittertongue x Needledrift, Ferndance, sibling to Morelkit and Branchkit; Wisteriapaw, Bonepaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw, Bloodpaw

Long-/short-haired chimera lilac tabby she-cat with pale green eyes With a lilac chimera pelt alternating long- and short-hair, Gigglekit is young she-cat with pale green eyes. Much like her father, Gigglekit has a splash of white, spiky fur on the back of her neck, as well as the same coming off the sides of her face. As she grows, she'll come into more of her father's genes, becoming a lanky she-cat with thin features. She is capable of changing her posture on a dime, though mostly carries herself with a quiet grace when in the presence of others; by herself, Giggle has no respect for proper posture, and slouches.
↳ carrying / masking / etc?


As a kit, Gigglekit is nothing short of deserving of her name - the life of the party, never letting one thing or another get her down. One might consider her livelihood as that of a normal kitten: playing, sleeping, getting into mischief with den- and littermates. Whether it be due to her age or sensibilities, Gigglekit is easy to cry when faced with troubles, a nod to her growing empathy.

Becoming an apprentice is a large change for any cat, but it brings its own trials and tribulations for Gigglepaw. Growing into the new 'paw moniker, Gigglepaw sees little reason to change her cheerful ways when she can balance that with newfound responsibilities. However, something happens that changes Gigglepaw's worldview [see plots] and curls her joyous nature into a jaded one. As she learns more about the real world and its hardships, Gigglepaw realizes that it would still be beneficial for herself and others if she had remained innocent and carefree, and so she puts on a mask and teaches herself how to act the part of a happy girl. The only thing that remains of her childlike personality that she can't mask is her empathy, and she cries easily.

Any will that Giggle might have had as an apprentice has dried up by the time she becomes a warrior. She continues to act as if she is unaffected, making sure that her persona of happiness never slips, though there are more occasions where her mask cracks and reveals a very drained, tired reality. She becomes a relative loner in proximity to others in her Clan, though manages to make her absences less noticeable through her social facade. When she isn't around Clanmates, Giggle is glowering and glum, much in the way that other Clan cats might stereotype a ShadowClanner as.

As she grows older, Giggle will come to realize that her life isn't going to feel fulfilled as long as she lives as she does, always hiding behind a mask. She finds someone that can draw out her true, inner colors that she'd thought long dead [see plots] and she starts using her facade less and less, and letting her true feelings show; those feelings might not be picture-perfect like everything she practiced was, but it's genuinely her, and she's learned that being true to herself is what matters to those around her.
mannerisms: practiced spirited giggling
— will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will not show mercy
— (will) excel at reading the room, putting on a performance


— Reality finally hits when Gigglepaw is an apprentice. Something happens that causes her otherwise joyous worldview to change, whether that be simple meanness from a bully or rival, or something more hard-hitting such as the death of a loved one or experiencing a traumatic event. This will be the catalyst for the showmanship that she'll put on in place of real happiness.
— Someone catches her in her lie. Giggle spends a lot of her time outside of camp once she gets the chance to as she ages, where she can be by herself and slouch and frown to her heart's content, a cold contrast to the bright persona she puts on when around her Clanmates. With sharp senses, Giggle is not easily caught off-guard, which is what would make this interaction notable.
— Giggle finds her true laugh again. In the presence of the right cat, possibly a family member or possibly a friend or romantic interest, Giggle's faith in reality is reignited and she laughs candidly for the first time in moons. It isn't like her practiced laugh, but it still rings clear as a bell and marks a change in the girl's life.
— Like her father, Giggle has a tendency to laugh in any situation that triggers a strong emotion, and it's one of the few things that can get her to drop her happy facade. If during an incident that calls for sympathy, Giggle wants nothing less than to not laugh; but it's something she can't help, the one part of herself that she can't control.
— Being named after the father she never knew in life is something that Gigglekit takes in stride - her name is a joyous thing, a namesake that bears happiness. As a kit, she certainly has no qualms with the name, even taking every chance she can to learn more about her father from her mothers and Clanmates; she even loves to elicit giggles from her Clanmates for the sole reason that it's her name, and if she can bring about giggles, surely that means she's doing a good job! As she grows, however, Giggle will come to have some problems with her name - she forces herself to be joyful each day, and the constant mocking reminder of her name does more to drain Giggle than it does give her any color. With any luck, by her waning years, Giggle will have found peace with her unique, meaningful name.


Bonus Information:
— Voice claim would be Nanako Dojima [as a child] --> Arashi Narukami [as an adult]
— Human AU name would most likely be a variation of Chittertongue's human name
— Similar characters to Giggle are Furina de Fontaine from Genshin Impact

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