private She’s My Winona // Petalnose

It’s sad, how many things are going wrong in the clan they call home. A moment of true peace is hard to find in RiverClan, and yet Aspenhaze continues to look for it. A light in the darkness can be hard to sight, but at least they can feel some reprieve when it comes to Petalnose. Despite her harsh exterior, she always manages to make them happy.

Another round of patrols done, another nightly meal eaten, Aspenhaze waits until everyone else has spread out to relax until they sleep, to talk to their mate. “Before we rest, how would you feel about taking a quick stroll?” They ask calmly. “Nothing bad, I just want to have some time to ourselves. Assuming you’re up for it?” She is a busy woman, after all.


It was true how misfortunes circled their clan like hungry vultures. Picking, testing if weakness overtook it. First she went down, then Iciclefang showed a subtle sign of illness and Lichentail had become victim to rouges. Clayfur and Lightningstone were gone. All their strong forces had been weakened. Rouges circled like vultures, coming back for more. Picking and eating when they saw an opportunity. Petalnose half blamed herself, a fall of dominos seemed to follow behind her. Bad luck, it seemed to cling at her tail tip. But at the same, wisdom seemed to settle within herself. She wasn't responsible for what she couldn't control. She was only responsible to the harm she had done upon the body that served her well. She was responsible for the emotional torment she caused upon loved ones.

A familiar chime of soothing tones; it evoked a quiet trill of welcome and question. Aspenhaze. They wanted to take a stroll, perhaps to talk. A slow blink of expectance and curiousity was given. Perhaps, she'd get another scolding afterall. There wasn't any refusal behind her eyes. Paws instead pressed forward to stand beside them, aiming to brush her fur against theirs as she stepped in place. Before she could mew, reassurance was spoken to wash away the pessimistic guesses within her mind. Time alone.

A purr rumbled from within her chest, "I'm always up for it. Why couldn't I turn that opportunity away?" A playful scrunch of her nose was served in their direction, brisk, it died as her attention settled within the distance. "Let's just keep a nose for rouges. Although, you lead the way this time. Then, tell me what's been on your mind." The lead warriors tail gestured at their heels to offer the position, awaiting their paws and voice of guidance.

Aspenhaze is glad that despite how easily they can read her fear, she still ultimately agrees. Not that they expected any different, but it still does make them feel better by proxy. They smile warmly at the reception, nodding at the suggestion to keep an eye out for any rogues. “Of course. Last thing we need is for either of us to end up in the medicine den again, hmm?” They chuckle, before taking the lead like she requests, tail running against her side briefly before moving along.

As they walk in the cool night air, Aspenhaze enjoys the feeling of the wind in their fur. As much as Leaf-bare might make life that much harder, at least the transition from it to Newleaf is enjoyable. “I’m glad you’re recovering well,” Aspenhaze starts with, “though I didn’t expect anything less. I know how you are when you’re asked to lay down.” Another laugh, but they don’t intend to discuss the topic any more than that. “More than anything, I just wanted to say this while the others can’t hear... you’re so gorgeous. Especially during the night like this.” They rub their chin on her cheeks in a loving manner. They missed her so much while she was stuck being away from them.​

The joke caused a light roll of her eyes, stretching her limbs before following suit with a playful rumble, "Tell me about it. But we can fight together just fine as we always had before." Ever since she had met Aspenhaze they both had fought within close distances, it was an important trait. Sure, she was protective, she had proven that whenever Aspenhaze had faltered with the bobcat. Although, she was glad to have one she loved that fought well. From the glimpses of her eye, it seemed they enjoyed it almost as much as she did. Alike they were but different in the same. Aspenhaze had the patience she didn't have, she supposed that was why her counterpart didn't seem to argue with her concerning the destruction of herself. She knew she would've out of worry and hurt. She knew it was probable she hurt them. There was a hidden blink behind the saddened thought, but her features lifted just as quickly at Aspenhaze's playful jests.

"Hey, I was good this time!" She hissed in false offense, her maw opened to attest more in play but Aspenhaze had begun to speak more. Softer words formed and her ears pinned forward to listen to honey laced words. Unexpected, her cheeks burned from the sudden words and sign of affection. More guilt had sunk deep within her, but she pushed it past for now to enjoy the moment she had missed dearly. If she let herself feel that, she couldn't return in the same genuine means, she'd miss what she was supposed to feel. Stars knew she didn't want to push Aspenhaze away, even if it could be an accident. She missed this. She missed them. She needed them.

"And you shine brighter than the stars tonight, the freckles on your face are more radiant and the blue in your fur is even more beautiful than the moon. You're more beautiful than this world." A rasp of her tongue touched their forehead and she moved to lean against them, enjoying the warmth she so missed.

Petalnose's eyes drew to the sky and then back down to gaze down at their face, "The sky is ugly compared to you." She purred with a small chuckle.
