
it's summer somewhere so you shouldn't be so cold
Sep 18, 2023

“Momma! Momma! Momma! Help! Help me! Come back..” Her world was ice, snow, and despair. Everything was cold. She fell over and over again into the bleached ground. Her small frame sank under the surface of a cold white powder. Her tiny legs were numb. The siren of her desperate mewls and screams was muffled by the freezing snow as she tumbled in it. She slipped in the slush and lost her footing. In a moment, her body began to tumble violently down a small embankment. With a quiet yelp, the spotted kitten struck a tree stump surrounded by frosted ferns. Weakly, the she-kit crawled under the ferns and pressed her body to the tree stump. ”M-m-mmomma…,” she whimpered through busted lips.

Newleaf was just around the corner but leaf-bare would not be forgotten easily this year. This leaf-bare was brutal and it had unleashed its fury upon the forest in the form of a raging snowstorm. A cruel parting gift for the cats living there until it returned the next year. The she-kit could no longer smell the warm scent of her mother or littermate. In her mind, she could see a damp pelt of red and white fur disappearing into the blinding white downpour. Her sister had been carried away by her mother and she had been left waiting all alone for her mother to return. In her fear and anxiety, she had fidgeted and panicked. She hadn’t listened to momma. She hadn’t stayed still and waited.. Her blue eyes remained wide in fear as she waited beneath the ferns. Her strength to cry out was fading fast. She hoped to smell the comforting scent of her mother again. She hoped to feel warmth again. With a final weak cry, the kitten dropped her tired head into the snow. Her tiny nose bubbled and ran with snot, and she slowly closed her eyes.

Rogues and loners didn’t have a StarClan waiting for them. She was a simple kitten born from a rogue. She was little in the eyes of the celestial ancestors to the five great clans of the forest. And yet, a miracle or perhaps a simple coincidence happened in that storm. She was saved by clan cats.

”It’s a kit!” ”Dear StarClan! Is it alive?!” What’s a kit doing out here?” “Is there anyone else around?”

A chorus of unfamiliar voices broke the sound of the steady snowfall. The events felt like a dream as she barely hung onto consciousness. She felt a prick at the back of her neck as she was lifted out of the snow. She was too young, too weakened to explain she was waiting for her momma. The strangers carried her a long way. Their voices seemed worried, and they smelled differently than her momma and sister did. The half-frozen kitten hung limply in the Thunderclanner’s jaws. The patrol delivered her with haste to the camp nursery.

It was here that she learned what warmth was again as she curled up in cinnamon and ivory fur. The snowstorm and its painful events slowly faded from her brain. Forgotten – hopefully forever. A faint feeble purr started in her chest. In those moments she met a new mother and began to develop a new identity. She was Spottedkit of ThunderClan.

  • ✿ ooc : — history oneshot ~ ​

  • spottedpaw she/her 7 moons apprentice of thunderclan
    a thin and pretty long-haired calico she-cat with light blue eyes.
    ⇀ TAGS ↽

    ──── named 'spotted' for her calico pelt & named 'paw' denoting her rank.
    ──── she was born to a pair of rogues but was abandoned as a kit and taken in by thunderclan. tansyshine is her adoptive mother.
    ──── when the season permits, she wears various wildflowers woven into her long fur
    ──── bossy / confident / 'goodie-goodie' / self-righteous / helpful / headstrong
    / protective / vain / studious / devoted / extroverted

  • WIP - image soon

  • strength ◆◇◇◇◇
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇
    charisma ◆◆◆◆◇
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇

    hunting ◆◆◆◇◇
    swimming ◇◇◇◇◇
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇
    fighting ◆◆◇◇◇

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