private SHE COULD SEE INSIDE MY HEAD — sootstar


XXXXXThe cats near the Burnt Sycamore are all-abuzz with their new plans. Cats are practicing battle moves, sparring as though they’re with Clanmates and not enemy warriors who would put teeth back at their throats on the morrow. Granitepelt watches with slitted eyes, hardly reacting when a small, battered smoke she-cat sidles up beside him. He had beckoned her over with the subtle twinge of his snakelike tail. “It sounds like it’s going to be chaotic the next few days.

XXXXXHe turns to look at her. He wonders if she’s in the same celebratory mood, or if her stinging wounds reminds her of the slights against WindClan… he hopes to remind her. “They sing each others’ praises now, but where were they when you needed them to lift their paws?” Granitepelt turns his gaze back to the cats who swarm his territory. He lets the silence linger, then stretch, before he says, “…WindClan can still come out on top.

XXXXXHe thinks of Halfshade, cold in her grave, of Smogmaw, lost adrift snowstorms.

XXXXXHe smiles.

XXXXXThere are some motherless kits in the nursery who would benefit from a sterner upbringing. Why let them languish here in ShadowClan, when a Clan more powerful, more righteous, is so near us?” Granitepelt’s tail flicks again, haphazard. “I even know a secret way to get to that Clan…

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Sootstar slips over to Granitepelt at the flick of his tail, grateful to get away from the group. Her wounds sting with each step she takes but the pain was managable, if she struggled she hides it well. Sitting down beside him, but not too close she fixes her gaze on the large crowd of cats. They sparred and shared-tongues, whispered and gossiped, though out of all of them WindClan has been the most excluded. Sootstar finds it only proves her point about them all, her clan would be wise to remember how they’ve been treated in their darkest hour.

She scoffs at Granitepelt’s words, ”I’d like to know how, we’ve been forced to take nothing but loses.” She complains and lashes her tail behind her.

Granitepelt does what he does best for her though, he has an idea. This bit of information he shares, his plan, is the best he’s ever given her in their long-standing pact. The widow has not smiled in what seems like moons, but now? Crookedly she grins. ”Well… I pray they find their way there.”

She rises to her paws, ”I will be waiting.” If Granitepelt wanted to please her he would figure out the rest. Saying not another word she trickles back into the puddle of cats around the tree, a new fire in her eyes.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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