she don't mind at all // rta

► Flamingmoth.

I have a million signs that my fortune just begun
Aug 14, 2023

flamingmoth & 45 moons & male & he/him & shadowclan warrior

All things considered, Flamingmoth had settled into shadowclan life fairly quickly. He'd always liked to think himself the adaptable sort - rolling with the punches as it were. It's not even the first time his life has had a sudden upheaval - though the surprise addition of kits had certainly been... something.

But the flame hued feline hadn't let that give him pause - adapting to the changes with a smile and an incessant amount of bragging. Today is one such occurrence - his patrol mates unfortunate enough to get dragged into his delusions of grandeur until at last a bet sparks - certainly, if flamingmoth is such an amazing hunter, he'll catch the biggest piece of prey... right?

Well - he'd certainly tried.

Paws had led him to cross paths with a crow, the bird gorged on carrionplace making an excellent catch - if only he'd managed it. He's not sure what sets it off - had it seen him coming? Heard him move? Maybe one of his clanmates had wanted to sabotage his chances - whatever the case, it's spooked before he's close enough - fluttering straight into the paws of another. "Incoming!" he chirps out in warning - not all to upset considering he's to be on tick duty once they return to camp.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a sleek and muscular red tabby tom with copper toned eyes, white socks, and a white tail. he reeks of the carrionplace from living there so long, but otherwise is quite nice to look at. he doesn't seem to be the brightest of the bunch, and thinks way to highly of himself.

    physically medium && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not allowed
    please attack using [b][color=coral]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


Snapped out of a daydream by the sound of rustled feathers and ‘incoming!’, Snipe tilts his head up just in time to see a crow rushing towards in a panicked attempt to flee. Amber eyes grow wide as he winds his paw back, lunging forward he slams his paw down against the back of the midnight bird. Stunned, it lays on the ground with wings sprawled out, instinct drives him to go for a swift killing blow. With teeth around the bird’s neck he tugs until he hears a faint crack.

Thank the stars… his inner voice sighs, how embarrassing it would’ve been to have allowed the crow to get away after practically flying into his paws.

Eyes flicker up to meet the pelt of a red tabby, Flamingmoth. He’s encountered the Tom-cat plenty of times during Snipe’s so-far short stay in ShadowClan, but scarcely have they directly spoken. Snipe has half-a-mind and be friendly, give the kill to Flamingmoth who had initially scared the crow. Instead he opts for a more playful approach and pretends to protectively drag the crow closer to himself. ”’Spose it’s mine now. Guess I’m in the lead for biggest piece of prey this patrol.” He grins, whiskers quivering against the chill.
  • » Snipe
    » Loner
    » He/him
    » A heavily-scarred chocolate tom-cat with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses brute strength and hits heavy.
    » Excels in taking opponents head-on.
    » Uses slow but powerful hits to bring them to the ground.
    » Fights to overpower and defeat .
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Incoming! The shout was enough to startle away his quarry, a mouse, so hardly comparison to that of a crow, but it was enough to irritate the tabby tom. Willowburn let slip a drawn out sigh of exasperation as he turned to look towards Snipe and Flamingmoth with a wrinkled nose. "Must you both be so loud?" He shook his head in dismay as he approached the pair. Though as he came to behold the crow itself he had to admit that he was impressed. "Still that's quite the catch. I think the contest might be over, unless someone discovers a rabbit or some sort."
- ⋆ -

Hunting was never their strong suit, they where terrible at it by far and liked to think that without Twilightshade they might starve to death. Their friend was much more capable of hunting than they could ever wish for. Though that didnt stop them from trying to improve and show that they could hunt like Twilight could! Skywish had been crouched in a frond bush that was littered with snow. They had their eyes on something small, a little mouse that looked as hungry as they felt, and then a voice called out from some where nearby.

This cause the mouse to skitter away quickly and Skywish gave a small huff at the second failed attempt at catching something. The brown and white tabby shook their head a bit and glared slightly at the spot where the mouse had vanished into. Then turned a bit towards that of the sound of someone yelling ‘incoming’.

The young warrior padded along before they too came to Willowburn and gave a small huff, “Contest? We’re having a contest? If i had known I would’ve chased that mouse!” They exclaimed with a small shake of their head, but a competition sounded fun none the less. Even if Flamingmoth had just about scared most of the prey off with that call out.

"you're all gonna scare the pray off if you keep yapping like that."

they're trying to be calm about it but in their mind, their anger is absolutely justified. their clan is always on the verge of starving. they're barely scrapping by, especially with so many mouths to feed that cannot actually provide for themselves in thst way. they needed all the prey they could get because a hungry shadowclanner was a desperate shadowclanner and the last thing they needed was to be desperate. with a lash of their tail back and forth, they snorted as they sniffed the cold air, barely finding much of anything in it.

"keep quiet."

they commanded with a final lash of their tail. idiots. all of them.

Snipe looks to Willowburn, oblivious that Flamingmoth’s warning had caused the tom to lose his own prey. ”If Flamingmoth hadn’t warned me the mouse-brained thing might’ve flown right into my face.” He defends with a light-hearted purr.

Skywish pads forward excitedly, another member of their hunting patrol. ”Yeah, hadn’t you heard them? It’s all that was spoken about since we left camp.” Light-heartedly he snorts, ”I don’t think your mouse would’ve beaten my impressive kill… He clearly only teases, not actually meaning to come off as self-absorbed. ”but it would’ve made a nice addition to the ‘fresh-kill pile’.” That’s what he had learned ShadowClan called the dug out hole they put their prey, a fitting and straight-forward name.

That’s when the scolding of Chilledstar sinks in. They seemed to be a difficult cat to please, Snipe doesn’t think he’s gotten a single lick of praise since showing up at the border with his brothers from the leader. The fur along his scruff prickles in apprehension, ”Had we really been that loud?” He asks in a much lower tone now.

With a final awkward glance towards the rest of the patrol he slinks back into the marshland to hunt. Best not step on the leader’s paws any further.
  • » Snipe
    » Loner
    » He/him
    » A heavily-scarred chocolate tom-cat with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses brute strength and hits heavy.
    » Excels in taking opponents head-on.
    » Uses slow but powerful hits to bring them to the ground.
    » Fights to overpower and defeat .
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Her mentor @Bonerattle had set the blonde molly a goal to practice her hunting skills. Today was somewhat nice and her hopes felt lifted at the opportunity. The faintest whiff of rodent caused her to pause as the patrol walked ahead and just as she practiced Thornpaw dropped to her belly. Creeping forward to follow the trail only to nearly jump from her own pelt as Flamingmoth shouts a warning. Glancing over her shoulder she spots the panicked crow and in a flash Snipe slams it. The shock wanes as annoyance sets into her bunched frame. Low to the ground the tabby rolls her eyes from below at Snipe. "Yes." The apprentice mews bluntly, body still posed as frustration paints their pale face.

Thornpaw's pelt settled back to its usual wild nature as the surprise of the ruckus subsided. She had been trailing a potential mouse when all the crow frenzy took place. Any hope of finding it now was surely gone and she sat up in defeat. Hunting had proven to be her weakest asset as a paw' and the youth was growing more irate by that fact. Glancing at Chilledstar, her maw tightens into a further frown, soundless agreement evident in her slouched posture.

flamingmoth & 45 moons & male & he/him & shadowclan warrior

Thankfully Snipe seems much more aware of his surroundings than Flamingmoth had been - copper tinted gaze filled with relief that the catch was not lost entirely. A lopsided grin is quick to land upon his features as he bounds over, good-tempered even in spite of his failure. "Nice catch! was real afraid I mucked it up and we'd all be going hungry again," he says playfully, half-joking.

Chilledstar seems a bit... irked at their banter though, and eyes go wide as he blinks - it's a strange thing, seeing how serious some of these clan cats can be all the time. But it's not his place to speak - instead turning to look at snipe as though too silently say 'you see that?' - brushing it off with a shrug of flame-hued shoulders. Maybe they had, or maybe they hadn't -they'd been scolded either way, hadn't they?

Conversation coming to a close, he's quick to flounce off, jaws already parting to scent the air. Perhaps this time he'll be more successful.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: out <3
    tw/cw: —
  • a sleek and muscular red tabby tom with copper toned eyes, white socks, and a white tail. he reeks of the carrionplace from living there so long, but otherwise is quite nice to look at. he doesn't seem to be the brightest of the bunch, and thinks way to highly of himself.

    physically medium && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not allowed
    please attack using [b][color=coral]action here[/color][/b] and tag account