camp SHE LIVES IN A FAIRY TALE [ ✦ ] kit clan gathering

It has been made clear to her that the stranger queens and kits were here to stay, for a time anyways. With any hope, soon the adults would pony up and they would handle that “rogue problem” she had heard about and the stranger kittens would be out of their camp.

Today she was feeling extra huffy, she wanted to play Clan but how was she meant to include everyone, who she is certain will want to play (whoever didn’t want to play clan certainly had tadpoles for brains)? Once her brain latches on to the idea, however, she cannot let go. "Okay listen up everyone!" she finally calls out to the kittens in the nursery "I have an idea! We should all play Clan and pretend to be at a gathering just like the grown ups!" honestly, she had no clue what actually happened at gatherings so she would have to make her best guess based upon the things that she sometimes heard the queens gossiping about but still. "I’ll be Halfstar, leader of ShadowClan. My deputy will be Birdkit and my medicine cat will be Tanglekit" she immediately proclaims the coveted positions in ShadowClan for herself and her sisters, her chest puffing out proudly as she scrambles on top of a large flat rock outside of the nursery, so that she may better address the cats of the five clans, of course

Pink-kit cannot believe they had to move camps AGAIN, and this one is even worse than the last. No leaves, to crunchy leaves, to leaves that were like needles and just soggy and wet and gross and no fun to crunch at all! Why have leaves at all if they were going to be uncrunchable? ThunderClan has effectively set her expectations, and frankly, now she feels cheated! At least there were more kits in ShadowClan... Or was it everyclan, since all of them are squished into this gross dusty muddy camp? More kits means more competition... which means she HAS to call dibs on the bestest role right now or it's all over for her! " I'm Pinkstar, WindClan leader! " Pink-kit immediately yells, even though she wasn't even super sure what they were playing. She is very good at playing pretend though.

Play pretend she does, so she scrambles onto the flat stone beside the pale tortie she-kit. Apparently, Pink-kit should be giving her siblings important stuff to do too! " Heathkit is my deputy! " Pink-kit declares. And then she remembers that Heathkit can't hear anything? Like at all? She still doesn't get how that works, but Wolfsong is probably trustworthy! Ack, how was she even going to know she was deputy? " Finchkit is... second deputy! " Easy peasy, Finchkit will just help her. " And Downykit is my medicine cat! " The other WindClan kits are already deputy and medicine cats already basically, so it should be Pink-kit and her siblings turns to be cool and important and stuff!

Anyways. What's the game? She forgot what a gathering is. Besides like... gathering. What a lame name. " You are very pretty Halfstar. We should be, uhhhh, allies! " Cuz' her fur reminded Pink-kit of her fur and her moms fur, obviously. " My deputy ought to fetch our new allies a juicy mouse! " Do they even have those here in this mud world? Hmph.

  • ooc: optional tags :3 @HEATHKIT @FINCHKIT @downykit

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pink-kit bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pink-kit is a very irrational and childish character!​
The blue smoke kitten toddles forward, his long shaggy fur obscuring his eyes and he cheerfully plops himself down alongside the two she-kits; easily dwarfing both in size. He was only one more moon from being an apprentice but he was still happy to indulge in fun and games, if anything he shared his siblings feelings on being apprenticed which was - preferring the nursery above it. Sadly, Sunfreckle had already given them both the talk on it and he knew what to expect, but right now Pigeonkit would ignore it in favor of his own happiness.
"I'm uh-I'm Pigeonstar, leader of...mmmm ThunderClan." Briefly he considered picking a different clan but what was better than ThunderClan? Nothing. Nothing at all, his clan was the best. It was where his family was and their leader was really cool so he wanted to be like her. "My deputy is um-Softkit-I mean Softstorm. Our medicine cat is, I mean, Sunshinesleep." That name suited them perfectly he thinks, maybe he wouldn't be so bad a leader if naming was all they had to do that was super important. The large, fluffy kit kneads the ground in place, listening to the two begin an alliance and he perks up at the idea, "Can we be allies too? I like mice."

  • Optional kit tags - @Softkit & @sunshinekit .

  • 62602527_Rj6et8vCTd63fvT.png
    —⊰⋅ Kitten of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ LH Blue smoke w/white & blue eyes.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

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Reactions: PINKSHINE


What was all of that racket? Couldn't anyone get a lick of sleep around here? Granted, sleeping had been all Nettlekit had really been doing since he'd arrived in ShadowClan, and the quality of his slumber was far from pristine. No, he was plagued by nightmares that chased him into the waking world. So of course, he opens his blind eyes with a bitter expression sprawled across his grim features.

Ears twitch toward the scene as he listens, thoroughly annoyed at how he'd been disturbed so rudely. ShadowClan, the tom-kit thinks sourly. He doesn't want to play. It sounds dumb. He wants to go home. He wants to see his mother. The sightless kitten stumbles to his paws with teeth bared and ears flattened. He doesn't have the energy for an argument, though. No, he intended to simply slip past and into the clearing to look for a quieter place to sulk.

But, as he walks clumsily through the den, he finds himself accosted by the persistent sensation of missing out. Had they been back in RiverClan, before the rogues, before yellowcough, he'd have been more than happy to play such a game. The boy pauses, pushes out a sigh, tail tip twitching. Halfstar announces her ShadowClan ranks, followed by Pinkstar of WindClan. He doesn't even recognize any of the names. Who's Heathkit? And why were they deputy?

In fact, he doesn't recognize any of the names being announced. Furthermore, Pinkstar states that WindClan has two deputies. Nettlekit snorts at the minnow-brained idea. Why would anyone ever need two deputies? The boy shakes his head, scoffing. Clearly, Pinkstar was an indecisive leader. Any clan worth their herbs could easily take advantage of such a thing. Begrudgingly, Nettlekit steps forward, rolling clouded, frost green eyes.

"I'm Nettlestar. RiverClan's leader." He offers flatly. "Bristlekit is my deputy, and my only deputy, because he's competent enough to handle RiverClan's affairs without a kit-sitter." It's a clear jab toward WindClan's leader. Politics at gatherings were always volatile, Nettlestar realizes with a curl of his tail.

"Carawaykit is my medicine cat." Because out of all of Willowroot's brood, he seems to know her best, even if they had a bit of a spat back in SkyClan. "Today I am announcing that RiverClan will be taking back sunningrocks. We need them for... " He pauses to think, then nods to himself, "For sunning." Nettlestar lets his sightless green eyes seek the ThunderClan leader next, challenging Pigeonstar with a cold and smug little smirk, eyes narrowed deviously.

(optional @BRISTLEKIT ▪︎ @carawaykit )
  • Wow
Reactions: PINKSHINE
If there was one thing that Softkit had very quickly learned since leaving the nursery, it was that other kits were loud. There were definitely times when she missed when it was just her, Vixenkit, and Spiderlily, but now that there was something happening, everywhere, it seemed, Softkit had told herself that she needed to get used to things being loud - and that she didn't have to be.
Ears twitching as Halfkit and Pink-kit's voices carried over to where Softkit had been relaxing, she looked over to the small group that was forming and considered her options. She could try and ignore them, but if everyone started playing Clan, then she reluctantly had to admit that she didn't want to be left out. Stifling a small sigh of frustration, Softkit got to her paws, padding over to stand beside Pigeonkit as he also arrived on the playing field. She had to admit, he seemed to know how to play better than the two she-kits, giving Softkit and Sunshinekit proper names.
"Why do you have two deputies? Who will become leader after you, then?" Softkit - no, Softstorm, now - questioned Pink-kit with a small frown. Pigeonstar might be leader, so he could really decide alliances, but Softkit thought that allying with someone so lackadaisical with her rank appointments might not be the greatest idea.
Sunshinekit isn't the game-playing sort. The displacement of their life has only pushed the kitten deeper into bout of uncertainty and in truth, the only way they wish to remedy it is by napping the day away. Surely they'll wake up to their fathers and siblings ushering them home once more. Fortunately or otherwise, their ears pick up the chatter that calls not far from their self contained warm spot. Round eyes open half way just as Pigeonkit (Pigeonstar) begins to speak. And though the tortie isn't one to play pretend often, they pitch forward on hefty paws just for their brother.

"Mmm, Sunshinesleep, reporting for... uhh... duty," though being the medicine cat sounds exhausting. Berryheart was running everywhere when they were in the medicine den, and Lichenpaw.... Sunshinesleep decides against thinking about the lost apprentice. Their gaze lingers on the newly named Nettlestar, and their tail twitches with disapproval, "Y'can't take them," they huff. They look to Pigeonstar, a pout on their otherwise sunny expression, "I've not got my sun-rocks nap in today," and SURELY that's important.​
"Can a clan have two deputy?" The cream and blue kitten asks, voice a chirp of a sound as she dutifully wanders over to stand next to Halfkit as her deputy proper. It was a good thing Tanglekit was the medicine cat and not her, she didn't like the smell in Starlingheart's den at all so she couldn't imagine doing such a job herself. She would rather be deputy, it was the position their father had which meant it was probably a lot more important than leader. Birdkit had not met either parent, their mother dying upon their birth and Smogmaw being off in the mountains trying to find a cure that would come too late but she had already conjured up a mental image of him she rather liked. He'd arrive, his cure would be so powerful and amazing it would bring their mother back to life like a leader who held nine lives and together they would take over ShadowClan properly as a family. Chilledstar would just get to leave, they didn't seem to like it here anyways so it would be a gift. Maybe Birdkit could be the actual deputy when their father came home and became leader! If two deputy were allowed, she'd want Halfkit to be the second one with her. Though if two were allowed why not three? Why couldn't Tanglekit also be one? The three of them, as official deputies of their clan. It would be amazing.

She turns her head as RiverClan and ThunderClan's 'leaders' began to bicker and she laughs high and shrill like the chime of a bell; what losers. Who needed Sunningrocks when ShadowClan already had nice sunning spots to lie on! There was one she liked a lot by the warrior's den and another near the edge of camp that the queens didn't like her going to cause it was so close to the brambles.
"If ThunderClan and RiverClan go to war which side will we help, Halfstar?"


  • 71106733_IrUUCaOfrNJ0vKn.png
    —⊰⋅ Kitten of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Blue Tabby Chimera w/orange and green eyes.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai


while under normal circumstances carawaykit was always for a game, it seemed like there were bigger things for once. twice they had been forced from safety, at what point were they going to be driven so far away that they wouldn't be able to find home again? the tabby lays nearby, but does not immediately jump at the idea of demanding herself riverclan's leader. it seemed to be ill-fated, where was riverclan's true leader?

but, she hears her name volunteered. not as leader nor deputy, but medicine cat. her gaze narrowed onto the pointed kitten who had dubbed himself nettlestar. undeserving, those who aimed to shed the blood of their clanmates had no place at their head. she could win no wars as a medicine cat, could not lead her clan to a prosperous station, could not be a warrior. this was not her place, she knew that much.

she began to scheme, usurping a king with no claim could not be that difficult. she listened to the other kit leaders reactions about sunningrocks, a place she never knew, maybe would never know. it didn't matter, not at the moment at least, she had a proposition to make. one that would surely get under nettlekit's fur too.

"i am carawaykit, riverclan's medicine cat. i have an announcement!" chest puffed and chin tilted, she gave one quick glance to nettlekit before looking out over all of the other kittens. "starclan has come to me in my dreams, left me with an important message. they showed me a vision of myself in nettlestar's place, the forest bright and veeeeeeeeeeery happy!"

with step one of her plan in motion, it was time to garner the support of the other leaders, especially the ones at odds after learning that nettlekit planned to take back sunningrocks. "support me as riverclan's rightful leader just as the stars have, and i promise peace! under my leadership, thunderclan can keep sunningrocks, and halfstar, pinkstar, i promise you each one really sparkly shell as a token of my friendship!"

  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, three moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

── So many new friends! He enjoyed the possibility of learning about all the other kits and about their homes. It is halfkit who suggests that they play pretend, which isn't out of the norm. It's not like kits were allowed to go out of camp to an actual gathering, so this was the next best thing. He is amused to see how quickly all the other kits partake in this game, considering the adults have this weird vibe to them. It makes him wonder if any of the adults were actual adults. Whatever the case, the white tom practically poofs into existence to the others. Even though he's been sitting here this whole entire time.

It's terrible of him, yet he can't help himself. "Wisteriakit here, medicine cat apprentice of Shadowclan! Starclan has shown me too that Carawaykit as riverclan's leader." What? A little fun won't hurt anyone. Not to mention he was curious how this would play along, which was why he played along with Carawaykit. Besides, he's a shadowclan cat. If Nettlekit and Carawaykit get into a fight, that was not his fault. As for which clan they would help, well from what he's heard Thunderclan is closer to them than Riverclan. Basically he would pick Thunderclan just because of proximity.
There were far too many kits here, Heathkit thought with a twist of her nose. Every single one of them smelled different and it was difficult for her to keep up with everything once she was thrust into such a new situation. She did not have time to meet all of them, to make the difference between their footfalls, so Heathkit could all but feel the residual dictate for her new den-mates.

This place was grosser than the last one, and Heathkit wondered if she would ever smell the moor-heather again. She had not realized how much she missed it until she was forced to leave.

She feels more at ease when she is with her littermates, so Heathkit is seated close to Pink-kit, crowned with an almost angelic, indifferent look to her fast. The fast-paced politics speaking escapes her, and her sister's bubbly and loud enthusiasm is lost on her. It was not until a kit that smelled terribly of fish, with clouded green eyes, moved over, making an ugly twist of his snout and a roll of his eyes. Heathkit knew enough to mean this was disrespect—and she would not tolerate it toward her sister.

Kit WindClan's deaf, second deputy bared her fangs at Nettlestar and growled loudly as a warning, the muscles bunching up underneath her tiny form as she eyed him and prepared to pounce. She did not know that Gatherings were meant to be a time of peace.


︿─︿.𖥔 ݁ ˖︿─︿Singedkit does not participate at first. They watch, as they often do, utterly still in a low crouch. They do not like this nursery, as they had not liked ThunderClan's; they miss sharing the medicine cat den with Ðir and Father, and they were only able to see Father briefly in the chaos which brought the clans to this marshy doorstep. They do not know what to make of these kits, either, who are from clans gladly scorning Singedkit's own, and when they notice Heathkit preparing to pounce on RiverClan's "leader," they say nothing.

Singedkit does straighten from their crouch, however, to hook their claws into a mossball and fling it toward the face of @carawaykit. "I am Singedstar of StarClan, and I gave you no such dream," they declare. "You may interpret the mossball as my disapproval."
  • Sibling to Bearkit, Rivekit,, Sunlitkit, & Featherkit. Second-born child named after their pelt-color to invoke ember-like imagery.
    Uses they/them pronouns only; will not respond to the use of any others. Too young for romantic relationships; sexuality TBD.
  • Small compared to the average WindClan kit. The runt of the litter who has greatly taken after Wolfsong's height, but with Sunstride's slimmer structure. Will progress in size as an apprentice, but will not tower over the clan as their father does.
    Eyes are a striking, frost-hewn blue paler than both their parents' eyes, and without a tinge of green. Often narrowed, even as a kit, primarily a physical trait picked up from Wolfsong.
  • While they do not have the appearance of a light-hearted demeanor, they are relatively friendly with clanmates and are known to have a youthful charm, with a smile that can't help but to be mirrored. It comes quite naturally to them, though they do mimic their parents to better endear themself to other people.
    Singedkit seems to take after the snake's skin fed to Wolfsong. Their friendliness is the swaying grass that the snake's slither matches in rhythm, disguised by innocuous scenery. As a kit, this manifests as little more than (mostly) harmless schemes.
  • Peaceful actions may be powerplayed, such as shoulder brushes, light bumps, and playfully intended gestures. Violent or harmful actions can be attempted with a ping for this account.
    Please note that while peaceful actions can be powerplayed, and while most will be received or even reciprocated, there is a chance Singedkit will become discomfited and react aggressively.
  • Wow
Reactions: carawaysong
Pigeonstar. Well and good. Nettlestar. Well and good, or it least it WOULD'VE BEEN until Nettlestar starts saying ridiculous things about her deputies? Pink-kit thought if she was leader no one could ever yell at her or tell her to go to bed and they certainly shouldn't be able to insult her sisters! Immediately, Pink-kit is fuming. " Kit - sitter? My deputies are very brilliant! " she insists angrily, glaring daggers at the RiverClan leader through her tight smile.

Why do you have two deputies? Softkit, no, Softstorm asks— should she have given her siblings really cool warrior names? " Because Finchshine needs to let Heathfur know that she's deputy, obviously! " she says, rolling her eyes. It doesn't even occur to her that the others don't know Heathkit can't hear and stuff. Sunshinesleep is fighting over rocks... Okay well who cares when Pinkstar needs to defend her deputies' honor? Can a clan have two deputies? " Why not? Who will become leader after me? Uh, no one! Because there is no after me, dummy. " She's just gonna live forever and ever like Sootstar.

Carawaykit had a vision. Very cool! And so has Wisteriakit! AND her brilliant deputy is growling at Nettlestar, extremely ferociously, and with al this overwhelming evidence Pinkstar just has to agree. " My deputy has spoken! Uh, and StarClan! Replace Nettlestar with Carawaykit at once! " She thinks she sounds very cool and important.

Very rudely, Carawaykit is suddenly bapped with a mossball. Pink-kit is pretty sure mossballs aren't allowed at gatherings. ...Unless they are? Then gatherings would actually be so super cool. I am Singedstar of StarClan, and I gave you no such dream, the mossball says. Pink-kit pouts. But she hates Nettlestar... " Replace Nettlestar anyways! If Carawaykit isn't made leader, WindClan will come beat up every single RiverClanner, especially Nettlestar. Our allies, ShadowClan, will uhh, help too! "


    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pink-kit bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pink-kit is a very irrational and childish character!​

In Halfkit's eyes, things are going good. Pink-kit is quick to declare herself Pinkstar, leader of the moors and "Halfstar" nods as if having two deputies makes all the sense in the world "You guys must do things weird in WindClan" she says, more amused than anything. Was such a thing normal there? She wonders on it for only a moment before the other kits are chiming in, stating that WindClan cannot have two deputies. "I think two deputies are fine and since I am Halfstar, the coolest leader ever what I say is like uh law" that was something she had heard a leader say before right? Leaders were super important and cats were always listening to them so it had to be true. When Pink-kit turns to her, asking if they can be allies, Halfkit feels a rush of delight. Allies? That sounded cool... "Of course we can, but only because I think you're pretty too" she states like it is a fact "It is declared then, ThunderClan WindClan and ShadowClan are allies" that meant a three to two against the poor kit clans of River and Sky.

She narrows her eyes as the newly proclaimed 'Nettlestar' speaks, immediately bashing her new ally for having two deputies but for now she holds her tongue as small arguments broke out, cats begin to question Pinkstars decision and make claims over a place she does not recognize the name of. Her nose wrinkles in barely disguised annoyance "What's a sunning rocks and why do you guys want it so bad?" she finds herself asking before turning to her sister, her deputy. "Excellent question, Birdfeather" she says, dubbing her sister with a cool warrior name, "Since ShadowClan and ThunderClan are allies we will be taking Pigeonstar's side" because frankly she did not like Nettlekit all that much. In her opinion, the Nettlepaw who resided in ShadowClan was much cooler than his RiverClan counterpart.

Carawaykit speaks up then, says that she has received a sign from StarClan that she should be leader instead and Halfkit nods eagerly "Yes of course, makes perfect sense. You have ShadowClans full support Carawaystar" could medicine cats even become leaders? She is uncertain but it is difficult to imagine Starlingheart in such a role. "Thank you for your helpful insight Wisteriapaw" she says with a nod to her new medicine cat apprentice before turning her attention to Singedkit, who claims they are from StarClan. "You cant be from StarClan, you're not dead! That is a FAKE sign" she says and as she speaks she sticks her tongue out to show her distaste at the so called 'sign' [/I]

Last edited by a moderator:
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Reactions: Floppie

Pink-kit- and he wouldn't dare call her Pinkstar- was quite the rambunctious figure, but even she wasn't as socially unaware as Halfkit apparently. Declaring herself leader without knowing how it all worked- without knowing anything about the outside world? Featherkit could scoff- he did, icily beneath his breath.

Featherkit was not fond of make-believe, and among WindClan kits held quite a reputation for being anti-fun. Warriors might say it was because she was an old soul, a ragged, fraying temper of a moons-old spirit trapped behind his ice-glimmer eyes. Whatever the reason, any rousing game swivelled horned-owl ears and set her scowl deep and dark, dusk rolling over the dawn. And this- this was the most obnoxiously loud display of complete ignorance that she'd ever seen! Not one of them knew anything about how leaders spoke, about how any of it worked. Their inexperience was near-disgusting, and worry writhed and thrashed within her until it frost-bit, morphing into frustration.

Sharp eyes flicked to his sibling. At least they were making some sense, and they weren't shouting either... Halfkit earned winter-sun blister then, ire sparking marbled stripes to a bramble-furred bristle. "How did you b- b... how did you b-become leader without knowing what Sunningrocks is?" he scoffed. Was she not afraid of entering the life of an apprentice without knowing anything about it?

Featherkit didn't move from where she lay, but her eyes flickered to Pink-kit. "You should think twice b- b- before allying with an even b-bigger b- b... beebrain than yourself. If you even thought once..." Two deputies, but it wasn't as bad as not knowing what Sunningrocks was...
✦ penned by pin
╭──── ⋅ ⋅ ──── 。・゚゚・ ─── ☀︎ ─── ・゚゚・。 ──── ⋅ ⋅ ────╮
ShadowClan is weird - but, it's a good kind of weird! Everything is all mucky, which isn't great when Finchkit is all tired of being mucky at the end of the day, but with so many other kits and cats bustling about, it's at least never boring for more than, like, a few minutes at a time. Today, she finds herself drawn in by an unfamiliar voice, announcing that they're going to play Clan today, and, well, she's never exactly done that before, but how hard could it really be? Pink-kit is really on the mossball today, claiming the title of Pinkstar, and though she wants to puff in indignation at the role being snatched up before she could take it herself, being crowned deputy isn't the worst - and besides, things are moving quickly; no time for in-fighting now, not when alliances are being made. Her shared role of deputy with Heathkit - no, Heathfur, now, just like she's Finchshine is called into question, and she's immediately on the defense, holding her head up all nice and proud. "We have two deputies because we're just THAT strong and cool. Two deputies are obviously better than just having one."

It seems so clear and simple - surely the others could grasp the concept. After all, when is it better not to have two strong, awesome, brilliant cats working together? If Finchkit notices the way Heathkit bristles in Nettlekit's direction, it's promptly ignored, other than to give her sister a bright, cheeky if she's to look her way. Deputy Heathfur surely has things under control, whatever it is she's planning. Anyways, it's not like they're allies with Nettlekit, anyways; Pink-kit clearly prefers Carawaykit, and the promise of sparkly shells is more than enough to sway Finchkit, too, even if they're not promised to her. It's at this point that things start to get complicated - medicine cats and apprentices getting visions, Singedstar coming down from StarClan with an announcement themselves, claims that Singedstar is actually a fraud and not a StarClanner at all - so much to keep up with, and that's not even including all the alliances Pink-kit's made!

Well, looks like they're going to war! "You heard them - we support Carawaystar, so ya better watch out, or we'll send Heathfur after you!" It's about as menacing a threat as she can think of, knowing just how sharp Heathkit's teeth can be even when playing; surely it will intimidate Nettlestar into surrendering peacefully! Or, maybe they'll really go to battle, like they have been with the rogues - of course, Finchkit has no plans of losing this battle, not like how they'd already lost twice now. No time to dwell on that though; instead, she rounds on Featherkit, squinting suspiciously in his direction. "So, what, are you from StarClan, too, then?" It'd make sense, what with Singedkit and all that - though, that only leaves her with more questions about the rest of the pair's littermates. It's all messy and confusing and absolutely delightful, and Finchshine can't wait to see how this resolves itself (secretly, though, she's hoping for an epic battle, one that will be told for moons to come!)​
  • OOC: --​
  • Untitled358_20230906125307.png
  • EEHinuI.png
    - Finch Finchkit
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 3 moons
    - Loner Kit of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
Any further discussion he might have, any other talk of allies or clan politics, was all dismissed entirely at the sheer audacity of RiverClan's leader making such a bold statement out of nowhere. How dare he! Pigeonkit's blue pelt frizzes out, fluffs up around him and especially near his neck area he puffs up into a ball of indignant outrage and kitten fury.
"Sunningrocks belongs to ThunderClan! My fathers fought for it and we earned it fair and SQUARE!" Few of the stories he had heard in the nursery filled him with more pride than knowing both of his dads were there at Sunningrocks to claim it for his clan, the second really cool story was how Emberstar fought and killed several dogs before being taken out herself and it was why they hadn't seen dogs near ThunderClan in a long time; they knew who to fear. It was the boars that were the problem now apparently-but he wasn't born then so he didn't know if they were scarier than dogs or not.
"Carawaykit can be RiverClan leader if she says she won't mess with Sunningrocks, we'll support her overthrowing Nettlestar and she can uh-she can hang out there with us when its sunny sometimes if she's nice but ONLY if she's nice!"
StarClan was here now and he was a little sad he hadn't thought about being the leader of StarClan, did they also get a star in their name? Did they get two stars for being twice as star-blessed? Pigeonstarstar sounded absolutely silly but if it was for more power he'd tolerate it for sure.
If only there were more kits in ThunderClan to play, he'd name two more of them deputy so he had three and that would make them a lot cooler than WindClan but Softkit was fine enough on her own.


  • 62602527_Rj6et8vCTd63fvT.png
    —⊰⋅ Kitten of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ LH Blue smoke w/white & blue eyes.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

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( ⁀➷ )  The other kits are playing a game in camp, and Fallow is not included. Not that she wants to be, of course; even just watching them is grating on her nerves. All the shrill voices with their mouse-brained bickering are like thorns digging into her skin. Fallow's teeth grind together, ears pressing flat as though thrying to block out the sounds. All this nonsense about Sunningrocks and StarClan. She doesn't understand any of it.

Something curdles in her stomach watching everyone call over their friends, family. They play the roles like a rehearsal she was never given the script for. Leaders and deputies and medicine cat, names changing constantly, practiced political griefs surely overheard from parents and warriors. The voices grow to a crescendo, and Fallow's patience snaps like a twig underfoot. "Mmm - Mouse-brains," she grumbles, claws digging into the ground. Her voice raises, eyes shooting across the gathered cats. "You're all mouse-brains. What's so great about leading a clan anyway?" She wouldn't want to join their stupid game even if she was invited. "I'm gonna..."

And Fallow pauses, thinks. Remembers her mom's stories, far more interesting than whatever this is. "Gonna be the leader of a bunch of uh, scary wolves 'n owls 'n bears 'n stuff." Much better. She sets her face in a scowl. They talk about war so casually, fighting like the rogues did as though it's fun. As though it's normal. She needs to be strong if she wants to match them. "Gonna kill all of you. All the clans. Takin' whatever Sunningrocks is too. Me 'n all my cool animal friends are way stronger so, uh. Yeah. Grrr." Fallow's tail lashes nervously, words petering out with far too much uncertainty.

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It was just as well that Softkit couldn't read Pigeonkit's mind, because she certainly would not have approved of the thought of there being three deputies - not that she was particularly selfish of the position, she just wanted to play Clan properly, and as far as she knew, no Clan had ever had more than one deputy at a time. She secretly hoped that Halfkit and Pink-kit were never actually made leaders, because then they might introduce weird rules - thank StarClan Softkit was a ThunderClanner.
She had heard of Sunningrocks before - never seen it, of course, but her fathers had told her about the location - but she was still taken by surprise that Carawaykit would, first, be a medicine cat that received a sign from StarClan that she was the rightful leader of RiverClan, and second, that she would be so willing as to let ThunderClan keep the Sunningrocks without a big fight. Not that Softkit was complaining - it was always better if things were settled without fighting, in her opinion. She nodded quietly her own approval as Pigeonkit spoke his.
Softkit frowned when Fallow approached, complaining about the game. Her fur fluffs up just slightly when Fallow threatens to kill, and Softkit tilts her head up defiantly.
"That's not fair." Softkit said lamely, before swallowing and following up with, "Besides, all those wolves and owls and bears would eat you up really quickly. And then none of us would be left, and that would be sad."
The tiny Riverclanner initially had been hesitant to join the playful discussion. Due to recent events in her young life. Leaving her feeling not quite up to par, a heaviness in her chest, and throat still sore from endless tears. But then, as Carawaykit's silvery form danced into the conversation, her mood shifted. She couldn't resist the chance to play with her sister and perhaps forget, even for a moment, the heavy circumstances.

With newfound enthusiasm, Bumblekit joined the conversation, playfully chattering after her sibling. "Yeah! You're a fake StarClanner!" She jeered, throwing a cheeky grin. An idea struck, and she decided to run with it. "I'm, of course, in support of my sister-leader Carawaystar!" The small molly stayed on her paws and took on a more fantastical waltz.

Clearing her throat with a touch of drama, and waving her tail haughtily as she pranced about. "StarClan came to me in a vision and said it would be cool for me to take her old spot. Which makes me the RiverClan Medicine Cat!" Bumblekit couldn't resist sticking her tongue out at the other kits before settling back down, her inky-black pelt appearing velvety in comparison to Carawaykit's lengthy and angelic fur.

Bumblekit's expressions shifted in rapid succession as she engaged with the other kits, agreeing with most of what was declared. But when a strange brown and spotted she-kit challenged her, Bumblekit's playful demeanor wavered. She frowned and responded with an exasperated roll of her green gaze. "What makes you so sure a bear and stuff wants to follow a sourpuss like you?" She didn't take kindly to being called a mousebrain, especially when it included her littermates.

However, her natural cheeriness returned as a silly idea blossomed. Inching closer and closer to the Thunderclanner. "Well... My powers of reading leaves and StarClan's messages tell me our clans have to kick your tail fluff!" She then sprang to her paws, excitement palpable as she continued. "We gotta, um, gotta... Tickle her and her band of creatures to death so ThunderClan can keep Sunningrocks!" She aimed a light jab to Fallow's side in an attempt to egg the other on.

Every kittens wild imagination created a thrilling scenario, making her temporarily forget the worries that had plagued them all. Her lighthearted spirit shining through as she embraced the banter, determined to have a good time.

// @FALLOW she is trying to jab your character and initiate a tickle-war!