- Jan 26, 2024
- 294
- 117
- 43
She'd withdrawn from the Moonstone with the other medicine cats, her mind fuzzy, heavy and gray with the information StarClan has given her. Her body feels stiff, as though she's slept too long, but she can see the sky is just beginning to lighten through the roof of the cavern. Ternstar must know. All of ShadowClan… She pushes herself to her paws, her tail bristling behind her. She mews a quick, rushed goodbye to the other medicine cats, nearly tripping over her own paws as she makes the ascent toward Highstones.
The journey back is a blur. Her head pounds, aching with the warning Starlingheart had given her. The Clan will panic, she thinks; perhaps it would be better to seek Ternstar alone, give her the message without straining ears listening for cues. She imagines the discord, the unsheathed claws, the curses hurled toward their warrior ancestors, and she is, for a moment, convinced.
The land is tainted. Her fur bristles about her neck and shoulders, fear beginning to ice the blood in her veins. Can we not even trust the land StarClan has given us? She heaves a sigh, wondering if any of the prey will be good… if they will have anything to eat at all? Will they have to resort to thievery, to codebreaking, just to keep themselves alive?
Marbleleaf enters camp just as the sun has begun to rise in earnest. She finds Ternstar, thankfully, just-risen, with a calm and measured aquamarine gaze, with no idea of the news her medicine cat will bring her. She gazes about camp, still and at peace in the warming morning air. Her mew is shaky, at first, but as she speaks, it strengthens. "I shared tongues with StarClan last night." Her gaze finds Ternstar's, though she feels the interested glares of her Clanmates beginning to prick at her fur. "Starlingheart came to me. She said…" Their ears twist backward, fixed sideways on their angular skull, "…that the hunter's gifts will continue to rot. That our land is tainted by something StarClan has never seen before."
She anchors herself with her claws, preparing herself for the reactions: fear, outrage, confusion. "Ternstar, I fear our prey is… not safe to eat," she mews, and then she stills, waiting for all of ShadowClan to come to this realization alongside her.
The journey back is a blur. Her head pounds, aching with the warning Starlingheart had given her. The Clan will panic, she thinks; perhaps it would be better to seek Ternstar alone, give her the message without straining ears listening for cues. She imagines the discord, the unsheathed claws, the curses hurled toward their warrior ancestors, and she is, for a moment, convinced.
The land is tainted. Her fur bristles about her neck and shoulders, fear beginning to ice the blood in her veins. Can we not even trust the land StarClan has given us? She heaves a sigh, wondering if any of the prey will be good… if they will have anything to eat at all? Will they have to resort to thievery, to codebreaking, just to keep themselves alive?
Marbleleaf enters camp just as the sun has begun to rise in earnest. She finds Ternstar, thankfully, just-risen, with a calm and measured aquamarine gaze, with no idea of the news her medicine cat will bring her. She gazes about camp, still and at peace in the warming morning air. Her mew is shaky, at first, but as she speaks, it strengthens. "I shared tongues with StarClan last night." Her gaze finds Ternstar's, though she feels the interested glares of her Clanmates beginning to prick at her fur. "Starlingheart came to me. She said…" Their ears twist backward, fixed sideways on their angular skull, "…that the hunter's gifts will continue to rot. That our land is tainted by something StarClan has never seen before."
She anchors herself with her claws, preparing herself for the reactions: fear, outrage, confusion. "Ternstar, I fear our prey is… not safe to eat," she mews, and then she stills, waiting for all of ShadowClan to come to this realization alongside her.
mainly addressing @Ternstar. but open to all in camp :)
Lilacfur xSiltcloud/ sibling to Sycamorebloom / mate to none / parent to none
mentored byStarlingheart/ mentoring none
14 moons old as of 02/01/2025penned by Marquette