the weather, despite being calm the past few days, was showing a new kind of anger. the sky remained unchanging, an angry grey. despite the clouds that threatened rain, the grass remained dry. the only real difference was the gusts of wind. strong and powerful, they were making this hunting trip extremely difficult. scents were thrown around, it had become nearly impossible to catch a scent as they swirled relentlessly. while hunting amongst the undergrowth was a safer option, tracking down prey she could not see nor smell was beginning to infuriate her. the sunningrocks, while in consideration, were quickly tossed away for the fear that a strong gale would toss her into the river with nothing for her claws to hang to. instead, she opted to go out closer to the shared border with windclan.

the owl that soared here wasn't her main concern, it was likely smart enough to refrain from flying until this damn weather let up. unfortunately, thunderclan was not comfortable enough to be able to make that same choice. the trees were less dense here, the lack of cover making her slightly uneasy, but there were not many other options. despite her ears and fur whipping around, she pushed onward with claws raking the dirt for support.

she found herself with a moment of calmness, the winds tamed slightly. nightbird allowed her aching claws to retreat for a moment, rest from their heavy use. but once again it whipped up, only this time she wasn't locked into the ground. it knocked her off balance, sent her tumbling with a yelp until she landed in a rather pathetic position. laying flat on her stomach with outstretched forearms, claws inserted deep into the dirt to keep her stable. she glanced around to see if anyone else had fallen victim to the strong winds. "the fuck's going on out here!" she hollered over the rushing in her ears, but made no attempts to get back to her paws. this was seriously ridiculous.

//app tags for @LIGHTPAW . & @DUSKPAW , but no need to wait!!
⋆⍋ Jaw tense and claws digging into the soil, Basilpaw kept his body low against the whipping gales that rolled over one after the other. A simple hunting patrol had gone awry quite quickly, and not for the reason he had been anticipating. At first it looked like it might rain, but the scent of its arrival never came. Instead the clouds simply grew fuller, angrier, and gusts began to make him unsteady.

He doubted there was a single scrap of prey scurrying about now. And if there were, he wouldn't even be able to catch it's scent. Silently Basilpaw drew closer to the Lead Warrior after hearing her shouts, trying to keep his thin frame rooted. Each step had claws scoring the earth to keep him anchored, fearful he would lose control if caught.

"This isn't-" He huffed has a strong gust nearly caught him off guard before stamping his paw back down. "-safe."

Talk about a bad hair day! Shiningsun was being buffeted horribly by the fearsome winds and he struggled to make each step forward as his pelt was ruffled in all directions by the merciless onslaught of the storm. The only thing keeping him from simply blowing away was his bulky figure, which at that moment he was most thankful for! His claws were also taking a fair ol' beating as he sank them into the soil beneath him. "I think we should head back or seek shelter! This is no good." The danger level increased in his mind as a branch clattered to the ground beside him, narrowly missing his rump. "Jeez! Heh-... ha.. uh... yeah, I'm done, I'm so done with today!"

"I agree with Shiningsun," Flycatcher mewed as he joined his clanmates. Being a smaller tom than average, Flycatcher was struggling to remain stable as the winds whipped around them all, practically knocking them to the ground in its wake. "It might be safer if we find shelter and hope the worst of the winds die down or simply just return to camp." Flycatcher would glance around quickly, looking for any sign of prey nearby, but it seemed everything had the sense to hunker down. "I doubt much prey will be running about with all this wind."
Raging winds tug at the snarls and knots of Crowflower's dense, oil-black fur. Unease ripples from her clanmates with the nuanced odor of fear-scent as they all raise their faces to the ominous thunderheads looming overhead and its howling cries. A mixture of awe and anxiety grips her, holding her in place even as her companions retreat to better cover. Leaves swirl about her, caught in the eddies and streams of air currents dancing through the forest. "Incredible," she muses, her own safety forgotten in the face of nature's might. "I hope it rains." Crowflower's voice is almost lost in wind. She doesn't seem to notice. Her thoughts have been carried away to distant imaginings of the damp, earthen smell of the forest and the strange manner of creatures summoned by rainfall. She wonders if Wolfwind would be interested in exploring with her when the weather clears and she resists the urge to smile at the thought. "There's an old hollowed oak nearby," suggests Crowflower as she glances between Nightbird and Flycatcher. "We could wait there if we don't want to go all the way back to camp." It's also a great place to find centipedes, but she chooses to keep that information to herself.​

she nods along with her clanmates sentiments regarding a return. as much as she hated doing nothing, sitting and waiting for the weather to relax, it wasn't as if they were really doing anything here anyways. besides, the true danger is shown as a branch comes pelting down, only a hair away from grazing the pale fur of shiningsun.

pulling herself back to her paws, she moves to bring herself closer to the other thunderclanners. with any luck she could use them as a shield. her gaze lingers on crowflower's trancelike state, the black molly even sings her praises as leaves whip around her. "hope it does somethin other than whatever this is." rain, snow, she didn't care what was the reason for the wind to cease, only that it did. however, the warrior proved herself to be at least slightly useful, offering a spot for shelter. grimly, nightbird nodded and turned to train her gaze onto flycatcher. "think that's a good bet?" she inquired, not caring too much either way. her ears and face were beginning to burn from the brutal whip of the wind, whatever solution they found would provide at least some relief.

Shiningsun wouldn't lie but he relieved that they were all in agreement about abandoning the job at hand due to the safety concerns being raised. He breathed a sigh of relief before he looked towards Crowflower as she brought up a potential place to shelter nearby. Although it offered an inviting respite it did however leave him worried over one thing; space. Would they all fit inside the hollow oak? With luck they would, but he imagined that it was going to get rather cosy. His attention shifted back to that of the lead warrior and deputy as he waited for Flycatcher to have the final say on what to do. "I'm in favour of heading for the oak. The wind is getting stronger... I think." It almost seemed that way given the rattling of the treetops above them.

For the most part, it seems as though much of the patrol is in favour of seeking shelter. Flycatcher doesn't really like the idea of leaving a job unfinished but he truly doubts they'd have much luck hunting, and it isn't like they're getting much done standing about reflecting on the weather. Crowflower suggests that they could hide in a hollowed out oak tree. Flycatcher feels the gaze of the other patrol cats turn to him an he ponders Crowflower's suggestion before nodding. "Let's head there," He said in agreement. "It'll certainly be a better place for us to wait out the worst of the winds than where we are currently."