The day dawns fine and bright, and despite the chill in the air, Weaselclaw is awake with the sunrise. The sky, streaked with pink and soft gold, stretches forever in every direction, and the breeze that ruffles his pelt feels fresh. He wants to race along the moorland, wants to feel the wind split his fur -- but he has something different in mind for today.

The tabby goes into the nursery. It's cramped with kits, though Swiftshrike remains the only nursing queen. Weaselclaw searches the piles of bodies for three of his, the three he deems the fiercest, and nudges them awake one by one. "Up you go," he says quietly, voice gruff. "Follow me. Try not to wake anyone else." This excursion is not for Bluekit or Cottonkit; these are for the kits who will one day gallop throughout WindClan's territory at their father's side.

He'll wait until they're at the edge of camp, nearing the gorse tunnel. "We'll be leaving camp today," he says, flicking his tail tip. "We won't go far, but this is just for us." He gives each kit a small smile before beginning to pad through the undergrowth.



Harrierkit knew the difference between moor runner and tunneler and as all kittens do, contemplate which he will be assigned to be. Cats in WindClan valued those who were chosen to become tunnelers especially, there was a silent prestige to the task that moor runners did not get. Both his parents, even Sootstar a tunneler, had assured him there was honor in both ranks. Naturally he still couldn’t help but hope he’d be assigned to tunneling duties, but it was very evident that path would not be possible for him.

He was lithe as all WindClan cats were, but his limbs were spindly and shoulders broad. He was far from ginormous, but it was known tunnelers had to be the smallest of cats to be able to fit and efficiently navigate through the underground cobweb. Whether it had been officially announced or not yet, his path had been decided by the genetics passed down upon him. He was to be a moor runner, just as his father was.

Blinking his sleepy eyes open and past his father’s figure he spots the pink and yellows of the morning. He groans, had he already missed Badgermoon’s patrols…? The child had been trying to rise early enough for them since he became two. That’s not why his father was waking him, or his two elder-by-minute siblings though.

This was something more, something important.

Harrierkit rises to his limbs and does his best to contain his excitement, believing it made him look mature. The enthusiasm was electric, betraying his attempts at masking a slight by causing his whiskers to quiver.

He finds his father again by the gorse tunnel and gives him a quiet look for further instruction. At his news the little amount of sleep that remained in his eyes was gone. Out of camp?! He’s never been out of camp before! While it was not banned outright, WindClan discouraged kittens from leaving the walls of camp. It was unheard of to do unless one was with a guardian. Harrierkit has never understood why, but he was not one to disobey his parents. ”Really?” The boy gasps, and as if to answer Weaselclaw spins around and heads through the undergrowth.

Harrierkit follows closely at his heels. Where would they go? What would they do?


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· SOOTSTAR, male — he / him
╰ ‣ 2 moons . pisces. ages on the 14th
╰ ‣ windclan kit . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells of the earth and dry grass , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue and brown chimera . average sized WindClanner . yellow eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Chaotic neutral
╰ ‣ self-reliant, loyal, disciplined, direct, impatient, unsympathetic, judge mental
╰ ‣ finds moderate difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, but typically displays mercy

· WEASELCLAW x SOOTSTAR, sister to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorkit, Adderkit, Bluekit & Cottonkit
╰ ‣ sexuality unknown
╰ ‣ apprentice to TBD
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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Reactions: Marquette

Somebody breaches the nursery's walls. Whoever it is, their presence infringes on Moorkit's all-important slumber. Mom will have their head for this. In a desperate bid to secure her beauty sleep, she rolls onto her other side and folds white-capped paws into her face, though this is to no avail. A humongous paw prods at her haunch, which finally forces her weensy eyes open. This isn't fair, not one bit! She wants to sleep! A yowl of protest creeps through her body, but fortunately for her siblings' sake, the urge would die before reaching her mouth.

It's dad! Oh, she's so happy to see him!

The girl does not need to know why her father is telling her what to do; she's really good at listening, a lot better than her littermates are in fact. Moorkit ascends to eager limbs, and without a moment's hesitation, she skidaddles from the nursery on Harrierkit's trail. What might this be about, she wondered during her sprint. Are they going to eat something? Or, was SkyClan invading? Oh, how she loves surprises!

She comes to a skidding halt by the gorse tunnel. Her wee noggin would promptly crane upward to meet her father's regard, and when she hears what he says, her profile gets washed over with awe. "Out there? Woah!" she cries, joining her brother in exclamations. No further instruction comes from her father, who - to her surprise - merely turned tail and headed through the passageway.

The pitter-patter of her heart multiplies by two as she starts to trail her dad. She doesn't know any big enough words to describe how cool this is!

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Life doesn't discriminate
The gruff voice that meets his ears cuts through the dark void of his slumber. Next comes a gentle nudge followed by the wiggling of his siblings beside him. Chocolate lids split to reveal hooded vermillion still dense with sleep as Moorkit and Harrierkit continue to stir and eventually exit the nest. A lengthy sigh flows from his nose, slithering from softened bedding meticulously made of soft grasses and plush prey fur. A single ivory paw extends as his back arches in a stretch. Quietly he gazes at the open expanse of the sky, taking in its vibrant pink hues as he exits the nursery. Like his brother the excitement is like lightening coursing through his frame. Though he attempts to mask it through a fanged smirk the longer he listened to their father reveal his plans. He needed to remain collected, only immature kits bounced and bounded around to display their happiness.

He held no gripe over those who longed to be tunnelers, he understood the necessity of the job. But his heart lay with the golden hills beyond camp. With the thought of wind whipping through his fur and crimson staining his pelt in the name of fiercely defending windclan's honor. Adderkit glances to both of his siblings in turn before following swiftly at Weaselclaw's heels. "Are you giving us early training?" He asks, peeking around the lead warrior's flank to gauge his expression. To be a step ahead of the other up and coming apprentices was more than he could ask for.
Between the sinners and the saints
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Reactions: Marquette
Weaselclaw's arrival dawns on all three kits' faces in different betrayals of excitement -- Harrierkit struggles to contain his, but his "Really?" reveals the kittish nature he still tries to suppress. Moorkit's eyes sparkle like nightsky stars at the tunnel of gorse the four will pass through -- "Out there? Woah!" Adderkit, ever the fierce one, asks, "Are you giving us early training?"

Weaselclaw waits to answer them all, wanting to keep others from noticing the excursion. He wants no other kits accompanying him, no other warriors disturbing this moment with his children. He leads the three kits through the gorse, beckoning with his tail for them to join him in surveying the sprawling moorland beyond -- never before seen in all its glory.

"Something like that," he finally says to Adderkit. The volume of his voice is still subdued, but he feels free to speak normally now. "You three will have very different jobs from Bluekit and Cottonkit."

He beckons them forward again, tail loosely waving behind him. He pads away from their camp, into the heather-flecked grasses. Frost stiffens every blade of grass, but the earth is free from snow. "You will all three be moor runners when you are warriors." It's stated as fact. These were his three biggest kits -- it was written in the stars that they would follow in his pawprints. "Today, I'm going to show you what that means."

He comes to a stop, turning to survey all three young kits with glinting blue eyes. Weaselclaw cuts a proud, imposing figure in front of them -- scarred, battle-hardened. "Tunneling is very important. I know you all know that. Your mother is one, after all. We've relied on their skills in the cold moons. But do you know who it is who defends these moors with their lives?"

Weaselclaw's eyes begin to shine, remembering past battles. The wind begins to ruffle his short striped pelt. "We are the ones who patrol our borders. We are the ones who defend our boundaries from kittypets, loners, rogues, invading Clan cats. We are the ones who are first into battle and last to leave the battle field." The pride he has for his job, his Clan, is evident in every gesture, the lilt he uses as he explains this to his sons and daughter.

For effect, Weaselclaw lifts a white paw and presses it to his left ear. The torn one. "It was in a battle with RiverClan I got this. Before you were born," he says gravely. "They stole a rabbit from us. I took the other cat's eye. That's what it means to be a moor runner. We are the ones who will protect WindClan and everything that belongs to us."

The lead warrior believes every word he is saying -- he's all but lecturing his three kits. He'll let them have some fun later -- but he wants to impress upon them how important their future is, how he will expect them to uphold his legacy and Sootstar's and paint their borders with blood if need be.


//dude I am so sorry I must’ve read this on his account, cleared the notification, And forgot. I by a miracle just remembered…

Observantly he listens to his father, you three will be moor runners when you are warriors, he nods as this is what he had grown to expect. There was no time for disappointment to settle in of not getting the special and rarer role of tunneler, Weaselclaw does a good job of not allowing that too. His middle-child listens as he explains they will be the ones to protect the borders and the clan as a whole, the ones first into battle and the last to leave the field. What wasn’t honorable in that?

Harrierkit has always noticed his father’s torn ear, but now what happened to him has been revealed. A battle with RiverClan… his maw opens in awe. ”It is…” He slowly begins to speak, ears folding as he looks for words, ”an honor… to be a moor runner. To become one.” The earthy-hued kitten clarifies before straightening his spine with pride. ”Will we learn anything today? Like how to patrol a border or fight a RiverClan cat off?”


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· SOOTSTAR, male — he / him
╰ ‣ 2 moons . pisces. ages on the 14th
╰ ‣ windclan kit . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells of the earth and dry grass , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue and brown chimera . average sized WindClanner . yellow eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Chaotic neutral
╰ ‣ self-reliant, loyal, disciplined, direct, impatient, unsympathetic, judge mental
╰ ‣ finds moderate difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, but typically displays mercy

· WEASELCLAW x SOOTSTAR, sister to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorkit, Adderkit, Bluekit & Cottonkit
╰ ‣ nephew to Mintshade & Bluepool
╰ ‣ sexuality unknown
╰ ‣ apprentice to TBD
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
Weaselclaw nods at his son, encouraged by his understanding. "Would you all like to learn how to patrol a border?" His eyes gleam as he takes a few paces to the right. The tabby uses a pale forepaw to draw a singular line through the grass. "You all see this?" He says to them, his tail flicking. "This is WindClan's border." He goes to the other side of the 'border,' dropping into a crouch as he does. "And I... am a filthy RiverClan cat, coming to steal all your rabbits! What are you going to do?" He mock-snarls, baring his fangs to all three of his kits.


Harrierkit nods as enthusiastically as he could. He had a tendency to look distant and disinterested, even if he was very much intrigued. This was a prime example of one of those situations, if it wasn’t for the excited pricking of ears, tail and whisker twitches one might guess Harrierkit didn’t want to be here.

Weaselclaw creates a pretend border and scenario. He proclaims himself a filthy RiverClanner and it causes his nose to wrinkle, in pretend it was difficult for his middle son to see him as anything but WindClan. Just pretend, and he nods along. The pretend RiverClanner, that was Weaselclaw, has come to steal all their rabbits. The question is poised, “what are you going to do?”.

”Attack of course,” Harrierkit declares, before a sly smirk rises on his face, and rip your eyeball out.” He looks briefly to Adderkit expecting to get a good reaction out of the tabby for that one. Who knows, maybe Moorkit might get a kick too.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· SOOTSTAR, male — he / him
╰ ‣ 2 moons . pisces. ages on the 14th
╰ ‣ windclan kit . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells of the earth and dry grass , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue and brown chimera . average sized WindClanner . yellow eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Chaotic neutral
╰ ‣ self-reliant, loyal, disciplined, direct, impatient, unsympathetic, judge mental
╰ ‣ finds moderate difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, but typically displays mercy

· WEASELCLAW x SOOTSTAR, sister to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorkit, Adderkit, Bluekit & Cottonkit
╰ ‣ nephew to Mintshade & Bluepool
╰ ‣ sexuality unknown
╰ ‣ apprentice to TBD
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.