she said to me OH DEATH ★ orangestar


She just knew Silversmoke had already run in here crying and whining about being disrespected and frankly, she didn't care, anything he said after he uttered a single curse or disdainful snarl about his kittypet clanmates was absolute rubbish and not worth listening to. Hazelbeam had sent Edenpaw home early despite her protests, it was a good enough punishment for opening her fool mouth the way she did and it was punishment from her and not the cat who decided unprompted to make the entire ordeal about hating kittypets. Or 'cats' for this matter. The fact it was plural was enough of a problem as is, the fact said multiple issues had positions of authority in a clan where cats like her were common was another entirely.
"Orangestar...can I speak to you?" Her black and blue head dips low as she leans into the den, the bow around her neck bouncing with every delicate step; she hadn't come to the leader's den often before. She doesn't even think she ever did when Blazestar was around at all except to drop off prey or in passing with a group - it was a lot less fancy than she expected. She wasn't exactly sure what she expected really, but it was pretty plain in here. Maybe she would bring Orangestar some interesting stuff to make it a little more cozy and interesting to look at later. But those were thoughts for another time, when she wasn't so frustrated with her clan she could scream, "I have concerns. I'm sure you've heard some of it already."
She surely heard the entirely 'unbiased' and 'truthful' version where Hazelbeam and her apprentice were both being terrible and rude and deserved to be kicked out-yadda yadda...
Johnnyflame had said something about pushing eachother in a ravine, probably as a joke, but if her talk her went nowhere she was going to heavily debate it.

  • - @Orangestar

  • 75204766_i8QXUtYv5cuKxDF.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.

"I heard that Silversmoke intervened between gossiping apprentices, and that you tried to overrule an order meant for Edenpaw." Orangestar's whiskers twitch as she relays about half of what she's been told, inviting Hazelbeam into her den properly. She doesn't pay any mind to the topic of the gossip, Silversmoke having been vague enough about the fact that Orangestar herself had been central to the rumours that her curiosity hasn't been piqued. The leader is secure in herself enough that she doesn't think there's much harm to idle chatter. It's when that chatter grows teeth that she'd need to step in; but hopefully she can straighten things out now before it all comes to an unpleasant head.

She gestures for the daylight warrior to sit, and shuffles her own paws to appear a little more formal. Instead of asking Hazelbeam outright, Orangestar gestures for the daylight warrior to air her concerns. She doesn't think the other she-cat will require much prompting.

  • Untitled_Artwork-3.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    — art by deja for meme week!

"Intervened? With all due respect, they were just chatting harmlessly about nonsense. Cherrypaw and Lupinepaw do it all the time as well, most of the apprentices do, it's harmless fun.” And everyone knew Silversmoke hated fun, so naturally he took offense. You would think a cat who despised merriment would take the time to avoid it, but like a heat seeking missile hellbent on ruining everyone's day he went right for where the laughter was loudest and grouched and grumbled until the party was cut short. Lovely guy, no wonder he was still single. Maybe he and Slate should date, maybe she would spread that in the next gossip circle, they can be miserable old men together.

She settled down to sit with the cream and white patched leader, tucking her legs carefully under herself as she got comfortable before taking a slow and deep breath to calm herself. If she could get through this without an emotionally driven outburst she would consider it a victory. Of course Silversmoke left out his kittypet hate when he went to tattle to mom.
"I absolutely did overrule him and I apologize for the fuss, but I will not allow me or my apprentice to be disrespected so openly by your council. If he had simply told Edenpaw to watch her mouth and then punished her appropriately for the sass it would be one thing, my apprentice is a loudmouth and has a temper, we're working on it, but he made sure to point out she was a kittypet while doing it and how am I expected to trust the punishment is fair when his bias is so blatantly displayed? Then Slate showed up to call ME one as well. I AM a kittypet, but those two use the word as an insult and regard us as wastes of time and I am tired of it, Orangestar. Why am I here? If this is the belief you want to rule your clan with now then say the word and I will leave immediately. Why even have daylight warriors if we are spat on by those you have in power? It's because of them cats like Chrysaliswing think he can say the same things with minor scoldings…words are no longer enough to lighten the blows." It was very hard not to get emotional, but she tightened her jaw and held it in. The last thing she wanted was to leave this den misty eyed for more mockery by those awful cats. She could hear it now 'look at the kittypet who can't handle some harsh words, maybe you should go back to your twoleg mess'. Ugh.


  • 75204766_i8QXUtYv5cuKxDF.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.

Orangestar nods. That makes sense, and falls in line with her own assumptions about the situation. She trusts Hazelbeam's word, too; the tricolour she-cat is far more social than Orangestar herself, and she'd missed the confrontation. She nods again at the apology, noting it down to herself, and her whiskers twitch acknowledgement at the comment about Edenpaw's attitude.

Despite that, and her quiet, hard not to feel targeted as Hazelbeam vents her frustrations. About being disrespected so openly by her council, as if they had not served Blazestar for moons before. He'd promoted the two of them moons ago for their knowledge and willingness to defend SkyClan, she remembers, or something to the same extent. They'd always been sharp-tongued. The extent of it all as Hazelbeam describes, however, makes her meagre breakfast churn in her stomach with a sense of guilt. Should she have seen this coming?

"You're here because SkyClan is meant to respect kittypets. Just like the Colony that came before it." The leader confirms with an agitated flick of her tail when the warrior quiets, voice firm but not sharp. Her ears fold back. "I'll talk to them. I've only become the leader of SkyClan last moon, Hazelbeam, I don't know why they suddenly think this is something they can say freely. If they won't stop, or at least keep it to themselves ..."

Orangestar quiets then, pensive. She lifts a paw off the earth of her den, half intending to reach towards the warrior, but doesn't move towards the younger she-cat. Frustration prickles upon her pelt, spare energy with nowhere to go, but she forces her fur to lie flat even as a sigh escapes through her nose. When she speaks again, she seems a little more collected. "Hazelbeam. Don't question your place in this Clan, and do not let Edenpaw question theirs. You have as much of a place here as any night-warrior does."

  • Untitled_Artwork-3.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    — art by deja for meme week!

SkyClan is MEANT to respect kittypets. She exhaled slowly, having waited patiently and with baited breath as the orange and cream leader took her words in. As Orangestar spoke she was both relieved and a touch flustered that her words had not been as well-articulated as she meant. Ah. Oops.
"I'm...sorry if it sounded like I was blaming you. This...has been a problem even during Blazestar's reign. I feels like its happening more now. Somehow." It just wasn't as loud before or maybe she was just finally so tired of it that it all seemed so much at once. Every cat hit their limit, she'd long since crossed over hers. Orangestar, at least, does not dismiss her and she feels her heart swell with relief and admiration. It would have been so easy to just wave her off with a comment that she'd talk to them and while she was going to do that as well it did feel like she was being heard. That it was being taken seriously. She had come in with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised to find her worries almost foolish. Orangestar had kittypet blood, had kittypet family - she understood. Of course she did. Hazelbeam had been foolish to not think as much at all.

Though, one comment does give her pause and she can not help but voice her unease at it, "...why is holding it in at all, okay? They shouldn't...feel this way about their clanmates at all. I'll always know how they feel, even if they don't say it." Yes, she absolutely would be happy if they kept their mouths closed but shutting up didn't solve the fact there were cats with authority over her who she knew hated her for simply being a daylight warrior and she'd never trust them not to abuse their bias to target the kittypets of the clan. Them not saying anything did not change the fact she already knew that was how they felt. Hazelbeam was fine not being well-liked by some cats, she was enigmatic, a bit of an oddity and was a little too sociable and friendly and she knew it rubbed some them wrong way; but they could dislike her for that. It was obvious the animosity was kittypet related solely. She'd actually be relieved if they just called her loud or annoying over using kittypet and housepet as insults. That would make more sense, be reasonable - she'd still be annoyed, but it was far less egregious.

Hazelbeam blinks rapidly, a paw raised to clear her throat of the emotion attempting to clog and tighten it, she could already feel her eyes dampening but even though she knew she'd not be mocked by the leader she still didn't want to show how much it meant to hear those words; she felt quite silly by how touched she was. "Thank you, Orangestar. I really...I mean - I appreciate it. Truly." Edenpaw was difficult, to say the least, but she deserved to feel safe and welcomed - pushing her out and treating her like this would only make her temper more unruly and she'd lash out more as a result. Hazelbeam was confident she could reign the young cat in eventually. This would certainly help.
"I've sent Edenpaw home for the day for their mouth." It was the worst punishment for her actually, that apprentice had not wanted to go home-had wanted to just hang out with Cherrypaw all day but sending her to cool off had been best for everyone at the time. "If you do not mind, I may go back as well and will see you tomorrow." Admittedly, she was tired - mentally mostly, but keeping up with her furious apprentice stomping through the woods had also been a trial.


  • 75204766_i8QXUtYv5cuKxDF.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.