camp she says i am real and you are not - rta

He hated fighting. Wasn't much of a fighter really. He shivered at Cindershade besting him easily. Granted he was forced to fight, but is fighting the right word for it? I mean she just took me down in a second. Calling it a fight would be... Weird. I mean the whole thing was weird. He shivered remembering that terrible day and these days his fur stood on end, trying to ignore the feeling of eyes on him. He knew he was weak. Unlike many of his fellow warriors who fought fiercely, he couldn't. Maybe they would all laugh at him or scold him. All because he didn't want to hurt someone else. Just the thought of tearing someone's ear off or raking his claws into flesh was beyond unsettling. Cicada says not to run away, tuck our tails. I know that, but what else am I supposed to do?! I can't fight! If anything throw me out there as bait or use me to get mauled!

There really is no winning here. While he can try to bring more food for his clanmates, he knows that being a warrior was more than just providing food. Warriors have the duty to protect the clan and if that was the case... Then, he wasn't much of a warrior. Warriors were cats like Cindershade, Clayfur, Smokethroat, and many other cats he can name. Heck, he heard the most praise from one of the upcoming warriors, Iciclepaw! FANG! It's Iciclefang now dummy! Don't misunderstand, he was not at all jealous of the new warriors who joined their ranks. I just feel less of a warrior than the rest of them...

Shaking his head he was at a loss. He wished he could go up to any warrior to ask them something, yet he decided not to. How do I ask, hey how do you fight? Maybe they'll think I'm strange. Whatever the case he whispered to himself, "Just... Go for it?" In some corner of camp, everyone would see him more than a little puzzled and awkwardly swiping his paw in the air at a nonexistent prey? Certainly didn't look like he was attempting to figure out where one would swipe during a fight. It was more like he was waving.

Coughs, it would look more like waving to others considering... Considering he had swiped the air. But. He forgot to unsheathe his claws. It took him a moment. Well, after the third swipe(?), that he realized, Yeah... Maybe I should've- he unsheathed his claws and swiped the air. This. Just. Feels dumb.
  • Haha
Reactions: Kangoo
It is not easy for Murkblossom, either. Is violence necessary like drinking water, or is it only necessary because they believe it to be? They would all do well to learn patience, to flex the muscles of their hearts rather than their claws. There is more to be had when shared than divided, but that asks many to be patient who do not look to the distant future.

It is also a great risk for Murkblossom to fight as others do. Pain is a mentor, teaching when to stop, when to continue, when to surrender, and it is not a teacher he knows. He does his best to be vigilant, but battle asks that they harm themselves for the purpose of doing greater harm to another. It is a weakness, not a strength, that he cannot feel the sting of teeth.

He notices Pikesplash's odd gesticulations on his way from feeding his mother. The tom swipes at the air, as though waving, and yet the motions seem to have a different intent given Pikesplash does not appear to be watching his clanmates. Curious, he approaches him slowly, head tilted questioningly. This close, he now sees unsheathed claws.

Worried he may be experiencing some form of cognitive lapse, Murkblossom gently touches the top of his swiping leg with a paw, encouraging him to stop.
A touch from another is the last thing he is expecting. Despite Murkblossom gently touching him, he ends up flinching, the action causes him to push Murkblossom's paw up with his own. It's not purposeful, the terrified expression on his face suggests as such. Even more so when he finds himself scrambling an apology to the other tom. "ERK! Sorry! Gosh, are you okay Murk? MURKBLOSSOM!" Oh man, you're making a scene now. Stupid, stupid, STUPID! He never voices this to Murkblossom, not wanting the other to pity him or be disgusted by him. The last thing I want is an enemy as a clanmate.

From what he knows or what he's seen of his fellow clanmate is that they aren't much of a talker. Some would say Murkblossom is mean and distant, but he didn't get that from the other warrior. Sure, Murkblossom... May not be very... Welcoming from looks alone, but he wouldn't say he's seen Murkblossom bully someone before or frequently to say the rumors were true. All he knew was that Murkblossom visited the elders often or went in the general direction of where the elders were, which he never asked or followed the tom to figure it out. It's not really any of my business anyway, but he looks after the elders. Soooo he's a nice guy. I think? I hope.

However, in this moment Murkblossom's demeanor does little to assuage his worry, so with a nervous chuckle he sheathes his claws and hesitantly touches the paw he pushed. Don't overstep Pike. This is totally not weird. We are not touching his paw that much, this is a totally normal let me see if I scratched you by accident type of touch. Make it quick. As quickly as he touched Murk's paw, he withdraws his own. He lets out a breath of relief when he sees that he did not, with his bad luck end up hurting Murkblossom by accident. He can't help jesting to hide his restlessness, "G-good news! You don't have to go to the medicine cat."

There was a lot of... something happening nearby, that was for sure. A singular, tiny fish in his jaws, Fernpaw had been just about to set his catch upon the pile when Pikesplash's frantic backtracking had snagged his attention, luminous gaze settling upon the pair. Quite a combination, wasn't it? Murkblossom was the quieter sort, and- Pikesplash was decidedly not. But he knew Murkblossom was not an unkind cat, so what had managed to get Pikesplash into such a whirl?

The grey tabby's assurance that Murkblossom didn't have to go to the medicine cat set the ginger apprentice's gaze saucer-wide, the statement's jesting nature sailing over Fernpaw's head like a gull. "You know that?" What might have sounded mocking coming from anyone else's mouth was entirely sincere as it fell from Fernpaw's- was another part of being a warrior just intrinsically knowing if one of your colleagues had an injury? He'd not even been told about that one!
penned by pin

pelt like a silver scaled fish flecked and striped with black, Pikesplash was an easily spotted cat for the drifting lazy stare of Dogteeth. He always had this- unsure look about him. Especially now as a silvery limb swipes strangely at the air, as if an invisible bee floated around him.

Dogteeth cocked his head to the side, smiling at first and then giggling. A gentle breath over black lips, but his smile falters a bit as claws peek from sheathes and the imposing Murkblossom reaches to touch the other’s leg. It’s a tender motion but Pikesplash flinches in a way that makes it look as if an accident may have happened, the curly furred moggy blinks towards them with careful consideration, a pensive pinch to his brows as he moves to stand. He couldn’t hear them but he does hear Fernpaw as he gets close enough.

With a glance to Fernpaw, " what do we know? " he smiles, feeling a bit dumb as to what is going on. " you getting stormed by mosquitos? " Dogteeth asks sweetly, squinting in the wide display of fangs.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    2023 VOICE & ACCENT
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png

"Mosquito's are the worst." Burningfern would meow softly as she also approached the group, smiling softly at the others, "Only good reason to have this long coat of mine during the warmer moons."

She takes a seat and blinks at Pikesplash thoughtfully before she speaks again, "What were you trying to do anyway, Pikesplash? Practicing your fighting?" While she wasn't sure, that was at least the most reasonable reason for some cat to be swatting at the air with unsheathed claws. That or perhaps he had been assaulted by insects and was taking drastic measures to swat them away,

Pikesplash's reaction only deepens Murkblossom's concern, though for a different reason. He doesn't believe the flinch was the result of pain, but while his mother did her best to teach him to understand what actions can hurt, it is still difficult to gauge. He has no baseline of his own to reference, and means to ask if Pikesplash is well, but the warrior's voice stills his tongue. Pikesplash is worried that he harmed Murkblossom?

He blinks, watching in silence as he examines his larger paw. There is no blood, which is a good sign, and something so simple can't have caused any internal issues. He doubts a visit to Beesong is needed even before Pikesplash declares it so, an assertion that seems to impress the nearby Fernpaw. Murkblossom's bewilderment wavers into amusement and back again, though he wants to reassure Pikesplash before explaining anything. "No harm mate," he says quietly, consonant softened to a t by his damaged tongue. "Avoit worrying so much. Bat for eye wrinkles." He smiles playfully, hoping it is enough to alleviate Pikesplash's concern.

Dogteeth doesn't seem to have heard the conversation, and Murkblossom is content with taking to the sidelines while he introduces a new topic. Most of RiverClan can converse better than Murkblossom, which he does not mind. Burningfern is included among them, but she saw Pikesplash's odd behavior and asks what Murkblossom hadn't.

Had he merely been practicing? The fault for the little kerfuffle must be entirely his own, then.
H-h-uh?" He finds himself whipping around to Fernpaw. He is completely and without a doubt flabbergasted at Fernpaw's question or statement. Words fail to leave his maw when he finds himself staring at what appears amazement from Fernpaw. Thankfully, or perhaps not so thankfully Dogteeth arrived and thought he was swatting mosquitoes. I don't know if that's supposed to make me feel better knowing he thought I was fending off mosquitoes... He's embarrassed to say the least that many clanmates gathered around him thinking he had some sort of war mosquitoes. Well... Not Murkblossom. Man, why did this have to get so much attention?! Why couldn't Starclan or whatever let this happen while I'm sharing tongues or something?!

Pike clears his throat as he turns to look at Dogteeth who is all smiles, which he understands is the warrior trying to be friendly. Or at least he thinks that's the reason. "Well... It's nothing, uhm, er, bad. What we know. And about the mosqu-," JUST WHEN I THOUGHT IT COULDN'T GET ANY WORSE! As it stands now he wishes he could throw himself off the gorge when Burningfern arrives on the scene and mentions mosquitoes. Let it be clear that he harbors no ill will towards any of his clanmates, but he is simply frazzled that everyone has gathered over his attempts at battle. A battle with mosquitoes to them apparently.

He slowly blinks in response to Burningfern's question about practicing. He isn't sure whether or not he should be relieved or a little frightened at how perceptive Burningfern is. She wasn't even here and she got what I was trying to do. How? Before he can answer, Murkblossom's voice cuts through the crowd. Now, Murkblossom has never been known as much of a talker, so it is a rare treat that he along with his clanmates listen to Murk's words. However, he is not at all thinking of that fact and is instead beyond relief. He lets out a sigh of relief and offers Murkblossom a smile when he faces the other warrior.

And then, in all his years he didn't expect Murkblossom to care? Tease? It's very odd, but he feels warm from Murkblossom's words and actions. Then again, Murkblossom has always been a gentle soul. "I don't think I can worry less, but I'll try. I still feel bad, so I'll make it up to you! I'll catch your favorite prey? I-if that's okay of course!" Don't ramble now. Even if he doesn't tell you, try and get a nice fish. Not sure how to end or tell Murkblossom he is alright he can only come up with one thing to say. "I'm just glad, no harm happened to you. Mate."

Unaware if that was questionable to say or his entire short exchange with Murkblossom was a raises eyebrows moment, he turns to face the rest of his clanmates. He did feel bad to ignore them, but he figured it would be best to explain what happened to them. "So.. First off. Sorry if I crush you dreams Fernpaw, but I don't know when someone else is hurt. What happened was Murkblossom was trying to help me, and I may... I actually batted his paw away while my claws were unsheathed, so I thought I had hurt him."

It's at this moment he glances at each and everyone of them with his ears flattened. "And no, no mosquito storm here. I do agree Burningfern that long coats like yours do good against mosquito storms. But... I was trying to practice fighting like Burningfern said."


More silence.

"I don't like fighting. Or the thought of having someone else's blood on my paws, but Cicadarstar said we shouldn't run away. That we without a doubt will fight Thunderclan someday. I'm not much of a fighter, I mean," he takes this moment to unsheathe his claws and laugh as he swats the air. "You all sort of thought I was battling against mosquitoes, so I'm as good as dead if we fight Thunderclan or any clan."

Petalnose had watched Pikesplash from afar, twitching her nose curiously at the awkward swipe at the air. She then snorted in amusement at the tap it delivered to Murkblossom, "Come on..! Give it more enthusiasm." She groaned jokingly, giving a sleepy yawn and slowly blinking her eyes with her casual frown held upon her lips.

She listened to note of mosquitoes from Dogteeth, glancing up at the air he was swatting at and squinting intently. The she-cat didn't see any but she nodded in agreement towards Burningfern, she was thankful to have her medium length fur. It was difficult for mosquitoes to get under and it served her well when colder seasons fell among the territories. She pitied the shorter furred clanmates that had to get by the two seasons with irritants on both, it seemed Pikesplash was one of them. If he had been swatting at them, she wouldn't blame him. Though, she'd definitely be swatting with more might if she was in their situation. More so if she was practicing fighting.

So, the tall female furrowed her brows at the tom's admittance. A bewildered look settled upon her, sitting up from her comfortable spot. Who wouldn't want to fight? Petalnose believed ripping claws through enemies was the best satisfaction life could give to her. The rush it served was irresistible, freeing almost. She couldn't believe someone thought opposite, "Huh, what?" She forced a laugh, getting up on tired muscles with a groan to take a stance infront of the Tom. She cleared her throat, "Take a strike. Come on now, fluffy paws. Now than never, right? You always got to be ready to give your all." She urged, gazing into his eyes with a sudden spark of energy and determination for him. The she-cat believed everyone had fight in them, whether they liked it or not. She was curious to see more from him. She was also curious to see what he had in him.