pafp She sells sea shells by the sea shore || shell collecting

She hadn't expected Covecatcher to bring her out here, especially to collect shells! She didn't MIND it exactly..... Somebody had to keep her safe while those damnable dogs were out and she didn't mind the others company. Covecatcher seemed nice and it would do Badgerstrike good to make friends.

Besides! Maybe they would find something cool! Like a SKULL. Though with dogs around.... That would be more foreboding than cool.

She was wary of the river, it had swelled too much for her liking and knew all too well the dangers of a flash flood. She had seen them sweep creatures away before.

But she didn't think the conditions were right for that to happen, so she took her mind off of it.

She scanned the shore for shells..... Hopefully they hadn't all been washed away. They were pretty, she guessed.... Would be nice to decorate with.

Sharp yellow eyes were fortunate enough to spot a little pink shell just poking out of the water.

"Oh, I found one!" She blurted, uncovering the shell as gently as she could. She wasn't known for her soft touch, after all.
