pafp she sells sea shells [shell collecting]

Jul 24, 2022
The clan will be moving back into their island camp soon, as far as the calico has heard. And as annoying as it will be to have to move their entire collection of objects back into the island, as irritating as it is that they have been helping to wave new dens only for the clan to move back into their old camp… they are still glad that they will return. The camp has been made a wreck of, washed clean of whatever had once settled there. They will have an entire camp to decorate, and so they must begin preparations now. They only need a warrior to escort them outside of the temporary camp.

Smokethroat is not an option, and neither is Iciclefang—both warriors are too serious for such activities, Crappiepaw thinks. Lakemoon and Hyacinthbreath are too intimidating to approach. They must find a different warrior to accompany them outside of camp, one who will not be opposed to doing something with their paws. A normal warrior. "You," they say, spotting a warrior who they recognize as relatively normal. They stride over to stand before Pikesplash, eyes wide and bright as they stare up at the older feline. "You will help me find shells. To decorate camp, when we return."

They state it as though it is fact, not considering that Pikesplash may decline their invitation. But Crappiepaw does not wait for acceptance; they turn and begin making their way toward the river, only turning to look over their shoulder once they are a fox-length away from the warrior. "Please," they add, offering the older tom a small smile.

// pls wait for @PIKESPLASH
[ my my, cold hearted child ]
( tags ) Hmm? He turns his head to see who called? For him. Before he even has a chance to give Crappiepaw a greeting or ask what he needed, the apprentice is already barking orders at him. However, the orders he was told were not at all work based and he internally breathes a sigh of relief that Crappiepaw just asked him to find shells. I'll take it! It could've been worse. Once again, Crappiepaw was leading the charge and walked away from him. It shouldn't amuse him to see that he had yet to utter a single word, yet Crappiepaw practically recruited him for this important task. Where's the medic, bard, or merchant? Just kidding. Maybe.

In any case he smiles at Crappiepaw, "We won't be returning until we find a bunch!" Finally, he pads over to Crappiepaw and follows the apprentice side by side. They may not be paired with each other by Cicadastar, but who said he needed to mentor Crappiepaw to accompany him outside of camp? If he really wanted to he could've asked the apprentice's mentor for permission, but that was simply too much work. The prospect of finding a conch shell made him giddy. He may not show it, but he simply loved pretty looking things. Shiny rocks and shells were among the top of the list. Feathers were okay, but he was picky when it came to feathers.

As they walked side by side his voice exuded excitement, "Ooo! What kind do you think we should decorate the new clan with? Do you have a specific theme or type of shells you think will fit the clan? Before it got wrecked, didn't we use more feathers? I know there's sharp shells that look like needles, but I dunno if we would use them to stick outside of dens like thorns. Maybe we should get bigger shells? Small shells aren't bad, but I just think it would be a hassle to have so many small ones to bring to camp all at once. We could come back for smaller ones later, but! What do you think Crappiepaw?" Oh, he was rambling. Poor Crappiepaw. Or maybe the apprentice would be pleased, having found someone just as interested in collecting shells and decorating for that matter.
They may have practically given Pikesplash no choice but to come with them, but the calico is still surprised when the warrior seems to agree easily. He trails behind them at first, and so they slow down a bit to allow him to catch up. Pikesplash says that they will not be coming back until they find many shells, and a smile quirks across Crappiepaw’s muzzle. The tom launches into a barrage of questions and information, half of it getting lost in the jumble of words, and Crappiepaw momentarily wishes they had perhaps chosen someone like Willowroot to accompany them.

But at least Pikesplash is enthusiastic about shell collecting and decorating. "You talk a lot," they say, but it is not meant as an insult. It is simply an observation, and they flick a dappled ear in the older feline’s direction. "But I do not mind. At least you say interesting things." Unlike some other warriors, the older tom seems to be genuinely interested in what they are doing, and it brings the smallest of smiles to Crappiepaw’s face.

"I think big mussel shells are the best. They are shiny on the inside, so they make the camp look brighter." They like the feeling of mussel shells, too—the shimmering insides are a good texture against their pawpads. "I agree, though. It would be easier to bring back only large shells for now. Do you see anything good yet?" Intense green eyes sweep the water’s edge, searching for the telltale shine of a shell, but they spot nothing.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]

PETALPAW — Keep about your wits.
Her mentors glare on her spine is scrutinizing as Petalpaw creeps amidst shrubbery, silently cursing whoever deemed land-hunting a necessary skill. Those squirrel-munchers in the forest were able to live an entire life without so much as touching a fish- why did she have to be forced to pounce on birds?
Her mentors harsh comfort is that it is just for training, that worst case scenario the only time she’d be made to turn to the land for prey was during leaf-bare.
The sentiments didn’t change the fact that she’d rather be perched nearby a river, where the ivory apprentice excelled.
Pikesplash’s voice booms from somewhere nearby, loudened by the once quiet serenity. Her prey takes off, gone to the sky.
Bruised by her loss, Petalpaw is quick to come to a stand, gently pushing her way through the undergrowth to find the starling-mouthed cause of her failure.
She emerges just in front of the duo, gold shaded eyes flickering between the two. "What’re you guys doing?" She prompted, brow bone quirking, surely there had to be a good reason to be all the way out here.

// ic opinions ofc ofc <33
( tags ) "Oh," he responds meekly and his spirit is crushed. It's not that Crappiepaw was wrong, yet it felt like the apprentice was telling him to be quiet. When it came to things he loved talking about, he could ramble on and on about it. He knew that there were going to be cats who would be exhausted of hearing him speak about fish for hours, so he supposed it was fair that Crappiepaw stopped him before he continued. The silence between them seemed a bit tense, yet he was aware that was how he felt. Maybe Crappiepaw felt at ease. When he is told that his rambling was interesting and that they were tolerated rekindles his flame. He is flustered to say the least, not sure what to say about that. "Mhm, thanks. Crappiepaw." It's awkward. That much is true, yet it doesn't feel like Pikesplash is bothered by what Crappiepaw has said.

Thankfully, Crappiepaw is able to steer the conversation along. Mussel shells? "That's true, Mussel shells are shiny and colorful on the inside. So, what I'm getting is you want color? To bring some cheer to the clan? If that's the case then what if we looked for ear shells too? They're just as shiny and colorful on the inside. They also have different colors on the outside sometimes." if he was asked what shell he loved, then it would be conch shells. For now, he sweeps his eyes across the shore to find anything glimmering back. At the clarification of what the game plan was he hums, "Alright. And I hav-" It's then that Petalpaw emerges in front of them. He is surprised at her appearance seeing as he recalled she would be training today.

Why do I feel like I'm being interrogated? "Oh! We're looking for shells to bring back to camp. Something to freshen up the camp," he answers her. There was no reason to lie. It wasn't like he or Crappiepaw were doing something suspicious. To prove that this was nothing bad, he beams at Petalpaw, "Would you like to join us? Right now we're looking mostly for mussels and ear shells."