pafp She used to be mine ☮ Winter chatting


He wears your grandad's coat!
Nov 13, 2023
*+:。.。 Silverbreath let out an unhappy sigh as he watched an apprentice hand prey off to a queen, their young expression proud up until the queen turns away and then that sweet little face crumples into one of tired hunger. The apprentice notices Silverbreath watching, and quickly flashes their smile, waving politely with their tail before quickly scurrng off, perhaps embarrassed for having been caught in that little moment of weakness. It' hard.
Times are hard, but this - watching cats barely old enough to not be considered kittens - is the hardest part of all.

Silverbreath's own stomach rumbles furiously, but the pain is hard to want to placate after what he'd been caught doing, so he chooses to ignore it as best he can. Valepaw's shattered expression is more than enough to make the sting of a bellyache nothing compared to that of his heart-wrenching, at least. But a distraction would be nice, and he finds one in Willowroot. Padding over to her, he'd smile pleasantly at his fellow parent and purrs, "Evening 'Root! How's it hanging?" Plopping down beside her should she not immediately tell him to leave, the tom would let out a satisfyingly long yawn while stretching out his front legs until he hears a pop. "Starclan almighty I swear I can't be old enough to get stiff joints, am I? Has to be the cold!" resting on his belly, legs still outstretched, he'd let out another glum sigh, "I sure can't wait for the weather to change..." perking his ear towards his clanmate, he'd ask, "How're you holding up?" he's quiet for a moment, his smile waning, "your kiddos doin' good?" he can't help but ask.

@willowroot !! <3

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw, Mentoring Goldenpaw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently