SHED YOUR FEARS ✧ orangestar


Type: Primary character
Roleplayer: @mercibun

Affiliation: SkyClan
— Pine Colony (former)
— Kittypet (briefly, at birth)

Age: 41 moons
— ages once monthly on the 24th

Mentor: Blazing Dawn (deceased)
Apprentices: Springpaw
— former:
Vulturepaw (dropped)
Eveningpaw (ia, assumed graduated)

As Leader: Jan 31, 2024
— preceded by: Blazestar (deceased)
— succeeded by: tba

"I'm not going to abandon you, and I have no intention of dying before that point." She affirms. "I've walked these pines since before SkyClan was even a thought in StarClan's sparkly heads-" probably- "and I won't leave them now."

Orangestar (she/her) is a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.

Orangestar is the current SkyClan leader and Blazestar's successor. While backwritten to have been a member of the Pine Colony prior to the Clans' formation, she joined the RP officially on December 1st, 2022. It is to be assumed none of her thoughts or actions reflect her roleplayer's opinions.

  1. Appearance
    — scars gained
    — inventory
  2. Personality
    — characterisation
  3. Biography
    — backwritten
    — roleplayed
  4. Relationships
    — kin
    — notable
    — heart chart
  5. Nine Lives
    — losses
  6. Miscellaneous
    — trivia
    — playlist
    — aesthetic notes
    — faceclaims
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[ art credit to jay / ghostgarden ]
Gallery — lh red 'solid' w/ high white (masking chocolate; carrying cinnamon, dilute, point).

As far as domestic cats in the TabbyTales world go, Orangeblossom is a perfectly average sized cat. Among the maine coons and ragdolls of SkyClan, however, she falls slightly short. Despite not being outstanding in height Orangeblossom carries a strong, muscular physique, especially around her shoulders from a lifetime of climbing. However, her moons of motherhood have shaped her into something a little softer around the edges.

Orangeblossom has long, thick fur inherited from her mother. It's lovely in leaf-bare among the snow and frost, but too warm for her to be comfortable in the sun during the height of greenleaf. Her pelt is mostly white, with patches of ginger visible on her tail, rump, shoulders, ears and back of head. Notably, these patches resemble her littermate Apricotflower's very closely. Some art may depict her as a more visible tabby, however she only has ghost markings. Despite the neutral expression of displeasure often on her scarred muzzle, Orangeblossom's eyes are a gentle brown that catch a rich shade of honey-gold in the light. Visible skin, such as her nose and pawpads and the scars that litter her form, are a soft shade of pink.

Overall, Orangeblossom doesn't consider herself particularly beautiful, but she has healthy self esteem and doesn't self-depreciate. While she doesn't emote using her tail very often, her ears and whiskers are very expressive. Walks with a slight limp that favours her right hindleg.

SCARS GAINED (chronological order)
Torn ear, left side. Received at 18 moons from Mint during the Great Battle. Impacts her hearing ever so slightly on that side, however Orangeblossom has genuinely never realised this.
Clawmarks, right foreleg. Received at 18 moons from Mint during the Great Battle. No mechanical impact, though the exposed skin gets dry sometimes.
Clawmarks, right side muzzle. Received at 25 moons from Badgermoon during the SkyWind skirmish; often irritated, but only to a minor degree.
Clawmarks, right hindleg. Received at 25 moons from Badgermoon during the SkyWind skirmish; deep scarring, snapped the tendon at the back of her knee. The source of Orangeblossom's limp, she has permanent weakness in this limb; and hind leg attacks will be less effective because of this.

Tinsel ball. Received from Ashenclaw during their courtship; kept in her nest unless her kits are playing with it.
Small stone. Received from Sparrowsong; currently entrusted to Sparrowsong during her absence.
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[ art credit to caveish, gifted by rai ]

An unfamiliar eye would find a stalwart sentinel in Orangeblossom; a cat with little interest in shenanigans or humour in the face of duty. She projects an aura of toughness, a stubborn cat whose purpose in life is to serve SkyClan, its protector and paladin.

This paladin is, for better or worse, incredibly smart. Logic is Orangeblossom's friend, and she's quite comfortable putting pieces together be they inferred or explicit. Her field of expertise is other mammals, but specifically raccoons; while she doesn't advertise this, she's a font of knowledge about the critters. With roughly average wisdom for her age Orangeblossom can reliably read an emotional situation but tends not to pick up on the nuances of a cat's mannerisms. However, most of the time, that doesn't matter because she doesn't care. Quite blunt, doesn't lie to spare feelings if it'll obstruct the truth and sometimes will bend the truth to make it harsher on the recipient. Struggles with diplomacy against sensitive cats because of this.

As a Clan cat raised in the wild, Orangeblossom has seen all manner of disaster, and as such has hardened into a state of resilience that's tough to shake. She finds it difficult to be vulnerable, especially emotionally, however she will loosen up a little around her Clanmates and kin. She takes loyalty and her debts extremely seriously; if she or SkyClan has a favour done by them, she will take note and make sure to repay that someday.

Impatient, thinks she's good at hiding it (she's not). Competitive, but not destructively so. Has some perfectionistic streaks, but it doesn't define her, even if leaving things half-done grates on her sensibilities. Tries to find the most efficient path forward.

Orangeblossom isn't an inherently violent cat, and as such she is unlikely to lash out or start a fight. She's been taught her manners, and she holds her tongue approximately half the time. However she is prone to irritation. Her anger is flaring wings, a threat display, trying to make the problem (be it another or something else entirely) back off by sheer force of will and presence. She feels it in the top back of her jaw and in her shoulders.

As a general rule of interaction within SkyClan, Orangeblossom tends to dislike cats with a superiority complex - especially if she deems it unfounded - and tends to get along well with humbler, more work-oriented personalities.

— As a believer in StarClan, Orangeblossom's worship is informal. She's no zealot, but Orangeblossom acknowledges their starry ancestors and respects them, and hopes that she'll find herself among their number some day.

CHARACTERISATION (mostly for my benefit)
— During informal prayer, her eyes flick towards the sky. May be misinterpreted as rolling her eyes.
— Will not compliment someone she's irritated at, even mildly.
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The following story beats are backwritten:
  • Orange Blossom is born to a kittypet named Alice and a member of the Pine Colony, Heavy Stone. Alongside her are two littermates: Apricot Flower and Apple Stem. The three kits are raised by Alice and her twolegs for a short while, before they leave for the Pine Colony.
  • Once weaned and considered old enough to hunt, Orange Blossom is taken under the wing of her paternal aunt, Blazing Dawn.
  • Another paternal aunt, Leaf Shiver, has three kittens: Auburn Flame, Feather Dance, and Wisteria. Wisteria passes soon after birth.
  • Orange Blossom quickly excels in climbing, her skill taking her just shy of Tallpine's highest bough.
  • Alice's second litter is born: Cranberry (later Banana), Cloudberry, and Blueberry. The three grow up as kittypets.
  • Orange Blossom meets Slate, a Twolegplace rogue, and the two catch feelings; however, they never admit them fully.
  • In the Great Battle, Blazing Dawn is killed by Mint of the Marsh Colony; Orange Blossom's ear is torn during the resulting fight to try and keep the more experienced warrior at bay.
  • When the Clans are formed, Orange Blossom remains in SkyClan with the majority of her kin. Her sister Apricot Flower joins RiverClan to be with her informal mentor Honeybee, now Beesong.
  • Orangeblossom, now a warrior, falls out of touch with Slate.

    • Orangeblossom encounters a fox with Finchfang while on patrol.
    • Eveningkit climbs the sunning-stump in camp.
    • Orangeblossom is promoted to deputy in the wake of Deersong's retirement to queendom.
    • Hailstone gives Orangeblossom a tinsel ball from his twoleg den as a gift.
    • In a separate meeting, Orangeblossom is given Eveningpaw and Vulturepaw to train.
    • WindClan attacks at the border, a ruse so that a second patrol could invade camp for herbs. Orangeblossom battles Badgermoon, their deputy.
    • Bananapaw checks in on Orangeblossom after the fight, and the new deputy frets over her sister's injuries.
    • Orangeblossom falls into a muddy puddle, and smears mud on Ferretwhisker for laughing at her.
    • Coyotepaw returns to SkyClan, and a council meeting is held. Orangeblossom vouches for allowing him to stay if he changes his name and is forbidden from nearing the borders.


    • Howlpaw goes missing, and Orangeblossom sends out search parties for her.
    • The rogue Kuiper attempts to join SkyClan and is put on trial for his murders; admitting to one from each clan, including Centipedepaw's, and Thistleback kills him after he implies he had left Howlpaw to die.
    • RiverClan asks for help against ThunderClan's attempt to claim Sunningrocks, and SkyClan declines; Sharpeye is exiled by Blazestar for disobeying that order and going to help anyway.
    • Ashenclaw vanishes, only days after he and Orangeblossom become mates.
    • Mallowlark joins SkyClan, stirring controversy as Dawnglare's WindClanner mate.

    • Quillstrike and Twitchbolt are taken by twolegs during a hunting trip.
    • Orangeblossom sits down with Blazestar to Slate's trapping, and tells him about her newly-discovered pregnancy.
    • Determined to keep this from the rest of her Clanmates, Orangeblossom and Fireflypaw enlist a pawful of apprentices to help clean the nursery.
    • Dandelionwish asks Orangeblossom more about daylight warriors.
    • Orangeblossom gives a lecture on tree-climbing basics to a patrol.
    • Daisyflight, Snowpaw and Butterflytuft are taken by twolegs. Orangeblossom suggests Blazestar send a patrol at night to investigate.
    • In the moon's ceremonies, Bananasplash, Cloudberrythorn, and Blueberrybounce are given their names and Orangeblossom's pregnancy is announced. She meets with Thistleback, her interim replacement, to address her expectations and routines shortly afterwards.

    • Orangeblossom is pranked by Shadowfire and gets feathers stuck to her pelt with sap. She does not determine the culprit.
    • A rescue patrol is sent to try and bring the captured SkyClanners home.
    • Johnny's patrol returns, having freed the captured SkyClanners and a great deal of shelter cats; Ashenclaw, Bananasplash and Cloudberrythorn included. Orangeblossom is assigned as wet nurse to Doomguy and Artorias, a pair of one-moon-old littermates.
    • A vigil is held for Daisyflight. Orangeblossom reflects on how she'd have liked to receive mothering advice from Blazestar's first deputy.
    • At the month's end Orangeblossom gives birth to five healthy kits: Cherrykit, Glimmerkit, Eggkit, Hiccupkit and Sunshinekit.

    • Shortly after taking a new name and announcing her partnership to Quillstrike, Bananasplash, now Honeysplash, goes missing.
    • Orangeblossom and Fireflypaw share tongues and catch up for the first time in a few moons. She reveals that she named Glimmerkit after him.
    • Snowpaw is killed when a tree falls in camp. Orangeblossom tries to dig him out from the other side, but it's too late, and StarClan receives him as Snowpath.
    • Orangeblossom is picked as DoomClan's deputy in Doomkit's kitten-game.
    • A climbing lesson is held for the kits of the Clan as Orangeblossom introduces them to the sunning-stump in camp.
    • Thistleback goes missing.
    • Blazestar and Orangeblossom go for a walk, and she re-affirms her commitment to being his deputy; not for Blazestar himself, but for SkyClan.
    • Sheepcurl returns, delighting the deputy and restoring some hope for the rest of their Clanmates.

    • WindClan attacks in the dead of night. Orangeblossom leads the camp guard, keeping careful attention for approaching enemies.
    • Yukio requests hunting tutelage in exchange for flowers. Orangeblossom has no need for flowers, but accepts to help better his skills.
    • Orangeblossom takes the Clan's kits out on an excursion with Howlpaw and Sparrowpaw.
    • In the wake of Spiderpaw's death, Orangeblossom comforts Cherrykit.
    • Orangeblossom raises her voice at Plaguepaw and Cherrykit for arguing over Plaguepaw's fur colour change. She speaks to Sparrowpaw soon after for their point of view on the situation.
    • Orangeblossom catches up with Eveningpaw.

    • Orangeblossom's kits are apprenticed, and she returns to her duties in full.
    • In a council meeting after Yukio trespasses on ThunderClan territory, Orangeblossom vouches for higher standards for SkyClan newcomers but no closure of their borders.
    • Tallulahwing dies of an unknown illness. Orangeblossom takes Figwhisker, Apple Stem, and Tiggerbounce to return her ribbon to her twolegs.
    • Ashenclaw and Orangeblossom discuss where their relationship is headed. Offscreen, the two enter a tentative era where they will treat each other more platonically, to see how that leaves them feeling. This is not an official separation.
    • Silversmoke suggests to Orangeblossom that she should help him convince Blazestar that SkyClan should take Sunningrocks. Orangeblossom refuses.
    • Orangeblossom introduces Cherrypaw to Howlingstar and Little Wolf at the Gathering. She defends SkyClan verbally in the face of accusation when Blazestar announces Tallulahwing's death, as other Clan cats are starting to fall ill.

    • SkyClan returns the RiverClanner Robinpaw home after she was captured by twolegs. Orangeblossom does not realise this is her niece until Apple Stem mentions it on patrol.
    • Orangeblossom volunteers to join the SkyClan delegation on the Journey prophesised by StarClan. She is joined by Slate, Duskpool, Chalk, Bobbie, Figfeather, Greeneyes, and Cherrypaw; though argues with Cherrypaw over her own volunteering.
    • Badgermoon and Curlewnose arrive on the SkyClan border seeking refuge. SkyClan takes them prisoner, though Orangeblossom vouches for their deaths.
    • Orangeblossom organises patrols one last time before they head out for the Gathering, where the journeying delegation of all five Clans departs.
      They successfully cross the thunderpath.
    • RiverClan helps them across a broken bridge. Orangeblossom ends up close by Slate.
    • Bobbie finds a twoleg trap. Orangeblossom finds a tree bigger than she's ever seen.


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LITTERMATES: applefrost and apricotflower.
SIBLINGS: older sister to honeysplash and cloudberrythorn.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single ; former mate to ashenclaw.
— bisexual, not actively looking. closed to relationship plots, but one-sided crushes on this character are welcome. | former flames
CHILDREN: cherryblossom, glimmersun, eggbounce, owlheart, tawnyclaw.

NOTABLE FRIENDSHIPS: blazestar, johnnyflame, slate, fireflypaw, bobbie, dogbite.
— non-skyclanners she tolerates: howlingstar, needledrift, little wolf, smogmaw, batwing
NOTABLE ENEMIES: windclan?, badgermoon
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NINE LIVES REMAININGascension thread

“I hail you by your new name, Orangestar. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of SkyClan.” The wind whispers through the trees, combs through Blazestar’s starry pelt. “Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity.”

“With this life, I give you hope,” she chirps, standing on the tips of her paws so that her nose can brush Orangeblossom’s. The life that travels from her tiny body to the SkyClan deputy’s is trembling and sweet, warm like the first touch of newleaf sun on a frosted stem. She will feel the love Morningpaw held for her two Clans, the love she still holds, and the optimism that she carried in her tiny heart will live on. “Even when it seems bleak, when things go wrong, never give up hope, Orangeblossom. It will guide you like the stars in the sky, and your paws will always find the right path again.”

"With this life, I give you perseverance." A pink nose touches the ginger-and-white deputy's; this life is not as soft as Morningpaw's. It is a tiring life, a bursting of pain usurped by numbing adrenaline. It crescendos into reward, into accomplishment- striving through hell to see the brighter side at the end. It was a process with which Haku had never bothered. A deep blue gaze still carries the grief of his life, the loss he'd felt in dying and living both. "As SkyClan's leader, you will face difficulties no warrior can imagine- so use this life well to battle through the worst. If you give up, you will never see what you might have missed- what might have flourished. True strength is in always getting back up again."

"With this life, I give you loyalty." She'd speak, and as the others had before her Brightflame would move her head forward as well so that nose could touch nose. The life Brightflame gives is bittersweet, pain and happiness intertwined, the strong sense of loyalty Brightflame held for her clan until the very end echoing to Orangeblossom and now living on through her. "There will be difficult decisions to make as leader, things best for your clan, your family, yourself. Do what is right, even when what is right seems like the hardest thing you'll ever do."

SPIDERPAW, THE LIFE OF TEMPERANCElost to a fox on april 26, 2024.
"With this life, I give you temperance," she mews, leaning to press a twinkling nose to the soon-to-be leader's. This life is one of pressure, of anger and vengeance and hunger pressing at the seams of one's mind, the turmoil Spiderpaw had known so well. It draws itself up into a crushing weight and then shatters away, leaving behind the gentle comfort of the right decision made. Temperance is a virtue Spiderpaw may well have never attained in life. "You will have nine lifetimes in which you can choose to act in anger." The soft gleam of the apprentice's eyes make clear how familiar she is with choices made in rage. "Do not let it rule you, but guide you. Know when to choose mercy and when to choose war, no matter how hard it may be."

"With this life, I give you forgiveness." Deep regret and pain, permeating through the surface of fur and flesh down into one's very core - a bruise that wouldn't heal, a bone unmended, a reminder eternal of how mental anguish was only longlasting if you allowed it to be, "I spent so long struggling to understand what it means to forgive - to forgive others, to forgive myself, to forgive the cruelties this world may show you. In the end you must understand that no matter what, holding onto bitterness, to anger, to sadness, to grief, it will only ever hurt you and others in the long term. Your clanmates may invoke your ire, you may make mistakes, things may not go as they are meant to but we are all flesh and blood woven from the same parts and pieces - learn to forgive yourself and others for the things out of our control. Fate is fickle, our lives can end at a moment's notice." Snowpath remembers the tree the nursery is now sheltered in, that his older sister now had her kits in protected and safe. He would never regret it, but he often wondered if things could have been different, "Do not let any of yours end with a heart heavy and vindictive."

"With this life I give you a mother’s love." A knowing spark warped the starclanner’s expression, fed by amusement and weariness alike. "Having kits yourself, it will not be unfamiliar to you. That love should cloak the whole clan, protective and fierce and selfish." Crushing weight accompanied the life, sweet affection that rotted confidence and frayed nerves- a terrible sort of responsibility swaddled with sight of kits tucked safely beneath a woollen tail.

"With this life I give you selflessness." This life would not be a kindness, it was not a respite from the torrent Orangeblossom had no doubt already received. For that, she was sorry. "Use it to do what is right for others, even if it scares you, even if it hurts. You will have so many cats who depend on you, who look to you to make the tough decisions for them." This life is a rapid beat of a heart raging against a rib-cage, the icy cold grip of fear immediately accompanied by heart-ache and melancholy. Then it is the feeling of talons digging into a back, red hot pain that threatens to sear flesh off of the bone, an image of a pale figure walking away with two smaller shadows and then there is nothing but a faint, lingering breeze that smells of lungwort and mountain air. A sad smile plays upon the features of the raven-furred warrior "You'll be a great leader Orangeblossom."

"With this life, I give you bravery." her paws prickle with excitement as she steps forwards to touch her nose, its a fire ignited, it is warm, it is uncomfortable, it is kind. It is a surge of emotion on a hot greenleaf day, it is courage in the face of fear. "Being brave isn't always easy. Sometimes you need to be brave even when you're at your wits end, you need to be brave for your clanmates, you need to be brave for yourself." she gestures towards Orangeblossom with a paw. "Being brave is a must. Let it guide your decisions, and let it guide you. Be brave in the face of uncertainty." she ends her speech with a small giggle and hesitates before she speaks again. "If you can... Tell Greeneyes i'm so proud of him. I'm so proud of all of you, actually! Of what you've all done, it's been so fun seeing what all of you have become. You're going to do great!"

“With this life, I give you compassion,” he murmurs. A flush of energy floods from his body to her’s, and contained within it is a lifetime of emotion. Excitement, starstruck Blaise as he tumbles from his housefolk’s nest into the woods for the first time; proud, anxious Blaise as he ascends the Great Rock to claim the pine forest for SkyClan; Blazestar, bending his head to brush his chin against his first deputy’s head; Blazestar, hunched over Little Wolf, licking his firstborn kit clean; Blazestar, dying and dying and dying again, body broken, spirit crushed, wailing over a child who had returned to the stars too soon; Blazestar, crowning Orangeblossom his deputy amidst the snowbanks in SkyClan’s camp; Blazestar, noble and wise and generous and self-deprecating; Blazestar, as he was before Harrierstripe’s teeth found his neck for the last time.

He straightens, his ears flicking forward. “Remember that every cat has walked a path we cannot begin to know, and that every cat—from the smallest kit to the frailest elder, whether they are SkyClan or kittypet or rogue-born, deserves to be understood.” His smile softens, and he withdraws, leaving a circle of space between himself and his former deputy.

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LA FINE, by maneskin —
Il giorno che non avrò più un motivo
Saprò che non è l'inizio, è la fine

CAESAR, by the oh hellos —
Hear on the wind, how the pendulum swings
Feel how the winter succumbs to the spring

FLAWS, by bastille —
All of your flaws and all of my flaws
They lie there hand in hand

NEVER LOVE AN ANCHOR, by the crane wives —
There are times when I still wonder about you
You are someone I have loved, but never known

INKPOT GODS, by the amazing devil —
If I don't make it back from where I've gone
Just know I loved you all along

BATTLE CRY, by the family crest —
Oh, I will fight for you
I will die for you
— Orangeblossom's knowledge of raccoons was spurred entirely by a well-timed 100 on the dicebot.

Aesthetic — pinlink
Motifs: battle, blue-orange sunrises, fire, white flowers, stone (specifically sandstone and marble).

Theme weeks
— Riza Hawkeye (FMA/B), hexcode
— Arcanine (pokemon), hexcode
— Tigress (KFP), hexcode
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