private She's a flight risk on the run ƚƚ Fallowpaw


Lowering your expectations
May 26, 2024

Houndpaw was no stranger to having clan-mates dislike her, they went out of their way to be as unlikable as possible. She found it to be a fine art at this point, carefully crafting their public image to be one of a lazy, weak and snobby apprentice. Even though she crafted this and worked hard to uphold an image of being hateable she still found interest in those who took the bait she laid out. Fallowpaw was one of them, anytime she was within its vicinity she always seemed to be reduced to some kind of cornered animal fueled by hate then a fellow apprentice.

Houndpaw didn’t know why that would be the case, she didn’t concern herself with the matters of others. Perhaps there was a personal reason or perhaps they had performed their role too well. The apprentice could lie and say that it wasn’t interesting to her to see Fallowpaw be at such a state around her but she didn’t have the energy to. The sun had started to rise, elders, queens and kits had been given their share of the pile and now she could enjoy something to eat from the scraps ThunderClan had been collecting.

An idea strikes her as she picks her own piece of prey from the pile, it had been far too long since she had last seen Fallowpaw. “I’m grabbing one for Fallowpaw too, I’m sure she must be so injured right now and could use a friend to get her some food” she explained cooly to a warrior near her, evading being reprimanded from picking up more than one piece. Two mice reside in her maw as she travels through camp until they notice the familiar pelt of the apprentice of the hour in her mind.

She stands in front of it, baring fangs as she smiles and drops the mice near it. Pushing one of them to be closer to her and taking a seat down in front of her, pawing at her own piece of prey. “I thought you may be hungry! With all your hard work to feed the clan I worry that your paws may be too full to get your own food” she tilts her head to the side. Watching Fallowpaw curiously “so how does it feel to be part of ThunderClan’s hottest topic right now? Couldn’t stop hearing about you if I tried. Believe me, I tried” she rolls her eyes at the last part of her sentence.




ˏˋ*⁀➷ Fallowpaw, too, is very familiar with being hated. She revels in it; the more cats dislike her, the more she is left alone. She is a solitary creature, an angry thing of bared teeth and slitted eyes. Wild and dangerous. Unlike Houndpaw, it is feared. The other apprentices whisper about it, its vicious claws and snapping teeth. Ghosts of spars gone wrong and nights coming home stained with her blood or another's trail behind the apprentice, a ward against overfriendly peers.

It works to keep most cats away. A glare and a growl is enough to send the other apprentices running - but not Houndpaw, apparently.

It despises Houndpaw.

That name, like claws raking down its skin. It's like her very existence is mocking it, a reminder that she can never escape where she came from. The specter of fear digs its way into Fallowpaw's heart in her presence, dredging up the sound of her mother's snarling voice, the feeling of being pinned.

She feels pinned now, as the other apprentice approaches with prey in her jaws. Her whole body tenses, teeth flashing in pre-emptive threat. Houndpaw's smile is not returned. It does not run - it is no coward - but its tail does begin to lash. Golden eyes stay narrowed, trained on the dusty form of the other cat. The offering of prey is untouched. Her voice grates at its nerves, sneering, taunting, terrible - and it is quick to bite back. "Couldn't care less what anyone's sayin' about me," Fallowpaw dismisses her question, voice threaded through with seething warning tones. If she knew the patrol would get so many eyes on her, maybe she wouldn't have gone in the first place. She laments the fact that it had to be this cat in particular who's eye she caught. "Maybe you should try keeping your nose outta other cats business," it adds lowly. Maybe Houndpaw should try a little harder.

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  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

They expected Fallowpaw to not touch the prey that she had so graciously picked out for it. She doesn’t let the rejection of the gesture visibly affect her, no matter how annoyed she was about it. Though she couldn’t help but laugh at Fallowpaw’s dismissal. “I figured you wouldn’t care about it, never been one to keep up appearances” unless the appearance was fear or hatred. They were aware of what she was capable of, and aware of how others viewed it.

She would be a liar if they claimed to hold no fear towards Fallowpaw, it was there, just merely smothered by Houndpaw’s ego and ignorance that anything lasting would be done. There’s a smug smile, the apprentice clearly pleased that she had managed to cause a reaction from her. “Glad to see that you’re not injured to the point of losing your bite” her eyes glance up at the other apprentice's face, searching for whatever they could possibly gleam from her expression. Other than contempt or disdain, they had gathered that at least.

Those sun-like eyes glance from her face down to the prey that was still discarded. They tut in disappointment “maybe i’ll try that if you try to actually eat that prey. It’s such a long walk from the fresh kill pile to here” she remarks with a drawl. Crossing her front paws over each other, they both know that she wouldn’t stop putting her nose in others business. “So did you manage to scratch them back? Not like you to go without having the final say, or swing in your case” She had heard that Fallowpaw and Skyclaw had been injured during the patrol, she hadn’t stuck around to listen to particular details though.



ˏˋ*⁀➷ Fallowpaw gives little acknowledgement to the other apprentice's comments; they affirm that despite her mousebrained decision to try chatting with it, she does seem to know who she's talking to. It's not until they start commenting on the dubious offering of peace that it properly reacts.

For a moment they only stare with a seething sort of hatred, before slowly bending over. Dark eyes remain set upon the other apprentice as the sinks her teeth in and pulls tears out a messy bite, letting blood drip down her chin. The threat in her actions is clear, as much a warning as any of her barbed words. She chews slowly, waiting for Houndpaw to make good on her offer.

They do not. They keep pushing, chatting about that inane prey-scuffle. "I wish," she snarls, Houndpaw clearly having hit a sore spot. Her claws sink into the earth below. "Nah, figured I'd get the prey back first. But - if i see 'em again..." She flashes bloodied teeth at Houndpaw in a rare grin, more threat than anything. "'M gonna claw their eyes out, I swear it." It's not an empty threat, coming from her.

The momentary smile falls quickly, replaced by their usual dour expression. "That answer your questions? Think you could try buzzing off now?" It gives a little flick of its paw to punctuate the question, shooing Houndpaw off like a pestering kit.

  • 81827753_leXAOq98Ir3HT2X.png
  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.