SHE'S OUT OF MY LEAGUE | intro + joining


New member
Jan 23, 2024

-ˋˏ ༻☽༺ ˎˊ- Rumors have it, within the forest past the safety of home roamed cats, wild and free. Not like the other 'outside cats' who traveled between alleys, living on rats and scraps of old Twoleg food. These cats were fighters, hunters - some cats describe them as scary, preying on the innocent and eating their bones, while others described them as familial and honorable. Warriors.

Deciding she had to see for herself, a young white molly pointed with a stunning caramel-like brown took to wandering a little further than the reaches of her peoples' home. She was an 'outside cat' herself, often walking around the street she lived on and greeting her neighbors, but she had never left the neighborhood until now. For the past week, every morning she would greet her person, eat her breakfast, and rub on her nest-sister (a grumpy old she-cat named Mrs. Fluffers - we're best friends, but she likes to pretend we're not!) in an affectionate 'goodbye' before leaving the nest. Before noon, she'd have made it to the edge of the Twolegnest and settled onto the fence with paws tucked underneath her soft white belly, peering curiously into the pines and oaks with round yellow eyes.

For days, she's caught glimpses of them: shadows moving between the trees, groups of four or five cats at a time. She's never dared interact past watching, and in turn they've never given her much mind. The cats seemed different each day, from various age ranges and colors - she began to count, wondering how many there were in total. Through her watching, she was often approached (and sometimes) joined in her watch by other kittypets who shared their own thoughts and theories about the wild cats.

Clans cats. Evil. Spiritual. Weird. Noble. Strong. Scary.

At long last, her curiosity was piqued, no longer containable. Her paws ached for adventure - what better adventure than this? She's heard of others that left to join the wild cats, heard rumors of cats who joined them by day and returned by night. Whatever they were, whatever words could describe them, she was determined to find out for herself. She wanted to be noble and strong, even if some cats saw her as weird and scary. A taste of a new life is what she longed for.

So, without further ado, right at the time she'd learned a patrol would come, the white-and-cinnamon molly took in a deep breath and jumped down from the fence, facing the forest with her chest puffed out. This was it. Today, she would learn about the wild cats, and become one of them too - fierce, brave, skillful. It called to her. She was meant! for this! Soft white paws began their approach into the woodland as the young feline's eyes wandered between each bare branch, almost losing herself in the scenery until an approaching crunch of snow caught the attention of her left ear.

The molly turned to face the distantly approaching cats, the shadows between trees. Again, she drew in a deep breath and puffed out her chest, furrowing her soft brows - to look as serious as possible, to look like she meant business! All the while, she rehearsed her lines in her head: I am the great Chili of the people nests! Heed my call! No.. I.. am Chili the strong, from beyond the fence! I will bring you greatness! ..No.. It is I, the glorious and fearful Chili, here to bless your ranks with my strength and super coolness!

A final, deep breath. "Um, hello! My name is Chili, from.. over there." A flick of her amber dipped tail back towards the fence she came from. It wasn't as far away as she thought. "You must be.. 'The Clans', right? I uh.. I want to join you!" Spectacular performance!

  • chili.png
  • CHILI she/her, kittypet, thirteen moons.
    a friendly chocolate and white she-cat.
    mate to no one. apprentice to n/a.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Another kittypet on the border. Bobbie shakes snow-flecked clumps of fur out of her eyes and flicks her cropped tail skywards to signal for her border patrol to stop. Luckily for the stranger, she's close enough to the border that there's no need to accost her—though the tabby doesn't doubt some of her fellow lead warriors would jump at the chance. She's not going to tell anybody to scram, not when it's leaf-bare and an extra set of paws is an asset, even if they need some training. After all, she'd been no more than a helpless kittypet, and look at her now—a proper warrior.....if only for a half-moon more, before she's shoved into the nursery for even longer. Bobbie suppresses a good-natured sigh; it will be worth it, to raise a second litter in peace, a second chance for both of them.

"Greetings, Chili from over there," the tabby mews with a soft gleam of humor in her eye, blinking in a friendly manner at the vibrant-masked kittypet. It's nice that this one seems to have an idea of where she is, where she's going, and whether she wants to join. "We're from SkyClan, one of five Clans in this forest. And the only one that accepts kittypets, lucky for you," she explains mildly. "You may join us, but there are some expectations."

"You can choose to be a full-time warrior, sleeping in our camp and leaving your Twolegs behind—" she pauses, watching Chili's face. The scars bracketing her own body, half-concealed by tufts of thick lilac fur, are a testament to this life. "—or you can become a daylight warrior, patrolling and hunting by day and returning to your Twolegs at night. If you choose that, you'll be given a warrior's suffix to signify your paw in the wild. If you'd rather leave your kittypet life behind, you can keep your current name or—or receive an entirely new one."

"Either way, you'll be assigned a warrior to shadow and given a....trial period for two moons, to see whether you'll be an asset to SkyClan." Bobbie recalls Yukio's stumbling over the border with a pang of grief, then shakes it away. "We will teach you how to hunt and fight, and if all goes well and you don't cause any trouble, you'll become a warrior in your own right." Bobbie pauses to let her small speech of explanation sink in, then mews, "So, what do you say, Chili? Still interested?"


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-ˋˏ ༻☽༺ ˎˊ- The first cat to approach and speak is a pretty lilac tabby with a warm voice but a sense of confidence and authority about her. This must be who's in charge, Chili decided. Though, the words of acceptance seemed a little more docile than she expected, and for that a perplexed look tugs at her brows. "You're not as.. evil and scary as everyone says you were," she mumbled at first, but quickly shook away any hint of disappointment. There may still be cool adventures for her yet!

Just as she had hoped, Bobbie spoke of trials and training, hunting and fighting. If the rumors of various kittypets had anything right, it was that she was face to face now with true warriors. Though, the technicalities of it seemed to fly right between her ears. Too much information at once for such a simple cat. "Are there really five of you? But I see so many different cats at the fence all the time.. are there really that many cats beyond the fence?" She searched her memory for the patrols she's seen at SkyClan's southern border, counting each differently colored cat she could. The idea of five times more of that was bewildering. I hope they don't all live in the same nest.

Next on Bobbie's list of expectations was warriors and names. Of course, she knew that some cats in the Twolegplace were part-time warriors. At least.. that's what she's heard. She never knew their name, though without a glimpse into Clan culture, it never occurred to her to inquire. "What's a warrior's suffix? Why would I get a new name? What's your name?" Her barrage of questions came seamlessly, without room for thought. Would Chili opt for a brand new name if she got the chance? If it's cool enough, maybe. She was pleased, however, to hear that she could return home at night. She hasn't been out for long by now, but already her paw pads felt cold and dry from the snow. She'd really miss the pampering from her person. And - oh, how could she forget? "Oh, Mrs Fluffers will be so pleased that I don't have to go away forever! She's my nest-sister. She got there before me, but she's my best friend. I would like to return home at night, yes." Such trivial concerns and worries for a kittypet - if only she knew what was in store for her amongst the Clans.

Finally, the proposal she's been waiting for. It was like a dream come true for Chili, who was such a dreamer herself. Adventure and danger, she could truly live on her wild side! She could see the world! It all sounded much more thrilling than the street she walked upon. As long as she gets to go home at night, at least. Oh, how she'd miss her warm home if she moved outside permanently. By the time Bobbie had finished her speech, Chili's mind was made up. "I am still interested," she echoed with perked ears and wide eyes. "I won't cause any trouble!"

  • CHILI she/her, kittypet, thirteen moons.
    a friendly chocolate and white she-cat.
    mate to no one. apprentice to n/a.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Figfeather is much less impressed by the sight of another kittypet at the border. Friendly this Chili cat was from ‘over there’ every extra paw they took on was another mouth to feed. At least it seemed this one would remain a daylight warrior, still she felt SkyClan needed to ought to grill their recruits a bit more. Not every cat who agreed to their terms was worthy enough of being a daylight warrior, she’d not be the one to question Bobbie or any of the councils judgement, though.

”We’re scary when we need to be.” Figfeather replies with a gentle flick of her tail, shifting her weight on her three limbs. ”And not all of the clans are nice, especially not to SkyClanners and kittypets.” It would not be a stroll in the park for them, she remembers when she had introduced Fantastream as her mate to cross-clan friends at the gathering. She had been gawked at as if she was dirt on Figfeather’s side.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing