- Jan 1, 2023
- 116
- 77
- 28
MY HEART IS MY ARMOR ] lovelight x lightflower
THEIR STORY: lovelight and lightflower's story is a tale of quiet, enduring love that began in their earliest days as apprentices, growing alongside each other in the heart of thunderclan. lightflower, steadfast and strong, found herself drawn to lovelight's boundless kindness and the warmth he extended to all, even in moments where others might have chosen fear or aggression. in return, lovelight admired lightflower's unshakable courage and her ability to stand tall against challenges, even when the world felt as if it might crumble.
their relationship deepened during skyclaw's brief yet tumultuous reign over thunderclan, when uncertainty loomed like a shadow over their home. it was in those dark times that lightflower and lovelight became each other's anchors, their companionship strengthening as they leaned on one another for solace and hope. through whispered promises beneath starlit skies and shared battles fought side by side, they became inseparable. now, as they prepare to welcome their first litter of kits with the help of lovelight's littermate, laughblossom, their story takes on a new chapter. their kits will grow under the shelter of their love. with lightflower's courage and lovelight's tenderness to guide them, these young lives hold the promise of thunderclan's future.
— open
— open
— open
— this adopt will close at 12am EST on 1/25 and will be chosen by the end of the day. they will start at 1 moon and will age on the 25th of each month, making their birthday december 25th.
— applications are not first-come first-serve. quality is preferred over quantity when it comes to these applications.
— disabilities and birth defects are permitted, but must be thoroughly researched and played realistically.
— kits must stay in thunderclan until adulthood, after which they may leave if a plot calls for it. earlier plots are possible with discussion with both parents' roleplayers.
— through kithood, there is no activity requirement beyond staying on the census. from apprenticeship forward, we would like to see them around a decent amount. we reserve the right to rehome this slot after two months of zero activity, up until the characters reaches twelve moons, at which point they will be yours regardless of if you fall inactive or not.
— there is no set form. so long as you include the relevant information, your application will be considered.
— please stick to the naming list provided. it is preferred if you include at least a couple alternate names in case multiple chosen kits have the same name listed. if you prefer for the parents to decide, please indicate as such in your application.
sire: LH chocolate tabby w/ low white (carrying dilute, solid)
dam: SH blue tabby w/ low white (carrying longhair, chocolate, solid)
kits can be black tabby, chocolate tabby, blue tabby, lilac tabby, black, chocolate, blue, or lilac
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits may or may not carry solid
hypokit batch 1, hypokit batch 2
— nieces / nephews to laughblossom, sorrowsong, wrathpaw, and merrypaw
— cousins to none currently
— grandchildren to npcs
— these kittens' sire will be laughblossom, lovelight's brother; they are biologically his children, but will see and know him only as their uncle. -
names with an asterisk have not been checked for legality and must be checked! personal favorites are bolded.
— for her love bright, sunny, warm, flower, petal, butterfly, sweet, strong
— for her family blossom, giggle, chuckle, bloom [laughblossom]; happy, glad, joyful, [merrypaw]; sad, tearful, mourning, weeping, melodic, harmonious*, singing, song, melancholy [sorrowsong]; anger/angry, fury, wrathful, rage, howling [wrathpaw]
— for her friends fire, flame, ember, soft, fair, pastel* [palefire]; honey, stripe/d [badgerstripe]; needle, evergreen, downy [pinefeather]
— for her hopes passion, hope, compassion, cheer, confidence, euphoria, bliss, humor, serenity, awe, peace, trust, tranquil, delight, jovial, loyal, patient, devotion, noble, luck/y, charm, pride, glee, mirth, curious, calm, adoring, beloved, dreamy, felicity*, giddy, grace, harmonic*, joy/ous, kind/ly, precious, serene, tender
— for her clan tree, forest, fierce, fern, thorn, sycamore, adder, snake, sand, sun, storm, hawk, squirrel, starling, cardinal
— for new life beep, honk, sneeze, wiggle, whine, kneading, mew, mewl, peep, huff, sigh, hiccup, chew, wriggle, yawn, sleepy, chirp, cheep, yell, cuddle
— for herself lamb, little, caterpillar, puppy, apple, rose, aurora*, wisteria, moon, radiant, dazzle, wishing, soft, bubble, dulcet* gambol*, murmur, ladybird
— for friends weasel, stoat, marten, dust, soft
— for her clan leaf, acorn, lightning, cloud, birch, oak, maple, vole, mouse
— for love bright, bold, happy, joy
— for herself flower, bloom, flutter
— sky and related names, due to skyclaw
— wolf and related names, due to the wolf attack on the camp
— owl and related names, due to the incident at the owl tree
— 'mean' names, due to the fact that both parents will adore these kittens. if it is listed under one of their lists, however, it is exempt