pafp SHIFTING GEARS [ ✦ ] nest buddies

The sun was setting on what was perhaps one of the biggest days of Halfpaw's life. Her next biggest day would not be until she stood once again in front of the clan, but as an apprentice who was ready to become a warrior this time. She envisions her future self in her mind - grown up and so certain of herself. In her imagination she stands tall and proud, she wears scars on her pelt that make her look like the battle-hardened warrior she was about to become. She was gorgeous - this future image. Regal in every sense of the word. It was in the way she carried herself. She was not a kit anymore, and she was not afraid of anything. It is with this image of herself in her mind that she gathers moss from just outside of camp, her first official time doing it. Her claws scrape against stone and she relishes the feeling. Soon, she would go out of camp with her mentor, she would see the territory, and Sharpshadow would mold her into that future image of herself that she held so dear. For now though, she needed to rest, and she needed to establish her place in the apprentices den.

With her moss clutched tightly in her jaws, she makes her way back through the thorn barrier and into camp. She stops just outside of the apprentice den and with unsure paws, she molds the moss into something that could maybe possibly be recognizable as a nest. Okay, she wasn't the best at making beds but it was her first time! She's certain that the more she does it, the easier it'll get. With that task out of the way, she grabs one corner of the nest with her teeth and she makes her way into the apprentice's den for the first time.

At first she just stands there, overwhelmed and blinking as her eyes get used to the dim light. This was where she would be sleeping until the day she became a warrior. Where she put her bed now was where it would likely stay until she either decided to move it again or when she moved out... In her mind, this was a very serious decision, though it would suddenly become much easier. Her eyes alight on familiar cinnamon colored fur and instantly they light up. "Ne'el'aw" she calls, her words muffled by the moss she forgot was still in her mouth. Tail raised high in the air, she makes her way over to where he was and is delighted to see there is an open spot next to him. No doubt, this is where Ghostpaw used to sleep. Her nest discarded after it had become clear that it would rot in her absence. Halfpaw deposits her own bed here and then looks to her friend with hopeful, expectant eyes. "Is it okay if I put my nest here?" she asks, her voice slightly pleading. Nettlepaw was one of the older apprentices, and perhaps by hanging out with him she would not only get a little extra help with training, but also she would perhaps be seen as cool even. Plus, she liked Nettlepaw. He was nice and he always willing to play games with her and listen to her stories. They could stay up late talking about training and telling each other stories! That would be super fun right? She just hopes he thinks so too...

// please wait for @NETTLEPAW


Half his family gone with the breeze, hunted and killed, something like that... one would think Nettlepaw might be sad. Might be, should be. But he doesn't let it hurt him anymore than it had to. Loving Granitepelt and loving Ghospaw and loving Siltcloud, every bit of it had been a terrible mistake. Starlingheart and Flintpaw would be the last cats he would let himself love; everyone else, they could settle with being liked. Being grinned at fleetingly, receiving all of Nettlepaw's attention and fawning, all without truly getting to his heart. They would love him- he'd like that. But he'd never feel the same.

Halfpaw seemed to like him a lot- it was proof he had some charisma. He was doing something right. If someone who Granitepelt had hurt so deeply, a kidnapped kitten, a victim of a crime could like him- anyone could, couldn't they? He wasn't doomed to live in a murderer's shadow, as long as she was around, as long as he could keep her liking him. When she asked, boisterous and bold, to take the spot that Ghostpaw once dwelled in, maybe someone would have expected him to be appalled, to be upset, to spit of course not- but Nettlepaw didn't even hesitate.

"Yeah, sure," he agreed, easily- the smile on his face was a simple one too, casual and comfortable, genuine as far a anyone could tell. "You can let me know the moment your hunting crouch improves, that way." A flick of a wiry cinnamon tail- he was teasing her, really. It was usually pretty easy to make her laugh.
penned by pin ♡
Unlike Halfpaw, who had made a mad dash for nesting material the second she was named, Applepaw was anything but excitable. For once, she did not want to train. She had retired to apprentice's den early. Till the sun began to dip in the sky, Applepaw could ponder over how everything felt the same, even though it very much was not.

Such a thought is proven false, though, when the sky bleeds into night, and Halfpaw is pushing her way into the den, jaws laden with moss. Applepaw had pushed herself upward, ready to remind Halfpaw that she was not supposed to be here, but, well... she supposes that was not true anymore.

And just sunrises ago, Applepaw had been convinced that she would never see her again.

She sinks back down into her nest, watching Halfshade's lookalike with dull eyes. She is treading close, dangerously so, until Applepaw's nightmare becomes reality. Pleading eyes and some nest - adjacent - thing thrown next to Nettlepaw. Nettlepaw, who, was not far from her. Of course, Nettlepaw does not say no. Why would he?

It's too soon. Too soon for her to acknowledge that she had another sister.

Applepaw rolls over so that her back would face the two of them, tail conspicuously ushered away from the duo. With a sniff, and a tired, drawling tone, she'd remind them. " New apprentices go to the outskirts. "

  • ( CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I'M THE WORST, SO I ALWAYS ACT LIKE I'M THE BEST ) APPLEPAW. apprentice of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + birdkit, halfkit & tanglekit )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 9 moons old as of 12.20.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applepaw is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. Naturally talented, and a rule - follower to a T, she thinks herself better than the majority of her peers. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.

it hits my head and I feel numb———————————————————
Laurelpaw had not been as eager to move a nest. Honestly he hadn't really even considered that he wouldn't be sleeping in the nursery come sunset, but then Halfpaw had started scurrying around for a new nest, and all at once it hit him like a monster that he should probably be doing the same. The day was already becoming dimmer. So, he did what he did best and followed behind his sister, slowly and with more calculation he repeated her steps. Quietly he remembered each other nest he has slept in so far, this new nest would be all his own. No queen or littermates sharing it with him. He didn't love the concept.

The blue tabby carefully finished kneading his nest to shape as he already heard Halfpaw talking in the apprentice den. He had thought she could've used a bit more time on fixing the moss up but he wasn't about to say something. He awkwardly trailed into the den, nest in tow. He looked around at the filled floor. Then Applepaw chimed in, upset already with Halfpaw it seemed and advising her to stick to the edges of the den. He probably would be given the same advice if she saw him sitting there stupidly.

It seemed he was to pick a spot on his own, Halfpaw had already found her spot and Applepaw was, well she wasn't going to offer him a spot. He carefully stepped around the nests that already had their homes and carefully deliberated where might be the best spot for his. Too close to another nest. The wall is thin right there and would make him cold. Being too near the entrance would be no good, what if someone left early in the morning. So finally he settled near the back of the den, hidden in the shadows and pretty isolated from the other nests. He finally dropped the nest from his mouth, swallowing some of the taste from his mouth and then getting to work on reshaping it one last time.

my body's looking wrong———————————————penned by WriteAboutRadish

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw had already picked their nest earlier and had been busy helping Basilpaw with his when Halfpaw came scampering in and asking Nettlepaw if she could make her nest next to his, in which so he agreed on. So it was settle then that the two would side next to each other, yet it would seem Applepaw would be against such things, reminding Halfpaw she was to be on the outskirts of the den and Snowpaw hummed a bit before catching a glimpse of Laurelpaw who decided to make his nest in a isolated area as such she had done herself.

A soft gentle frown peered on her lips before she moved to greet Laurelpaw who was busy working on his own nest and she shifted her paws before making a soft 'ahem' to gain the others attention. "There's space near my nest if you want Laurelpaw, so you're not on your own" she softly offered to the other. She didn't mind Laurelpaw much, or Thornpaw too, both have been relatively calm when it came to the nursery so Snowpaw wasn't bothered much by eithers presence and besides she hated when she saw others isolating themselves like what Laurelpaw had done.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 4 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Not far behind the trio of apprentices came the blonde coat of Thornpaw. Her half-and-half gaze stared awkwardly at her siblings as she carried nesting material in her jaw. Catching Applepaw's tired dismissal, she changed her course, sticking towards the entrance where she had come through. The barbary tufted apprentice laid her nest off by itself, using one paw to fluff it up and the other to arrange any straggling remnants.

Despite the initial joy of having her siblings back home, Thornpaw now found herself closing off again. Her heart wrestled with repeated tragedies, and her mind whirled with the weight of responsibility for the future. Becoming an apprentice had taken her by surprise, and now it felt like a bizarre dream she was trying to comprehend.

As Snowpaw's familiar voice chimed near her, Thornpaw couldn't help but look over. A soft smile graced her denmate's maw, and a small desire welled within her to ask if she could join them. Leaning forward to speak, she paused, squashing the desire with a firm neutral expression. I don't need to bother anyone. She thought, shuffling around so her back faced the others—a crude reflection of her older sister's earlier display of disinterest.

Applepaw's voice came cutting through, and Nettlepaw couldn't help but give her a laugh. Blunt, rule-focused- and oh, she was right! But weren't the little loopholes what made everything a little bit more fun? Like, when you ate before every last cat had been fed because you just forgot... or, you butchered a hunting crouch because it felt like 'the right thing in the moment'...

No animosity was held- Nettlepaw's expression glimmered with guilelessness, with shimmering humour. The same easiness he always occupied pulsed from him like dancing flame. "Ah, but the early bird gets the worm!" he countered. Halfpaw had gotten here first, before any of the older apprentices had moved their nests... it was fair and square, he would say.

Laurelpaw's silence flew past him until Snowpaw drew attention to him- Nettlepaw offered the quiet tom a welcoming smile, giving a nod of encouragement to him, urging him to take up Snowpaw's offer. Thornpaw too stayed quiet, settling on the outskirts like she was 'supposed to'- Nettlepaw wrinkled his nose a little bit, calling over at the blonde apprentice, "Hey, why don't you ask Halfpaw to share a nest instead of getting stuck over there?" It was a stupid joke, but one meant to maybe make Thornpaw a little more comfortable with talking to her denmates... at the very, very least.
penned by pin ♡

She is delighted when Nettlepaw says yes, when she is able to lay her nest down right next to his and he does not protest. "Be careful what you wish for!" she teases light-heartedly. Already thoughts of late night conversations were running through her head, of whispering under her breath excitedly as she tells Nettlepaw all about the day she had had. She wonders if he plans the same, or her siblings. Would they tell her about the training they were going through?

When Applepaw speaks she does not refrain from openly rolling her eyes at her older sibling. Why was she such a stick in the mud? Had she inherited that trait from their father, she wonders, or was it something all her own? Either way, Halfpaw doesn't let it bother her, lets it slide off her back like water slides off a ducks. Instead of a verbal response, she opts to stick her tongue out at her instead, bobbing her head forward and kitting her eyebrows together as she does. Luckily, Nettlepaw doesn't care about what mean old Applepaw has to say either and simply waves off her words with a light-hearted phrase of his own. She gives him a grateful look before her attention is pulled elsewhere.

Her siblings. Man was she a mouse brain. She looks at their dejected faces, Laurelpaw in the corner, in the shadows, Thornpaw standing off to the side looking as if she had swallowed rotten prey. She feels awful. She loves her siblings, really she does, but she had been excited to be able to sleep close to her friend and in that excitement she had forgotten about them, about their feelings. "Wait! I think you're on to something Nettlepaw" she says excitedly, suddenly getting an idea "It'll be kinda a squish but we could push our nests together and all three of us could sleep here in this spot!" it would be warm, at least. She turns hopeful eyes to her siblings, waiting for their replies. "Or uh.. I guess I could move my nest so that we were all together" but really, she doesn't want to, hopes it doesn't come to that.